Sairam ,
Happy Baba's day to allBorn as a human we have ups and down in our life.But life's troubles and turbulances can be easily taken care by us if we have firm Faith and patience in our Guru .It is our Guru who gives us strength to bear the adversaries.The Sai leela shared here by few Sai devotees reaffirm the fact that the deep faith on Baba can only rescue us from all the worldly vagaries.If we surrender ourselves to our Sai everything is automatically taken care of.There are two prayer request by Sai sisters and I would request everyone to keep them in your prayer.Jai Sai Ram .
Importance And The Power Of Babas Arati:
Baba makes me share my experiences on and off here in this platform. We all know how he makes us read others experiences and share ours as well and thereby increases our faith and patience hundred fold.
As I might have mentioned in my earlier posts, I am affected by the female related problems of fibroid. I am haunted by this for the past ten years and have made life miserable for me time to time. But Baba showed me a great homeopathy doctor who is so kind and treats me like her own sister.
However, the medicines were keeping my symptoms under control and as many women have fibroid I was not very worried about it. Things were perfect for a few months and I suddenly became over confident and started skipping my medicines.
Hence last month turned out to be a horror month. Mean while I have severe health anxiety in general and I resorted to the biggest mistake of referring to the Internet for symptoms and diseases. This is the worst mistake anyone can do.
Google always leads every single symptom to cancer and I flipped myself out!Despite knowing this I did this mistake and I was terrified if this was some kind of uterine cancer!! We were planning a trip to India and just a week before that On a Thursday night baba inspired me to do 4 times arati for 7 days.
So starting from the next day, ie the friday, I started doing all 4 aratis. It got over on the next Thursday.On Thursday I prayed to baba to take care of my health and cried in desperation. I suddenly felt that I should offer a white shawl to Baba.
As were were going to India, I decided to buy a nice shawl and turban for baba from Japan and offer them at Shivamma Thayee temple in Bangalore. Suddenly when I was checking the Internet for the size of the shawl I found that it was the Samadhi day for Shivamma thayee on that day. Also the next day, Saturday was Guru Poornima.
Though I will be able to go to the temple only on the day after Guru poornima, I was so thrilled and happy. As planned Baba made me go to the temple on Sunday and offer the shawl. The most amazing thing is that there was absolutely no one in the temple. The poojari, kindly told me that he will come in to do the arati at 12.00 but until then he has to close the temple to attend to other work.
He said that I could sit inside the temple and he will lock the grill from outside. Imagine the joy of sitting alone with Baba and Shivamma Thayee. I had no words.... So, the poojari made baba wear the shawl and left me alone there. I was sitting staring at Baba for the next 1 hour and 35 minutes and felt that close warmth of our dear mother.
I will always be indebted to Baba for His endless grace showered on a person like me and pray to Him to guide me always. Sitting there for that long time had its healing and I felt very relaxed and calm soon after that. Babas Arati is extremely powerful. I have had previous experiences where Baba helped me when I did one week of arati 4 times a day.
Thank you Baba again and again for your Grace!I have attached the picture of Baba in Shivamma Thayee temple here. This is one of the rare places where you can see a 'Black' baba!. Also another rare thing is that this is the only temple where you can see baba in the BHIKSHA pose.
I love you Baba, bless us all always
Radha Sreedhar
Ardently Waiting For Your Divine Grace Baba :
Om Sai Ram to all,
I am Anita currently staying in Chicago. Thanking you and your entire team for such a divine work. I found this wonderful site from three months back while I was doing my 7days parayan and I also wanted to share my story then but only after just one week an incident changed my life and till now I am struggling to come out from that.
I am really unable to figure out from where I should start. Baba please help me to write. I think it will be good to start by saying how Baba called or took me into His shelter. Life was smoothly going,me and elder sister were perhaps the luckiest children then having loving and caring parents.
Our father was retired military man and Maa was working as school teacher. But the smoothness vanished and our life became full of agonies when we lost our beloved papa at very early ages. It was very painful and I am unable to express.That made us very weak, but as time passed we three manged to be alive.
Then after 10 long years Baba came. I never forget that day 11th Nov of 2010 when Baba came home with me as "Sri Sai Satcharita".Surprisingly today I came to know that it was a " Thursday" as from last few days I was just thinking and asking Baba, what should I write!! and see how He ordered me to check the day .
After I found it was His day(Thursday),I felt so blessed that for a moment I forgot all my pain as how He can manage to listen all my silly questions!!As after reading the experiences of devotees I found they shared that Baba bless them on Thursday mostly but in my case there is no such significance then as usual I was asking Him, Baba why so! and simultaneously typing the date(11.11.2010) on mobile to check the day...I could not believe my eyes that He already has given answer to me,I felt as if He said" my dear I came to you on that very day(Thursday)".
It was totally His wish,as on that day I had to send my application form for PG course so after coming from college I went to the railway station and posted through Railway Mail Service and there was a newly made small temple(only one in our area)of Baba. Then I didn't know how I stopped my scooty just in-front of the temple and went in, it was closed that time so I had to peer with half eyes to see my Baba through the glass door.
After stepping out I saw a very small shop near by, I went there and bought two books of Satcharita and came home with my Baba. That's how Baba adopted me. After that I used to read one chapter daily.
I got married in June 2011 and also got permission from my in-laws to go ahead for post graduation only due to the Divine grace of my Late father and my Baba. At first they(in laws) were very upset and not ready to allow me to go for PG as my husband was working as a software engineer at Chennai and I had to go West Bengal for studies for 2 years.But they agreed afterwards and allow me. It was really a very tough period for me as I had to manage many things(in-laws,husband,studies) at a single time.
In the second year we had to do project work. Mine was a hardware implementation project, there was no helping hands then except our Baba. As the city was new to me so it was very difficult to go frequently to market for the hardware items required for projects. But the project was successfully done by our dear Baba. Though my guide who was scolding me for slow progress, praised me a lot when the fruitful result came.
I completed my degree by May 2013 at the same time my husband came to USA due to his work.I came here in Sept due to delay in getting passport and visa.Then everything went well up to April 2014 and we decided to start our family .
I have started 7 days parayan by praying Baba,please bless us with baby.On my 3rd day of parayan I found positive result, we were happy then. But tragedy started after I finished the parayan I got little pain in left side of my lower abdomen. Then we took an appointment for check-up. Doctor said nothing to be worried and asked for blood tests.
We came home but still having same pain. She again called us for another blood test to compare the hormone levels.On 16th June she called for ultrasound found that one as an ectopic pregnancy so it was an emergency and need immediate surgery.
I was crying like anything and praying Baba,please don't take away what you have given..for what mistake you are punishing me like this..On that night itself surgery was done.It took 2 hrs and we stayed there for two days.The doctor asked for second checkup after 15 days, till then we were in plight that whether my tubes are safe or not. We went for the check-up,she said sorry I had to remove one of the tubes, also there is a risk of happening same in the next pregnancy..after listening this I couldn't stop my tears and only asking Him why Baba!why!
I am requesting all of you please if time permits then please include mine in your prayers as hope and prayer work wonder together.From 3rd July I have started my navgurubar vrat seeking His blessing.I know Baba never let His children down...One more thing I want to share,during that mishap I had very little Udi left with me for which I couldn't able to use when it was needed. From last few days my husband was getting startled while sleeping.
I didn't understand what to do!Then by His permission I collected the residue of the incense stick used in guruvar puja and started applying on his forehead daily night before sleeping and kept some under pillow..You won't believe since then the startle vanished.One day I forgot to apply and woke up with his reflex, then immediately apply the same and now we are using as Udi.
Thank you Baba for everything...Please bless each and everyone..
How Baba Saved Me:
Manisha didi,
It is a poof that Baba is always with me. Today this post may contain only words but not the deep rooted sorrow i underwent all the days and how baba got me out. I am not be able to put in all the agony i underwent but still strongly believe Only only baba saved me. He is my saviour.
From past 12 years i was having family problems with my in-laws and my husband. I faced all their cruelty. My husband is good sometimes but gets aggravated by his mothers talk. I dont know why and how this happens and had to face a lot of difficulties then on. My parents were ill treated by them a lot many times.Some times he realized and tried to be good but again he gets trapped by his people.
Last year things became even worst. So i started 9 guruvar vrat.And weeek by week things were becoming worst. He started behaving very very bad to kids and me . I was totally depressed and didn't knew what to do. Every weekend me and my kids used to go to baba and hanuman temple and used to pray. My husband even stopped talking to me and if i go and pleed him he used to throw things at me and kids.He used to comment on my parents so badly that i could not hear too. I didnt knew what to do only baba was my focus.
But as the vrat got over and no change in my situation it was even more painful to bear. It was almost 6 months like that. We did not know what to do. And slowly i came to know that he is going to part with me. I was in a shock and didn't know what to do. I used to cry like anything. I used to read all the baba's websites to see if any one had written that Baba had helped them in their married life but didn't find any.
I used to cry Baba please save the kids. I started loosing hope as the vrat also ended. I was scared to go home and used to wander around temples and reach home in the night very late.My parents were very much worried and two of my best friends too. They both are baba devotees and both are far from my place.
One day I had been to baba temple where an elderly man who talks about baba with my colleague. Then after listening to all this he said he needs to be talked by some one. Then I had to approach my neighbours which i never did in my 12 years of married life and never like to do.
Baba I am thankful to them .The elderly man had given some miracle vibhuthi. I used to mix in the water daily. I don't know what and how things turned after few months my husband calmed down now. Though it is very painful to know how he planned to leave us now i keep quite only for the sake of kids. But also he tries to blackmail me but not in that intense.
Some times he fights very badly though it scares me he may repeat at the same time i have confidence that baba is there for me. I used to wonder why baba is not listening to me but i feel that much was my bad karma that baba had to erase to get the things on track. How ever i ask baba why things are going in this way another big problem comes to show me what i underwent is a small line and this is a big line. Baba i know it is all because of my bad karma but I am really unable to live scared what may happen any time? Please bless me and give peace baba. Baba I pray pray pray to you baba that such situations should never never repeat baba.Save me baba. Baba Please give me courage and let me not get timid with the emotional blackmails. Baba please bless me like a durga maata. Baba Please Please let my husband know the reality of his people baba and bless him to change to good. Please baba bless him. Please make me strong to the people. Dear Baba family please keep me in your prayers that my husband will turn good to me and my parents.
Please pray for me as your child.
Sai Baba Leelas - Job,Marriage and Health
Sairam ,
The great Sai pulled me towards him in the year 2002. That time I had no good job and because of that I was quarrelling with my parents and Sai starting pulling me to his temple to calm my agitated mind.
After which he gave me a lot of solace and comfort by giving me a start up job. In 2006 my friend suggested me to join a leading firm but I failed in the interview.
Immediately I felt very upset and prayed to Sai, By the Grace of Sai after six months again interview was arranged by the Same Company .
Before Going to the Interview went to Sai temple and Sai Got me a very good job and with it my marriage was also settled.
Sai pulled me to Shirdi before the marriage and the invitation card was placed on his Samadhi. After that for 4 years we had no child, after visiting Sai temple for 6 weeks by Sai's grace my wife conceived and we have a 2 year old kid.
In 2013 I resigned from the company and was totally depressed and was down with high fever, Sai's miracle was such that when I was taking tea in a shop a man from Shirdi came and blessed me with UDI.
The Sai miracles in my life are such that since 2002 he has been continuously taking care of me.
Akhilanda koti Brahmanda nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Sadguru sai nath maharaj ki jai.
Grace Of Guru:
Dear all,
I am going to reveal a recent experience that I have encountered for the first time. Last month on the first birthday day of my son he suffered from fever.On the second day the situation was so that I have to admit him to the hospital as per doctor's advice.
For two consecutive days he was kept in I.C.U and I can not explain his pain. By that time I thought why Baba, my Guru is not listening and I was cursing myself for that.
When my elder sister came to see, she told me that it is nothing but test of Baba.She advised me to surrender before Guru and do my duty.
After that I decided to only do my duty and left everything to Baba's wish.Suddenly my son recovered within few hours. Even doctors could not understand about the medical reports and pains suffered by my son.
So from that incident I have given everything to my guru and surrendered under my Guru's feet.
Sai baba my guru always save me. I am yours.
Sai's Grace:
Sairam all,
I was not a Sai devotee. The first time I felt blessed was when my friend gave me a statue of baba. She had been to shirdi and brought few statues to gift to people.
She didn't intend to give me, this was the last piece and she kept it in her home to give to whoever visits her. One month had passed and I went there without any planning as I don't visit her often.
She gifted the statue saying I was destined to receive it. I was happy. I had paid for B.ed course and unexpectedly my application was rejected. When I met the principal, he said its not possible because of my degree subjects.
He said he would refund the fee the coming Wednesday. I was very disappointed. It was then for the first time that I prayed baba. Friends, I met the Vice Chancellor and my admission was confirmed.
Now I completed M.ed also and started my own school.
I am grateful to baba and I know he's always there for me and my family and everyone.
Share your experience :HERE.


Dear Devotee (Devotee from Chicago),
Dear I can understand your pain but DON'T PANIC. Let me tell u one incident related to my best friend (its real not imaginary).
She got married during 2009 and within 6 months her pregnancy test was positive.she went for her 1st ultrasound & found that it was an ectopic pregnancy. it was an emergency operation and one of her tubes were removed.Doctor asked her to go for assisted pregnancy to avoid such case next time. She got pregnant and now her son is 4 year happy child.
Dear if you are destined to have kids,nothing can stop it so stop worrying and consult some good doctors in Chicago. I know many people living with PCOD,fibroid etc and all of them have of my friend who is hale & healthy since her childhood is issue less (reasons unknown by doctors,astrologers etc) so don't worry at all for anything.JUST PRAY.
om sai ram
Om saima om sai ram om saima
Om sai ram I need you badly. Be with me you only help me sai life is bore l am leading worst life please make my life bright
Om saima please bless my husband with long life be with us please reduse health problem
I am telling you my experience, I had the same situation got ectopic and right tube removed went for IVF as well but fail 2 times. Now I am pregnant naturally with Baba's grace after doing Navgruvar. Don't worry have faith and patience, Baba will definetely give you what you deserve.