Sairam to all,
Happy Baba's day .
Sai Satcharitra -"My Guru never expected any other thing from Me. He never neglected Me, but protected Me at all times. I lived with him, and was sometimes away from him; still I never felt the want or absence of his love. He always protected Me by his glance, just as the tortoise feeds her young ones, whether they are near her or away from her on the other side of the river bank, by her loving looks. Oh mother, My Guru never taught Me any Mantra, then how shall I blow any Mantra in your ears? Just remember that Guru's tortoise-like loving glance gives us happiness. Do not try to get Mantra or Upadesh from anybody. Make Me the sole object of your thoughts and actions; and you will, no doubt, attain Paramartha (the spiritual goal of life). Look at Me whole-heartedly, and I in turn look at you similarly. Sitting in this Masjid, I speak the truth, nothing but the truth. No Sadhanas, nor proficiency in the six Shastras, are necessary. Have faith and confidence in your Guru. Believe fully, that Guru is the sole Actor or Doer. Blessed is he who knows the greatness of his Guru and thinks him to be Hari, Hara and Brahma (Trimurti) Incarnate."
All these years whenever I uploaded Baba's experience shared by Sai devotees tried to make a conscious effort to pass on Baba's message from Shri Sai Satcharitra as an introduction to the experience . To some it might appear as a normal act of writing by introducing the experience, but it is not .While doing seva of Baba through this platform, I have always witnessed that nothing moves without HIS will. A thought can never occur or a sentence cannot form alone by the human mind of mine if the master does not Will it.Something similar happened today .
The above excerpt from Shri Sai Satcharitra is the sheer leela of Baba and is Baba's message for the New year to all His children.Readers will know how this message came up as they go through the details below.
Today's experiences reflects the essence of Omnipotence/Omniscience/Omnipresent of Shri Sadguru Sainath.Not only the experience but the 2 New Year greeting (wallpapers) designed and shared by one of the Saikripa regular reader /Sai devotee, also carry the same message.
When I started to draft the post, I found myself lacking in describing the glory of Lord. Words fell short to initiate the introduction and to give New year message. I prayed to Baba to help me to carry His seva. He indicated to open Shri Sai Satcharitra . I opened the book randomly and here came the master's reply .
As the readers will go through the experiences shared below they will understand the Omnipotence of Lord Sai Baba not only in helping me have the message for the New year for all,an introduction to Sai leelas but aptly fitting the experiences shared today .
I thank the devotee for creating this New year greetings with soulful message for Shirdisaibabakripa's reader .
Wishing you all a wonderful Sai blessed New year .
Jai Sai Ram .
Sai Baba Antaryami -The All Pervading:
Dear Manisha Ji,
Pranams to you and all readers.Thanks for the opportunity. Please feel free to correct or make any changes as you may think necessary and kindly post this experience in your website for the visitors to read and also kindly upload the pictures attached.
All days are BABA's days.. every millisecond is given by BABA..
Please let me introduce myself as Sai Servant.
I am passing through a very turbulent phase of my life... I lost my job, came in as a Diwali gift. I was informed about this on 25th Oct and from 1st Nov I am jobless. However I could clearly see this as Baba's leela. I see this as a spiritual break where Baba is completely transforming me into a new person, helping me realize my sins and bringing me back on track. Though I am jobless on one side, I feel Iam very lucky as I have:
1. Started watching Kakad aarti daily morning as first activity once I wake up (thanks YouTube and Live webcast by Sai Sanasthan)
2. Spending approximately 2 - 3 hours on prayers + spending more time in knowing about SAI and his wonderful leelas
3. Visiting Sai temple atleast once every week (if not twice) and spend atleast 1 hour during every visit witnessing the charisma of our GREAT SATHGURU SAI
4. I finished reading Sai Sath Charitha once (was not able to complete in 7 days) and currently reading it for the second time (trying atleast one chapter daily).
5. Experiencing the presence of our GREAT SARVAVYAPI SAI with me at home in many ways
My job loss is due to my karma and I am sure Sai will give me a better job once I have completely gone through the after effects of my karma and once he finds that I pass through his preliminary tests on SHRADDHA and SABURI.
But, see how he is formulating the whole sequence of events. This is exactly what is called the 'BLESSING IN DISGUISE'. I couldn't imagine this transformation and such a blissful experience had I continued in a job.
Being without a job is definitely painful, undoubtedly... our (my family) tomorrow is a big '?' today.. what is bothering me the most is we have got admission for our daughter in a good nearby school for P1 (of course, there is no good or bad in the world of Sai.. but I still got a very very long way to go to attain that maturity, not sure if I would ever attain it) and she had developed a dream for herself as some of her good friends would also be going to the same school with her.
But now with all these turn of events we are not sure what will happen in black and white. However, Baba has been indicating and signaling in so many ways that he is with us and will see me through this troubled phase. So, Iam really thankful to BABA for this wonderful opportunity where I am able to strengthen my relationship with him and get connected with him all the time.
Today I would like to share some of my experiences that substantiates point # 4 above. There are several such happenings, but for now I shall share whatever that comes to my mind.
My wife and kid had gone for vacation, so some days I cook (only rice) and some days I eat outside. But for the past few days I have been thinking that I should first devote my food to BABA before I start eating (at home or outside). But due to my lust for food, I have always been forgetting to do this when the actual opportunity comes and I tend to remember my commitment to BABA only later by when 2 - 3 scoops are already swallowed.
Last thursday, after my Sai Vrat pooja, I started preparing a kind of pongal for lunch using a small pressure cooker that we use to have. As the cooker started emitting the steam I looked for the weight (the one that we put on top of the lid) and found the same is missing (I used the same cooker 2/3 days before) and somehow managed to complete the job without weight for that day. Later I searched the entire kitchen and other places in the kitchen for the weight but in vain. I prayed to BABA and requested him to show me the weight again. After a couple of days, again I thought I will cook rice at home. Since the pressure cooker weight is lost, I decided to use the electric rice cooker and this time I remembered to devote the raise to SAI once it is cooked.
The very next day, believe me, when I went inside the kitchen I saw the weight kept on top of the cooking hob and it was so visible that there is no chance of not looking at it. Remember, I had searched the complete kitchen and this particular spot where I found it again is a place where I do the cooking and it is impossible to miss it. I was extremely happy, delighted, got goosebumps and completely surprised by this act of BABA.
I understood that his lessons are very effective, small or big. This experience Iam sharing here is nothing short of TRUTH (SATHYAM) and if someone would say I would have overlooked one the previous occasions (which was certainly not the case), BABA is again teaching a philosophy that what we need is in front of us but most of the times we keep searching for these somewhere else out of sheer ignorance and lack of devotion to god. So, BABA played a small leela by hiding the weight and reminding me of my commitment to him. The lesson is so effective that I would never forget SAI when I see rice on my plate.
There was also another incident that happened the same night. Around 10:30 PM, I went to bed and was looking at some spiritual stuff through YouTube in my phone. Suddenly I found our next bedroom where we have this PC was lit up with light. When I went and saw, I found that the monitor had turned on (was in sleep mode) itself. Normally, our PC monitor gets into sleep mode if we do not use it consecutively for over 10 minutes.
On this particular day, when this incident happened, I had not used the computer for the last 5 - 6 hours and last I was browsing some SAI related stuff prior to that. So, again this was BABA telling me not to worry and that I am with you here only as Iam worried job loss and future.
One day, about 3 weeks before, I was very upset (many a days, but that day was acute) and I was reading a few chapters of Sai SathCharitha. Baba gave me several answers to several of my queries through this reading and boosted my morale considerably.
After Sai SathCharitha parayan I sat for some internet surfing. It was around 10:00 PM, suddenly my wife came to the room and gave me a small container saying that it is Shridi prasadam and that she brought it from our friend's place. I was surprised as our friend's family did not visit Shridi and when I checked with my wife I understood that one of their friend's family had visited Shridi and given this prasad which they are sharing with us... what else? goosebumps again!! SAI is so affectionate towards his kids and he helps in all possible ways to release the stress that we take to our minds while learning his lesson and transforms it into a more blissful experience.
Some days back I came across a rare BABA photo in facebook where BABA was holding a parrot in his hands... guess many would have seen this, I am also attaching herewith. When I saw this in facebook, I also wanted to share this with many other friends in facebook (Iam not a regular facebook visitor and hardly do any postings).
When I did that, there were two friends who liked it initially and one, for me was a real surprise. A week or two letter, this friend sent me a text stating 'Tomorrow going to India. Trip to Shirdi'. I was surprised again as I knew him for several years now, but I never knew him as a Sai devotee. So I called him immediately as I was curious to know what is driving him to go to Shirdi. The story behind was again miraculous. His elder brother had come to India for tonsuring his kid and had told his Dad of their desire to go to Shirdi.
Dad felt that it would be nice if the younger son also join them to Shridi, so he called him and checked if he can join them. But the younger son (my friend) told his Dad that he may not be able to accompany for Shridi trip as there is some planned software release in the Bank where he is working, for which his presence is crucial. However he promised his Dad that he will join the family for the tonsuring ceremony of his brother's kid as that is scheduled to happen a few days after the release only.
However BABA had decided that this guy must come. The release was postponed to a later date and therefore my friend's manager told him that 'Baba wants him to come, the release is postponed'. My friend informed his Dad immediately about this who made the arrangements right away and my friend visited Shridi and had a great Dharshan.
Recently I had been to India on a short visit. I packed my baggage but did not check the weight. I left for the airport with prayers to BABA to accompany me and protect me all through. The taxi driver who took me to the airport was extremely kind and helped me with the baggage at both ends (upon seeing my disability). I was under the assumption that Iam allowed to carry 30 kgs and my baggage should roughly weight something around that.
When I went to the checkin counter I found that my baggage was weighing 33 kilos. The lady at the check-in counter asked me if Iam aware of my weight allowance. I told her that I think it is 30 kilos. She told me that Iam allowed only 20 kilos and the same is also printed in the ticket. Normally they print as 20 but allow upto 30 kilos (in non budget airlines). The lady told me that she could adjust 5 kilos and that I will have to pay for 8 kilos excess. Actually I had kept a few of my old shirts in my baggage to give it to some needy as I have not been using the same. So, I thought I will take out those shirts and ask my friend (who is coming to see me off) to take it back with him as the excess baggage rates are much more expensive than those shirts.
I requested a nearby person to help me to put my baggage back on the trolly and he obliged. Incidentally this person is the airlines manager it seems, he asked the lady at the counter why am I going back without checking in and she explained the situation. The manager, after hearing to the lady, told me that he will allow 30 kilos and that I will have to pay excess baggage for 3 kilos only. This time I agreed as I thought I will pay as the amount is considerably reduced. My baggage was checked in and I was asked to proceed to another counter to pay for excess baggage and collect the boarding pass.
I went to the counter and the lady over there asked for $45 cash. I asked her if I could pay by credit card and she responded positive. At the back of mind I was partially hesitant to pay the money because of my situation. As I was about to give her my credit card, I don't know what she thought, she said she will waive off the excess baggage dues and released my boarding pass. Well, you all know what would be my feeling at this moment... I recently came across Ramana Maharishi quote "if god is willing, he could insert even a big elephant into hole of a small needle".
This is exactly what BABA did for me. He split the total excess baggage of 13 kilos among three airport / airline staffs (perhaps a staff is not permitted to waive off beyond 5 kilos in her / his individual capacity per passenger) and ensured that I do not go through any hassles. I literally got tears in my eyes.
After my baggage was through, my friend came to see me off and we both went to a restaurant for some food. I took a seat in a table and my friend went to the queue for ordering some food. As I was sitting I saw another friend (not very close, but use to be my colleague in my earlier employment). I was hesitant to meet him as he was working near my last work place and we use to meet often in the car park and that I felt awkward to tell him that I lost my job. But BABA had a different plan.
That guy after ordering food came straight to my table and asked me how come Iam there. As we started conversing we realized we are traveling to the same destination by the same flight and we have been allotted two adjacent seats, 12A for me and 12B for him. I understood that BABA is traveling with me in the form of this guy. As we were in the flight I started telling him about the excess baggage miracle and that this is all because of BABA only.
When I told him this, he told me that he is also a very staunch BABA devotee and started sharing his experiences. He was telling me he also went through a similar situation when he lost his job sometime back and how BABA helped him. From thereon we were talking only about BABA and we became good friends, found a bonding in us than ever before. I must also mention here that this was the person whom I met 1 or 2 days before I lost my job in the car park and he then told me about some possible job openings in the Bank where we use to work together earlier. So, when I lost my job I remembered this and approached them, the process is still underway. I hope BABA finds me a suitable job.
On my return also I had some excess baggage.. I had 24 kilos agains 20 allowed but I was able to bring this without any hassles. On reaching my apartment, I was a bit worried as to how Iam going to manage my baggage. I requested the taxi driver and he obliged, kind of half heartedly. As the taxi driver started carrying the baggage, another Van driver who was witnessing the scene volunteered to help and took the baggage's from the taxi driver, carried the baggage to the lift, accompanied me in the lift and carried the baggage till my door steps.
I am simply flattered with BABA's compassion for me. Iam extremely confident that he definitely knew what me and my family needs and will give us the same at the appropriate time.
Thanks a ton BABA... I LOVE YOU.
Om Sai Ram... Jai Sai Ram... Om Sathguru SaiNathaya Namo Namaha..
Om Shri Sachidhananda Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Humbly Yours
Proud Sai Servant
Reading Sai Satcharitha:
My experience on his miracle in reading book. I have made a habbit that everyday I read one chapter of Sai Satcharitha. One day I went to my brother's house and forgot to take my book with me. That day night I had to stay in my brother's house. Next day we had a function at home. Until lunch my mind was constantly wondering on not reading Baba's book for that day.
Around 2.30 PM i came back home in a Call Taxi. I sat in the front and travelled, wherein there was a Kumudam magazine in the dash board. I was just brushing the book, while I saw an article on Baba's leelas where in there was a story of "Hari Kannoba" in that particular edition.
I read and my mind was satisfied to some extent. Before going to bed, again I remembered that I forgot to read the book, and took my Sai Satcharitha and read the chapter I was supposed to read for that day. I was totally wonder stuck by reading that chapter, because I read the same "Hari Kannoba" chapter which I read in the car while coming back home.
What to say about Baba.... he is totally omniscient.
Jai Sai Ram
Sai Baba - The all knowing:
Sai Ram Manisha ji
I am a small Sai devotee totally dependent on Him for every thing in my life. I work in an MNC and sometimes my work gets stuck and I find myself in a lot of tension because of that. I work in software field and my work is technical. Sometimes I don't see any solution for the issues and I have to deliver the work As soon as possible.
It is in these times that I send a small prayer to Sai Baba and the work gets solved and delivered in no time. Out of nowhere I get solutions and relief of mind. A couple of days back I was in a similar situation and my work was stuck. I prayed to Sai as I always do and also all of a sudden this idea struck my mind that I would post this experience on Internet.
Needless to say the issue was solved and here I am basking in his glory and trying to spread the message of his kindness and grace through this post.
Sai Baba, knower of all the technology (in fact creator of this technology) has always come to my rescue in such critical times. Whatever I am today is only by his grace and his greatness.Baba thank you for always guiding and blessing us .
Baba is always with us:
I would like to share an experience where Sai proved that he is with us always,He is always by our side.I was drinking tea in my mess of the college and suddenly i felt very giddy.I got very scared and i thought something was really wrong. I
I sat for sometime in the chair praying to Sai Baba .I didn't tell anybody.Than went to take more tea.When i was going one of my college mate opened her laptop where the great Sai was blessing as a wallpaper.I saw Sai with all his graceful and caring look.I was shocked and surprised.He proved that every second He is there with us whether we call Him or not.Then after sometime i was completely fine.I was so confident and extremely happy on seeing Him.Thank you Sai for being with us.We love you so much.We have immense faith and love for you dear Baba ,please always have your graceful hand on us and guide us .
Baba Blessed me with job:
I came to Sri lanka from uk.After that i searched for job but i could not got any suitable job. One of my sister told me to do Sai BaBa's vrat and I did 9 Thursday vrat with devotion and love after that I got a part time job with Baba's blessing .I am trusting baba a lot and I am sure He will bless me always.
Jai Sai Ram
Share Your Sai Experience :HERE.

leelas of our Sai Deva are unfathomable....we only need to have shradha and saburi.....happy sai baba's day to all sai bhakts...
Thank you for the new year message.Baba pls keep your blessing hand on me. Today your message has given me strength to face the problem in my life. I will keep shraddha saburi and burn my karma. sai devotee your exp give me lot of strength . Pls pray for me to survive this phase of my life. sai baba ki jai .
Shirdi Saibaba the stunning coordinator in His wifi way! The Real Master of Universe! Thanks to the devotees for boosting faith in us by their experiences. May Baba bless Manishaji & this website with more of HIS LEELAS. sainath maharaj ki jai
The 'Be Thankful' display card with its quote is nice. Beyond the omniscient leelas, am thrilled to read the elephant example by the devotee to match the sarva swaroop wallpaper. Wonderful leela played by BABA. SAI, THE DOER OF EVERYTHING. Manishaji your website is blessed. jai sai ram
Baba you know everything .Please bless our family,pls take care of my small son .Heart touching new year message from Baba ,i agree with devotee on the example of elephant and needle,it is faith on Baba that can make anything possible. greetings to the creator of the new year greeting ,nice concept and good message baba blessing to you. Happy new year 2012 to all sai bhaktas.Baba bless all .Sita Ram Jai Sai Ram .
I am also in same situation with no job.I think it is Baba's message for me too .I should have more faith and devote my time in His rememberance .Thank you for getting this message across . I love the pictures posted along with experience ,they r worth reading again and again .Sai brother and sister please pray to Baba for me .Thank you .Have a good New year .
happy baba day to all om sai ram om sai ram om saima