Sairam ,
Happy Baba's day
Shirdi Sai Baba Himself ,an epitome of compassion and love ,taught compassion to all those who came in His contact .He told His devotees, 'never turn away anybody from your door, be it a human being or animal'.
Sai deva was always happy to share his food with dogs, bird and insects .He used to get angry with devotees who did not follow his teaching and treated animals harshly .He would ask them to love and respect all and see God in every creature.
Baba's devotee always follow His teaching .The following experience exemplify this fact . Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manishaji,
I am regular visitor of your website and you are doing a great job. I am so thankful to Sai as this site is a blessing for all devotees.
Saibaba not only comes to rescue for human beings but also of animals when they are in problem. this miracle of Sai is proof of same.
This miracle happened on 30th July 2012. As usual i got ready and moved out of my home to go for my work. It was 9:00am Monday. Just as i was on my bike i saw a small calf standing still at one place. it was small may be just two months old. It was full white in colour and standing alone at one place and was looking towards my house.
When I reached near her I got some very bad smell and my eyes felt on her leg and saw that big black wound is there on one of her hind leg and it was bleeding and was in very very bad condition.
After that my day passed in my office work .In the evening at around 6.30pm returned home from office. As i entered my house my mother with pain in her heart said look at that poor calf lying down outside our house. Her leg has got big wound and its in great pain suffering a lot since morning.
Calf’s ,mother cow came 3-4 times and cried loudly looking at her suffering like this but could not do anything to save her. Neither her owner came in search of her since morning. My mother said" our neighbour gave call to animal rescue but they didn’t respond so they were also helpless". Everyone was feeding her. Some gave bread to eat, water to drink. Now she was completely sick and was lying down on ground flat and couldn’t even getup.
Her leg's condition was very bad and since it was late evening lot of mosquitoes and flies were troubling her lot. When i saw all this i couldn’t drink tea and eat something even though i was hungry at that time.
I prayed to Sai and said please save this calf as i cannot do anything to help her and neither i can see her suffering like this.My heart was crying looking at that calf.I said to Sai you only come to her rescue in some form. Actually it was dark and it was not at all possible to take that calf to hospital that time and even after trying so much my neighbour and all couldn’t take her to hospital during the day time.
Than i came inside my house and my mother told me to have some tea and biscuits.Immediately a thought came in my heart “it’s not possible to find God when you are hungry”. So i had that tea and biscuits. Immediately after this i went outside again to see her. Same time all neighbours and my cousin’s wife came out to see her.
Everyone was feeling very sad to see her lying down and suffering like this and to ur surprise that calf was just raising her head and was looking straight at me as if she wanted to say something to me. I was at a distant place but still she was looking at me.
Than my my cousin’s wife said shall we try to send her to animal rescue hospital by our self? i got some hope. i said "yes sure we should try and leave rest on god". By that time i started chanting our deities name and was also calling my Sai continuously in my mind. In my mind i prayed to Sai and said i will call your name in my heart till the time this problem is not sorted out .God heard my sincere prayers.
Sai came running to help his helpless child. My cousin’s wife first gave call to animal rescue and they said if it is emergency than please bring her to hospital.Than she gave call to rickshaw driver and asked him to come to take her to hospital. He said he will come but we waited for half an hour but there was no sign of his coming.
My cousin’s wife with a doubtful mind asked me whether he will come? I said don’t worry he will come, we will wait for some time. Than a thought came in her mind "who will pick that calf?", as we were getting very scarred to touch her also. Again i said don’t worry "we will get some one".
With no time two person came walking to us. Actually they had some work with my neighbour but my neighbour was not at home so they were inquiring with us what time they will come. After that they started going back. They walked just 2-3 steps and rickshaw arrived. What a miracle i said. We requested those two persons to help to lift the calf and place in rickshaw and they also happily accepted our request and helped us.I had no money to give them and see here again Sai plays HIS leela.
My cousins wife gave some money to rickshaw driver and told to give in hospital. After that rickshaw left with calf and those two persons to hospital. After they reached hospital person gave call to my cousin’s wife and said who will take risk of this calf and she happily said I will take risk and if anything happens i will be responsible for same and if you want i will give in writing. Immediately they started treatment and they removed 14 big white worms from wound.
It took them almost 2 hours to clean the wound and bandage her. After everything was done hospital doctor said you don’t worry we will make this calf completely alright and send her back after some days.
We were all happy to see and think of this Sai leela (miracle). Again and again i was thinking as if Sai played this leela specially because of me to show that Sai is always there with me. Just one day earlier i was worried due to some personal problem and Sai played this leela to divert my mind and increase my faith in Him. My problem is not yet solved but Sai gave me positive energy to see it in a positive way and have faith in Him.
It is well said “jako rakhe sai…maar sake na koi…” (meaning – for whom Sai saves nobody can kill them)
Sai’s 11 promises are very true….. “jari he sharir gelo me takun… tari me dhaven bhakta sathi……..” (meaning – even though i leeave this physical body i will come running to help my devotees”)
jai sainath.


beautiful experience.really sai saved the calf thruogh you and your cousins wife.really heart touching experiences..may sai bless every one in this sairam.
How to give dress to Sai baba iam living in USA please sent me any contact details
Wow...beautiful experience.... heart touching...
Baba why are still experimenting with my feelings... please save me from all these problems i can't carry this heavy burden baba please forgive me and save me.. I think you are testing my faith in you! baba please sai ram I don't want these problems again in my life I want to have happy life in your name. Sai please forgive me and let me not go through wrong path. Hope you will listen to my prayer baba.
baba please help me and forgive me with the past things that i had done. baba i'm totally depending on your feet plz stop testing me deva i can't bear anymore plz help me baba plzz om sai ram