Dear all,
Happy Baba's day
After a weeks gap I have plenty of wonderful Baba's leela to share. Shared experiences relate to different situation and emotions. Though the shared Sai leelas are in variance but the unifying factor of all is the unconditional love of Baba and His ever vigilant care of His children .
Without going into much detail I leave it to the reader to enjoy the nectar of Sai's blessing shared today with all of us.I would also like to add universal prayer sent by Sai devotee to be offered at Baba's feet through this platform.Jai Sai Ram .
Without going into much detail I leave it to the reader to enjoy the nectar of Sai's blessing shared today with all of us.I would also like to add universal prayer sent by Sai devotee to be offered at Baba's feet through this platform.Jai Sai Ram .
"We all pray soulfully to our beloved father, the protector of this Universe, Lord Shirdi Saibaba who is most powerful than the under-sea earthquake (that jolted yesterday along the eastern coastal cities and many parts of India with its epi-centre near Indonesia), to supress the quake's pressure in the sea & land with HIS unfathomable strength and free us all the humans creatures in the world from any anxieties calamities and give us peace forever. Dear Baba, you are the most powerful lovable GOD on this earth. Please Ever Protect this World from any kind of natural man-made disasters. Om Sai Ram, Sri Sai Ram, Jai Jai Sai Ram.
Om Sheeradi Vaasaaya Vidhmahae, Satchithaanandhaaya Dheemahi, ThannO Sayee Prachodhayaath ||
Om Aanjeneyaaya Vidhmahae, Vaayuputhraaya Dheemahi, ThannO Hanumath Prachodhayaath ||
Om Sudharsanaaya Vidhmahae, Maha Jwaala Chakraaya Dheemahi, ThannO Chakra Prachodhayaath ||
My Experiences With Sai Baba Ji:
Hi Manisha ji ,
Baba is definitely pleased for your service, please correct if any error.
Baba is definitely pleased for your service, please correct if any error.
The Phrase which strike my mind immediately i started writing this experience was " What, where and why i am today is all babas grace".To keep my text small i would directly start with my experience.
One evening i stopped at a traffic signal on my bike , since there was big lorry before me so i took a small left turn and halted very close beside to lorry .I noticed that there was no cleaner in that lorry who manages the left side- unseen part of the road by driver.
I thought as i was alert i will be able to manage if the driver does take any left turn without noticing me ,while i was thinking in this way , a biker left to me called me and said that side stand of bike was not taken out .So i was looking at the side stand of bike.
In the mean time the truck driver took a left and TRUCK TYRE PASSED OVER MY RIGHT FOOT AND I WAS IN SLIPPERS the pain was horrible.
Immediately i got down from bike and took the name of Sai , I called out Sai please help me...Sai ram pain is unbearable and thought my leg was fractured for sure or i lost it .But immediately within seconds i prayed Sai and pain was almost nil .
Immediately i got down from bike and took the name of Sai , I called out Sai please help me...Sai ram pain is unbearable and thought my leg was fractured for sure or i lost it .But immediately within seconds i prayed Sai and pain was almost nil .
I could not understand what actually happened so i went home. Just to have check of how much part of my leg was passed by lorry i looked at my leg and believe me tyre mark has covered my complete leg leaving me in shock.I though as to how could i survive without fracture or leg loss and got reminded that i prayed baba in that moment which saved me from that mishap .All Baba’s grace on me and my life.
A similar incident of loosing my life by going under bus on road was again saved by baba.I would close with a another sweet experience of mine with baba .
When i was looking out for a job change i got a call from a company on Thursday evening immediately coming back from temple, so thought this is definitely babas offer and i would clear the interview and i did with more than desired pay .But one thing which was pricking my mind was changing of city for new job, as i was not sure if the new city has got Sai baba temple near the office as i had in my current place, thinking this i changed my city for job and believe me baba temple is just close to my office on the way to home.
I do know from devotees experience that many of devotees are facing lots of pain due to some or other problems and i am sure every one including me shall pass through this stage.It is baba the only one who can make us cross this painful stage and reach the end of life peacefully.
Sai Ram,
Sai Baba Accepted My Prasad on RamNavami:SaiRam!
Manisha didi, my sincere thanks for the work done by you. May Baba bless you and your family with happiness and peaceful life.I would like to share the experience which happened on the spiritual day, Ramnavami. Kindly share with other Sai devotees.
Usually I used to keep food and water to baba daily. On RamNavami day, I placed Rama, Seetha, Lakshman and Hanuman ji big idol near to Baba idol and after decorating the idols with flower, sandals kumkum etc, I offered milk in a small silver glass to baba and in a small silver bowl I kept food in front of the latter idol.
While keeping the prasad I just prayed as “KINDLY ACCEPT MY SMALL PRASAD ON THIS PURE DAY” and then I went to get some flowers from my mom for other idols placed in our shrine.
When I enter the shrine, I noticed that the quantity of milk has been reduced. I remember very well that I have offered full glass of milk. When I took it my hand, I couldnt control my joy that I found the trace of Baba has drank it. Very clearly the drunk trace was visible in the glass. I realized that RamBaba has accepted my prasad on this day. I was really happy and thanked HIM for HE had accepted my small prasad.
In Bhagawat Gita Lord Krishna has mentioned that ONE WHO OFFERS ME A LEAF OR FLOWER OR FRUIT OR WATER WITH LOVE AND DEVOTION, HIS PURE FAITHFUL LOVE AND DEVOTION WILL BE ACCEPTED BY ME WITH EAGER AND WITHOUT ANY DELAY. I just remember that I realized how true it is! I feel that Baba has blessed me on RamNavami day. Really its an unexplainable moment.
On the contradictory, baba blessed me in another way also. We have read in Sai Satcharithra book that at Shirdi when ever a new function or work started, Baba used to get angry and shout at everyone. Same thing happened to me also on RamNavami day. I was scolded very harshly and rudely which I took it as a blessings of Baba in another form. What work I started and about, I will share it when the work gets completed with Baba's blessings because it's him who has started it.
Mylapore Sai Temple with Kailash decorated in Background on 20-2-2012 (Shiv Rathri)
Stick to Sai Stickers To Make Your Life Strong:Happy Baba's Day to All.
Dear Manishaji
Please share this leela. Last Thursday I took leave to finish the Sai Seva for Ram Navmi. Baba did not allow me to go out most of the day due to tight work. That was actually good time. But I had desire so went for evening arathi in a Sai Mandir with a very jerky life threatening experience.
Before the incident I boarded a share-van and felt happy to see five baba's roop in a single big sticker. Seeing this leela, I was in bliss remembering the lines "my joy knew no bounds" without any idea of the joy was to be short.
We were 7+1 in the van. While on the main road, suddenly a thunderous sound was heard and three of us were thrown off from back seat and dashed on persons sitting opposite. Coming to my senses, I turned back to see a huge college bus with students in it, collided with our van and the back side of our van was with very big dent.
In that severe jerk, the van door opened wide and we all jumped out so quickly taking our pulse with us. The driver of our van was hale & healthy and picked a big fight with the bus driver.
I thanked Baba heartily for saving all of us from any worst situation. I was relieved & said to Baba, so there are 8 Sai devotees in the van including driver. And Baba saved me through Hanuman :) Because I realized later that somehow Baba had to send me back home soon after Arathi to finish the task of designing Pdf files with audio for Ram Navami as assured to Manishaji.
Thank you Babaji & Manishaji for keeping me busy on Thursday especially working with ""Hanuman Chalisa"". If I had not taken leave, the destiny might have been different. HE allowed me with a simple jerk. I pray to Baba to pass an Act in Traffic Regulations, herein, all the vehicle owners should possess a Baba Sticker either on the front or back or inside to avoid karmic penalty. Babaji please save all your children from any such untoward incidents.
(Below is another experience shared by same devotee .)
Jai Jai Sai Ram
Beloved Mother Sai's Unexpected Blessings For Ram Navami:
Please share another leela. On Sunday night I went to Saibaba Temple at West Mambalam, Chennai on the occasion of Sri Ram Navami and offered some Oranges to HIM. The priest in turn gave one orange fruit as prasad.
Preparations were on for Shej Arathi. As I have to return soon, I made a casual remark to Baba, your Ram Navami Prasad is so simple and sorry for it is my mistake as could not visit in the day time to have some special prasad.
Yesterday i.e. Monday afternoon while in office, a strong desire stirred me. Baba tomorrow is Tuesday. Dhuni Pooja will be on at Mylapore Sai Temple but I am unable to a pre-book at this short time. I have seen some devotees who used to attend Dhuni Pooja just at the thought of a second and those are blessed to attend almost every week.
Thinking like this i reached home by 7.30 p.m. due to tight work triggered by scheduled power cuts. By 8.30 p.m. I received a phone call and was speechless, pinched myself to clear that it is not a dream. One of the familiar devotees whom we used to meet in temple called and said as her brother is not feeling well, she had left for hometown and requested me to collect her dhuni pooja receipt booked for tuesday which she has handed over to her colleague who resides nearby. She further requested to represent me on her behalf and collect the prasad so that she too can have it, that evening.
(Later understood that Baba is the reason for creating such desire in me by that afternoon to give twists & turns. By this method, HE arranges things for next day's program other-wise we cannot yield to HIS plan suddenly, and we all know many such instances in the book Sai Satcharitha, like HE will appear in a dream and call the devotee to HIS abode and next day some friend will come from no where to take him to Shirdi. Instead of dream, HE instilled a strong desire to attend dhuni pooja)
Still I asked Baba if this invitation is for myself or should I offer/ask any person who deserve, may be due to his/her problems as I have attended Dhuni Poojas before. And I am familiar with quite a number of devotees.
Because I believe if this is not for me, surely Baba will indicate to wait by giving another phone call from some other familiar devotee and link the situation.
The time is also too short to approach & offer this to any person. Saying so to know HIS answer, prayed and opened a page in the Holy Book Sri Sai Satcharitha. I was surprised and very much delighted for the lines HE gave me. One side of the coin with "Ram, laxman & Sita & back side is Hanuman.... and goes to say.... Baba asks Shama to keep the coin by telling..... why should we return".
Understood that this Dhuni Pooja Invitation is Baba's special blessings for Ram Navami. I ran to the pooja room and pinched the cheeks of Baba's idol (pratima). My mother was so happy to experience these things for she is so much devoted to Shri Ram and used to do Sundara kand Parayan.
This dhuni pooja's prasad will have a very limited amount of Rava Kesari sweet and ours is a joint family. So she told me let us not touch that and give it to its owner in the evening by keeping in the refrigerator. Instead she asked me to collect the temple's regular prasad of sweet rice.
Happily attended the Pooja without further realizing that Baba got my mother's words too. Will HE be quiet and just witness to our honest decision? Instead HE had busily made other plans by giving two big surprises.
Second surprise, normally for one receipt they will give one prasad bag. So I took out the disposable box to collect the regular sweet rice prasad as per my mother's instruction. Here I said earlier, Baba has got my mom's plan. With HIS invisible power, something pulled me to HIM again to the hall after the dhuni pooja and I did not have the mind to go to that regular prasad hall.
Dhuni pooja prasad distribution is over. The priest was about to go inside near garba gruha. Baba prompted me to this incident. With all due respects, humbly requested the priest If I can get this Dhuni Pooja prasad of more rava kesari. He in turn asked me whether got any container :) Myself immediately handed over the disposable box to HIM. And LO, without any delay, he went near to a silver bucket kept partly visible near Baba. Filled up the box full of Kesari Prasad covered the lid with extra care and handed over it to me. It looked as though Baba is waiting with the bucket :) to overrule my mom's instruction.
Till then myself was not aware of the bucket kept near Baba and we cannot get such extra prasad meant for specific purposes as officials are strict and organized. The priest uttered Baba's nector-like words, "it is Baba's special prasad for your family for ram navami." I came to the side of the hall and crying and crying closing my face, hugged Baba soulfully, thanked HIM like anything, saluted HIM for such affection and concern HE showed like a near relative. My mother was in great emotion & in tears to realize Baba's kind gesture of this much of dhuni prasad for a family.
In all we wish to say in great delight, show your unconditional love & affection for Baba, keep yourself in constant company with HIM, try to practice His teachings as far as possible. HE will surprise you with HIS love & affection and prove HIS presence for your family all through the life. Baba is Great.
The joy you derive in HIS company is unparalleled.
Sacchidhanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
(Sai baba Ji's photo attached as desired by devotee)
My Prayers To Sai Through My Sister:
Lord Sainath helps you in many situation. Let the situation be as tiny as ant or as huge as elephant. I am so happy that i am getting a chance to share my experience on this website. Thanks Manisha Didi
Manisha Didi, before i start writing about my experience, i want thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing such noble service for the Sai devotees. Especially people residing abroad. Please do not reveal my name and ID. This incident I experienced it last week so thought I would share it with devotee. This is my very first article on this website. Please make changes where ever you feel like in case i did any mistakes while typing it out.
Before I start with my experience I want to say that I came to know more about Sainath in beginning of 2012. From the starting of the new year I have been facing a personal problem. ts about my marriage. By Sainaths grace I got job on time otherwise I would have been forced to leave USA as my VISA was about to expire and I was jobless. But Sainath helped me.
I love a guy very much but as he is out of our religion there is problem from the guys house. But I still pray before lord everyday to help both of us.
One of my friends who is a Sai bhakt told me about the Sai vrat. I heard her and thought of doing it but due to some reason I could not start it early in January. Then finally i made up my mind that I would start the vrat early February.
I didn't tell anything to my mom (who is in Orissa)about it. After I did one Thursday, I felt the grace of Sai in our home. There was problem at home (back in India) which was not getting solved at all. But after I did my vrat on the very First Thursday. The problem got solved in a week.
I could sense and hear the smile in my mother's tone after a long time. I bowed before Sai and thanked him.
After this problem was solved I told my mom to offer some prasad at Shirdi Sainath idol which she worships at home. She directly asked me why only to Lord Sainath. I told her that i have started with Vrat puja. She was surprised because she had also plan to start the Vrat puja the very next Thursday. She told my that my elder Sister (she is in Mumbai)started this vrat just the previous Thursday. Is this not a Leela we both sisters started the vrat almost at the same time, praying for the same thing and now my mom was going to start the vrat!!None of us told anything to anyone that we would start the vrat. I was so happy to hear this. I thanked Sai that though I am miles away from mother and sister but you made me do the vrat when my family also decided to do back at home.
My personal problem is not yet solved but I trust Sai he will help me. Last week i saw that prayer request will be sent to Shirdi Sai temple on 25 of April. I wanted to send my prayers too. I tried almost 4 time to send it through your website but due to some problem i was unable to send the prayer through the website. I was upset that day many negative thought start arising in my mind. The next morning I called up my mother and i was talking to her and while talking to her I found that my sister has completed her vrat and she is going to Shirdi after 2 days.
I was so happy I called her and told her to pray for me. Sainath made send my prayers though my sister and that too so early. Today i spoke with my sister and she told me about the beautiful darshan and abhishekam she got to see at Shirdi. I was very happy to hear that.Sai nath bless every soul. I pray to Sai to solve our problems.
Last week visited a website It is website of Sainath where we input number thinking about our problem and ask Sai for help. And immediately there would be some suggestion displayed on the website. Last week out of curosity i entered a number in the morning,the suggestion what was displayed said that I WOULD MEET WITH AN ACCIDENT, A LETTER WILL SAVE ME. I read it but did not understand. Later in evening, yes I did have an accident in my lab and it was my mistake (I work in a lab in University of Michigan) i mailed my supervisor told her about it. I was scared what would be her reply but she send me a mail not to worry about it so much, everything will be fine. In the evening when i got home I prayed in front of Sai thanking him so much.
Sainath you have helped me so much there are so many other incidents too. But my prayers are for my marriage with the guy I love. Lord help my sister too. Sainath please do some miracle. I would be indebted to you till my death.
Manisha Didi i regularly visit this website and gain self confidence and increase my confidence on Sai. I came to know about Sai very late. But i remembered unless and until Sai doesn't want we cannot even hear anything about him. Sai made my mother, sister and me as his devotee at the same time. Though all of us are miles apart from each other Baba has tied us together with His love other than our own family bond. Please pray for us .Shree Sainath Sadchitanad Maharaj ki jai. I am uploading a picture Of sai which I worship.
Baba Ki Kripa:First of all Jai Sai Ram to Manisha Didi & all Sai Devotee:
A day before the Ashtami of Navratra, when in the morning i was praying to Baba with full devotion at home that "Baba please give me darshan as i want to hug you & touch your feet. Baba you can come in any form but we are so ignorant that we didn't recognize you". I was offering all these prayers before a beautiful red colored close up face of Baba's photo in our small temple at home.
When i was continuously seeing at Baba's face, i saw that a black colored worm(pea worm type)was coming out of the ear of Shri Sai Baba.On seeing this i was really shocked & surprised, how it can be, if a worm crawl on the flat surface it is possible,but how can be a worm in a coming out position from the ear.
Believe me it was a miracle.Then my mind became blank.It then started to crawl near the face & I took a polythene kept nearby & i wanted to catch it in it.In the second moment it fell on my right hand(I just feel the movement)& i shake my hand in response. I tried ! to locate that worm on the floor but couldn't find.
Baba fulfilled my wish to touch HIS feet in the form of worm when it fell on my hand & i feel the movement of the feet. Thank you Sai Baba.
I feel bad that Baba came in the form of a worm & i just shook him away,thinking so i went to office. Then being a human being second thought came into my mind that may be the worm has came along with coconut which i kept before Mata's idol during Navratra.
As i reach office the first thing i do is i read "Sai Sacharitra". I opened a page randomly. Can you believe me what came written on the page"Jo mera smaran karta hai uska mujhe sadaiv hi dhyan rehta hai,mujhe yatra ke liye koi bhi sadan ki avyashakta nahi hai. Jo mujhe prem se pukarta hai uske sammukh main avilamb hi pragat ho jata huon".English translation: "I always think of him who remembers Me. I require no conveyance, carriage, tanga, nor train nor aeroplane. I run and manifest myself to him who lovingly calls me.
On reading this tears came into my eyes that Baba not only do a miracle but also clear our doubts.
Next when i was writing this experience on the site, my husband came to my office for some work due to which I couldn't complete it, so i left the page without writing completely. But Baba knows his leelas. On that evening, one of the Sai Bhakt from Roorkee who used to send me messages of Sai Baba sent me message.Oh my Sai you are great!Same message came into my mobile'Jo bhi mujhe prem se pukarta hai main uske sammukh avilamb hi praghat ho jata huon"English translation: "I always think of him who remembers Me. I require no conveyance, carriage, tanga, nor train nor aeroplane. I run and manifest myself to him who lovingly calls me.
This is also another Baba's Leela that i couldn't complete my experience in the morning as Baba wanted me to share the complete leela that happened in the evening of message .
Thank You Sai Baba for everything.
Jai Sai Ram
Anju Koul
Sai Baba Wallpaper Addiction:
8 months back my dad bought me an new mobile which is SAMSUNG WAVE.From childhood i am fond of photography, my digital cam is fully loaded with pics of mine, friends, family.
I am very crazy towards photo. My habit is such that i click beautiful stills of myself and will use that as my mobile and PC wallpaper.That was my usual practice.
I used to download images from Sai baba devotees column.Once i kept Sai baba’s image as wallpaper in both my mobile and myPC.Don’t know from then what miracle happened. I could not replace any other image other than Him.
Even though i tried to change some other images,it doesnt lasts for more than 2 minutes it immediately replace that with Sai baba image as my wallpaper.This miracle of mine may be short but i feel many devotees would have surely experienced this in their lives..OM SAI RAM..Sai is the living God.Dont worry for anything in your life dear readers baba will take care of everything.
Sai Expereince At ThirunallaruSairam,
In the first week of this month - I was in India to attend marriage function. On 1st March 12 - night i took bus to Karaikkal from Chennai to visit Thirunallaru.,
Earlier I was reading Saisatcharithra - BABA blessed his devotes in many ways - as the devotee like the same way. So I thought myself ,I am going to Thirunallaru temple ( IT is SANIBHAVAN TEMPLE- EVEN NASA Officials visited this temple recently)
So I requested BABA - i want BABA to give darshan to me - and I prayed for the same. Believe it or not from Karakkal to Thirunallaru -on way of road - I saw a big photo of SAIBABA on the right side.For me never I saw such big photos on road- always used to see mini size -pocket size photo.
Moreover again in the Temple tank while taking bath - just opposite there was Sai temple .
I thanked BABA for His dharsan during my Thirunallaru visit.
Selvamg Gurusamy
A Job With Baba's Blessing Alone:Thank you Manisha didi for the great service you provide for all the Sai devotees. I want to share a great experience I had recently ONLY due to Sai Baba's blessing
I have been experiencing Baba's blessings in many ways. The most recent and big one is when Baba blessed me with a new job with much better pay, a great opportunity, and with a great company. Please pardon me as this is very long story. I will try to shorten this as much as I can.
For the past 1.5 years I have been wasting my money visiting psychic sites and in debt right now. There is no way I could pay it off with the salary I am earning right now. Even though I was praying to Baba at these times for some reason Psychics with false promises provided me some kind of comfort. I do not know what I was thinking at the time. Recently I told Baba that I will quit going to psychics but I will need his help.
I have been applying for new jobs as my current job requires tons of travel and the pay is not that great and I do not enjoy the work I do. But no one called me. Two weeks ago a friend of mine called me with an opportunity and asked me to apply but I had to pick a contract company in order to apply through them. I did so, two Thursdays ago on Baba's day and was happy with my choice.
Few hours after that we got a phone call from my Aunty in India that my Grandma passed away. Sad but I felt she was near me, blessing me, happy the choice I made and even dreamed of her talking to me couple of times after her passing.
But all these times amidst all this I was also very worried about securing this job. I started thinking of a number in my mind to seek advice from Baba through the site
This is what I got ""After surrendering to Sri Sainath immediately, you will acquire pleasure. You will have pleasure of work fulfillment. You will pass the exam. You will get a job."
So I took that as a good sign. If I quit going to psychics and trust only in Baba I WILL get this job.
After this I took different numbers many times I ended up getting something with the word SUCCESS in it.
I was scheduled to do the interview on a Monday. I took the interview and left the place feeling positive. The very next day, Tuesday at 10:55 AM I got a call from my contract company. As I saw their Ph# I thought "they are calling so soon. Maybe to deliver the bad news." But the news was great. I got the job.
I Thanked Baba with all my heart and promised that I will visit him on Thursday. I wanted to attend Morning Aarti but not sure if I can since I have to go to office and turn in my resignation. I went to the temple and luckily Aarti was going on at that time. I prayed to Baba and thanked him tons for securing this job for me. It was only because of him I got this job.
After I opened my eyes and looked at Baba's idol's face I saw him smiling. I know that I am not making this up for sure I saw him smiling. When I was about to leave the Priest called me near him and asked me if I could make Sandal paste for them to put on Baba's idol. For whatever reason I said at first that I've to go to work. Then I said, I will do it really quick. I didn't want to miss that opportunity. Priest thanked me for the Seva. I was so happy Priest through Baba picked me of all the people present there to do this Seva for him.
I am a Christian and I was also wearing cross on my chain the day I visited the temple. I take this as a blessing from Baba for sure. I felt like he was telling me he's happy I let go bad decisions and that he's ALWAYS listening to my prayers.
Now I've one more hurdle to pass. HR is supposed to schedule some time with me to fill out few forms before I start my job next week. They still have not contacted me. I am/was worried about this. I made phone calls and left a voicemail and still no response. This evening I took another number and Baba told me "You do not think more. Your mind has to rest. Remember Shree SaiBaba. Understand that there is no difference among Lords Ram, Krishna & Sainath. Then everything will alright." I know everything will be fine soon with his blessings.
I always ask Baba to get rid of my ego. I now know that I do not need anyone but Baba and his blessings along with my parents blessings. Baba never lets you down. He loves and adores each and everyone of us. May Baba's blessing be with you all :)
Chavadi blessings:My name is preeti.I am a Sai Baba’s devotee from my child hood days.I pray and like baba from within, as I did not know how to worship but I like him through my heart .
I wanted to go to Shirdi after a long duration of wait I could visit Shirdi. The experience was a very wonderful one at Shirdi .
I went to Shirdi and to chavdi, I bowed at Baba’ss feet and as I turned there was a priest who came from outside in a hurried manner and gave me a coconut which was at babas feet .There were many others standing with me ,not only did the priest gave me the coconut but also told me a nice word in Hindi ,I was taking the coconut in my hands ,but the priest told me beti aisle nahi lete apne joli me barke jao(Dont take like this ,fill it in your bag).I was just sooooo happy that I could not believe on blessing of Baba .Jai Sai Om Sai.
Share Your Sai Experience :HERE.


wonderful experiences...
Today, I am feeling content with so many wonderful experiences...
Like to thank everyone who is part of today's post for sharing their experiences.
May BABA keep showering His blessings on everyone.
Om Sai Rama
I am devotee of baba, all my family members have went to shiridi except me! I feel that baba is not satisfied with my devotion. I feel very sad when ever i think of shiridi. Please baba take me to shiridi and have your darshan whole heartedly though i have many other problems i never felt them bigger than not having my baba's darshan. when my baba will have his grace on me?
Great experiences which increases our faith in multifold. Didi, Thanks a lot - Deva
Om Sai Ram
I had turned to be atheist quite a time back..but recently one of my college friend asked me to worship sai baba...although at the very beginning I did not agree really but later on gradually I was encouraged to pray him...and this encouragement come from the experiences that I used to readread......
I am a c.a final student trying my luck out for bank preparations...and I am in a relationship with a mariner..i mean with a rajput boy who is in merchant 2nd officer..i am a daughter of a strict disciplinarian Bengali father.....
we are ielationship ip for past four years and with daysand time our love has strengthened...But it seems that the stronger our love the sstrongest are the criticisms from both the families.....his family is absolutely against and so is my dad..because according to my fathrr he is the worst boy he cpuld ever get as my partner..strangely my father has neither seen him nor have heard of him..but it is his personal conviction which perhaps i can never change ... I truly respect my dads opinion but leaving my love at the cost of baseless judegments of my dad is not justifiable to me....
I have been praying to saisaibaba ji.....even I sleep those worst thoughts of getting seperated from my love haunts me...i have become an ardent believer of saiibaba ji...but there is always a question that hovers me really baba with us....with our love...because its a tussle of a father and daughter...Or...mother and a son....parents are the most auspicious gift of life..and surely I can die for mymy parents ......and I truly respect their feelings..but sacrificing our love on the cost of such judgements is ridiculous.....I would just like to request and pray to baba to help me thru out......plz if any of you could help me regarding the procedures of how to do nav guruwar vrat..
Om saai ram..
I had turned to be atheist quite a time back..but recently one of my college friend asked me to worship sai baba...although at the very beginning I did not agree really but later on gradually I was encouraged to pray him...and this encouragement come from the experiences that I used to readread......
I am a c.a final student trying my luck out for bank preparations...and I am in a relationship with a mariner..i mean with a rajput boy who is in merchant 2nd officer..i am a daughter of a strict disciplinarian Bengali father.....
we are ielationship ip for past four years and with daysand time our love has strengthened...But it seems that the stronger our love the sstrongest are the criticisms from both the families.....his family is absolutely against and so is my dad..because according to my fathrr he is the worst boy he cpuld ever get as my partner..strangely my father has neither seen him nor have heard of him..but it is his personal conviction which perhaps i can never change ... I truly respect my dads opinion but leaving my love at the cost of baseless judegments of my dad is not justifiable to me....
I have been praying to saisaibaba ji.....even I sleep those worst thoughts of getting seperated from my love haunts me...i have become an ardent believer of saiibaba ji...but there is always a question that hovers me really baba with us....with our love...because its a tussle of a father and daughter...Or...mother and a son....parents are the most auspicious gift of life..and surely I can die for mymy parents ......and I truly respect their feelings..but sacrificing our love on the cost of such judgements is ridiculous.....I would just like to request and pray to baba to help me thru out......plz if any of you could help me regarding the procedures of how to do nav guruwar vrat..
Om saai ram..