Jai Sai Ram
Happy Baba’s day to all,
We all know the importance of sacred book “Shri Sai charitra (SSC)” in our lives. Reading and following SSC is one best known way of getting closer to Saibaba. Every chapter/story/leelas mentioned in SSC is Saibaba’s blessings. Answers for every question/doubt related to life are available in Saicharitra.
When read with devotion Saicharitra provide us peace and happiness. It increases our faith in multifold and imparts patience in us. Reading Saicharitra with full devotion will take reader to a state where devotee will feel connected to Saibaba . Devotee will feel as part of every story,in many instances tears of happiness will roll down while reading Saicharitra.Saibaba himslef said to writer of Saicharitra (Shri Hemadpant) that HE will guide him during writing and result is Shri Sai Charitra for all of us .
Readers, who have not yet read Shri Sai Sacharitra or do not have a copy, please find it HERE.
We all know when Saibaba wishes then only we will reach Shirdi. Devotees from every part of world are pulled to Shirdi.
Today three experiences are shared. Two of them are related to Saibaba blessed Shirdi visit and beautiful Shri Sai darshan. Another one is about nine Shri Sai Charitra parayan. Jai Sai Ram
My Wish to go to Shirdi got fulfilled:
Sai ram Manisha Didi,
Thanks for such a wonderful platform given by you to Sai Baba’s devotees.
I am happy to share my experience with all the devotees as I had promised them once I am back from Shirdi.
On 13th July 2013, we started our journey & it took 17 hours to reach Shirdi. Below are the details:
1.We had planned everything to go to Shirdi but the day we were leaving there were many problems. I was not sure that we will start our journey or not. But it was baba’s blessing that our trip was successful.
a.) Entire family was supposed to go but for some reason my elder brother could not come .My younger brother’s leave was also not sanctioned. Our mood was off as it was my dream to go to Shirdi with my entire family but at the end my younger brother managed to come.
b.) The train was supposed to leave at 3.00pm and we reached before time to catch the train. We were worried as my brother in law and younger brother got late because of some reason. The train started. We thought that they would miss the train but all Sai’s kripa; they got into running train on time. It was all Baba’s miracle.
c. )Our tickets were on waiting list but they got confirmed.
2 .)We had a wonderful journey and reached Shirdi on 14th July 17, 2013. On the same day, we took Sai baba’s darshan. Baba’s idol was very pleasant and calm. We were blessed by Baba darshan.
3.)On the next day, we went for kakad aarti. There was crowd and we were standing into the queue and Baba’s aarti started. We saw the aarti on the TV which is put in the hall. The temple priest was dressing baba. Everything they put on Baba’s idol (shawl, flowers, garland, gold items etc) and at the last they put the golden mukut (Crown) on Baba’s head. Suddenly in my thoughts I said “Baba you look handsome without this golden mukut” and we started to go into the hall where Baba’s idol is there. When we went in front I was surprised to see Baba without a mukut. First I thought it was a dream. Then I asked my sister “Is Baba without the mukut?” She said “Yes”. I was soon happy and blessed that Baba listened to what I said in my heart. It was an awesome feeling and my tears roll down. Thanks Baba for your wonderful darshan.
4.)I kept prayers of all the Sai devotess on Baba’s feet and also prayed for everyone.
5.)Our return ticket was on 16th July 17, 2013, because of some reason and problem, we got delayed. The train was at 11.00 am and we took the rickshaw at 10.15 am from Shirdi to Kopergaon it is just half hour distance but the rickshaw which we took, the driver was very slow and we were worried that we will miss our train but again it was baba’s blessing we reached exact at 11.00am and the train was on the platform. We just ran & were in the train and it started. It all Baba’s blessing.
It’s all Baba’s blessing that we had a wonderful journey and good Baba’s darshan.
Manisha didi please do changes if required and thanks a lot.You can disclose my name .
Milan Sawant
Successful Completion Of Shri Sai Charithra Parayanam With Saibaba’s Blessings:
Sai Ram Manishaji,
Another blessing of Sai which I want to share with readers who do parayana of “Sri Sai sath charitharam”. Maharaj really likes us to read his Sath Sarithra through which he speaks to us.
I am not a fast reader and earlier when I had read Sri Sai Sath charitharam, I used to read one chapter a day or maximum of two and eventually my reading would take 30 to 40 days for a good round of reading.
My mother used to read it in a week but I never was because of my reading speed and just to pacify my desire used to complete children’s Sai Sath charithra in 2-3 days and would feel better that Sai has still given another choice.
In the month of May this year, I had a feeling that I should read Sai Sath Charithra for 9 consecutive times and each of these 9 times to be completed within a span of 7 days. I surrendered my thought to Sai to help me out. You would have visualized the end result as Sai doesn’t let down any good thought and dismay surrender to him.
My sister was about to start the reading and I joined her (Co incidentally why should she start the reading all of a sudden? You know the answer), she is a fast reader and we spent together 1.5 hours in the morning and 1.5 in night to do the reading and we completed in a weeks’ time.
I learnt that a bit of discipline would help to achieve the target and from the 2nd time of reading i capitalized Saturdays and Sundays to spend more time to cover up my slowness and also relied on my journey time bus/train and picked up the pace all with the blessings of Sai. Because of which my parayanam got completed on the said 7th day.
I thanked Sai for all the help and things were going good, I was on pace and eagerness till 4/5 rounds. After that I felt little dull because of continuous parayanama and the incidents were not that exciting as they were no more new to me. In the 5th round I was getting slow and had a sudden fear that I may not complete the 9 rounds successfully.
Sai wanted to encourage me, so he started to give clues to create a sense of excitement and to improve my trust and fulfill my wish. The clues are something like this
1. In the morning, when I woke up I was saying Khabarde. I was thinking why I am saying this and when I started to read the charithra portions for the day the narrations were around Khabarde.
2. Another day, I started to recite Raja Rama, I don’t know why I was saying that and when I started to read the charithra portions for the day the narrations were around the Shakthi bath where in Sai was teaching her devotee to recite Raja Rama to get peace.
3. Another day, while I was slowly reading, I got a quick vision of Sai swinging in a swing and that to from my house ceiling. The next chapter was related to Sai’s habit of sleeping to Ceiling.
4. Another day, before starting my reading I was thinking what Sai could give to his devotees. When I read the charithra that day, it was all related to what Sai could do to his devotees.
5. Then on another day, the name of Sanjeenagar flashed my mind all of a sudden and when I read the charithra that day it was related to Anna Sanjeenagar.
Needless to say I was getting excited day by day as I felt Sai is watching me closely and is motivating me and I completed my nine rounds.
Till date I am still not able to believe if this all really happened and was I the person who was able to complete nine rounds at a stretch.
The kindness of the Lord is limitless and I pray that all our believes should keep going deeper and deeper in to Sai. Thanks for providing a platform to share the leelas of Sai.
Jai Sai Ram
Saibaba Blessings And Wish For Our Shirdi Visit:
I'm a devotee of Sai for the past 2years and residing in Bangalore.
It's my pleasure to share the experiences with you all.
Last month on June 28th I planned to start from Bangalore to Shirdi. I have booked the tickets before four months .But the ticket is in waiting list till June 27th.I use to pray baba daily like "Please make me travel with confirmed tickets because my mom and grandma is also travelling".
But the tickets didn't move at all. I was worried. Finally found a tatkal agent and he told me I will get you confirmed tickets. I paid 1800 to him for confirmed tatkal tickets for my mom and grandma. I and my brother are ready to travel without reservation.
Suddenly on the day of travel my ticket and my brother's ticket were confirmed. We are so happy that Baba has helped us in last moment. Also I have booked online Darshan and Aarati. We had nice darshan .
We saw three aarthis (evening, morning and noon). At that time I got a neem leaf from the sacred neem tree. I felt Baba was with us in the entire journey.
Please bless all of us baba.
Om Sai Ram
Share your experience :HERE


sairam revathyji the same thing happened to me as well
when i started reading parayanam for 7 consecutive times that too when i was pregnant.i used to get same signs before reading which is related to same day parayanam.i used to feel the same that my sai is watching my parayanam closely.i didn't know how i got that strength to finish 7 rounds of sapthahams when i had been with morning sickness.really sister we all are sai's daughters.we all are tied up with saitatvam. om sairam..gouri
Sai Ram,
I am seeking help from all sai devotees. I have vowed to do satcharitra prarayan non-stop until baba blesses me and forgive me for my mistakes. Buy every time I finish my reading, I cry that day. It has happened so many times. I am thinking maybe baba does not want me to do his parayan. Please clear my doubt and guide me.
Dear Milan ji,
Very happy to know that your trip was successful.. may sai ram bless you for your services rendered
Very nice experiences...thanks a lot for sharing with us...OM SAIRAM...LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA....:):)
Baba never take into account of your mistakes once u have repent...he loves you...the reason you cry is because your soul has been connected to Him....its pure feeling of love...cheer up...Baba is with you...om sai ram....
Baba is with you no worries...you cry because you can feel Baba...be happy Baba loves you and for sure he forgives with love...om sai ram
Baba never take into account of your mistakes once u have repent...he loves you...the reason you cry is because your soul has been connected to Him....its pure feeling of love...cheer up...Baba is with you...om sai ram....