Dear all,
Happy Baba's daySharing devotees experiences not only guides me but also guides so many souls.This is purely the love and blessing of Baba on His children that every minute they are experiencing His grace. And through each such child we are able to read,feel and learn from these experiences .Each time we read an experience our love for Baba grows many folds.It is love and simple pure love alone which takes us close to our Sai.
The more love one has in their heart for Sai Baba, the closer they are to Him and experience His presence always.In the experience shared today the devotee has opened His heart full of love for Baba and has shared many such experiences which he witnessed in his life. Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manishaji
Please publish this as I promised Baba to write my story on your web site. I have attached the Melbourne Sai maa photo.
Melbourne :Shirdi Sai Baba
Even Adisheshang(snake god with thousand heads ) couldn’t describe and praise the lord Sai, how can I just explain about Sai leelas.But my SaiMaa is making me to write these miracles which I witness everyday .I migrated from India and I am living with my family in Melbourne , Australia. Though I was introduced to BABA in 1984 when I was in Calcutta and in Mumbai being evil human I didn’t understand the omnipresence of Sai .
I was indulged in lots of evil things, belonging to Brahmin community I was doing sins which no one can’t describe. I was acting like an animal …in human form ......
I was married in 1997, soon after I was given a chance by our Sai Maa .A devotee again introduced me to Sai through my sister-in law .May be that was the beginning of my spiritual path (in 1998) from that time onwards Sai’s blessings is showering on us.
My wife is nurse ,she got a job in Singapore at that time she had decided to go with my 3 year old son due to our economic situation. I started living alone in chennai.But I was strong to face the music.
Those days I had to travel by bus in early hours of the day due to safety reasons . I took the bus from Adampaakam to Gowirvakkam .I had to be there by 6.00 AM. The abishekaam starts 6.15am eveyday ,as soon as I was there Appa told me to perform the abishegam ,which I neve did.It was the most happiest time of my life ,I felt tears in my eyes. I couldn’t controll my emotions . Then as a ritual soap and shampoo was applied on baba's idol with sponge, Appa asked to apply the soap on Baba .. as I was applying I felt like I was with SAI MAA, not idol. Very very few people around that time ( these days I hear hundreds of devotees love to do these things but few can only do because of many restrictions by the committees ) from that moment my life is full of Sai Sai Sai every where .
Without visiting this temple my everyday life was meaning less.I was very attached to Sai, after I started visiting this temple SAI MAA changed my life gradually. My wife started applying for job interview in Melbourne , Australia as I couldn’t get any job in Singapore.
You could see SAI MAA already decided where I have to go further in my life , this was in early 2001. Meanwhile my brother and sister told me about few problems in my horoscope.My life could be in danger I need to take extra care on road and not to travel by train or but but I left everything to SAI MAA.
I had to travel by train to a place called Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu ,in spite of these warnings during the travel a very old SAINT boarded the train at Tambaram and asked me about where I am going . I said about the place I am visiting.While we were talking I had noticed that a big Sai pendant was hanging on his neck.I was thrilled and thanked Sai being with me. It was a night journey, before I went to sleep, I requested the saint to wake me up at the place where I had to get down if possible. He did just smiled at me !!! I went to sleep.When I got up around 3.00 a.m. , I looked around the saint was gone.. when I enquired about the saint with fellow passengers, they said they didn’t see any saint boarding this train !!This made me bit puzzled and I was questioning myself about the Saint. I reached my destination safely .I know in my heart that the saint was our Sai. The horoscope prediction went wrong .Sai once said in Shri Satcharitra throw the horoscope away and believe in HIM (Sai ).Which was true in my life.SEE SAIMAA ‘S RESCUE MISSION.
Days rolled on, I had given up my job-hunting to Singapore and decided to stay in India. I was hoping BABA will show me a path and left everything to him. One fine morning I got a call from my wife saying that she got a job interview for a hospital in Melbourne , Australia. (Here on BABA's LEELAS STARTED AND BECOME ENDLESS).
After spent 7 months in Melbourne I felt lonely (though I am with family).Because we didn’t have sai temple in Melbourne during that time period. I was really sad and prayed Sai maa .See the wonder he did ,one day our priest invited us .As he was to perform Maha Kumbabhisegam / Samprokshanam: I asked which temple he said Sai temple. I ran to my place and tears rolling on my face I thanked my Sai .We went to Sai temple. How lucky we are I thought,we worshiped our Sai maa and once again I felt HE came all the way,Our Baba is boundless - no border or no limit.
Days rolled on with Sai blessing I had nice job for 5 years . Due to global financial problem I had to leave the firm.Within 2 days time I got similar job with Sai’s mercy.I stayed there for 20 months for no reason(Due to back stabbing and politics). I was sacked June. I felt big blow on me.
I was crying in front of baba I didn’t tell my wife about this. I was applying for job all around ,while searching I came across your web site about sai leelas . I felt like baba was telling me to search more on your web site .The Sai virat keep popping every time so I decided to download the same from your site. unfortunately full Tamil version was not available( few pages were missing ) see Sai maaa’s love and care again.Next day while searching for the same one of the Dubai Indian association blog site had the full version.I decided to do the vrat straight away during the 9 Thrusday’s I was follwing shradha and saburi .I left everything to HIM ,2nd Thusday I had part time job ( the person gone on holidays for 6 weeks) .
I said to myself Sai will take care of everything. I continued the same. And finished the vrat successfully and distributed the books as per instructions on the 9 th Thursday.My boss,where I was working as part time QA officer ,called me for discussions.
I thought he would tell me that the part-time position is over and I don’t have to come from tomorrow.( that’s what I was thinking)Sai had different idea again the boss said he would like to hire me permanently as production manager ,he negotiated my salary higher than what I was getting in the previous firm. I was really speechless. I agreed for the same and signed the paper on the same day it was Thursday.
I have to add bit more, my son is 13 year old is smart kid but not focusing on studies and concentrating only on gaming consoles. Though we have free education in public schools in Melbourne, the education standard is not of expected level. However few schools around Melbourne has the highest world class standard. To enter these schools either we have to live nearby (neighbourhood boundary) or write the entrance exam for selective schools. The option one was not possible for us as these schools are located in very expensive areas. Option II was to give entrance exam.
In these selective schools “MEBOURNE HIGH” is the most performing govt school and very hard to get though the entrance. The selection is purely on merit of the student. ( 95 % of the students secure 99.9% in their final exams similar to our HSC ) .Even private school students also in rush for this school.
Though we had decided our son to prepare for the entrance exam , we were not quite sure that he will get through this.He wasn’t performing well initially. The preparations were below normal standard. We said to ourselves, only miracle can get him for the school where we intended to put him . During my Sai Vrat on Thursdays I was also praying for my son .One evening during evening arthi , my son started praying and was sitting there whole time for the arthi. ( he has never done it before )From there on he started praying baba everyday .
I could see a change in his attitude and regularly he was preparing for the exam. On the day of exam we were little worried as they were 5300 students to write the exam. ( only 350 students would be selected based on the performance) I SAID TO MY SON PRAY SAIRAM ALL THE TIMES . The exam results were published after 8 weeks.Beating all odds my son scored very high distinction in three subjects and was selected for the school. We all thanked Sai baba for this miracle in his life . Like this there are number of miracles Baba is doing for us and everyone.
We can say our SAI MAA is always with us ,with everybody .
Jai Sai Ram


Wow...what an amazing Sai Leelas you have shared. Reading through, Baba has answered many of the questions that I've had in my life. I feel, the biggest hurdle in life is to get to know Sai and come into His fold. Once we are in His fold, there is no looking back for anything.....
Bless us all Baba so we always look up to you and feel your presence in our lives, each day,and each moment......
This is beautiful, i have tears in my eyes, you are lucky!
Very beautiful, how lucky you are!
nice experience...really felt happy while reading this..thanks alot for sharing with us..OM SAIRAM...LOVE YOU ALOT SAIMA...
om sai ram