Dear all,
Happy Baba's day .Let us all bow to Shirdi Sai the compassionate mother of all .Whose merciful glance destroys the sins and sails His children across the worldy afflictions .The experiences shared here are the direct example of such blessings of Baba on His children .These leela not only strengthen the faith of the devotees but also act as light house for those who are going through tough phase in their life .It is true and has been experienced by many devotees that the tough time passes away without any adverse effect if we keep our firm faith on Baba .The experiences are given below.I like to thank the devotee who prefers to remain anonymous for sharing wonderful and meaningful "Sai Message" wallpaper every Thursday with all our Sai readers . Jai Sai Ram .
Faith in Sai:
Sai devotee from USA write: Please do not publish my name and email id. I am the regular visitor of your site. Thank you for posting experiences with Baba. And also, I am poor in English so do correction where needed..
Thanks !
Dear Sai Devotees,
I am very happy to share my experience with Baba. First of all, My humble paranamas to the Lotus feet of Baba.
Two years back, my parents search matrimonial for me but nothing came suitable. I went to Baba's temple and prayed to Baba" please show me suitable alliance and a Baba's devotee to me". Surprisingly,to my prayer request Baba showed good alliance to me. My Husband is also ardent devotee of Baba. I got married in the month of November 2010. At that time, My husband was working in USA.Both of us came to USA. In that company his project leader told you can continue in this project upto this February only.
He got very upset. I started to read Sai Satcharitra and completed within a week. Before that, He was also having another work permit with other company. He tried in that company by sending mail to them because of vacation there was no reply from that company. We were disturbed and did know what to do? Only thing which was in our hand was to pray to Baba sincerely in every moment.
In the month of January we got a mail from that company saying there is a project in other state and asked him to sit for an interview. My husband cleared the first round with this company and they organised for client interview . He also cleared the second round with client. But, the client asked him to sit for one more round of interview with project manager of the company. But did not inform about the date and other things. We got very tensed as there was only one month with this old company.
Surprisingly he got a call from the new company and got selected and they asked him to join in the month of February 1st week. We were very happy. Immediately my husband gave resignation letter in old company and accepted this new Job offer. We were all prepared for this new place. Previously we stayed with relatives. Now, everything was new to us but in each and every moment Baba helped us in settling down from like searching an apartments, buying a car and other formalities.
In the month of February we came to the new place and settled step by step. At that time I conceived . Even searching for a Doctor was very difficult. I called to many clinics but they told your insurance is not accepted like this. At that time after calling many clinics one clinic told the hospital name and asked to try in that particular hospital as it was women's speciality hospital.Immediately I searched in the Internet and than searched for the doctors list and I got a Indian lady doctor's detail and she was very much caring. But unfortunately i had miscarriage in the third months. But anyhow, Baba showed a good doctor and protected me . Again, I got pregnant now. Each and every moment Baba is always with us. With the Blessings of Baba, I am sure I will give birth to a healthy child soon.
Another incidence i wish to share ,two months back, my mother suspect some lump near her breast, she immediately went to doctor. Did all the tests and it was found that it is cancer.The doctor was also surprised because it is only in initial stage. In most of the cases, in initial stage it is not easy to find out .And than doctor organised for the operation with in 2 weeks time and did the surgery. Before surgery, he gave some estimated amount of fees . But at the time of discharging, he charged ony 50% of the fees only. In this also, Baba only helped us. Doctor is also the devotee of Baba.My mother has undergone chemo therapy and now she is recovering. With the blessings of Baba, she will healthy soon. All during the time of Surgery, Baba was with her this is our faith and it is Baba who cured her on right time .
I want to share more experiences . I will soon post it.
Jai Sai Ram .
SAI gave me Darshan as well as hint of a function:
Respected Manisha Didiji,
I hope this mail finds you in sound health. I have not been in touch with you since long but keep on remembering you whenever I receive the Sai experiences. These experience hit my mobile screen either at 0430 am when I get up or at 0500 am when I start my Sai Satcharitra reading. Always pray for your well being. Strange are the ways of Sai Baba you see. I have had Physical Darshan of Sai Babaji in my room at 2030 hrs on 31st Dec 11. If I am not imposing myself on your time, please read the below leela and fact and shall be grateful if this finds a place in the website:-
Dear Sai Readers,
Sai Ram. Sai Baba Ki Jai
I am Kamal Prasad Maske working in a private firm after retirement from Army. I have earlier posted my experience (Sai Baba's love is boundless)on this website. I have experienced yet another Darshan of Babaji on 31 Dec 11 at 2030hrs. It was 2030hrs and I was lying on my bed with my eyes and thinking of next day which was new year as well a Sunday. Suddenly BABAJI APPEARED IN FRONT OF MY EYES. HE WAS SMILING IN WHITE DRESS, STANDING ALONGSIDE MASJID WALL WITH LEG CROSSED. IN MARATHI, I SAID “PUSHKAL DIVSA NANTAR BHETLE KI BABA” (I AM MEETING YOU AFTER LOT OF DAYS) WHILE SMILING HE LOOKED DOWN AND I ALSO LOOKED DOWN TOWARDS HIS FEET AND I SAW A PERSON SITTING NEAR HIS LEGS AND THAT PERSON WAS GIVING ME SOMETHING LIK ROLLED ARTICLE AND A PACKET. I ACCEPTED IT AND THE DARSHAN WAS OVER.
After this I slept. Next day was Sunday so got up little late and after getting freshen up, started puja. Completely forgot about the Darshan. On 02nd Jan went to office at 0900 hrs. At about 0930 hrs, my friend and colleague Mr Sunil Katare came to me with a Calender of Babaji published and printed by Sai Sansthan Shirdi. Along with this calander he gave me an invitation card which was from Sai Devottee Shri Inamdar who stays at Mahesh Nagar Pimpri Pune.
I accepted both the things and my colleague left for his work station. After half an hour suddenly I remembered the vision I had and opened the calendar and invitation. The invitation was of Sai Seva Pratishthan from Mr Inamdar which he every year celebrates and all Sai Bhakts from various corner of country arrives. Mr Inamdar was President of Sai Santhan earlier.
After recollecting the Darshan of 31st Dec 11, I immediately called on mobile of my friend and called him in isolation and asked him how does Mr Inamdar looks etc because I wanted to ascertain whether the picture I saw of a person sitting near Babaji legs is the same. My friend replied that he is old person. I asked him whether he wears cap etc because I saw a person below babaji with a sort of cap on his head (just like we see judges wear in old films). My friend said no he doesn’t wear any cap. The invitation was for a function which was to be celebrated on 22 Jan 12.
Accordingly I attended the function and had Mahaprasad. Within my heart I was weeping because such a ardent devotee invited me through my friend who have told Mr Inamdar about myself and that I am also a sai devotee. The foremost thing in this is I have never met and seen Mr Inamdar earlier and I am receiving his invitation and that too I got premonition days ahead. AND THE PERSON ie SAI DEVOTTEE MR INAMDAR WAS THE SAME WHOM I SAW ON 31 DEC 11 ALONGWITH BABA.
STRANGE ARE THE LEELA OF BABA. I wanted to announce the above in that function but myself was totally absorbed with leela of baba that I forgot.
May be I will meet Mr Inamdar in some function sometime and express above to him. But I wanted to share the experience with all sai bhakt.
Dear Sai Devottees, please remember and believe that though Sai has taken Samadhi, he is present and guiding us. As such, please follow the path shown by SAI and never indulge in wrong practices of this world other wise SAI MA is there to bring you on the path of truth.
Anant Koti Bramhand Nayak Maharajadhiraj, Sri Satchidanand Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.
Sai Baba's expereince during Shirdi Trip:
Dear Manisha-ji,
Hope you are doing good. Kindly post the below experience on your website at your convenience.
Please don't disclose my email id.
Thank you very much for your help. May Baba bless you and your family with happiness.
Om Sai Rama
Dear friends,
Earlier I posted my experience of getting Baba's call to Shirdi with title "Baba's samadhi appeared me as Lord Vishnu". But for reader's convenience, I would like to start this experience with brief intro. Kindly, forgive me if you find any mistakes in my narration.
Fortunately, in the month of May-June last year, I got Baba’s call to Shirdi. I wanted to take my parents with me to Shirdi. Because I had a strong feeling that if they visit Shirdi Mandir and Dwarakamai, they get rid of worries and attain peace in their life. I confirmed tickets to Shirdi for me and my father. But I did not book for my mother as she had to take care of my grandmother, who was bed sick. But, I sincerely prayed Baba to call my mother too. When I reached home, my Bhabhi came to our home and asked me to take my mother to Shirdi too. I got surprised and became very happy.
Immediately I cancelled earlier booked tickets and looked for train tickets for us on another date. It was during the summer vacation (May-June), all trains including special trains were full. I had no other option, but to book tickets on waiting list. But, I was confident that He will arrange something, as it was His call to Shirdi. I told the same thing to my mother too like “Just pray Him and start the journey from home, He will take care of us”. And the same thing happened. When the train was in the evening, our berths got confirmed in the afternoon. Baba really took great care of us in the entire journey.
Here I would like to give some brief description of my journey to different pilgrimages before going to Shirdi, which is very relevant to my current experience. I landed in Chennai and by Baba's grace, I visisted Kanchipuram, Tirupati, Srikalahasti, Simhachalam(Vishakhapatnam) and Puri (Lord Jagannath). Then I started my journey to Shirdi with my parents. During all this journey, I was consciously waiting for His darshan.
I had the idea that He could come in any form e.g. old man/women, sadhu, child etc. From devotees’ experiences, I understood, He would give me some indication to realize Him. I was waiting all the time consciously during this period of about 10-15 days. I did not want to take risk, so whoever approached me for money, I gave more or less money to those persons. But I did not get His darshan. Then I started my journey to Shirdi with my parents in the train as I mentioned above. I was praying Him like "Baba please give me a satisfactory darshan and kindly don't disappoint me in any way".
Our train stopped almost at every station. But, it was at Kopergaon station, suddenly one middle aged person came into our compartment. He wore saffron color kafni. He had beard, which was partially in grey color. Immediately, I thought he might be HE. Then I searched for some indication, immediately I found a small button with Baba's photo on the Kafni at his chest. I took some 10 rupees note from my pocket and gave it to Him. I also looked into His eyes. He blessed me raising His two hands. Then I got confirmation as He was none other than Baba. I felt very happy.
I thought of giving Him more money. But, I could not dare to give more than 10 rupees, as my parents were beside me. Then He moved to other compartment, and then I followed Him and gave some more money. Then He pat on my back and blessed me. I came back to my compartment and felt very relaxed and internally thanked Baba for giving me His darshan and showing mercy on me.
After reaching Shirdi, I visited Samadhi mandir with my parents in the evening. While leaving for India, one of our friends gave me some money to buy and offer peda to Baba. So, I brought some three packets of peda, two on behalf of my family and one on behalf of my friend. When I offered my bag inside the Samadhi mandir, two packets fell down near the Samadhi mandir and I was given one packet back. I felt happy thinking Baba accepted our Prasad. After coming outside from samadhi mandir, I came to know that, one guard gave one coconut to my father and asked him to keep it in Puja mandir. I felt very happy as Baba blessed too. Then we came out of the mandir and sat on the premises of the temple near Samadhi mandir.
When I opened the peda packet, one dog came near to me. I realized it was He only. I offered peda pieces one by one. It left us after having some pieces. It seems very silly but one doubt came into my mind, whether Baba accepted my Prasad or my friend’s. Immediately, another dog came near to us (this dog was different from the first one). This dog had few pieces of peda and left. I thanked Him again. So, Baba fulfills each and every single wish that come into His devotees’ mind. If any wish is not fulfilled, then it should be realized that the time has not come yet.
Overall my last trip to India was wonderful, because of His blessings. I really thank Him for His call to my parents and I also pray sincerely to Baba to fulfill every devotee’s wish to have His darshan ASAP.
Baba please call us to Shirdi as frequently as possible.
Sorry for the lengthy mail. Hope it gives some inspiration to some devotees, who are waiting for His darshan.
Om Sai Rama
Share Your Sai Experience :HERE.


Jai Sai Ram,
Thanks to Manisha Ji and all kind devotees who shared their wonderful stories. Reading these stories made my day. It made my faith stronger and I feel happy to know that Baba comes in any forms to see his children. In this era for Baba to be still with us is really something extraordinary and we all are really blessed for this. Love you Baba ;-)
Baba you know my problem and I pray that you give me strength to bear it.I get lot of strength every time i read expereince shared here. Baba you know what I am going throug,cannot bear the pain .Oh Baba please be kind and help me come out of this problem . I thank the person behind this website for giving us these leela to reduce our pain reading them .It has helped me stick to your feet and have faith that things will be good soon for me and I will be able to enjoy a good life. Baba pls help my parents also to bear this pain .Baba pls dont leave us .
ur always sai beti ..
It is so nice to read .I was feeling so low today ,same problem of baby I am going through .But reading devotees exp i am sure Baba will also bless me.
Baba bless everyone .Bless the world to be a better place and give me blessing to be a good person .
Baba means miracle.... even I have gone through unbelievable experience of Lord SAI BABA. He saved me many more times. And even When I need confides ,some positive power, when nothing works for me at that time Baba is there. I have experienced it.
I still remember that line i read in shirdi few year was written "If you comes one step ahead to me I will put rest of steps to come to you."
Bolo अनंतकोटी ब्रम्हांडनायक राजाधिराज योगिराज परब्रह्म श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय..
mere sacche paatshah plz meri problems ko door kardo mere baba ji meri family ko bahut sari expectation hai mujse baba ji plz plz plz bless me baba ji muje sirf apka aasra apko too sab pata hai mere pyare pyare baba ji i love you baba i love you muje nai pata maine apni saari problems aapko saaup muje nai pata jo karna hai apko karna you soooooo much meri sai maa......
sai ram today is my son birthday please bless him with long life and with health om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram