Dear readers,
Happy Baba's day
When we are surrounded by the circumstances which are not in our favour we get desperate .We feel disappointed and feel that Baba is not listening to our plea .Despite knowing the two axioms of Baba "Shraddha and Saburi" very well ,one fails to follow it .We all know that whatever happens in our life is Baba's WILL, still our human mind struggles and starts its intelligent exercise and tries to get a faster and quicker result . But to no avail .
Since our Father Sai knows our past ,present and future He blesses our prayer only when its the right time, keeping His observation of our future which is not hidden from His eyes.
Attached below is an experience shared by my aunty revealing the same .Aunty's experience has been shared from time to time in this website and many devotees have benefited from them.This particular experience is for all the devotees who are undergoing through the same situation.Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manisha,
This is specially for those of Baba’s devotees seeking suitable matches for their daughters who are of marriageable age and many who have crossed what we often say is a marriageable age.
Let me begin by letting the reader know, that we are a family of Baba devotees for well over 40 years and our son(29)and daughter(32) from the time that they learnt to walk and talk. So Baba’s name flows in our veins because, for us, He is the very air we breathe!
After our daughter completed her education and began working in 2003 we started the search for a suitable groom for her. Time rolled by, but we were unable to find a good alliance and our efforts bore no fruit.We tried our best.
We began to worry, though we had to remind ourselves that Baba’s devotees never had to worry. We even began consulting astrologers. Infact we were once told to go to Ujjain to perform a pooja for only then would we get a suitable groom and look at me ,a staunch Sai devotee simply agreed!
The Satcharita was on my table and I opened it to the page that read Trust me and have no faith in the predictions of astrologers !Instantly, I dropped the idea of going to Ujjain. Readers , you would understand that this was Sai’s instruction.
Yet another time we were asked to send Rs 30000/ to perform a puja that would help us find a match. My troubled mind said yes so a chit was taken out asking Baba if we should send the money and HE said no so we dropped the idea of the pooja.
So you see fellow devotees we were running out of patience and seeking some help from other humans when we should have just been patient (saburi) .
However, we are human, and when people began to ask us the reason for the delay in our daughter’s marriage,we said that we are going through a test that is our divine Father is testing us! Readers, the test was severe because our brother’s daughter, 5 years younger than our daughter got married from our house !
Then a year ago, we turned totally towards prayers and not to Pandits and Astrologers. We did naam jaap, Sat Charita reading, frequenting the Temple and constant prayers. This time it was with a difference.It was just clean and pure Sai puja.Complete faith and pure trust on Sai without any human interference.
My daughter prayed as few could ever pray. Finally, in August 2011, Baba called us to Shirdi. We had actually planned to do the annual Shirdi darshan in October 2011, but He planned otherwise.
In early August 2011, whenever my husband would sit in the car and turn on the music, Baba’s bhajan ‘Sai ne Shirdi bulaya hai’ would begin playing. This continued for days together, till he realized that it was a call from Shirdi.
Meanwhile, at my work place something unusual happened. I was told that if I was planning to go outstation, this was the time to go, for after this, work would keep me very busy and So, readers, Baba ensured that both my husband & I got the invitation for Shirdi at the same time. Our daughter joined in, and we left for Shirdi in early August. Needless, to say that this trip was one of the best in 40 years.
Let me take you through the trip to Shirdi . As soon as we reached the PR office we were given immediate entry into the Temple and after that the 2 / 3 days that we stayed in Shirdi, we attended all the Artis and had daily darshans, and only Baba knows why we were singled out and given special darshans from the side rooms,
When the main priest came down from the Samadhi platform, he blessed my daughter with a coconut and pedha and when I told him we are seeking a match he said there will be no problem in finding one!
On the evening of the second day at Shirdi an acquaintance invited us to his hotel and presented us with Baba’s idol and a big picture of Sai. In all these 40 years no one had ever given this to us.
We started Sai path in Shirdi and came back home knowing that something positive is on its way. We did continuous saptahs and saw Baba’s love flowing in our direction
Sure enough in September 2011, our son-in-law to be ,appeared on the scene. When our daughter was to meet him for the first time, three / four close family members were in Shirdi on those dates that she/we met him and the family.We liked them instantly.
Prayers were sent to Baba and we even got the Prasad from Shirdi
In between, their occurred a little bit of miscommunication and I instantly called my cousin who was present in Shirdi that day, to pray and miraculously the problem got dissolved. I called her to say that when she had prayed the effect was instantly felt here.
We travelled to Hyderabad for the engagement ceremony and the day of the engagement, my husband and I during our morning walk, walked straight into one of Baba’s temple and spent an hour with Him and on that day and on the days that followed. Look at Sai’s blessings! We only have to recognize them.
Early this month, we again went to Shirdi, to invite Baba for the wedding and give Him the first wedding card. Lo and behold, one of our acquaintances from Shirdi, (the one mentioned before) has promised to be there for the wedding .This was unexpected.
The wedding is fixed for April 2012 and we seek your prayers and good wishes for it.I shall now continue after the wedding!
Pray and pray all boys, girls and parents seeking for a matrimonial alliance.Baba is there to give the best at the time He chooses.
Share Your Sai Experience :HERE.
© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details
Happy Baba's day
When we are surrounded by the circumstances which are not in our favour we get desperate .We feel disappointed and feel that Baba is not listening to our plea .Despite knowing the two axioms of Baba "Shraddha and Saburi" very well ,one fails to follow it .We all know that whatever happens in our life is Baba's WILL, still our human mind struggles and starts its intelligent exercise and tries to get a faster and quicker result . But to no avail .
Since our Father Sai knows our past ,present and future He blesses our prayer only when its the right time, keeping His observation of our future which is not hidden from His eyes.
Attached below is an experience shared by my aunty revealing the same .Aunty's experience has been shared from time to time in this website and many devotees have benefited from them.This particular experience is for all the devotees who are undergoing through the same situation.Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manisha,
This is specially for those of Baba’s devotees seeking suitable matches for their daughters who are of marriageable age and many who have crossed what we often say is a marriageable age.
Let me begin by letting the reader know, that we are a family of Baba devotees for well over 40 years and our son(29)and daughter(32) from the time that they learnt to walk and talk. So Baba’s name flows in our veins because, for us, He is the very air we breathe!
After our daughter completed her education and began working in 2003 we started the search for a suitable groom for her. Time rolled by, but we were unable to find a good alliance and our efforts bore no fruit.We tried our best.
We began to worry, though we had to remind ourselves that Baba’s devotees never had to worry. We even began consulting astrologers. Infact we were once told to go to Ujjain to perform a pooja for only then would we get a suitable groom and look at me ,a staunch Sai devotee simply agreed!
The Satcharita was on my table and I opened it to the page that read Trust me and have no faith in the predictions of astrologers !Instantly, I dropped the idea of going to Ujjain. Readers , you would understand that this was Sai’s instruction.
Yet another time we were asked to send Rs 30000/ to perform a puja that would help us find a match. My troubled mind said yes so a chit was taken out asking Baba if we should send the money and HE said no so we dropped the idea of the pooja.
So you see fellow devotees we were running out of patience and seeking some help from other humans when we should have just been patient (saburi) .
However, we are human, and when people began to ask us the reason for the delay in our daughter’s marriage,we said that we are going through a test that is our divine Father is testing us! Readers, the test was severe because our brother’s daughter, 5 years younger than our daughter got married from our house !
Then a year ago, we turned totally towards prayers and not to Pandits and Astrologers. We did naam jaap, Sat Charita reading, frequenting the Temple and constant prayers. This time it was with a difference.It was just clean and pure Sai puja.Complete faith and pure trust on Sai without any human interference.
My daughter prayed as few could ever pray. Finally, in August 2011, Baba called us to Shirdi. We had actually planned to do the annual Shirdi darshan in October 2011, but He planned otherwise.
In early August 2011, whenever my husband would sit in the car and turn on the music, Baba’s bhajan ‘Sai ne Shirdi bulaya hai’ would begin playing. This continued for days together, till he realized that it was a call from Shirdi.
Meanwhile, at my work place something unusual happened. I was told that if I was planning to go outstation, this was the time to go, for after this, work would keep me very busy and So, readers, Baba ensured that both my husband & I got the invitation for Shirdi at the same time. Our daughter joined in, and we left for Shirdi in early August. Needless, to say that this trip was one of the best in 40 years.
Let me take you through the trip to Shirdi . As soon as we reached the PR office we were given immediate entry into the Temple and after that the 2 / 3 days that we stayed in Shirdi, we attended all the Artis and had daily darshans, and only Baba knows why we were singled out and given special darshans from the side rooms,
When the main priest came down from the Samadhi platform, he blessed my daughter with a coconut and pedha and when I told him we are seeking a match he said there will be no problem in finding one!
On the evening of the second day at Shirdi an acquaintance invited us to his hotel and presented us with Baba’s idol and a big picture of Sai. In all these 40 years no one had ever given this to us.
We started Sai path in Shirdi and came back home knowing that something positive is on its way. We did continuous saptahs and saw Baba’s love flowing in our direction
Sure enough in September 2011, our son-in-law to be ,appeared on the scene. When our daughter was to meet him for the first time, three / four close family members were in Shirdi on those dates that she/we met him and the family.We liked them instantly.
Prayers were sent to Baba and we even got the Prasad from Shirdi
In between, their occurred a little bit of miscommunication and I instantly called my cousin who was present in Shirdi that day, to pray and miraculously the problem got dissolved. I called her to say that when she had prayed the effect was instantly felt here.
We travelled to Hyderabad for the engagement ceremony and the day of the engagement, my husband and I during our morning walk, walked straight into one of Baba’s temple and spent an hour with Him and on that day and on the days that followed. Look at Sai’s blessings! We only have to recognize them.
Early this month, we again went to Shirdi, to invite Baba for the wedding and give Him the first wedding card. Lo and behold, one of our acquaintances from Shirdi, (the one mentioned before) has promised to be there for the wedding .This was unexpected.
The wedding is fixed for April 2012 and we seek your prayers and good wishes for it.I shall now continue after the wedding!
Pray and pray all boys, girls and parents seeking for a matrimonial alliance.Baba is there to give the best at the time He chooses.
Share Your Sai Experience :HERE.


Om sai ram,
After reading the story of Baba's blessing for your daughter's wedding I feel so happy since I understand the pain you go through. My prayers to Baba for your daughter's wedding to be blessed in April 2012...Jai Sai Ram...Thank you for sharing
Happy to know Baba fulfilled your wish. Dear BABA humbly praying to you at this time to see your famous leela of APPEARING YOURSELF IN THEIR MARRIAGE PHOTO ALBUM AND BLESS THEM TWICE. That is typical of Sai's greatness. HE WILL SURPRISE YOU ALL THIS WAY CERTAINLY. Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
This is such a positive experience and has come at most opurtune time for me as the thing I am waiting for is taking so many years to happen. I was able to hold on to my faith and have patience after reading ur post . Thank you so much.May Baba bless you all abundantly and attend your daughter marraige.
I too am past marriage as as they say, in my late 30's and my parents are right now in Shirdi with Saimai and I coincidentally started Sai Satcharitra parayanam for the first time in my life despite being Sai bhaktas from childhood. We are muslims and we are Sai bhakth family and my mom is a great devotee of Sai Baba since every I remember my mom.I tried almost everything till now except Sai Satcharitra parayanam. My old childhood friend with whome I did not have touch for the past 15yrs and to whome I had introduced Sai and due to which she got married, came back to me repeatedly asked me to start sai satcharitra parayanam. I started it last thursday and then I got to know from my family that they planned to go to Shirdi. we all want me to get married soon. I hope this is the calling and the signs that Baba is going to accomplish this task soon enough. Jai Sai Samarth Sadguru!!
They have gone to S
Om Sai Ram.
Baba's leela is great and he is very merciful. My best wishes to your daughter. May Baba bless her with a very happy married life and may he attend the wedding as well :-)
Baba please hear my Mom's prayers and arrange my wedding and bless me too with a happy married life. May my life partner be your devotee too.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
To all the unmarried people here who asked for prayers to get suitable matches and get married. I pray for all of you to get maaried soon and lead a happy Married life.
I have a Sai leela to publish here. I am in my late 30's, unmarried and earnest looking forward to get married. I was told by a friend of mine about the prashna book which is considered to be as baba's answers to your questions. I got hold of this book online and currently my state is , I am unsettled in my career , am not married and my bio clock is ticking to have children and I badly want to get nmarried asap to have children aswell.
So, I asked my prashna to Baba after and earnest prayer. The answer that came astonished me. Baba said " Give me or a poor person outside my temple a while piece of cloth, as a token to Sai Saraswathi and I shall bless you with Happy Married Life, Children and Great Success in Career. " I just couldnt believe my eyes as to what I had read. These were exactly the three things I need the most in my life now to be taken care of.
Needless to say, Baba knows us best and is always there for us. I immediately did as directed and am excited to receive his blessings. Around the same time, my family also planned to visit Shirdi unexpectedly and so, I again asked my people to offer chaadar, flowers to Baba from me. I feel so happy and worry free now. I had asked my parents to take a picture of mine along with them and touch it to Baba's samadhi as my presence there. And that was also done. Baba opened up all the routes towards him for me and also offered me a flower back from his samadhi . Thank you SaiBaba for being my caretaker. Jai Shri Samarth Sadguru Sai Nath Maharakj ki Jai!!
My things stuck in Indonesia .we try a lot to bring but can't .realy hope that BABA can help us.BABA is GREAT. I know what to do after read this blog. Thx
wonderful experience..hope baba will bless me too soon with happy married life with my sairam..