Sairam ,
Happy Baba's day to all,
Gracious Baba's love is immense.This is reflected by the shared leelas of Sai children .Experiences of few more devotees are shared in today's post . Jai Sai Ram .
Received Sai's Blessings To Read SAI SAT CHARITRA After 7 Years:
I have been trying to read Sai Sat Charitra for the past 7 years with no success until last saturday.I never had interest to read any book in my life. If i ever started reading any paragraph of few lines also i skipped many sentences within those few lines.
Because of the same reason and lack or Sai's Blessings i was not at all successful in reading Sai Sat Charitra parayana. I started it many times and ended with some or the other difficulty like lack of interest in reading, laziness, different office timings, forgetting to reading etc.
But it so happened on last Saturday i.e. 4 August 2012, a colleague of mine who worked with be 2 years back called me and said "Dear, read Sai Sat Charitra, donate food for 21 poor people and he will take care of you and guard you". I tried telling him, brother i cannot do it as i do not have Baba's blessings, I have been trying to read it for the past 7 years and was never successful but did not utter a single word.
I told him that i would try my best, He told me that there are no hard rules, read it when ever you feel like and bid me bye. He called me merely after 2 years just to say this and i was surprised. It was 9 in the night, i thought on when should i start? should i start or not? should i wait till Thursday and then start?
Before i even thought properly, i got up, freshened up, prayed to Sai and Started my Parayana. I also did not think if i should finish the book in 7 days i.e. saptaha or just give a trying reading.First 2 days i completed 6 chapters. 3rd, 4th, 5th days i completed close to 11 chapters. I then decided that i should complete the Parayana in a Saptaha i.e. 7 days. I took a leave on the 6th day and completed till the 41 chapters and on the last day i could finish all the book i.e. 51 chapters.
My joy knew no bounds. I then realized that it was his blessing that lagged all these years and because of that i was not able to complete 1 chapter also successfully. I am missing to read the book from past 2 days so decided to read Sai Leela's and feel his presence. With his blessing i with my family members are going to feed the needy in an Old Age home on this Thursday.
Sai spoke to me by his messenger and gave me his blessings and the right to hold the Holy book in my hands. For this i prostrate in front of him and surrender at his feet. I also prostrate to my colleague for he was the chosen one.
Bow to Shri Sai, Peace be to all.
Sai’s Blessing on me and my family – Sai ..Sai.. :
My lifetime achievement
Dear Manisha ji, Hope you are fine. Thank you for giving us such a wonderful platform to share our experiences of Sai Blessings. A month before I had shared my experience but I m not able to see it on the website. Can u please let me know, how I can see the previous experience. Baba’s blessings are always with us.
We have to trust on him and have faith. In my day to day I have so many experiences to share. Every Thursday I go to sai’s temple. I never miss going. Sai’s Temple was near to my work place. For some reason I had to live my native place and had to go to Mumbai to seek job to my uncle place. I was really depressed that I will not be able to visit Sai’ Temple every Thursday.
I went to Mumbai. It was a new place for me & not aware of places over there. It was my first visit. I started trying for the job. For 8 days I was at home. No job and no sai’s temple to visit. One day I was sitting at home, suddenly my cousin’s friend came and she told me to come with her. She told me that she will make me aware of the places nearby and I went with her. While walking little distance from the house, I was surprised and happy to see sai’s temple.
I was so happy from my bottom of my heart and I was thanking sai for this. I went there happily prayed and came. I started going to sai’s temple every Thursday as I used to go before. After that I got a job. I worked for 3 months there. I was literally fed up of the job and even the salary was really low and was not sufficient to fulfill my family needs. One day I went to sai’s temple, sat there and cried a lot. The same day I went home and my cousin told me that “there was a call from a company and they have called you for interview tomorrow”.
I couldn’t believe that Sai blessing was on me. Next day I went to give the interview and got selected for the job and even the salary was good enough. This is Sai’s love towards us only thing we should have shardha and saburi. There are many problems in my life but BABA is always there with me. From last month onwards, I and my sis started keeping Sai Nav Guruvar Vrath. From first Thursday onwards I started getting whatever I wished. One first Thursday, my first wish got completed, “my didi’s marriage registration was done which was pending from very long time.” After that there are so many things that have happened, which made me firm Sai’s devotees.
Second Thursday, I and didi went to Sai’s temple as usual. From my heart I prayed to sai that if my vrat is reaching to you then please give your blessing through a flower from your feet. I completed my 11 pyras and I sat. I was eagerly waiting for a flower from baba and also wanted to see how it will reach to me. After that my sis came and sat next to me and in her hand flower (Rose) was there and she gave it to me.
She didn’t say anything. I just looked at her and she smiled and then I looked at Sai. I was surprised. Afterwards I told my sis everything what I had happened. Even she was happy. This is called Sai blessing. Manishaji if there is editing required, please do the needful. I will be waiting to see my experience on the website soon.
Jai Sai Ram .Thank you very much.
Love you Sai..
Baba Stood With Me At All Times:
My Experience with Sai baba in my life -
Thanks for my dad and mom for showing me sai baba as my guide. My parents wanted to perform my marriage.But i was not liking any one from the proposals they got for me , one fine day my dad was so upset that he was getting retired and marriage was not getting fixed.
He started forcing me to accept the next proposal for my parents i just accepted the proposal which i was not interested.The guy was not good looking and also troublesome but his parents sounded good so i thought to get married to him because my dad was getting worried about my marriage.
One day my father called the guy asking him when he can come to india to get married , he said he was to marry me in USA.My dad was worried with those word.Because performing marriage is costly and not comfortable for all my relatives to come.
Then my dad called his parents and told them he is not interested to perform my marriage in USA and want to drop the proposal.After one month i got a proposal but i was not interested to see or talk to any more proposals, i wanted to go to India and meet them in presence of my parents.But somehow the guy was in the same field which i am working so i spoke him and he spoke very nicely and he told me he was interested in me and in meanwhile he helped me in my project.
I was very impressed with that.So we planned to meet at one place.We met ,in the first meeting i didn't like the guy he was very calm and sounded to be very disciplined , and he had the same feeling he didn't like me too. But somehow his parents and my parents convinced us both and finlay we got married in India and my parents werevery happy.We went to India and we have to go to visa before returning to US , my husband's visa was approved but my visa got a query so i was not sure if that would be resolved and i was not sure how long it would take.
My husband wants me to work so he asked me to wait on the h1 visa.I was so tensed about the visa as i was not enjoying my married life being away from my husband.So left it in baba's hands to decide what is best for me, in 1 month i got a letter from USCIS asking me to submit my passport.I never thought it would be so quick.
Thanks so much for my good marriage and quick visa. Baba i don't have anyone expect you.Please be on my side. I always need you as my guide.
Thanks for everything OM SAI RAM !...
Baba Showed Unexpected Miracle:
Please do not reveal my id. Om Sai Ram Sometimes Lord baba does such miracles which increases our faith in him. On birth of my daughter my husband had gifted me a gold chain. It was the first expensive gift from him and as it was at the occasion of our daughters birth, it had double importance.
Some 10 months back I had lost it. I had kept it somewhere and had forgotten. Even I was not able to recall last when i had seen it. I searched everywhere but couldn't find it. Asked each family member but answer was negative. Prayed a lot but of no good. As the days passed I lost all the hopes for that chain. But used to cry for it. 10 months passed out and now it was my firm belief that I won't get my chain back. Yesterday(6 Sep 2012) I did Sai Baba Puja and read the 9 Thursday book( I was not doing the vrat just reading that book and that too not for my chain).
After that I just remembered my chain but thought what is the meaning of remembering it now i have lost it. In the afternoon to do a phone call I took out my mobile from its pouch and all of sudden i felt something in it. I saw the pouch my chain was in it. Strange thing is that in that 10 months period also I was using the same pouch but never saw or felt the chain. It was Baba's miracle and not anything else.He had returned me my chain on his day.
I strongly believe have faith in Him he is there to look after us.
Om Sai Ram Baba Saved My Husband's Job:
OM SAI RAM Namaste Manisha ji,
I am a SAI DAUGHTER and I am doing SAIBABA 40 day candy puja.And one day my neighbours and also our friends gifted me with a SAIBABA large photo which has many SAIBABA images on it.I was shocked and overwhelmed simultaneously because I live in U.S.A and I dont't have a large and proper BABA's photos in my house.
Our friends bought it from the Indian store for me. I pray Baba to always be with us and he accepted my wish. Then suddenly after few days there was a news in my husband's office that the budget is cut 20%off so they might fire some persons.If anything wrong happens aI should go back to India until my husband find himself a job and also we were planning for babay since few months which didn't succeed.
My husband and I was so worried and questioned BABA in MIRACLE BOOK and the answer he gave was "do not think unnecessarily.shirdi sai baba will help u". After receiving the answer from BABA we were so relaxed but there was a small fear in my heart.
Later on Monday my husband went to office and called to say that he is not on the firing list. But I felt bad for those who lost their jobs and prayed for them. This miracle that happened yesterday and I feel blessed to share with you all devotees.
All one need is FAITH AND PATIENCE.And I still have not completed my 40 day puja. THANK U BABA.......


nice experiences...thanks alot for sharing with us...may our saima bless everyone with good health peace and sairam...
Can someone explain the 40 day Candy pooja ???
Om Sai Ram.
Here is what i found on the net about Sai Baba's candy pooja.
Dear All, Sai Ram
I wish to mention about the 40 days sugar candy pooja that has been introduced to us by our beloved Subhasrini ji.
Later, Deepak ji has posted his experience of Baba coming in the form of a monkey and accepting his offerings on the second day itself. You must have read about this already.
After reading Deepak ji’s experience, I started to collect Sugar in a container and requested Baba to come and take it after 21 days.
In between, in my pooja one day I told Baba that Baba him self must come and not in some form such as monkey remembering Deepak ji’s experience. Later, one Baba cart did come to our street with a big statue of Anjaneya and few small pictures of Baba. I gave my ususal offerings and told Baba that I can not give sugar since it is Anjaneya ???. I also reminded Baba about my above statement.
But, the feeling of guilt chased me that I did not offer to Anjaneya and went to one Anjaneya temple near my house and apologized. On the 20 the day I reminded Baba not to forget and make it sure that he takes his sugar.
The next day morning, I started to clean the kitchen and other rooms and delayed bathing. But, to teach me a lesson, at about 7 am, the baba cart came. Usually, the carts come only after 9 am. I totally forgot about the sugar and thought that Baba wants to teach me that I can take his darshan whether I had bath or not.
Nicely, we had darshan and offered some money, took udi , kumkum etc., and came in. After an hour, I remembered while plucking flowers for my pooja singing the bhajan that was played by the cart that I did not offer sugar and it was the 21 st day.
Lo! My rona shuru ho gaya. My face is a mirror of my emotions unfortunately. Everyone at home started to ask what was wrong. Aur mujhe jhoot bolna aata hi nahin and even if I attempt, I am always caught. So I had to tell with guilty my blunder. Saras (my maid) told me the cart might again come if I finished my pooja and promised to send that cart back to our street if she finds the cart on her way.
I was not convinced. Started blaming Baba ‘why did u come so early? Is this the way to test me…etc.’ Then again, I told to my self ‘this it self proves how attached I am to Baba. I took him in a casual way. I deserve this punishment…’. But, what was the use?
Weeping and blaming myself, somehow I finished my pooja and aarti and it got 1 pm. Then I told Baba ‘ it was my mistake totally. Please come again. I know you donot come on consecutive days. But, to forgive me pl do come and accept this sugar’.
The next day, I got ready very early and by 8 am, another Baba cart with many pictures and idols of Baba, came and took away the sugar. I was left with deep felt gratitude in heart, choking in throat and tearful eyes for long.
Baba I know only one small word. Kindly accept the same. “Thanks”.