Happy Baba's day to all,
Though Shirdi Sai is invisible still devotees believe in Him,they get the experiences from Him in different form.With these experiences and love of Baba the devotees witness the living -visible form of HIM.
Mere chanting the name of Baba and taking His darshan free devotees from the shackle of Maya. It is necessary for devotees if they want to experience the love and blessing of Baba they must surrender to Him and always remember His name no matter where they are and what they are doing .By practicing this the devotee will witness the presence of Lord always with them. Here are few experiences reflecting the same essence of the above message. Jai Sai Ram .
Baba's blessing:Shri Sayee Charan
Baba's blessings in abundance to all. Would like to share this small yet significant leela of baba. Thanks to sister manisha for this web seva to instill faith and devotion among all and for sharing this leela of baba. When you find no other person to help you in a situation with little time and strict office rules, your prayer to baba makes your task easy. please post the image sent herewith.
We have family card for the purpose of LPG gas refills. We need to renew this card in fair price shop. We can renew them only in the mornings within due date. We cannot opt any other time. There will always be rush for this process. I have none to send for this renewal process due to certain situations.
One thursday, safely i went bit early to be in front in the queue, so that i can finish it and attend office with little delay. But to my dismay i found some 50 persons standing in the line.
I prayed to baba telling, if i stand today, i can go only in the afternoon and my officer will mark half-day attendance which i do not want to waste for these purposes. The leave must be utilised only for important things or health sake. But i did not turn away to choose another day for that was thursday, baba's day and hoped baba will rescue.
Unbelievably Baba helped by turning the situation in my favour. I went inside the office on the pretext of asking some doubt. There will be two staffs. One will be busy checking the cards and entering them in registers. I cannot disturb him else others in line will charge at my interference.
The second staff will clarify doubts and finalise the process. This person is of strict type and he is the one also organising the queue and if anyone deviates and enter into arguments, he will give them fitting replies. He will not consider any excuses to do the tasks in our way and he used to say everyone wants to finish theirs at first and there is no way but to wait in the line patiently.
Praying constantly to baba, i went to this second staff and asked some silly doubt :). He clarified the same and immediately asked me to come in the queue. Getting all courage, i humbly requested him to finish my card next by telling the truth, i would be losing half-a-day attendance and my boss will lose his temper at my delay.
Here comes baba through this second staff. He did not utter any word against my wish. He simply asked me to wait there itself with a big smile. Here baba's control was evident and imminent. To my happiness, he passed my card next and asked the other person to renew this card.No one was complaining. Within ten minutes, the entire process was over. I thanked baba in all surprises and attended the office in time. As that was thursday, i met my Sai in the evening and offered sweets for his timely interference.
If Baba decides to get into our circumstances, he will take complete control of the situation just at the moment we need and devotees can very well realize or feel, wherever they got baba's help in one or other way. It is all our constant remembrance and prayers to Him with undoubtable faith is needed. May baba bless all His devotees and help them to accomplish their important tasks easily. Bow to Shri Sai, Peace be to all.
Baba's samadhi appeared me as Lord Vishnu:
Dear Manisha-ji,
Hope you are doing great. Thank you again for your great work. May BABA bless you and your family with health, wealth and happiness.
Below is a small experience of me with our beloved Baba, kindly post it at your convenience. Please don't disclose my email address.
Dear All,
First of all, I pray BABA for His blessings on everyone. I had many beautiful experiences in my last visit to India. As the experiences are very long, I am writing very few experiences here. Please forgive me if you find any mistakes in this .
I am a devotee of Sainath Maharaj since several years. But I became close to Him from last two years, especially after reading “Sai Sathcharitra”. After coming to US, I was not happy because of some personal reasons, so I found solace in praying BABA.
I started reading “Sai Sathcharitra”. This helped me a lot in realizing how He helps His devotees. I became close to Him. I started feeling to go to Shirdi. In fact, I visited Shirdi many a times before, while I was working in PUNE. But I never touched His Samadhi, as Samadhi gates were closed every time, I visited Shirdi on week-ends. I asked Him for a chance to visit Shirdi again.
One day, while reading devotees experiences, I realized BABA fulfills our wish sooner, if we offer one of our favorite food/drink to Him till our wish is fulfilled. I drink coffee very frequently and I decided to stop drinking coffee until I visit Shirdi. Somehow, my trip to India got confirmed by His grace.
I went to Shirdi with my parents in the month of May-June. We reached Shirdi safely, we visited Samadhi madir and Dwarakamai. We had darshan of our Lord. I planned to stay in Shirdi during weekdays so that I could touch Baba’s Samadhi. But, as it was vacation time, there was huge crowd in shirdi. The gates were closed every time, when we visited Mandir. I was disappointed and tried to attend the arti so that I would get a chance to touch His feet. I attended Shej arti two times. Both the times I could not make it to stand inside the madir. One time, I had darsan just before the shej aarti and gates were closed that time. Immediately, I rushed into the queue for Shej arti, I saw on tv, people, who were behind me earlier were able to touch the Samadhi. I felt so bad and cried internally.
I realized my bad karma was so bad and my (Bhakti) devotion was not good enough to touch His feet. I somehow consoled myself saying “The time has not come yet”. But there were some incidents during this journey like Baba’s appearance in Kopergaon and His appearance as Dog in Samadhi mandir gave me some happiness and faith. (I would like to write those experiences later, when Baba permits.)
I came back to USA in July. I used to pray Him sincerely, but many doubts came into my mind like, could I make it to touch His samadhi in this birth. Because, it's an accumulated good karma of many previous births, which led me to become His devotee.
So, there is no big surprise, if one couldn't touch His feet. But after few weeks, one day morning, I had a dream like this. It was wednesday morning in Shirdi, I visited samadhi mandir and there was very little rush in the temple. I stood near the samadhi and I touched the entire samadhi. I touched His feet too. I saw four projections on the four corners of the Baba's samadhi. One purohit was explaining me the four projections as Shankha, Chakra, Gadha and Padma, those we see holding by Lord Vishnu. I could remember the Shankha and Chakra on top two projections. Immediately my dream was broken.
I felt very happy and felt like my bad karma, which was refraining me to touch His samadhi was over. From Sai Satcharitra and devotees experiences, I came to know, irresective of time and day, any dream related to Him is as real as His presence. Hence, I hope with full faith, when I get His next call to shirdi, He will allow me to touch His feet.
Thank you.
Om Sai Rama
Sai Baba Gave Me a New Hope:
Om Sai Namo Namaha..
I would lik to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and will also like to share my own experience.
I have been living in USA for last 7 yrs. I was having a lot of difficulty in getting a job and be established. I did my Masters program here taking out a student loan and started the program when my baby was only 4mnths old. It was a very trying journey for me and my whole family. However after I graduate, the recession was on and I wasnt able to find a job.
From nowhere. I suddenly had this Bhakti towards my Baba and started praying to Him day and night. I was lost for a while and didnt know where I am heading. By the Grace of Him I got a job just before my OPT (work permit) expired.
Then came the struggle of job, the job was not related to my industry, and I had no idea how to move forward. But slowly and steadily I did. I was in so much stress ,that I was felling ill all the time. Living so far way from my family and my husband had a constant travel job. I have no freinds here and I was very lonely. It felt like BAba took me in to His arms and gave me His blessings. I started reading Sai Satcharita and suddenly I was in an eternal peace.
The other problem was applying my h1 visa. my current company has no foreign workers and didnt want to get in to this.I tried to convince them but it just didnt work. Then we decide to go through a third party consultant. however in all these lenthy process, H1b quota was over! when I recived the news, I feel like there was a voice inside me said, "dont worry,,your visa will be done. Dont think about it anymore and leave it to me."
And I did,not even once for a second, I loost my faith and was 100% sure whatever Baba will decide for me that will be best. And 3 days after the lawyer called and said your visa can still go through, as I was in H1b before, I am not subjected to the cap!!! It was a miracle for me, nobody has said that to us before. Not only that, my visa got approved only in 7 days!!
I dont have words to describe the feeling, that I have been # who is full of so many sins# accpted by Baba. I feel like when nobody belived in me ,He did and stood by me. All my problems are not over, I still have to make a place for my self in this company and have to work double hard. But I know, with His Grace I will get there, I am not scared of anything anyore, I know He will be with me always!
Bow to My Sai and Peace to be all!
I tested Baba in a playful manner:
Good day to all. This morning I prayed to Baba to have a blessed and happy day though I was not feeling well. I went to work as usual. My father and mother fetched me at 5.00pm (Malaysian time).
Though feeling a bit tired and not well, I agreed to follow my parents to get some things at TESCO hypermarket. Beside that hypermarket situated a hotel (Premier Hotel). I just don't know why while looking at the hotel building when i was still in the car towards the hypermarket, I talked to Baba in my heart.'Baba, show me something great today. I wana see you.Then I said ok sorry Baba , I should not test you. You are great and you don't have to prove. I am sorry'.I was just playing with Baba. I was feeling rather bored so only I told that I wanted to see him.
Now my mother and I was in the hypermarket. All of a sudden , mother said she wanted to go to the restroom. Usually she won't leave me and go to the restroom. Its a bit weird. I told her ok and said I will be waiting near the stationary department.
I was walking just looking at some things. At last something pulled me towards the greeting card section.
There was no people around. I felt a tall man was behind me following me. Then suddenly he came near, asked me you speak English. I said yes and when I look at him I was shocked but feeling happy. He looked exactly like Baba. His pleasant face, thick white hair and white beard. His eyes had something I could not describe. Even his body structure looked like Baba.
He was talking something which was confusing to me. First he said he wanted to buy Chinese New Year card then he said I wanted postcards. He told me if I give some people card the others will get angry. Hmm I dont understand. Then I asked him where are you from. He said France. But a bit weird because recently I am getting many items related to France. Then he said I am here since last September. But I am leaving tomorrow.
He was asking where shall he get the postcards. I told him to go to another place. He said he is on his feet most of the time. He even said I am everywhere. I don't stay at one place. But only one thing I realised he came to talk to me not to buy anything. Since there were cards around ;-) Then he even said he is staying at Premier Hotel which I saw earlier.
Then he quickly made his way out. But I stopped him and asked him whats your name. He just replied Bruno. I said nice meeting you Mr. Bruno and he left hurriedly. Wasn't he there to do his shopping?
Few minutes later, my mother joined me. But to my surprise I can't see him after that. Whoever he may be I just saw my Baba in that form. Do you remember I told Baba I wana see him today while looking at the hotel building .Thanks Baba I know its you. May your blessings be with us at all times and sorry to test you.
Share Your Sai Experience :HERE.

Sairam is the God in this yug and he will be always by the side of his bhakta.every article put up here is proof of our sai with his children .great work website owner for putting this across so many children as light to the path of sai.god bless you.
OM SAIRAM....Each experiences are special in there own way...NIce experiences...thanks a lot for sharing with us...OM SAIRAM...LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA...:):)