Dear all,
Happy Baba's day
It is the blessing of Baba that reaches to His children everytime any Sai bhakt share His experience through this website. Baba's infinite love is ever flowing like the waves in the ocean.These waves calms and soothes our heart and soul and give meaning to our lives.Each Sai leela shared is someway related to our life and imparts immense strength to the reader who are in distress and looking for relief.
Let us keep sharing and keep drinking the nectar of Baba's love in the form of these SaiLeela's.It is rightly quoted in Shri Sai Satcharitra"If you daily hear the Leelas (stories) of Sai, you will always see Him. Day and night you will remember Him in your mind, When you assimilate Sai in this way, your mind will lose its fickleness and if you go on in this manner, it will finally be merged in pure Consciousness.".Jai Sai Ram .
Thank you for all your service.Please publish this Saileela .Please keep my identity anonymous.
Dear readers
I wan to share a wonderful experience of Saima.
As usual in the morning I was going through this website and was reading one of his leela's experinced by our sai family member.
In that leela the sai devotee wanted to see baba so desperately and by that evening when the devotee was in the auto the devotee saw baba's picture.
Some how I was carried away. I too felt will this happen to me too. In India most of the vehicles have Saima's photo.I live in USA. As I am just a human I started talking to Baba " Baba, Please can you show me your presence today. Please Saima I want to feel you.How here can I see you. Here I don't go in auto nor today i am planning to go to your temple. So only when I reach home I can see you. So, how will I see you by the time I reach home."
And later with the busy work schedule I totally forgot about all this. That after noon my close friend said she is leaving to home. I said bye and she left. Later after half an hour she called me and asked me to come down to the lobby. So I did. There she introduced her guest who is a great celebrity in India and a true devotee of baba. And after she introduced me to him and after talking to him He came to know that I love baba too.
Then he said he has Saiyantram got all the way from India and said he will send it to me and which he did . I thanked him and about to leave then he all of a sudden pulled his long chain and showed me the locket and said that it was very dear thing with him.
To my surprise my hands were on my mouth to see baba on it. Is this not a true true miracle to say that baba is with us.No bounds of happiness as I got the answer for the question I forgot. Though I am facing certain difficulties it shows that he is with me and I need to wait with patience. The problems we face are in accordance to our karma and God is pulling us to him in this way.I felt shamed and said sorry to baba that i didn't want to test you only thing is I wanted to feel Him.
And that celebrity sent me Sai yantram, key chain picture and a ring. I still wonder how did this happen how could he come only on that day when i talked to baba.
And why did my colleague after leaving the office got back to make me meet him.
This all is nothing than baba's leela. He is all around us.
SaiRam! Manisha ji,
After Baba pulled his sparrow to HIM, the blessed sparrow is experiencing miracles after miracles. I am also one of the sparrow among those. Sai is the only one who can clearly understand our innermost thoughts, give value to that and response to the same. Really I don have words to explain my this experience. This is my 3rd experience I am going to share today. My first one was Baba helped me in loan sanction and second was Sai blessings in Shirdi.(Sai Baba's Grace-Experience Of Sai Devotees-Part 36.)
Two days back while I was doing some chore, suddenly my mind started to think that Baba has come to my home, He sat on the front step and is talking to me and my neighbours and HE is taking some food in my home.
Suddenly I come out of that thinking and thought it's a day dream and left it.
Yesterday night(March 19th) a sad thing happened because of which I was upset and worried. At midnight I stood in fornt of Baba idol and said my worries to HIM. I felt why Baba is not listening to my prayers and felt that there is a big distance between me and HIM and hence HE is not blessing me in all ways. With this thinking I went to sleep.
Today morning(March 20th)suddenly near to my home we heard some song. Initially I thought the singing of song was coming from my neighbours home but when the sound was loud and very near to my home I realized its BABA'S song and I rushed outside to see .Iwas surprised in what I saw. Its was a SaiBaba yatra. In a vehicle lot of SaiBaba's photo was kept and Baba's song was playing.
They stopped just in front of my home. I went to them and came to know that they have come from Shirdi. I did not expect this at all. To the surprise, out of 5 people, one lady like grandma spoke in Tamil. She herself came to me and started to tell everything in tamil(she used hindi in between).
Its was a yatra from Shirdi to Rameshwaram temple. They were collecting dakshan like rice, money, water, coconut etc for Annathanam at Rameshwaram. (RAMESHWARAM IS IN TAMILNADU. ITS A FAMOUS LORD RAMA'S TEMPLE). We gave money, coconut, Banana and made them to sit in a shadow and gave them Lemon juice.
That grandma was holding my hand and lots of time said SAI BABA WILL BLESS YOU ALWAYS DONT WORRY. She was so much happy which she expressed by keep hand by blessing me. Really she blessed me more than 10 times with the same sentence.
She asked me regarding my marriage. I said I am not yet married and my parents are seeing the alliance. Immediately she kept her hand on my head and said SAI, HE HIMSELF WILL SEND YOU A GOOD GUY AND YOUR MARRIAGE WILL BE HELD WITH HIS BLESSINGS VERY SOON. (actually since 3-4 months a problem is going on in my home due to this marriage talk. To be frank me and my father are not talking term for about 2 months due to the same). When that grandma blessed me regarding marriage, every one in my home was happy.She asked about my brother and said Sai will bless my brother also.
My neighbour's also came and donated some money. That grandma did not talk to anybody else. She spoke only to me. She gave me SaiBaba photo along with Udi, Kunkumam and flowers.
We are staying in this home for about 23 years. Our home is in little interior from the main town. So ,so far no one has come like this for donation or anything. Today is the first time Baba's yatra came to our home for donation. FIRST TIME. That too, when there are lots of houses in our colony, I dont know how exactly they stopped the vehicle in front of our home. While returning also they did not stop at any house. Straight away they went to main road.
I remembered my day dream and realized it has become true. I was in such a bliss which I haven't experienced so far. Really I have no words to express my joy. HE broke the distance between me and HIM, HE has increased my faith 200% and lot more.
While returning that grandma turned to me and said SAI WILL BLESS YOU ALWAYS DONT WORRY. After this they left, I stood in front of baba idol and cried out of joy.
One more Sai Leela happened at the same time. Without knowing that my mom has given the coconut already, I took one coconut from my home and was giving to her and suddenly my mom took it from my hand and said, I gave already no need to give again. I felt bit hurted and thought why my mom did this.
At that moment I couldn't say anything. I kept quiet.After they left I got angry on my mom asked why she did not allow to give another coconut?. She said why to give extra. I got so much angry but did not wish to fight so I kept quiet and went to Baba's idol and I apologized for that.
After some time, our maid(she is also baba devotee) called me to kitchen. She whispered that its good that you did not give that coconut because it was spoiled and she showed me the spoiled one and she said Baba has saved us from giving that spoiled one.(She had broken that coconut for cooking) I had no words to say. Immediately I thanked HIM and told to my mom also. He cleared me that HE always blesses me and save me from doing things which are not correct as well as protect me from difficulties.
Thank you BABA.
I am really blessed to get your unmeasurable love and blessings.
Dear readers, I am sorry for such a lengthy story. Kindly padorn me.
Om SaiRam!
Hello Manisha Didi,
I really don't know how to start. I heard about Saibaba for the first time during my school time from my brother when he went to Shirdi. I always had a thought that I want to go to Shirdi but it never happened for very very long time. I was blessed for the first time by baba in February 2009.
Last year in June 2011, we got to know that my mother has breast cancer and we all were really scared. From the time my mother identified the knot in her breast, even when test were being done, I told my mother to apply Baba's udi on the place of the knot.
The test revealed that she is actually having cancer and doctor suggested surgery. The day before the surgery, when my mummy was going to the hospital, I again told her to apply udi on the affected area and mix udi with water and drink it. I don't know why me and my mother had full faith that this will cure my mother. Next day surgery happened and the sample was sent for biopsy to decide next course of action. When the biopsy results came we felt the blessings of our Sai. The results indicated that the cancer is just at the starting stage and she does not need any sort of medication. We all had tears in our eyes and we all thanked Saibaba for His blessings.I am sure without His grace this was not possible.
Om Sri Sainathay Namah.
Ashma .
Hello Manishaji
Hope you all, doing fine. We understood Baba is terribly busy for HIS devotees keeping company with us even in small matters, only to give confidence. HE is there in every part of our life. Like sighting UFOs, HE thrills us when sighting HIM but in sweet ways like we meet our dearest ones unexpectedly in different places. Both Baba and UFOs are beyond our intellect. But Baba is Un-Fathomable Object. May Baba give faith even to non-devotees and take them into HIS fold and increase faith to devotees who have moderate belief in HIM.
Please share HIS leela, be it subtle ways. Thanks to Baba for helping me write HIS leelas. These three leelas mean a lot for devotees who believe in HIM so much. Our beloved Sai visits in all dealings & keep us in awe. HE takes effort :) to remind us remember HIM constantly at every moment. Below is the testimony to HIS sweet infectious leelas.
1) Bought some medicines for my father. Suddenly took doctor's prescription to check the strength of the tablets. He had not mentioned any number. I did not leave at that, even when the doctor's slip did not warrant it. But took the lens & started searching for the number only to get enlightened not at the strength of the drug but at the strength of Baba. When moved the lens over the tablet strip, the words instantly appeared to my outer eyes or inner eyes is ''Sai Road'' of the drug manufacturing company address. Below is the snap of that ex-Sai-ting experience. I understood Baba wanted to let us know, HE is everywhere & HIS strength is that of a tiny atom in split condition.
2) My neighbour has gone for a pilgrimage to Guruvayoor (Guruvayoorappan-Lord Krishna Temple) & other temples in Kerala. As the Lord there is famous for curing diseases, it happened as a Sai incident, Baba made my mother to do parayan of famous sanskrit work ''Narayaneeyam'' for the past couple of months, for her recurring stomach pain .
On this Narayaneeyam work on Lord Guruvayoorappan, its Author & its power to cure, link posted here for those interested(
when she came to know about my neighbour's proposed visit to Guruvayoor, she was happy & gave her part of donation to put in hundi at Guruvayoorappan Temple. Baba helped her give dakshina to the temple through my neighbour.
Couple of days back, Baba's will, myself visited mylapore temple, chennai. After finishing prayers, I am not in the thought of buying any baba related items as time is running out late night. Still HE pulled me to the shop in the temple to check the latest items. Usually they will display a single themed 3D-Card. And on that day the only 3D Card bundle that were present, at one tilt you will find Baba & other way, you will find Sakshaath Sri Guruvayoorappan. Photo of the card is below. That was a thrilling experience. I shouted like HAAAAA. Everyone around was vague at my reaction. I bought those cards & when I gave one to my mother she was all in tears to understand Baba acknowledged her prayers. Baba's grace her stomach pain has considerably reduced to nil at this point of time. Baba proved that HE is in every God or every other God is in HIM.
3) Recently went to a thread shop to buy elastic for some stitching. The shopkeeper swirled a pack on the table. How would you take the picture printed on the cover, even when the name is not a concern. Snapped below.
Om Sai Ram friends
I would like to share my experience about Sairam.My sim card got automatically deactivated suddenly.I got scared.Since i dont have any copies of my contacts,even in my phone I was worried how I would get all the numbers??
I prayed whole heartedly to Sai Ram.Next day morning it got activated .Still now It is working very well That was miracle for me since the sim card was already a duplicate one almost 4 to 5 yrs back I had bought.Baba saved me from unnecessary hassle.
Another incident was when i got a job.Actually we went to a company only to do our project onl.During that period we were not aware that we are going to get any job their.In the last day of our project they called us and said if we are interested to work we can continue with this organisation .I was very happy and wondered on Baba's blessing!!! Because a day before I had prayed to Sai ram if i could get job in this company it would be so good (since our family is stuck with lot of financial problems.).It is purely Baba's blessing as we all know that no one will get a job without having an interview,group discussion ,aps and all.
Am really very happy.So friends Have Faith On Sai Ram then things will Happen automatically good......
Have A Bright Future Ahead !
I am Sucheta from Gujarat!
All this started when my grandfather passed away in 2008. We both were very attached to each other. I was really very sad that day and prayed to Sai baba to bring back my grandfather. At night around 8:30 I stopped by my dada's(grandfather's) picture and offered him Rs.5 that I had.
My mother and father had gone to Sai baba's temple as it was Thursday. The 5 rupees that I had offered to my grandather's photo had disappeared and I knew immediately that he had given me blessings all because of Sairam's grace.
Jai Sai ram to all of you! May god bless you all!
Share Your Sai Experience :HERE.
© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details
Happy Baba's day
It is the blessing of Baba that reaches to His children everytime any Sai bhakt share His experience through this website. Baba's infinite love is ever flowing like the waves in the ocean.These waves calms and soothes our heart and soul and give meaning to our lives.Each Sai leela shared is someway related to our life and imparts immense strength to the reader who are in distress and looking for relief.
Let us keep sharing and keep drinking the nectar of Baba's love in the form of these SaiLeela's.It is rightly quoted in Shri Sai Satcharitra"If you daily hear the Leelas (stories) of Sai, you will always see Him. Day and night you will remember Him in your mind, When you assimilate Sai in this way, your mind will lose its fickleness and if you go on in this manner, it will finally be merged in pure Consciousness.".Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manisha didi
Baba Showed Me His Presence:
Thank you for all your service.Please publish this Saileela .Please keep my identity anonymous.
Dear readers
I wan to share a wonderful experience of Saima.
As usual in the morning I was going through this website and was reading one of his leela's experinced by our sai family member.
In that leela the sai devotee wanted to see baba so desperately and by that evening when the devotee was in the auto the devotee saw baba's picture.
Some how I was carried away. I too felt will this happen to me too. In India most of the vehicles have Saima's photo.I live in USA. As I am just a human I started talking to Baba " Baba, Please can you show me your presence today. Please Saima I want to feel you.How here can I see you. Here I don't go in auto nor today i am planning to go to your temple. So only when I reach home I can see you. So, how will I see you by the time I reach home."
And later with the busy work schedule I totally forgot about all this. That after noon my close friend said she is leaving to home. I said bye and she left. Later after half an hour she called me and asked me to come down to the lobby. So I did. There she introduced her guest who is a great celebrity in India and a true devotee of baba. And after she introduced me to him and after talking to him He came to know that I love baba too.
Then he said he has Saiyantram got all the way from India and said he will send it to me and which he did . I thanked him and about to leave then he all of a sudden pulled his long chain and showed me the locket and said that it was very dear thing with him.
To my surprise my hands were on my mouth to see baba on it. Is this not a true true miracle to say that baba is with us.No bounds of happiness as I got the answer for the question I forgot. Though I am facing certain difficulties it shows that he is with me and I need to wait with patience. The problems we face are in accordance to our karma and God is pulling us to him in this way.I felt shamed and said sorry to baba that i didn't want to test you only thing is I wanted to feel Him.
And that celebrity sent me Sai yantram, key chain picture and a ring. I still wonder how did this happen how could he come only on that day when i talked to baba.
And why did my colleague after leaving the office got back to make me meet him.
This all is nothing than baba's leela. He is all around us.
Sai Baba Came To My Home Today Morning:
SaiRam! Manisha ji,
After Baba pulled his sparrow to HIM, the blessed sparrow is experiencing miracles after miracles. I am also one of the sparrow among those. Sai is the only one who can clearly understand our innermost thoughts, give value to that and response to the same. Really I don have words to explain my this experience. This is my 3rd experience I am going to share today. My first one was Baba helped me in loan sanction and second was Sai blessings in Shirdi.(Sai Baba's Grace-Experience Of Sai Devotees-Part 36.)
Two days back while I was doing some chore, suddenly my mind started to think that Baba has come to my home, He sat on the front step and is talking to me and my neighbours and HE is taking some food in my home.
Suddenly I come out of that thinking and thought it's a day dream and left it.
Yesterday night(March 19th) a sad thing happened because of which I was upset and worried. At midnight I stood in fornt of Baba idol and said my worries to HIM. I felt why Baba is not listening to my prayers and felt that there is a big distance between me and HIM and hence HE is not blessing me in all ways. With this thinking I went to sleep.
Today morning(March 20th)suddenly near to my home we heard some song. Initially I thought the singing of song was coming from my neighbours home but when the sound was loud and very near to my home I realized its BABA'S song and I rushed outside to see .Iwas surprised in what I saw. Its was a SaiBaba yatra. In a vehicle lot of SaiBaba's photo was kept and Baba's song was playing.
They stopped just in front of my home. I went to them and came to know that they have come from Shirdi. I did not expect this at all. To the surprise, out of 5 people, one lady like grandma spoke in Tamil. She herself came to me and started to tell everything in tamil(she used hindi in between).
Its was a yatra from Shirdi to Rameshwaram temple. They were collecting dakshan like rice, money, water, coconut etc for Annathanam at Rameshwaram. (RAMESHWARAM IS IN TAMILNADU. ITS A FAMOUS LORD RAMA'S TEMPLE). We gave money, coconut, Banana and made them to sit in a shadow and gave them Lemon juice.
That grandma was holding my hand and lots of time said SAI BABA WILL BLESS YOU ALWAYS DONT WORRY. She was so much happy which she expressed by keep hand by blessing me. Really she blessed me more than 10 times with the same sentence.
She asked me regarding my marriage. I said I am not yet married and my parents are seeing the alliance. Immediately she kept her hand on my head and said SAI, HE HIMSELF WILL SEND YOU A GOOD GUY AND YOUR MARRIAGE WILL BE HELD WITH HIS BLESSINGS VERY SOON. (actually since 3-4 months a problem is going on in my home due to this marriage talk. To be frank me and my father are not talking term for about 2 months due to the same). When that grandma blessed me regarding marriage, every one in my home was happy.She asked about my brother and said Sai will bless my brother also.
My neighbour's also came and donated some money. That grandma did not talk to anybody else. She spoke only to me. She gave me SaiBaba photo along with Udi, Kunkumam and flowers.
We are staying in this home for about 23 years. Our home is in little interior from the main town. So ,so far no one has come like this for donation or anything. Today is the first time Baba's yatra came to our home for donation. FIRST TIME. That too, when there are lots of houses in our colony, I dont know how exactly they stopped the vehicle in front of our home. While returning also they did not stop at any house. Straight away they went to main road.
I remembered my day dream and realized it has become true. I was in such a bliss which I haven't experienced so far. Really I have no words to express my joy. HE broke the distance between me and HIM, HE has increased my faith 200% and lot more.
While returning that grandma turned to me and said SAI WILL BLESS YOU ALWAYS DONT WORRY. After this they left, I stood in front of baba idol and cried out of joy.
One more Sai Leela happened at the same time. Without knowing that my mom has given the coconut already, I took one coconut from my home and was giving to her and suddenly my mom took it from my hand and said, I gave already no need to give again. I felt bit hurted and thought why my mom did this.
At that moment I couldn't say anything. I kept quiet.After they left I got angry on my mom asked why she did not allow to give another coconut?. She said why to give extra. I got so much angry but did not wish to fight so I kept quiet and went to Baba's idol and I apologized for that.
After some time, our maid(she is also baba devotee) called me to kitchen. She whispered that its good that you did not give that coconut because it was spoiled and she showed me the spoiled one and she said Baba has saved us from giving that spoiled one.(She had broken that coconut for cooking) I had no words to say. Immediately I thanked HIM and told to my mom also. He cleared me that HE always blesses me and save me from doing things which are not correct as well as protect me from difficulties.
Thank you BABA.
I am really blessed to get your unmeasurable love and blessings.
Dear readers, I am sorry for such a lengthy story. Kindly padorn me.
Om SaiRam!
Saibaba Blessed My Mother:
Hello Manisha Didi,
I really don't know how to start. I heard about Saibaba for the first time during my school time from my brother when he went to Shirdi. I always had a thought that I want to go to Shirdi but it never happened for very very long time. I was blessed for the first time by baba in February 2009.
Last year in June 2011, we got to know that my mother has breast cancer and we all were really scared. From the time my mother identified the knot in her breast, even when test were being done, I told my mother to apply Baba's udi on the place of the knot.
The test revealed that she is actually having cancer and doctor suggested surgery. The day before the surgery, when my mummy was going to the hospital, I again told her to apply udi on the affected area and mix udi with water and drink it. I don't know why me and my mother had full faith that this will cure my mother. Next day surgery happened and the sample was sent for biopsy to decide next course of action. When the biopsy results came we felt the blessings of our Sai. The results indicated that the cancer is just at the starting stage and she does not need any sort of medication. We all had tears in our eyes and we all thanked Saibaba for His blessings.I am sure without His grace this was not possible.
Om Sri Sainathay Namah.
Ashma .
Sai Incidents Are Not Coincidents :
Hello Manishaji
Hope you all, doing fine. We understood Baba is terribly busy for HIS devotees keeping company with us even in small matters, only to give confidence. HE is there in every part of our life. Like sighting UFOs, HE thrills us when sighting HIM but in sweet ways like we meet our dearest ones unexpectedly in different places. Both Baba and UFOs are beyond our intellect. But Baba is Un-Fathomable Object. May Baba give faith even to non-devotees and take them into HIS fold and increase faith to devotees who have moderate belief in HIM.
Please share HIS leela, be it subtle ways. Thanks to Baba for helping me write HIS leelas. These three leelas mean a lot for devotees who believe in HIM so much. Our beloved Sai visits in all dealings & keep us in awe. HE takes effort :) to remind us remember HIM constantly at every moment. Below is the testimony to HIS sweet infectious leelas.
1) Bought some medicines for my father. Suddenly took doctor's prescription to check the strength of the tablets. He had not mentioned any number. I did not leave at that, even when the doctor's slip did not warrant it. But took the lens & started searching for the number only to get enlightened not at the strength of the drug but at the strength of Baba. When moved the lens over the tablet strip, the words instantly appeared to my outer eyes or inner eyes is ''Sai Road'' of the drug manufacturing company address. Below is the snap of that ex-Sai-ting experience. I understood Baba wanted to let us know, HE is everywhere & HIS strength is that of a tiny atom in split condition.
2) My neighbour has gone for a pilgrimage to Guruvayoor (Guruvayoorappan-Lord Krishna Temple) & other temples in Kerala. As the Lord there is famous for curing diseases, it happened as a Sai incident, Baba made my mother to do parayan of famous sanskrit work ''Narayaneeyam'' for the past couple of months, for her recurring stomach pain .
On this Narayaneeyam work on Lord Guruvayoorappan, its Author & its power to cure, link posted here for those interested(
when she came to know about my neighbour's proposed visit to Guruvayoor, she was happy & gave her part of donation to put in hundi at Guruvayoorappan Temple. Baba helped her give dakshina to the temple through my neighbour.
Couple of days back, Baba's will, myself visited mylapore temple, chennai. After finishing prayers, I am not in the thought of buying any baba related items as time is running out late night. Still HE pulled me to the shop in the temple to check the latest items. Usually they will display a single themed 3D-Card. And on that day the only 3D Card bundle that were present, at one tilt you will find Baba & other way, you will find Sakshaath Sri Guruvayoorappan. Photo of the card is below. That was a thrilling experience. I shouted like HAAAAA. Everyone around was vague at my reaction. I bought those cards & when I gave one to my mother she was all in tears to understand Baba acknowledged her prayers. Baba's grace her stomach pain has considerably reduced to nil at this point of time. Baba proved that HE is in every God or every other God is in HIM.
3) Recently went to a thread shop to buy elastic for some stitching. The shopkeeper swirled a pack on the table. How would you take the picture printed on the cover, even when the name is not a concern. Snapped below.
Baba Helped Me:
Om Sai Ram friends
I would like to share my experience about Sairam.My sim card got automatically deactivated suddenly.I got scared.Since i dont have any copies of my contacts,even in my phone I was worried how I would get all the numbers??
I prayed whole heartedly to Sai Ram.Next day morning it got activated .Still now It is working very well That was miracle for me since the sim card was already a duplicate one almost 4 to 5 yrs back I had bought.Baba saved me from unnecessary hassle.
Another incident was when i got a job.Actually we went to a company only to do our project onl.During that period we were not aware that we are going to get any job their.In the last day of our project they called us and said if we are interested to work we can continue with this organisation .I was very happy and wondered on Baba's blessing!!! Because a day before I had prayed to Sai ram if i could get job in this company it would be so good (since our family is stuck with lot of financial problems.).It is purely Baba's blessing as we all know that no one will get a job without having an interview,group discussion ,aps and all.
Am really very happy.So friends Have Faith On Sai Ram then things will Happen automatically good......
Have A Bright Future Ahead !
My Miracle of Sai Baba:
I am Sucheta from Gujarat!
All this started when my grandfather passed away in 2008. We both were very attached to each other. I was really very sad that day and prayed to Sai baba to bring back my grandfather. At night around 8:30 I stopped by my dada's(grandfather's) picture and offered him Rs.5 that I had.
My mother and father had gone to Sai baba's temple as it was Thursday. The 5 rupees that I had offered to my grandather's photo had disappeared and I knew immediately that he had given me blessings all because of Sairam's grace.
Jai Sai ram to all of you! May god bless you all!
Share Your Sai Experience :HERE.


All the experiences are wonderful.
Thanks for sharing such beautiful experiences.
May Baba bless everyone.
Love you Baba.
Om Sai Rama
All experiences are great!!!Baba is Antaryami and knows what is passing in our minds then and there and increases our faith towards him by making us realise it.OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM OM SAI RAM !!!
Very Nice Experiences !
While reading the experiences I got one experience myself. Not that I dont trust Baba but at times, our over calculative mind starts wondering about the miracles and starts with its logical reasoning. While reading first few experience , my mind also started doing so,I was hushing it also as I really beleive in Baba's miracle. Suddenly, a devotees' experience titled "Sai Incidents Are Not Coincidents " came up. I was happy as it completely shut down my mental analysis of the Sai Leela and i enjoyed reading the Leela's.
Baba you are great ! You just pull your children to you when they wander away :))
Jai Sai Deva ! Om Sai Ram !
These experiences are amazing. Every single one brought goosebumps. Especially the one of Narayaneeyam was very special to me as I had read another post about Narayaneeyam parayan and had started it last week. As i am currently reading it for my physical and mental diseases this post seemed like Baba Himself came to bless me. Thank you so much baba. I love you
om sai ram baba i was totally depending on your words which u hav told me in my dream about my marriage .but no one were trusting with my words.baba plz do some miracle baba the date was approaching nov14.u told me my marriage will be held on nov 14 and i asked u baba how can it be possible in this short time but u said marriage can be done in 1 day. baba ur my father i totally trust u. plz be my with me and hold my hand always as ur child is lifeless with ur presence baba.baba i am waiting for ur gift.i dont mind with my family members who are not in condition to trust in u and with ur words.because they dont know ur power. plz dont get angry with them.on behalf of them iwas saying sorry to u. forgive them.baba i am totally depending on ur lotus feets.bless me with a good person and a happy married life sai ram.
Very wonderful experiences....all are equally great miracles and really helps all the devotees to feel the bliss of our saima's blessings....thanks a lot for sharing with us....Om Sai Ram...Love You a Lot Saima....:):)