Happy Baba's day to all,
Shirdi Sai Baba Vrat has become another effective way of communication between devotee and Lord Sai Baba. Devotees who performed 9 Sai vrat have witnessed it blessing after completing the vrat .The blessing of many such devotees have been shared with readers from time to time through this platform. Due to increasing demand and popularity the Nava Guruwar Sai Vrat Katha started getting translated in as many language as possible.There was no effort from my end to search for devotees who could translate Sai Vrat but one by one devotee came forward and shared the Nava Guruwar Sai Vrat in their respective language .We have Sai vrat in Hindi,English,Telugu,Tamil ,Marathi and now in Bengali.
Two week back I recieved a mail from Sai devotee Sanjukta Chatterjee sharing Sai Vrat Katha In Bengali for the benefit of devotees who prefer bengali language to carry out the vrat.We all know nothing moves untill the Lord desires.As stated in Sai Satcharitra chapter 2-"Lord loves those who write the lives of saints and the saints also have a peculiar method of their own of getting the service, which the devotees long for, successfully accomplished. The saints inspire the work the devotee becomes only an indirect cause or instrument to achieve the end".Similary sister Sanjukta feels that writing the Sai Baba Vrat Katha In Bengali was pure grace of Baba on her and she was just an instrument for this seva.
Attached below is mail by Sanjukta sister narrating how she was blessed by Baba.
At the end of the mail devotees can download the Sai Vrat Katha In Bengali in Pdf format.I would like to thank Kouwshigan ji for converting the book in Pdf version along with a creating beautiful cover for the book .
Jai Sai Ram .
Sai Vrat Katha In Bengali.Om Sairam Manisha didi,
HE gets the work done by HIS devotees. And perhaps I was the chosen one for this work.
"Baba.. how blessed I feel… no words can describe it"!!
Needless to say, I love HIM immense. HE is my family – my all in all!
Hailing from Mumbai, marriage got me settled in Kolkata. The first duty I had since then was finding HIS temple. HE although gave me information that there was a SAI Mandir close to my house and within months of my marriage , HE came to my house miraculously as a 3.5” murthi ( I attach the picture with HIS blessings).
As I started visiting the SAI mandir here, I first came across the Sai Vrat Katha book which was handed to me by one other devotee. Gradually, I started reading the devotees experiences pertaining to the Vrat and spoke to few devotees here in Kolkata who were similarly keeping the Vrat. I realized that there wasn’t any such books available in Bengali. The devotees here, distributed the English and Hindi version simply to complete the Vrat rituals – not sure whether the person receiving the Katha is affluent in English and Hindi and whether they would be able to take up the Vrath. It was then that a wave of thought, definitely aroused by Baba crossed my mind to present the work in Bengali. Although it never happened immediately.
As we know, we work when HE permits us to and one fine day HE put me to HIS task. Don’t remember when I started translating but I got this done one day! .And forwarded this work to Manisha ji who promptly responded to the work as a gift to all our Bengali SAI devotees!
One thought that I must share with all which is co-linked to my translating the Vrat Katha Book is …
I love to write !...
Post my maternity, I had decided to concentrate on home front to mother my infant . A year hence, I decided to get to my feet and thus started job-hunting. Although , till date, Baba had decided otherwise . I have not found myself a job!..Or perhaps, I have landed with the best job of being able to praise our LORD through this medium !! Due to my passion for writing , I had approached for various writing jobs. And would you believe the miracle… Baba decided… if you so want to write… write about ME !( as I had an intense desire to compile a book on HIM on my experiences with HIM since childhood) and here follows the outcome… HE blessed me with an opportunity to write on HIM... If I so will to write... I write for HIM:)
I request for forgiveness for any error in the translation of the Sai Vrat Katha Book.
Manishaji and Kowshiganji has Baba’s immense blessings to be able to offer such great SEVA to HIM.
They got the work done into a E-Book Format with a beautiful fresh look for the benefit of all the Bengali Readers.
Thank you Baba.
Thank you Manisha ji.
Thank you Koushigan ji
Thank you all Sai Bhakts … We are all but a close knit Sai Family.
Om Sairam!
May Baba fulfill all’s wishes!
Download Sai Vrat Katha In Bengali :
Disclaimer: Shirdi Sai Baba had never laid emphasis on fasting. A Devotee of Baba had started this vrat initially and the vrat has fulfilled many wishes .So its upto the readers discretion to observe this vrat or not.


Thank you Sanjukta ji for giving this book in Bengali.
How can I thank you baba for giving me this in such a time when i was thinking to start my vrat . Now i can do this in my own language.This is all baba's plan now i am sure baba will bless my 9 vrat .baba bless the website owner and sanjukta didi for sharing this with us.jai jai sai jai jai sai sai sai jai jai sai
Thanks to our Baba. Thanks to you for welcoming it! Thanks to Manishaji & Kowshiganji for making this happen!
Om Sairam!! May Baba will fulfill all your desires!! Om Sairam!
It is wonderful to see Sai Vrat becoming so popular.I did manytime and Baba blessed me each time i completed the vrat.How can I define his power and His blessing.So many wishes Baba fulfilled by this vrat .I am sure baba made this for his other readers to be translated.great work Sanjukta,i like the cover picture a lot.Love you Baba .
I am so happy to get this vrat book .I can now start my sai vrat by coming week.Baba thank you for bringing me to this website and giving me the book.Good wishes to the translator Sanjukta and I pray Baba bless you to do more work like this. I will look forward to it .Baba you are the sweetest God .Love you Sai Baba.
How Baba saved the devotee in govt organistaion I can understand.It is not easy to work in govt offce lot of politics and people always look to pull you down .But nothing is hidden from Baba ,he punishes bad deed .Thank you for sharing .Its very inspiring.
I totally agree with what Sanjukta has written about Mandir security.I do not like the way they push .People come so far to get Baba's darshan and than in that small time also you are pushed without giving you any time to focus at baba's feet.Liked the way 10 rs was blessed to devotee by baba. I had a friend who too was struggling for loan and in the end Baba only came to help him and gave him enough money from bank to get his house made.
wonderful sai leela ,these leela make me start my day in such a good way that I do not see any negative thing around me and always feel baba around me.
sairam Baba.
I need Sai babas book in Bengali
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