Dear all,
Happy Baba's day
Today I am sharing few more Sai experiences which are unique in itself but give the common message
that if we follow Sai Baba's two axiom "Shraddha and Saburi " Baba will bless His child and take care of his affliction . Jai Sai Ram .
Sai Baba Blessed Me To Get Married Again:Hi Manisha Sister
I am writing this mail to you after long time. Till one year back, I was sharing so many difficulties of my life including my divorce. I never know what SAI had for me for the future.
But today I am writing this mail with full of happiness. You can post this without my name information.
After my first marriage failure, I was living alone with my parents, concentrating only in my profession. Suddenly a family friend of mine introduced me to a person and advised me to consider marrying him. It was a Thursday when she called and shared this info with me. I never had any hopes, but still I obeyed her words and got introduced. We started chatting as friends and then one-day I realized I liked him and wish to marry him.
He also felt the same. We shared our thoughts with Parents and got married last year end. Then we started planning for baby after 3 months of marriage. I started my 9 weeks vrat also. I completed my vrat and went to Baba’s temple with husband. Within next 4 days I came to know that I am pregnant.
What a Miracle in my life………….. After a big failure, a very good life, loving and caring husband, good in laws and a child in near future.
All this happened in my life only because of HIS grace and blessings.
My Sincere advice to all sisters those who failed in their Married life is, don’t lose hopes. Surrender fully to HIM. Accept when a new life comes your way. Life is to Live meaningfully.
Sai Maharaj ki Jai
Sai Baba Saved Me From Major Trouble :Dear Manisha Didi,
I am so so so happy that Baba blessed me from a major trouble in my life. Thank you didi for this wonderful site where we all can share Saima's leelas.
Here is the how Baba blessed me.
All the vachans are true. I am wretched and miserable and Sai baba helped me a lot and blessed me that now.I know no bounds to my joy and happiness. I was in a problem and with utmost faith I put the burden on Baba and he beared it.That problem was a haunting problem and as He said there shall be no want in my devotees house,Baba resolved my problem .
Only thing required is Faith in him. His blessings are like an umbrella and protect us. We feel it is a miracle of baba but for him its just his love for his children. All we need to have is a deep faith and patience.
When we are in a problem it seems to be very big in front of us. But baba has other view of it. He the problem solver and our saviour is much more bigger than our problem.
Now a days I am feeling baba very closely. I used to love baba very much but after few critical
issues I stopped praying baba. I didn't even put any single picture of his for more than 8 years.
But my mother was constantly saying not to do so. Yes i was not mature enough ,but that was all of my previous birth karma and had to hold on to baba very very very firmly. Now when i recall I understand that he was constantly with me. I still remember when I was coming for US for the first time a friend of mine came to airport surprisingly and got me a very cute little baba's idol. But when i started facing problems which were very severe to life I lost hope and removed baba for 8 years.
I lost job and had to move out of that place.On vacation we came to a place where i went to baba's temple somehow I felt baba how lucky are people to have you here. And after we went back on the very next day even my husband's job was done.I felt very very bad. And after 2 months got a new job but had to move to some east zone but I was not liking.
Then on the very day of signing up for the new project we got a call from the new HR that there is a vacancy in the place where we went on our vacation. And I could not believe the office and apartment we got is just 3 miles to the same baba's temple.
I was really speechless. And baba even supported me in the form of my parents and helped me to get a new job.
I wanted to buy a home but in this new place we don't know how to search and all the formalities. Then I went to baba and said the same to baba that I do not know which community to buy and all the formalities..And in meanwhile again I lost my job and i lost the whole hopes of new
I was in deep depression but Baba has always overview of our problem. He can pick the problem away as the thorns from the stem.
I would say jut trust Him and cast your burden. What he said in the 11 vachanas are not the truths but his presence with us in the form of those words.
One day unexpectedly met a couple who became friends and they had good idea of these communities and we got a new home in the very best locality. And meanwhile I too got a job. Though I underwent pain Baba always gave me more happiness and always put me in a better situation.
I cannot imagine myself today what i was in the previous years. He strengthen helpless me.
Another incident ,one day I was searching for some important documents very badly and it was haunting me very severely and I was worried. And on a different issue there was a major problem in my personal life in which my parents were very badly abused for no reason. We were cheated badly. So on top of this what if this documents issue pops up.
I knew though we can get them done again but my husband would make a big issue out of it and than there would starts another story.I was in a tension but still I would behave as quite and calm .I would be afraid of any topic relating to those documents and would try to skip. I used to pray baba vigorously
"baba what is the future when my in laws come to know of this?. Baba please help my parents. Please already they are insulted very badly because of me. Is this what i am giving in return as a daughter. Baba please help me".
Back at home my father was searching all of the house.Then in my office a new colleague joined and introduced herself. One evening while i was driving home I felt baba why don't you come as a big picture I don't have any. The next morning my new team mate stopped by me and asked if I would mind if i believe in baba? I said I am just living is due baba only and asked why she asked me?.
Then she said she felt in the early morning as if somebody woke her up and asked her to give me his picture "a big one". I was really shocked as we don't know each other so much and also she added that her husband is a very good devotee of baba. She had no big picture to give to me as of baba's aadesh. So her husband got a picture for me from a satsang.
Meanwhile baba was showing many such miracles to me. Then me and my colleague became very good friends and I shared my tension to her. I used to say see how baba is playing hide and seek with me. He is showing his presence very much but can't he take away my ultimate burden. She said to do Sai sathcharitha parayanam. To that I said I have already done but she ordered me (might be it is
baba himself)DO it again......
I asked my aunt to do annadanam on behalf of me.And also coincidentally when one of my colleague is going to Shirdi I asked him to place the letter at BABA's feet .I started parayanam and on the last day( Thursday) evening I went to baba's temple and pleaded like anything just holding his legs and stood at a corner and pleaded "baba please baba look at me please smile and only you can help me and nobody else........and the same night just before i was about to give aarathi, got a call from my dad. He talked to me.
He was very low and in a very sorry tone said sorry to me that he couldn't find them.And he almost cried what happens to me once this issue comes up. He was in terrible pain for me.He was saying sorry for his
helplessness.He very well knows how big mess the situation can lead to. He searched all the suitcases from the 4 days and put them aside after searching them and all of the house. Then after the call I gave aarathis to baba and had to stop my tears rolling as my family is watching me. But in my heart i was crying baba "please hurt me if it is bad karma ,Why are you hurting an elderly person? Is this how he is punished because of me baba? Please help baba. I cannot hold anymore this pain baba. You know the consequences Baba".
After I woke in the early morning I got a call from my house. I was really tensed to pick it up
so early in the morning.My eyes were big to see the number from my house as my dad was in very bad pain.I prayed to God and attended the phone. It was my dad in a very happy tone.And this what had happened.
After he talked to me he was cooking food as my mom went out. He was very upset after talking to me.
Then he heard the door bell ringing. When he opened a man in orange robes smiled at him and said that he was going to Shirdi so can you give dakshina. My dad gave him 10 rupees and that man took it very happily and went away blessing the home.
Then my father thought if he had given another rupee to him so that it would be 11. Again somebody came for alms and my father gave him the rupee.This all was happening but my father was doing casually and unknowingly still thinking of my problem only and did not pay much attention to the saint.
Then after his lunch he thought the room is messy as of searching the suitcases.So he lifted the same suitcase which was being searched for 4 days by him and also by my brother few months back to put it on the attic.
Then when he lifted up the suitcase,it fell down and opened and the documents popped up.My father was really really shocked and called me.And soon I shared this to my friends.
Look at the coincidences: Just immediately after the vrat.After the annadanam. After praying Baba holding him firmly.And that was the day my letter was to reach shirdi though my colleague couldn't go to shirdi Baaba knows.
So dear all who is the saint who asked my father dakshina to go to Shirdi and who is the one who took that one rupee also?
Though it may sound little amount ,it is dakshina.And only after that saint came why everything turned into happiness the years of agony? When I said to a uncle about all this he said that I am mad as i am happy for finding documents (earthly pleasures) but the real lucky one is my father who got shirdi Sai baba's Darshanam. And I got my documents through my colleague by the next Thursday which i had taken them to baba temple.
Very very kind of Baba.
Sai Helped me in Cricket:
I am Balaji from Dearborn Michigan, USA.
Om Sairam
There is no boundary for Sai leelaa's. When ever we pray to him with true heart, definitely he answers. Last summer I participated in a cricket league from our project team. i.e We created a new team and participated. While forming the team itself, everybody criticized us and since it is a new team, we are going to loose all the matches. It happened the same also. We started to loose all the matches. We don't know what is our weakness or what is our strength.
I used to bat well in practice sessions and scored good runs. But never did a good job at matches. First match I scored some how 15 runs. With that team had faith on me and they started some expectations from me. But I scored 0 on consecutive matches and our team also lost all most all the matches.
During the final league match with last year's Runner up, I myself came out from the team for not to play. Captain also accepted. But because of last minute change in the team, Captain asked me to play. Before leaving to the match, I prayed to Mithra Baba (Baba's name at my home) to help us to win the match and help me to score good runs.
While going to the ground, I prayed to Baba that I have to score some good runs in this match. The match started and we won the toss and elected to Bat first.In all other previous matches, I used to go as No 3 Batsman but this time Captain didn't allow me to go at No 3. We started losing wicket and we lost 7 wickets in 5 overs for 36 runs. I went at No 9. The opponent team thought that we will be bundled for 50 runs maximum.
All of the sudden I started scoring some quick runs and started to score runs very fast. I hit two sixes and two fours and still I couldn't believe that whether I hit or not. Because I never hit boundaries during our practice or any other matches. Definitely it is Sai's blessing and Sai gave me the full strength.
I hit twice to straight to the fielder and he missed my catch twice. After the match I criticized him that it was very easy catch but he missed it. Later when I visited to Sai temple, I saw him there and smiled. To my surprise he is a Sai Sevak and definitely Sai has sent him to the match to help me. The other important thing is I never felt tired during my batting.
I scored 56 runs in that match and we made 70 runs for 9th wicket partnership. I received man of the match award and the award for highest scorer for the entire tournament . Yes our team won that match.
It is really a miracle by Sai because still I couldn't believe that I can score that much runs. I never played cricket matches during my school and college days. Played only street cricket.
Om Sairam.
Baba Blessed My Husband With Job:Jai Sai Ram Manishaji,
How are you? Hope everything is well.
In my previous email I have told you my husband got job in different state and now he got job in Melbourne after reading Sai Satcharitha.
I was very happy and promised Sai baba i am going to publish his Leela.
And thanks very much for sharing Ram Vijay.Everyday I used to look for your email to read.That was very nice thought to send email to everyone.In the same way can you send sai baba leelas which was published in Sai baba leela magazine in those days just one leela per day. It would be nice to start a day reading Sai baba leela everyday like reading Rama Vijaya.
Please publish below sai baba leela and Thanks every much for all your support.
I am devotee of Sai BABA since last year. When my husband lost job we were very depressed, at that time I was browsing this site and came across 9 Thursdays Sai Baba vrat and started doing that.
With blessings of Sai baba I have completed vrat and within one month my husband got job. But it was in different state and very cold city and we don’t have any option to decline the job as we need to pay the bills etc and job market was very bad in my city for IT guys. so he accepted the job.
His job was contract for 3 months initially with extension and every weekend he tries to come home. But his health was effecting badly because of cold weather and eating outside food daily. I prayed Sai baba for my husband to get job in my city and for his health. Then I have started reading Sai Satcharitra and completed twice in two weeks and after that I was daily listening to Sai Satcharitra.
It was just two weeks left for completing the contract and we were worried if the contract extend also he don’t want to continue due to his health. And miracle happened just in time he attended a interview on Friday and on Monday he got confirmed with the new job in my city and he is coming back home. I was so happy and thanked Sai baba from the bottom of my heart and I promised immediately to publish his leela.
Jai Sai Ram
Baba Blessed Me To Get Married:
Sairam to one and all,
On this special day of Guru purnima baba made me remember my promise about posting my experience and the blessings I received after Nav Guruvar Saivrat.
I was deep down in sorrow for the past 2yrs. Reason my marriage. My parents were against my choice. I tried convincing them about the guy for 2yrs. They were very stubborn with their decision.
They told me to get married and live with him happily 'if you are prepared to leave us forever'. I was left alone,disowned by my entire family. No one to share one to talk to....went into depression.....was treated by psychiatrist for few months during which i used to just calmly weep infront of baba.
My guy wanted to meet my parents and talk to them...but they were reluctant to see him too.
One day i happened to read about Saivrat in this blessed website I decided to do it and i finished Nav Guruvar by baba's grace. I asked him to give me courage and capability to stand for myself and help me take a decision.
My sole desire was that i should get married to the guy whom i was in love for the last 9years.
Ultimately now i m married to him and we both went to Shirdi recently got baba's blessings.
Trust sai and leave everything to him. He will make everything fall in place for you.
My Arti Experience On Gurupurnima:Good afternoon,
Jai Sai Ram
Thank you for providing a platform to share SAI's experiences.
Had a very good darshan and blessings of my Guru Maharaj who is blessed and empowered by Shri Shidi Sai Baba.
Variety of fruits and prasadams (sweets/ tiffin items /snacks/ rice baths) were served to nearly 10,000 and odd people who thronged GURUJI from dawn to late night.
All of them had nice darshan of well decorated Sai baba with devotional melodies.
Really had a great time at Guruji"s place.......................
An added krupa was that an excellent Sai photo given by a friend to me was adorned in the entrance of my GURUJI's place on the occasion of GURUPOURANIMA .
Afternoon went to a nearby devotees house to watch noon arti live from Shirdi on TV. But it was not to be heard/seen in his house.
Was greatly disappointing.
When I was reaching the shamiyana near GURUJi's place lo my phone rang.Another devotee who was in Shirdi made me hear the afternoon Arti being sung at Shirdi Temple over the phone--- favorite lines!!!
It was a thrilling experience!!!!
Sai Krupa and Guru's Krupa ---- really marvelous !
It was great to learn that more than 40 to 50 thousand people had visited Malleswaram Sai Temple Bangalore on Tuesday !!!!!
Warm Regards
Blessing Of Baba :
Sairam Manisha Ji,
Sai Ram to all Sai devotees
This is my second chance to share my Sai babas divine experience ,to be honest its true that you will see miracle everyday ,the day i started praying Sai baba i have see the changes in myself and in my surrounding ,baba has changed me for good .I dont use any bad words anymore ,try and help people around ,can relate to others with love and devotion and also get positive response from others .
Sai baba is there with me every second and the moment i ask him for something i feel immense calmness from inside as if he assures me that it might take a bit of time but i will fix everything for you , but its all part of once faith and confidence in baba .Surrender all your sorrow to him and he will built you a whole new path to walk on and trust me it will be worth it .

lovely experiences...thanks manishaji and all devotees who are sharing beautiful experiences of our saima...really this experiences are very inspiring for all the children of our saima...may baba always bless everyone with peace and love and good sairam...
lovely experiences...happy to read this thanks for sharing and posting in this blessed sairam..