Happy Baba's day to all,
After a long gap I am resuming publishing of devotees experiences .Sai Baba is always present to guide and show his children the right direction .Baba himself pulls his children and guide them on right path . This kind of guidance is witnessed by Sai devotee Buvi ji. Buvi ji has not only shared her beautiful experiences but has also shared her thought on how to get Baba's direction and blessing in our day to day life. Jai Sai Ram .
Miracle 2 – Dream Raffle
© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details
Happy Baba's day to all,
After a long gap I am resuming publishing of devotees experiences .Sai Baba is always present to guide and show his children the right direction .Baba himself pulls his children and guide them on right path . This kind of guidance is witnessed by Sai devotee Buvi ji. Buvi ji has not only shared her beautiful experiences but has also shared her thought on how to get Baba's direction and blessing in our day to day life. Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Sai Devotees,
My name is Buvi Raj and I reside in Alpharetta, GA (USA). I would like to share with you all the miraculous experience which Baba has blessed me within a short span of time. I had recently shared my first experience in this website titled My First Visit To Shirdi - Experience By Buvi Raj.
Dear Manisha Ji,
Thank you so much for playing a great role in spreading Baba’s fame. Truly appreciate your work. Praying to Baba to inspire more people similar to you. Baba, bless you and be with you always.
My Experience:
Miracle 1 –Baba’s Punyathithi Celebration
In our Sai temple here in Suwanee, GA, Baba’s 94th Punyathithi was celebrated in a grand scale. They were doing 108 Kalasabishekam for Baba in the morning. If we sponsor for Pooja we get the opportunity to take one kalasam and do abhishekam for baba in the main Sanctum (only one kalasam per family). This time Baba allowed me to spend the entire day with him, I was at the temple whole day starting from Morning Arathi 5.45 am till 8 pm.
When I went to the temple in the morning, me and another person were only present so we were asked to do the first service (fanning from side) for Baba, standing close to him for 15-20 minutes , it was great. Then for the kalasabishekam we took one kalasam for our family and shared among ourselves and did the abhishekam. I had a feeling that it was very short and could have been longer. Then we came to know that being a work day , there was not a huge turnaround and so there were additional kalasams left.
I was glad to know I am getting second chance. But as you now our Baba is “Parama Dayalu”, believe it or not I did abhishekam for Baba back to back 15 times , touching his legs and seeing his eyes so close was a blissful experience. Some of my family members were hesitant to go multiple times, and so they did not come. So after the 5th time, I just stood without going and watching. The priest (Baba called me) and said “Please come” so I went the 6th time, then again he called and said “As long as you see the additional kalasams kept on stage” please keep coming, I was glad to hear that. So that’s how Baba gave me the blessing, which will be an everlasting blissful experience/memory to cherish.
When I went to the temple in the morning, me and another person were only present so we were asked to do the first service (fanning from side) for Baba, standing close to him for 15-20 minutes , it was great. Then for the kalasabishekam we took one kalasam for our family and shared among ourselves and did the abhishekam. I had a feeling that it was very short and could have been longer. Then we came to know that being a work day , there was not a huge turnaround and so there were additional kalasams left.
I was glad to know I am getting second chance. But as you now our Baba is “Parama Dayalu”, believe it or not I did abhishekam for Baba back to back 15 times , touching his legs and seeing his eyes so close was a blissful experience. Some of my family members were hesitant to go multiple times, and so they did not come. So after the 5th time, I just stood without going and watching. The priest (Baba called me) and said “Please come” so I went the 6th time, then again he called and said “As long as you see the additional kalasams kept on stage” please keep coming, I was glad to hear that. So that’s how Baba gave me the blessing, which will be an everlasting blissful experience/memory to cherish.
Then we had wonderful lunch prepared by Baba ( I always say that the lunch we get in the temple is prepared by Baba because it has a divine taste and Baba’s picture is there in several places inside the kitchen and dining area as a huge portrait of Baba with powerful eyes) .
Then I stayed back and attended afternoon Arathi after that took some rest and when I went down (actually baba made me go down, it looks like he said enough of relaxing now come do some work for me ) . One of the temple volunteers said they needed additional help with the flower decorations for evening pooja and requested if I can help and I gladly accepted.
The temple was organizing flower abhishekam (all devotees can put flowers on Baba’s feet, again a rare opportunity), so we finished tying the garland, and when we opened the flowers, it was a beautiful sight to see close to 200 bouquets of roses , Baba’s favorite is roses , we had all different pretty colors, pink, orange, red, white, yellow, lavender , we had to take the petals separately and what a sight to see the different colors mixed together. We started the work around 3.45 pm and finished right before the evening Arathi at 6 pm. Another great opportunity is, we got to touch all the flowers that were going to Baba’s feet. Thanks to Baba for picking me to do that work for him. After that attended evening Arati, (we had a huge crowd in the evening the temple was packed), offered flowers to Baba’s feet, we had dinner prepared by baba and came home happily. So that is how my day went for Baba’s thithi..
Then I stayed back and attended afternoon Arathi after that took some rest and when I went down (actually baba made me go down, it looks like he said enough of relaxing now come do some work for me ) . One of the temple volunteers said they needed additional help with the flower decorations for evening pooja and requested if I can help and I gladly accepted.
The temple was organizing flower abhishekam (all devotees can put flowers on Baba’s feet, again a rare opportunity), so we finished tying the garland, and when we opened the flowers, it was a beautiful sight to see close to 200 bouquets of roses , Baba’s favorite is roses , we had all different pretty colors, pink, orange, red, white, yellow, lavender , we had to take the petals separately and what a sight to see the different colors mixed together. We started the work around 3.45 pm and finished right before the evening Arathi at 6 pm. Another great opportunity is, we got to touch all the flowers that were going to Baba’s feet. Thanks to Baba for picking me to do that work for him. After that attended evening Arati, (we had a huge crowd in the evening the temple was packed), offered flowers to Baba’s feet, we had dinner prepared by baba and came home happily. So that is how my day went for Baba’s thithi..
Also while I was at the temple I told Baba, you please take care of the things at work as I want to spend the day with you calmly. Believe it or not, I am getting text messages from work–good news after good news at work. Baba is simply great.
Miracle 2 – Dream Raffle
Baba’s miracles are endless. In our Sai Temple they were organizing a huge raffle event, they planned to sell 1500 tickets and the money raised was going towards expansion of temple /construction of community hall, the fundraiser was called “Dream Raffle” .The have been planning this from beginning of this year, I had initially got 1 ticket back in May or so and then since they requested again got another one.
While buying we had decided that even if we win we will donate whatever we win back to the temple. I also thought within me , “Baba winning prize is not important , but you picking me out of the 1500 is a honor for me and if you think I am your true devotee (I am faithful towards you) then you pick me”. The prizes ranged from Mercedes Car, Rolex Watch, Gold Set, Cruise, LED Flat Panel 60 inch TV and many more totally 12 prizes out of 1500 tickets.
While buying we had decided that even if we win we will donate whatever we win back to the temple. I also thought within me , “Baba winning prize is not important , but you picking me out of the 1500 is a honor for me and if you think I am your true devotee (I am faithful towards you) then you pick me”. The prizes ranged from Mercedes Car, Rolex Watch, Gold Set, Cruise, LED Flat Panel 60 inch TV and many more totally 12 prizes out of 1500 tickets.
Then the weekend before Baba Punyathithi the temple president casually met me while I was in the temple (this is Baba’s plan) and requested if I could contribute more, as they were falling short a bit, so on Baba’s Punyathithi day we got some tickets in bulk around 12. We gave it more like a donation for the temple expansion and just got the raffle tickets in return.
Here comes Baba’s miracle, the dream raffle winners were selected on Oct0ber 28th which was a Sunday, we were not present for the event and since we did not get any call we thought we did not win and I thought maybe I should increase my faith and devotion towards Baba even more. Looks like Baba wanted the news to reach us only onThursday, when we got a message that we have won and we confirmed that Baba did pick us the winner for the LED Flat Panel 60 inch TV!!. Also the winning number was from the bulk tickets we purchased on Punyathithi day!!!No doubts we are donating this back to the temple. This is something that I will cherish upon forever! Thank you Baba for making us a part of this fundraiser!!.
IMPORTANT POINT TO NOTE: The highlight of this experience is that Baba came in my dream (the same Thursday morning before we came to know the news about winning the raffle), he had come couple of times earlier as a picture, marble statue, and another dream where I was in Shiridi with my family (so totally three times earlier). But this Thursday early morning ( 4th dream) he came in person and the dream was about me winning a prize in some competition and I am talking to Baba regarding the same, the dream actually started with me being in Shiridi, there also I am writing a blog about Baba with a paper and pen..right after this dream I came to know the news about Dream Raffle. As per the title it did turn out to be a Dream Raffle for me!. Jai Sairam!
Miracle 3: Baba’s name in Truck
Sai devotees in India feel happy when they see Baba’s pictures at the back of taxi’s and autos while travelling. Even couple of days ago my sister was sharing her experience about seeing Baba’s pictures while going to work, and I was internally thinking being in the US we don’t have the chance to experience the same.
For devotees in US , if we see any photos of Jesus in vehicles or there is a big container truck which has SAIA written on it then it is similar to seeing Baba,(read about similar experience in one of the experience blogs), devotees have tested Baba by saying Baba if you are real or if my problem will solve then come in front of me in any form , some of them have seen Jesus photo, or Jesus written at the back of car , and one lady has specifically mentioned that she was sitting in Starbucks Coffee Shop and waiting for long to see Baba in any form when this truck with SAIA written passed by and she was very happy. While reading the website I was thinking “Baba how come you did not come like that in front of me”, the next day after I read the blog, I came out of my house and took a turn in front of my car a van with JESUS written passed by!.
For devotees in US , if we see any photos of Jesus in vehicles or there is a big container truck which has SAIA written on it then it is similar to seeing Baba,(read about similar experience in one of the experience blogs), devotees have tested Baba by saying Baba if you are real or if my problem will solve then come in front of me in any form , some of them have seen Jesus photo, or Jesus written at the back of car , and one lady has specifically mentioned that she was sitting in Starbucks Coffee Shop and waiting for long to see Baba in any form when this truck with SAIA written passed by and she was very happy. While reading the website I was thinking “Baba how come you did not come like that in front of me”, the next day after I read the blog, I came out of my house and took a turn in front of my car a van with JESUS written passed by!.
Couple of months later while coming back to office after lunch, I was standing in the traffic light and a huge container truck passed by opposite me, I casually saw and it had SAIA written, I was happy and took my turn and thought the truck was going ahead of me , but to my surprise the truck took a turn into our office complex and in fact I could not move (looks like Baba wanted to tell me are you satisfied now look clearly as I stopped), then the driver gave me way and I overtook the truck and came to our office.
When I went to India last time , the first vehicle I saw after getting in the car and driving to my house was an auto with baba picture on it. Baba makes sure (it will come in one of the chapters in charithra), that he reaches the place before his devotee to receive them. Same thing happened when I went to a mall (Indian mall in the US), huge baba picture before we can enter the mall , I had gone there couple of year back , but this is the first time I am seeing Baba picture, I was sitting down to have tea in the cafeteria and right opposite was an elevator , had baba’s picture only visible from my spot.
Baba is always with us and satisfies even the “Little/unuttered desires” within us. Baba is great! Jai Sairam!
Miracle 4: Baba’s pleasant surprise
Believe it or not, Baba has transferred some of his omniscience nature to me, he gives a flash of the exact words I am going to read from the Charithra for that day and he has amazed me several times with the same. Through Baba’s grace , I am doing continuous Parayan (one chapter on work days and more on weekend and holidays) of Sai Charithra and one my 22nd reading at present.
Saturday I usually go to Sai temple , I was wearing a pink salwar, I thought Baba is also going to wear the same color today, I went to the temple and wonder of wonders Baba gave me a big surprise he was wearing the exact same color, I was speechless with tears of joy.
Baba is saying there is no difference between you and me we are the same, you are born to continue my deeds and give peace to other souls who are suffering and I am going to do this till my last breath and help the miserable and needy as much as I can.
Miracle 5: Diwali with Baba
On Diwali Day, I had gone to Sai temple to celebrate Diwali with our beloved Baba. Baba was looking great and they had kept lots of diya’s (close to 200 )covering the entire stage where Baba statue was. I was wondering from the time I went when they will be lighting all the diya’s as I can’t wait to see the lights around Baba .
After Arathi I was asked to distribute Prasad to all the devotees which I thought was a blessing on Diwali Day, but looks like Baba had another wonderful plan. After Prasad distribution , I was asked if I can light the Diyas in front of Baba. My joy knew no bounds as looks like only 5 people were allowed and I was fortunate to do the job.
Looks like Baba also had a third surprise the same day, when I was about to leave , I was again asked to come the following Saturday , as they are celebrating Annakut (Gujarati New Year) at the Sai temple and so far 200 people have signed up for dishes , hopefully it will reach more by Saturday, so I was asked to come and help in presenting the dishes in front of Baba, I know this is a direct order from Baba as I was asked to help , exactly when I was looking at Baba in the eye. Fortunate to spend the entire Saturday with Baba…Jai Sairam!
Miracle 6: Sai Bhakthi spreading around me like wildfire
It is only 2 years since I started following Baba , but I should say lot of good things has happened and the progress is very fast. More details below ,
My Sister – After me , Baba picked my elder Sister and she did Sai Vrat twice and became a staunch devotee thereafter, Baba invited her to Shiridi this October and gave her several miracles there!
My Niece – Completed Sai Vrat once (fortunate to complete at the age 13)
My Husband – Started after me and is now doing continuous Sai Charithra Parayan and just completed his third reading last month
My 7 year old son –This is my biggest surprise , he started reading Sai Charithra and is going to finish his first reading soon.
My Mom– She is also doing continuous Sai Charithra Parayan, finished her first reading and she is currently doing the Sai Vrat.
My Mother in Law - I gifted her Sai Charithra from Shiridi when I visited India last year, but she was completely not able to concentrate in reading it in India. When she was visiting us here in the US, I asked her to bring the Charithra and made her sit in Baba’s room (I have a separate room for Baba in my house where I do my Charithra Parayan and I strongly believe Baba is also one of my family members and he lives in my house in that room as I get very powerful vibes from Baba in that room). I asked her to start reading in that room and she was able to complete her first reading within 1 week!
My Husband’s Aunts – Both of them did Sai Vrat and had great results and started visiting Baba temple regularly thereafter.
My Team Members at work– Couple of them also started reading Sai Charithra and one of them started Sai Vrat . We just had a new hire and to my surprise she is also a Baba devotee and visiting Shiridi this December!.
There are other friends and relatives who did Sai Vrat and Charithra reading as well. All credit goes to our beloved Baba in helping me spread Sai Bhakthi around me as well as write this blog. Some of the members I mentioned above , did not start the readings or Vrat immediately after I said, it took a while but I was patient in having them take their time , but I was consistent in sharing Baba’s miracles with them which slowly increased their faith . More than anything it was Baba who was behind the scenes, I was just an instrument. As Sai Bhakta’s it is our duty to spread Baba’s fame throughout as much as possible irrespective of caste or creed.
It is certainly my past good Karma that has enabled me to develop so much love and passion towards our Sai Ma. In fact it is Baba who is drawing me closer to him on a daily basis and my efforts are nil.
When we completely surrender ourselves to Baba then we should strongly believe that whatever we do/think it is controlled by Baba . So please don’t take credit for any good things you do as well as don’t worry about the bad thoughts/deeds. It is the special characteristic of Baba to suppress all the negative thoughts and encourage positive thoughts. When we start realizing we are having too many negative thoughts, that itself is a good sign.
We are all humans and inclined to commit mistakes, through Baba’s grace we can slowly reduce the same and attain peace and calmness. When the mind is peaceful and calm always then it will only lead to good actions and thoughts. If at all we commit a mistake or have a bad thought then please make a small prayer to Baba admitting your mistake and to help avoid such mistakes/thoughts in the future. Please keep in mind we have to be patient enough with our prayers and be faithful and might have to make several requests because it may/may not happen immediately. The results are based on our past karma. We only need to wash our sins away by constantly remembering Baba and purifying our thoughts.
We are all humans and inclined to commit mistakes, through Baba’s grace we can slowly reduce the same and attain peace and calmness. When the mind is peaceful and calm always then it will only lead to good actions and thoughts. If at all we commit a mistake or have a bad thought then please make a small prayer to Baba admitting your mistake and to help avoid such mistakes/thoughts in the future. Please keep in mind we have to be patient enough with our prayers and be faithful and might have to make several requests because it may/may not happen immediately. The results are based on our past karma. We only need to wash our sins away by constantly remembering Baba and purifying our thoughts.
As Baba mentions in Sai Charithra we have to break the wall of difference between Baba and us. It is Baba’s special characteristic to transform his Bhaktas (if we truly attach ourselves to Baba) into him.
How do we get closer to Baba? There are several ways. First when we are free from emotions such as Greed, Anger, Jealousy, Fear, Desire then we are one with Baba. I can feel his presence strongly in me whenever I am free of those feelings.
Meditation on Baba and thinking of him always is the only way. It comes with gradual practice, early morning right after you wake up is the best time. If you can sit and meditate by chanting his name or thinking of the stories from Charithra for a few minutes in front of baba then the positivity will stick with you for the whole day.
Continue doing your worldly duties but remember Baba always either by singing/listening baba bhajans, if you work during the day you can do the same silently (singing internally similar to a thought), chanting baba’s name etc. You have to be ever conscious about your thoughts, as Baba mentioned “Make me the sole object of your thoughts and actions and you will no doubt attain ParaBrahma”. I started a couple of years ago lets me try for 30 minutes , then it became 2 hours, and kept adding on and now most of my thoughts are about Baba.
Meditation on Baba and thinking of him always is the only way. It comes with gradual practice, early morning right after you wake up is the best time. If you can sit and meditate by chanting his name or thinking of the stories from Charithra for a few minutes in front of baba then the positivity will stick with you for the whole day.
Continue doing your worldly duties but remember Baba always either by singing/listening baba bhajans, if you work during the day you can do the same silently (singing internally similar to a thought), chanting baba’s name etc. You have to be ever conscious about your thoughts, as Baba mentioned “Make me the sole object of your thoughts and actions and you will no doubt attain ParaBrahma”. I started a couple of years ago lets me try for 30 minutes , then it became 2 hours, and kept adding on and now most of my thoughts are about Baba.
I do work during the day and practice the above mentioned methods, if I start stressing about work/decisions I have to make then immediately I realize that I have to seek Baba’s advise and then I look at his picture and he guides me in the right direction.
In fact I cannot concentrate with work if I am not chanting his name internally on the background, then I know he is with me and things move smoothly. Baba gives me a lot of positive energy through this process.
In fact I cannot concentrate with work if I am not chanting his name internally on the background, then I know he is with me and things move smoothly. Baba gives me a lot of positive energy through this process.
It only comes first through Baba’s grace and practice. Also depends on whether or not we have unconditional love towards Baba irrespective of the fact we are facing good/bad phase in life. As per Baba good/bad is all the same. There are certain rituals I do for baba without fail on a daily basis (even though baba does not expect it from us), he only wants us to remember him. I do very simple/small things without fail, lighting lamps and offering Prasad (almonds and sugar) in the morning, read blog before I start work, read one chapter from charithra every day (cover more chapters on the weekend), I feed Baba first before I eat my meals, without fail visit Sai temple once a week and spend 2-3 hours with Baba (attend Arati and do meditation). Once Baba has entered our life then he lives with us , so just like how we eat and breath, thinking of Baba should be something we practice minute by minute.
After you start practicing this , then you will start feeling uncomfortable If you are not thinking of Baba, it will slowly become like breathing process. Then you will start feeling bliss and start living life the way Baba wants us to.
After you start practicing this , then you will start feeling uncomfortable If you are not thinking of Baba, it will slowly become like breathing process. Then you will start feeling bliss and start living life the way Baba wants us to.
The minute you stop thinking of Baba, Maya in the form of “Fear, anxiety, anger, jealousy” will overtake you and start threatening you. It is a constant choice between Baba vs other worldy enjoyments , if we give importance to worldly enjoyments it will feel pleasant at first but it is only temporary . But when we go closer to Baba the experience he gives us cannot be explained in words.
My prayer to Baba - Not sure if my past Karmas are balanced in this life and if I will attain Mukthi and come to your lotus feet, if at all I am going to have another life then please come to me at an earlier age as I had to wait for 33 years in this life.
Baba please help all the Sai Bhaktas to come closer to you on a daily basis and give a new meaningful life to everyone just as how you had blessed me.
Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!


Very nice experiences :-).. lucky u :-)
Om Sai Ram
Baba Maalik
you are really a blessed soul..
Om Sai Ram.
Thanks a lot Manisha Did for your post. Glad to see you posting again. Baba bless you and your family immensely !
Dear Sai Sister Buvi Ji ! This is a wonderful experience you have posted ! It came at a time when i was feeling low and no doubt, my spirits are back in full force now. Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences. It was amazing to know you did not have the desire to keep the TV with you and you donated it! We too need to develop these good qualities by Baba's grace. I too miss doing the little Seva i used to do in my Baba's temple before my wedding. Now i do not get to visit the temple. I hope and sincerely pray to Baba to engage me in his seva in some form or the other. Hope he pulls my Husband too to do his Seva and makes him his devotee soon. Your points on how to get closer to our merciful Baba was really inspiring and beneficial and i have shared that with my friends too. My prayers to Baba to strengthen our Faith and Devotion in him and increase our Patience. Am glad to have Baba in my life. Hope soon i and my family, friends and acquaintances can achieve and reach the level of your devotion :-) Prayers to Baba to be with you and your family always and shower his choicest blessings on you all. I would like to be in touch with you personally. I feel the urge to have a friend circle of Baba Devotees. In case it is fine with you, please drop me a mail on my id :
Love and Prayers.
Chandanaji , thanks for the valuable comments it is really nice to know that my experience brought a change with your thoughts. Again full credit goes to none other then our Sai Ma. In fact I saw your comment on the other blog and that is when I realized that my experience is posted in this blog, I will drop you a email.
all the devotees who were blessed by baba are very fortunate but for me i am so unfortunate since 3 yrs i was facing lots of troubles till day hoping baba will help me in any time in any way but baba was not helping me why baba each second i was chanting ur name and meditating ur presence in my mind still u dont showering ur blessing whats wrong in me baba.till date i followed ur two words shradda and saburi.baba i cant bear this any more i just want leave my life in ur feet baba .sorry baba i cant face anymore please transform my past karmas to my next birth baba i am leaving tomorrow baba give me peace baba om sai ram
Sairam Buvi ji,
Very touched to read your post today. It almost came as a reminder to me from Baba. Through practise I had learned to let go of things but last couple of months, things have been different and even though I pray, I felt there was no sincerity in my prayers/actions. And yes, you are right when you say meditation is the only way. I've started that again and I also think like you..Baba came into my life when I was 34 and I feel now even if I am walking one step at a time, at least I am walking towards Baba unlike before where I had my back to Baba....
I may have few questions as I begin to meditate again and please let me know if I can write to you. If so, please drop an email at -
Jai Sairam
om sai ram