Sairam Dear all,
Today morning I recieved a mail from Sai bhakt Leeladhar ji sharing important message which was not known to me.This message is of importance to all the Sai children .To emphasise the importance of this message I am providing the excerpt from Shri Sai Satcharitra below.
From Sai Satcharitra Chapter 44 and 45,where the author Shri Hemadpant had written-"Thirty two years before this, i.e., in 1886 A.D., Baba made an attempt to cross the border line. On a Margashirsha Pournima (Full moon) day, Baba suffered from a severe attack of asthma. To get rid of it Baba decided to take His prana high up and go into samadhi. He said to Bhagat Mhalasapti - "Protect My body for three days. If I return, it will be alright; if I do not, bury My body in that open land (pointing to it) and fix two flags there as a mark." Saying this, Baba fell down at about 10 P.M. His breathing stopped, as well as His pulse. It seemed as if His prana left the body. All the people including the villagers came there and wanted to hold an inquest and bury the body in the place pointed by Baba. But Mhalasapati prevented this. With Baba's body on his lap he sat full three days guarding it.
After three days passed, Baba showed signs of life at 3 A.M. His breathing commenced, the abdomen began to move. His eyes opened and stretching His limbs, Baba returned to consciousness (life) again.
From this and other accounts, let the readers consider whether Sai Baba was the three and a half cubits' body that He occupied for some years and that He left thereafter or He was the Self inside. The body, composed of the five elements is perishable and transient, but the Self within is the thing - Absolute Reality which is immortal and intransient.
The pure Being, Consciousness or Brahma, the Ruler and Controller of the senses and mind is the thing Sai. This pervades all things in the universe and there is no space without it. For fulfilling His mission He assumed the body and after it was fulfilled, He threw away the body (the finite aspect), and assumed His infinite aspect. Sai ever lives, as also the previous Incarnation of God Datta, Shri Narsimha Saraswati of Ganagapur. His Passing away is only an outward aspect, but really He pervades all animate and inanimate things and is their Inner Controller and Ruler. This can be, and is even now experienced by many who surrender themselves completely to Him and worship Him with whole-hearted devotion.
Now coming back to the message and the importance of this day I am reproducing the e-mail from Sai brother Bhaktal as shared with me by Leeladhar ji.
devadas bhatkalDec 07 03:32PM +0530
Dear Sai Devotees, We are all aware that our Sainath went into'Samadhi'for 3 days in the year 1886.All the village folks and Moulvis thought He is dead and gone for ever.But the great devotee,Mahalaspathi kept watch on the body all through these 3 days. He knew his Master will come back to Life.If He had not, then we would have lost our Sainath then and the World not have heard of Sri Sai Baba. So it is a great event in the Holy Life of our Sadguru.This is explained in detail in 'Sai Satcharit'.All the Sai devotees should cherish this moment of our Baba coming back to this Earth again, to lead us all to 'Sadgathi'.This incident happened on Poornima Day in the Month of Margashira in the Year 1886 ie exactly 125 years back. Now we are in Margashira Masa and the Poornima falls on 10th of this month.Since this year happens to be the 125th year of this Holy Event, it has to be remembered and celebrated as an important festival by all devotees and mainly by the Shirdi Sansthan.Every one should rejoice this day which gave Baba back to us.I mentioned this through Mail to Shirdi Sansthan, but no Response from them!. I dont know whether it is in their agenda.Hope they will celebrate this event at Dwarakmai with due honours and gaiety. Om Sai Ram D.Bhatkal
Dear readers this day will fall on 10th of December 2011 and will mark 125 years since Baba has taken samadhi and resurrected again as mentioned in Shri Sai Satcharitra. Efforts has been made to communicate this information to Shirdi Sai Sansthan so that appropriate celebration can be held in Shirdi but to no avail .(Though Shirdi Sai Sansthan is celebrating Datta Jayanti and Lunar Eclipse on 10th Dec and has all the programme scheduled.Devotees can view the programme by clicking HERE .)
I would be celebrating this day by performng Sai Naam Jaap and reading of Shri Sai Satcharitra.I hope every Sai devotee will celebrate this occasion in his/her own way .Devotees are welcome to share their view or ideas on how they shall be celebrating this day by commenting below .Jai Sai Ram .
PS:For devotees who do not know the meaning of the word Nirvikalpa it is provided here .
It is a sanskrit word and the meaning is as follows."Nirvikalpa samādhi, means absorption without self-consciousness, is a mergence of the mental activity (cittavṛtti) in the Self, to such a degree, or in such a way, that the distinction (vikalpa) of knower, act of knowing, and object known becomes dissolved — as waves vanish in water, and as foam vanishes into the sea. The difference to the other samadhis is that there is no return from this samadhi into lower states of consciousness. Therefore this is the only true final Enlightenment.

I will do the same chapter 43 & 44 InshaAllah! Baba is everliving with all of us..protecting all of us..
Thanks to leeladharji & sai manishaji to highlight this date of 10-Dec-1886. I pray that by the grace of our dear Saibaba Himself (THE DOER), the Sansthan brings out this grand occasion to the world of sai devotees on the lines of important dates of Shirdi festivals.
What can be done on our part is, to note down in calender as Sai's Nirvikalpa Samadhi Anniversary on 10th December as HIS Birthday & spread the message to the world of sai devotees and thank Baba for re-incarnating Himself for the welfare of his children.
At this point of time, I want to appreciate Sairam Manisha for her method of seva of not just publishing the posts by sai bhakts but adding CREATIVE QUOTES & INPUTS timely like the "When was the last time..." by Johni Pangalila in one of her earlier posts. Baba bless all :) Thanks Sairam
Om! Lord Shri Shirdi Sai Nathayanamah!
This is a Great Event. I rejoice that you have brought this to lime light quite in-time.
"Once in a great while we read something that bypasses the brain and goes straight to the heart".
I will meditate on Lord Shri Shirdi Sai Baba and read Shri Sai Satcharita with all reverence
OM! Shirdi Vasaya Vidmahe Satchidanaya !!
Dhimahi Thanno Sai Prachodayat !!
Did sai naam jaap and pleaded baba to be with us always .
Thanx 4 timely post ,culd do sai satcharitra reading,donation of some food in near by temple and remembered Baba many time.Jai Sai Appa.Thandari Sai ma.
Thank you manisha sister .This is indeed a grt day for all of us. I have tried my best to celebrate it by doing Baba's naam jaap and reading SSC.Baba bless us all.
sai maharaj,
i feeling very worse in health condition severe health problems like neck and left arm pain.
lots of misunderstanding in my family .is this due to karma,please suggest what should i do.sainath
dear sainath,
please help me to overcome my all problems.
want to know whether this is due to karma.Omsiaram help me.