Sairam to all,
Happy Baba's day
Today's experience touched my heart to the core not only because it is our Baba's experience but this particular experience reflects immense love of a daughter for her mother/parents .The message is simple and clear through the experience "Love and serve your parents" but how many will love and serve their parents in a way which is narrated through the following experience.
I loved the following lines and wish to share :Jai Sai Ram .
When Was The Last Time?
When was the last time you told your parents how grateful you are just for being their children?
When was the last time you told your parents how sorry you are for the troubles you have caused in the past?
When was the last time you looked at your parents and said in your heart, "Thank God for these people"?
When was the last time you hugged your parents and said, "Thank you for the love and care you've given me, I love you so much"?
When was the last time you bought a present for your parents outside their birthday?
When was the last time you prayed for your parents?
When was the last time you made your parents proud of your achievements?
When was the last time you cancelled your date just because you want to be alone with your parents?
When was the last time you thought to bring your parents with you when you saw an ad about some nice place?
When was the last time you said to your parents, "Ok guys, relax now, today is my turn to clean the house"?
When was the last time you were on your way home with nothing else on your mind but the thought of seeing your parents?
When was the last time you've proudly told your friends about how great your parents are?
When was the last time you thought about all these things?
Remember, your parents did all this for you, long before you could say a word. They did it, not because they had to, but because they loved you and they will keep doing it again and again, always and forever.
For them, loving you is like breathing, how can they stop?
(Copyright -Johni Pangalila)
Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Dear Sairam Manisha
On a lighter note, you reflect baba’s method. He will do a long pause but will show his presence and suddenly he will get into action giving turning points in our lives. God has given us duties with regard to family and family commitments are also a seva to do our nithya karma and without it purification is not possible. That way you are doing seva minimally by posting a random message from Sai Satcharitha in yahoo group due to tight priorities. And suddenly you come up with many experiences of devotees, sharing of books on saints, devotional albums etc. to the level of exhaustion. Baba bless your family and fulfil all your desires.
With Baba’s will, I wish to share some delightful experience and please post accordingly to your convenience. Baba made us realize, Charity to strangers and needy should be in second place.
Firstly it should be our repentance and praying for the welfare of our own family members, elders. Baba welcomes us closer, when we inherit these qualities. Sri Sai confirmed the saying ‘Charity begins at home’. As soon as this was implemented, Sai took us closer to shower his grace. Please post the two images attached herewith.
For the past one month my mother was suffering from severe stomach pain and nausea. All the tests, scan were showing normal and ruled out stones. She could not even touch a bit of sweet during diwali eve. She was hopeless as the pain was unbearable despite she was given some antibiotics to reduce any infection. At one stage, I could not withstand to see her suffer this kind of pain with results normal. I prayed to baba to remove her suffering at once.
I was crying inside and thought that we siblings could not return our gratitude in a big way to our parents for bearing with us all the ups and downs of our life these years. I spoke to baba quoting some of the lives’ good going in general but not so in ours. I regretted for our ignorance and my inability to keep them contented forgetting their worries.
I felt helpless to find ways and cure her stomach pain. On different days I went to the nearby Shirdi Sai temple to pray for her recovery. I have seen on many occasions, some devotees do their whole pradhakshina (rounds) with their knees, by kneeling down as a prayer or fulfiling their vow. I thought of that and prayed to baba, please help me also, do such pradakshina for the well-being of my mother.
Unbelievably, baba made me too, do such difficult pradakshina. As the distance was bit big, I could do only one round pradakshina. But I could managed to do these on different days omitting Thursdays. One such day when some devotees praying near the main Sai Statue (moorthi), I was not able to do such pradhakshina. I felt the place in dhuni/dwarkamai was calm and without disturbance, I felt better and did that knees-pradakshina circling dhuni surprisingly. To my happiness and satisfaction, baba made me do more such knee-pradakshina for dhuni on different days despite the floor being rough. I felt the pain and discomfort while doing but it all disappeared soon.
Next baba made my mother apply udhi on her stomach by giving a hint from another devotee’s similar ailment and experience in website, advising to maintain patience as the pain will disappear in due course without severe damage.
To give confidence to her, I made her sit and read that experience on her own. I took neem leaves near Gurusthan and made my mother drink that bitter but medicinal water by heating leaves in it. Then I arranged and gave curd rice to dogs for few days as this is one of remedies given in the holy Sat Charitha. Baba accepted all these prayers and efforts and gave her relief and removed the stomach pain.
We all thanked baba. On Wednesday, when I was purchasing provisions, I asked baba at heart, what sweets he would like to have so that I can offer him the same. There is haldiram’s sweet boxes, groundnut burfis etc. But without any special thought, I picked and bought the packs of sugar, rava, cashews, cardamom powder, kesar powder, ghee and gave these packs to the priest of the baba temple for they could make and offer Rava Kesari Prasad to devotees on some other day or even for the next day is thursday.
I finished my prayers and was sitting in a corner admiring baba’s statue. One of the trustees who was writing something, unexpectedly called me and said bring your parents for Sri Satyanarayan Pooja on the very next day Thursday and that day is Poornima day too (pournami) and he said baba is inviting them to bless. I was speechless. I did not respond to his call. But he insisted on to speak to my parents there itself and tell the wish of baba. I became emotional and almost cried at baba’s specific intention of taking items for rava kesari prasad for Satyanarayan Pooja. It was a double treat to me. Double blessings.
Baba is great in giving surprises, when our thinking capacity is at a limited level. When I talked to baba of what sweet he want, Sai was sure to pick those items through me for the special pooja on the Poornima-Thursday. I got excited and brought my parents the next day and we all attended the whole pooja, got Lord’s blessings, baba’s blessings, rava kesari prasad, holy water, milk prasad etc. Thus baba invited us for satyanarayan pooja and confirmed his grace and care for our family.
Sri Sai Satyanarayan Swami Ki Jai !
Share Your Experience :Here.
© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details
Happy Baba's day
Today's experience touched my heart to the core not only because it is our Baba's experience but this particular experience reflects immense love of a daughter for her mother/parents .The message is simple and clear through the experience "Love and serve your parents" but how many will love and serve their parents in a way which is narrated through the following experience.
I loved the following lines and wish to share :Jai Sai Ram .
When Was The Last Time?
When was the last time you told your parents how grateful you are just for being their children?
When was the last time you told your parents how sorry you are for the troubles you have caused in the past?
When was the last time you looked at your parents and said in your heart, "Thank God for these people"?
When was the last time you hugged your parents and said, "Thank you for the love and care you've given me, I love you so much"?
When was the last time you bought a present for your parents outside their birthday?
When was the last time you prayed for your parents?
When was the last time you made your parents proud of your achievements?
When was the last time you cancelled your date just because you want to be alone with your parents?
When was the last time you thought to bring your parents with you when you saw an ad about some nice place?
When was the last time you said to your parents, "Ok guys, relax now, today is my turn to clean the house"?
When was the last time you were on your way home with nothing else on your mind but the thought of seeing your parents?
When was the last time you've proudly told your friends about how great your parents are?
When was the last time you thought about all these things?
Remember, your parents did all this for you, long before you could say a word. They did it, not because they had to, but because they loved you and they will keep doing it again and again, always and forever.
For them, loving you is like breathing, how can they stop?
(Copyright -Johni Pangalila)
Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Dear Sairam Manisha
On a lighter note, you reflect baba’s method. He will do a long pause but will show his presence and suddenly he will get into action giving turning points in our lives. God has given us duties with regard to family and family commitments are also a seva to do our nithya karma and without it purification is not possible. That way you are doing seva minimally by posting a random message from Sai Satcharitha in yahoo group due to tight priorities. And suddenly you come up with many experiences of devotees, sharing of books on saints, devotional albums etc. to the level of exhaustion. Baba bless your family and fulfil all your desires.
With Baba’s will, I wish to share some delightful experience and please post accordingly to your convenience. Baba made us realize, Charity to strangers and needy should be in second place.
Firstly it should be our repentance and praying for the welfare of our own family members, elders. Baba welcomes us closer, when we inherit these qualities. Sri Sai confirmed the saying ‘Charity begins at home’. As soon as this was implemented, Sai took us closer to shower his grace. Please post the two images attached herewith.
For the past one month my mother was suffering from severe stomach pain and nausea. All the tests, scan were showing normal and ruled out stones. She could not even touch a bit of sweet during diwali eve. She was hopeless as the pain was unbearable despite she was given some antibiotics to reduce any infection. At one stage, I could not withstand to see her suffer this kind of pain with results normal. I prayed to baba to remove her suffering at once.
I was crying inside and thought that we siblings could not return our gratitude in a big way to our parents for bearing with us all the ups and downs of our life these years. I spoke to baba quoting some of the lives’ good going in general but not so in ours. I regretted for our ignorance and my inability to keep them contented forgetting their worries.
I felt helpless to find ways and cure her stomach pain. On different days I went to the nearby Shirdi Sai temple to pray for her recovery. I have seen on many occasions, some devotees do their whole pradhakshina (rounds) with their knees, by kneeling down as a prayer or fulfiling their vow. I thought of that and prayed to baba, please help me also, do such pradakshina for the well-being of my mother.
Unbelievably, baba made me too, do such difficult pradakshina. As the distance was bit big, I could do only one round pradakshina. But I could managed to do these on different days omitting Thursdays. One such day when some devotees praying near the main Sai Statue (moorthi), I was not able to do such pradhakshina. I felt the place in dhuni/dwarkamai was calm and without disturbance, I felt better and did that knees-pradakshina circling dhuni surprisingly. To my happiness and satisfaction, baba made me do more such knee-pradakshina for dhuni on different days despite the floor being rough. I felt the pain and discomfort while doing but it all disappeared soon.
Next baba made my mother apply udhi on her stomach by giving a hint from another devotee’s similar ailment and experience in website, advising to maintain patience as the pain will disappear in due course without severe damage.
To give confidence to her, I made her sit and read that experience on her own. I took neem leaves near Gurusthan and made my mother drink that bitter but medicinal water by heating leaves in it. Then I arranged and gave curd rice to dogs for few days as this is one of remedies given in the holy Sat Charitha. Baba accepted all these prayers and efforts and gave her relief and removed the stomach pain.
We all thanked baba. On Wednesday, when I was purchasing provisions, I asked baba at heart, what sweets he would like to have so that I can offer him the same. There is haldiram’s sweet boxes, groundnut burfis etc. But without any special thought, I picked and bought the packs of sugar, rava, cashews, cardamom powder, kesar powder, ghee and gave these packs to the priest of the baba temple for they could make and offer Rava Kesari Prasad to devotees on some other day or even for the next day is thursday.
I finished my prayers and was sitting in a corner admiring baba’s statue. One of the trustees who was writing something, unexpectedly called me and said bring your parents for Sri Satyanarayan Pooja on the very next day Thursday and that day is Poornima day too (pournami) and he said baba is inviting them to bless. I was speechless. I did not respond to his call. But he insisted on to speak to my parents there itself and tell the wish of baba. I became emotional and almost cried at baba’s specific intention of taking items for rava kesari prasad for Satyanarayan Pooja. It was a double treat to me. Double blessings.
Baba is great in giving surprises, when our thinking capacity is at a limited level. When I talked to baba of what sweet he want, Sai was sure to pick those items through me for the special pooja on the Poornima-Thursday. I got excited and brought my parents the next day and we all attended the whole pooja, got Lord’s blessings, baba’s blessings, rava kesari prasad, holy water, milk prasad etc. Thus baba invited us for satyanarayan pooja and confirmed his grace and care for our family.
Sri Sai Satyanarayan Swami Ki Jai !
Share Your Experience :Here.


Very nice message manisha ,one who respect and love parent is the blessed child of god.It is so sad to see in todays time how children hurt their parent and do not realise their mistake. Baba show them right path.Please put more expe like this. I am really touched by the love of the devotee for her mother . Baba bless her more and more.
Baba ki beti.
Jai Sai Ram Baba ki beti ,
Thanks for the message,yes I completely believe and follow :-that God's blessing are with those who love ,care and respect their parents. Those who hurt their parents are not spared in court of God and do not get His blessing as long as they do not realise that parents are living God.
Baba willing more experience will be shared here .
Jai Sai Ram
Very nice experience...few days back i vowed that i will do satyanarayan pooja at home on any poornima but i didnt do because of many obstacles but baba made remember me my vow today...suddenly i clicked this post and read this experience and now i have decided that i will complete satyanarayan pooja as soon as possible...thanks sai child(who shared this experience with us),manishji for this post....and thanks a lot saima for making me to read this experience today...LOVE YO A LOT SAIMA...OM SAIRAM...:):)
Love you baba .. U are eternal baba there are no words for your love and blessings ...if I have to write an experience I have to write my whole life baba ... Ur always there with me ... Love you soo much baba