Dear All,
Happy Thursday and Happy Baba's day
In this fast moving life we are not sure what is hidden in the womb of next moment and this is true for each one of us .When we are stuck in some problem and do not have a way out from the gravity of the situation ,we have only one way "join our hand and seek for divine intervention of the Lord".The kind Lord is never forgetful of us ,He is always looking upon us and comes running to us when we need HIM.
It has been a year I could not share anything on this blessed website.This was Baba's wish and with His blessing ,I resume His seva again for benefit of all .Thank you one and all for your mails and inquiries about my well being .Baba bless you all .
Shared below are few experiences of Sai devotees .Jai Sai Ram .
My Experiences with Sai:
I a Baba's devotee from Dallas, and i want to share my experience of journey with Sai and his love to me.
Hello Sir/Madam,
This is my Experiences of me with Lord Saibaba.
I am from a middle class family from Hyderabad India, and this is regarding my experiences.
1. It was in 1983 around, the movie Shiridi Sai baba was released, i basically dont know who he is, but from childhood being very devotional used to watch devotional movies and i got to see this movie in telugu and was really mesmerised and got to know about Baba and after this i was inclined towards him.Soon after this unexpectedly i got a New Year Greeting with Saibaba on it, that is how i became a devotee of the Lord Sai and this continues till now.
I work for software company and i was in US and on L1 Visa, my visa was about to expire and i applied for H1 through a small consultant and was waiting for the approval.I have the habit of putting chits in front of Baba and take decision, likewise, i put chits regarding approval and whenI picked i got that it "would be approved".
But my return dates to India were confirmed and I had applied for premium conversion, to get the result within 15 days, but alas my visa has not been approved, i really got confused why this happened to me, in-spite of Baba's blessing?
I left for India disheartened with no intention to go back and still had faith in Baba as he never breaks his promise. Back in India, as usual my life continued and in mean while i tried for applying H1b Visa next year.From India getting a consultant who can process visa for USA is very difficult, but by Baba's grace some how i could get a good consultant and who applied for visa and it ultimately got approved. I am in US recently searching for Job's and waiting for his Grace so that i can find one, also one more point after i went back to India i constructed a house, may be which is the reason why he sent back me to India for first time without my approving my visa and as promised (through his chits ) i got Visa approved next year .
And I also built a house with his blessings. Request to all Devotees believe in him, have Shradda and Sabburi, he knows when to give us what, we can only make a request to Sai, and he decides what is good for us. Jai Sai ram.
Please post my article without my name, and request you to make any changes as you feel. I promised i will post my experiences in this blog.
How Baba appeared in the form of Bal Krishna in my dream and hugged me: |
I am a simple devotee of Baba.Baba has been my pillar of strength in times of my pain & happiness. He is my guiding force.I just saw this dream today morning and with Baba's grace i'm sharing it with you all. I had always wished that i get to hug Baba once or He place his hand on my head & bless me. I had prayed Baba many times that i want to hug Him but it never happened.At times i used to get upset that why is He not listening to my prayer & why is He not fulfilling my wish because Baba has fulfilled my every wish,every prayer then why not this prayer.
But today my wish from so long has been fulfiled.I believe in Lord Krishna also.I'm feeling really blessed.At times whenever i'm upset or sad Baba gives me darshan in some or the other forms like if i'm doing any work or anything i get a glimpse of Baba in someway and i feel as if He is there with me and He is comforting me and it gives me strength.
Last night when i was going to sleep i was very disturbed because of some personal issues and some office issues as well. I was feeling dejected. Thinking all this i jus slept off. In the morning i got a dream i saw a small baby who was crying and wanted to come to me.As i approached him i thought it was Kanhaiya as the baby's features exactly tallied with that of Kahaiya.. curly hairs, dark complexion, black sparkling eyes.I saw a glimpse of Krishna in him.
As soon as we hugged he stopped crying. It just came and hugged me tight and i also hugged him. He did not leave me and i could feel his hands around my neck and i just woke up.My day began and i got ready and left for office and i forgot all about the dream.Later on when i was sitting in the office i was reminded about my dream.
I was little confused as i dint know whether it was Krishna who appeared in my dream or just my imagination. It is my habit of putting chit in front of Baba when i'm confused and need Baba's advice.So i put the chit and asked Him whether it was Him who appeared in my dream and the answer was "YES". My joy knew no bounds. My eyes were filled with tears. I was so so sooo happy.Moreover it is Thursday today.
I was feeling so blessed. I cant describe my joy I felt that time.My whole day went really good. After so long i went to Baba temple today and attended the Aarti. I could feel as if i'm in Shirdi.I could feel Baba's motherly love. Baba has been really kind to me and blessed me.He is my mother, friend everything.I've felt Him communicating to me, consoled me many times. I'm really thankful to Baba for being with me whenever i've needed Him the most.
Thank you so much Baba. I love you . Please baba bless your devotees like this always.Please forgive me if i've made any mistake while sharing this experience.
Sai hears and sees us every second and minute - Another Leela of the Maharaj:
Jai Sai Ram Manishaji,
Hope this mail finds you in good state of happiness and heatlh.
I would like to share to our Sai devotees a miracle of SaiMaharaj on behalf of my father. This is one of his leelas which tells Sai helps you and holds you in every small aspect of our day to day chores.
My father went to our native place 3 months back and our house there, is not occupied by any one. Whenever we visit our native we use the house and most part of the year it is left unoccupied. Last time when he visited, he stayed there and when he tried to fill the water tank for his use, the motor was not sucking any water.
There is a plumber near by and my father had called him to look into the problem.He has done his analysis and has said that the under ground water level has gone low and need to drill it further to another 50 or 100 feet to get water. There were other problems in the motor and he had given his estimates close to 8000 to10,000 rupees.
There are some unexpected expenses that is happening in our home for the past 3 or 4 months and my father has thought aloud to Sai, "Baba cannot this problem be solved out. Should another 10,000 rupees be expended this month"?
Then he has sent the plumber back to come next morning with the necessary tools and spare parts to start the work.
Next morning, 5 o clock the plumber came to start the work as he had some other work during the day and wanted to finish the work early here. My father all of a sudden switched on the motor to check something and to his surprise the motor started to suck water.
Needless to say the lord heard my father's prayer and later when he visited our home after few weeks the motor still works.
Let the mercy of the Lord be always on us.Sai hears to us every minute and always holds our hand.Thanks for the opportunity to share Sai's Leela.
Jai Sai Ram
In 2008,I was in Germany for a work related project,when one of my friend mentioned about BABA's temple in Frankfurt.I decided to visit the temple since I was curious to see an Indian temple in a foreign land.As soon as i entered the temple i saw BABA's huge beautiful idol,felt like BABA was there right in front of me.
I attended BABA's aarti and the whole pooja which lasted for 2 hours. It was a very surreal experience.I started going regularly to the temple (every Thursday) and I felt a connection with BABA,as if he was listening to me,my problems,talking to me,giving me suggestions on how to solve my problems. I prayed to BABA with full dedication.One day I was sitting far behind during the whole pooja and the owner of the temple asked me to come in the front and perform BABA's aarti,he mentioned that BABA wanted me to do his aarti.
I felt so humbled and so honored.I felt a very deep connection with BABA. This incident happened a couple of other times when I was asked to do the aarti specifically.This made me believe that BABA is listening to me,HE is there for me.
Also,i started getting answers to all my problems. My belief in BABA kept growing stronger and stronger. Every moment I knew BABA's blessings is always there with me,HE is always watching me,taking care of me. Even when I encountered any problems in life I knew BABA has a reason behind this and there's something good hidden in this problem.I was in Germany for 2 years,and for this entire duration I went to the temple every Thursday.
Today,I am in the US,and my belief in BABA has grown tenfold.BABA has given me so much inner strength to face problems in life.HE has always been there for me in every problem I have faced in life.HE has shown me the right direction,the right path always.HE has always listened to my prayers.I know BABA is and will always be there with me.My faith in BABA is unshakable.
Share your experience :HERE.


Sairam.. Very happy to read experiences in this site..after a long time
om sai ram