Happy Baba's Day and Vijaya Dhasami Day to all.
On the eve of Maha Samadhi Day of Shri Shirdi Saibaba and Vijaya Dhasami Day, May Sadguru Saibaba of Shirdi and Goddess Maa bless you all with Great Health, Wisdom, Happiness, Peaceful Life, Prosperity, Contentment, Love to all beings.May the Lord Bless you all with the most important thing of life, that is doing Charity in all the ways possible and getting Spiritual awareness to attain the goal of life (Self-Realisation and Liberation) with God's Grace. Sath Chith Aanandha Sathguru Shri Sainath Maharaaj Ki Jai ! Lokhaa SamasthA Sukino Bhavanthu ! Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi Hi ! Bow to Shri Sai, Peace be to All. Shubham.
It is purely divine blessing of Baba that on this auspicious day without any prior notification the launch of divine,rare book "Shirdiche Sai Baba" in english is taking place through this blessed platform of Baba.
I was aware of the translation of Marathi book, and none other than our Shri G.P Sinha Bhaiya was taking care of getting this task done.(I would like to mention here - Sinha Bhaiya has been serving Sai devotees by praying for them through this website and devotees have immensely benefited .Readers can read Here.)
Hence Sinha Bhaiya was time to time keeping me in update with the progress. It has been more than a year this work started,finally on 27th May 2011 the divine book was inaugurated in presence of blessed devotees of Baba ,whose details are mentioned below.
I would like to thank G.P Sinha Bhaiya, Leeladhar ji ,Vinny Chitluri didi ,Smt.Sangeeta Joshi,Dr.V R Prabhu and everyone whom Baba chose as the sevak of this task and who in turn passed on this Baba's work to be published here in this website for all devotees .
I feel blessed to recieve this book on Gurupurnima and I have deeply enjoyed each chapter .There are many incidences shared by Dr.Gawanker ji which touches readers soul and are not printed any where in any book .I personally liked the first chapter which is a hair raising experience and is a blessing to each devotee who reads it .
Before I proceed to other details I would also like to mention ,the book "Shirdiche Sai Baba"was not in schedule to be published today on His Mahasamadhi day.It is definitely again Baba's blessing .I will be posting detail in next post about this .
Dear readers ,
Here is the complete details of the book as well as of the function ,as written and sent by Shri V.V Leeladhar ji. He is Baba's ankit child who is serving mankind and His devotees silently .Leeladhar ji has provided devotees with Udi,information of Shirdi and above all sharing rare resource of Shirdi Sai Baba books and literature which is rare to find in this period of time anywhere other than the website http://saileelas.org which is free to read and open to all .This is his selfless seva to all Sai children.
Readers can read the details of the book "Shirdiche Sai Baba " below as sent by Leeladhar ji.
Jai Sai Ram .
A note by Sri V V Leeladhar on Book Release Function of “SHIRDICHE SAI BABA” by Dr. K B Gawankar.Translated from Marathi into English by Smt. Sangeeta Joshi.
I, Leeladhar, was very fortunate to attend this ceremony in Ville Parle, Mumbai on 27 May 2011. The function was held at Baba’s temple in one of HIS staunch devotees Late Smt. Chandrabai Borakar’s house .
Note:Readers can read abour Late Smt. Chandrabai -one of Baba's devotee by following the two links given below.
The function was attended by many devotes from Mumbai and other cities. Prominent amongst them were the descendants of devotees who had served Baba until 1918. Sri Anil Dikshit (grandson of Late Kaka Saheb Dikshit) was the Chief Guest. Sri R V Noolkar ( grandson of Late Kakasahib Noolkar), Sri Dattatreaya Deshpande Nimonkar (grandson of Late Nanasaheb Nimonkar), Smt. Ujjawala Borkar (grand daughter in law of Late Chadrabai Borkar). Other dignitaries present were Dr.Vinny Chitluri (author of many books on Baba) and Dr V R Prabhu ( author of biography of Swami Akkalkot Maharaj).
Before I proceed with the details of the ceremony, it is important to know who Dr K B Gawankar was?
Note:The detail below about Unique relation of Baba with Keshav Gawanker ji has been published in the website long back .Readers can read complete detail along with picture of Baba's Kafani,photo of Keshav Gawanker ji by following the link provided HERE..I am attaching the same details below for readers ease.
Who was Keshav Gawankar ?
Keshav Gawankar lived with his parents in Bombay. When he was 7 years old, he was seriously ill with 'nava jwara' (fever). All kinds of treatments and remedies were tried, but of no avail. The fever was relentless and his chest was congested and full of fluid and pus. He hovered at death's door. A devotee called Galwankar (Dhabolkar's son in law) lived close by, he advised his parents to pray to Baba and make a vow. His aunt who was nearby vowed to Baba that they would go to Shirdi with pedhas if her nephew recovered.
Early next morning, the parents noticed that the fever had come down, and there was a tiny hole in the chest below the nipple. From this hole pus and fluid was oozing out. A few hours later the doctor came to see the patient and was astounded to see him recovering. The doctor prescribed some medicines and left. He recovered good health in a few days but a tiny scar was present on his chest.
Five years later in 1918 when Keshav was 12 years, and studying in Marathi school Standard V they went to Shirdi. He, his parents and aunt went to Dwarakamai took Baba's darshan and handed Him a packet of pedhas. Baba took the packet of pedhas and gave six pedhas to Keshav and ate the rest. Shama who was stading nearby said "What is this Deva, you are eating all the pedhas?" Baba pointing to his aunt said "She kept Me hungry for five years".
Then He made Keshav sit nearby and lovingly passed His handover his back. Baba then asked Keshav for Dakshina of two paise.
Keshav didn't understand what was happening so Shama interjected and said "Keshav Rao just say; Baba I offered the Dakshina and You accepted it" Baba agreed and as Keshav said this Baba took off His Kafni and gave it to Keshav. Shama again interceded on Keshav's behalf saying "Baba Keshav is too young to accept Your Maha Prasad (Kafni) let me keep it for him till he becomes: a little older and mature. Then I will hand it over to him, Deva". Baba agreed again. So Shama preserved the Kafni with tender loving care and gave it to him at an appropriate time.
When the family was was ready for departure every one stood up and did Namaskar by folding their hands. Keshav also did the same. Baba looked at Keshav and becokened him to come near then Baba held his hand gently pulling him to be seated. As soon as Keshav sat nearby Baba swiftly slapped him across his cheek. Keshav's head reeled and he saw stars. His whole body started quivering and shaking and this lasted for a few hours. Then catching hold of his shendy (tuft of hair). He pulled his head and placed it on His feet. Baba then applied Udi to his forehead and gave him a palm full saying "Jao beta Allah bhala karega" (Go My son Allah will do good).
Keshav's Moksha Guru was Triambak Vittal Samant (Bahu Maharaj) who visited Shirdi in 1914 and had given Baba Rs.2/ dakshina. Baba then demanded two more rupees and said "I will send one of my sons to you" (Keshav). Under his Guru's grace Keshav studied religious books, academically he became a doctor and began to prosper. But he did not forget Baba. He prayed to Baba daily and as years rolled by he became an ardent devotee. He started celebrating Ram Navami and Vijaya Dashami in his home in Bombay. He did Anna Daan on both the festivals according to his means. In 1939 he dreamt of Baba who said "Bikshecha Bhakar le gode" (the bhakar obtained from Biksha is very sweet.) So he decided to take Biksha.
This was while he was staying in Suneel mansion, Bombay. He got seven piles of Bhakri and jhunka bhakar was made from it. About 250 to 300 people ate to their hearts' content. Before Anna Daan was started 11 jhunka bhakar were offered as Naivedya to Baba. Of the Naivedya offered one bhakar was left before Baba the rest was made into small pieces and distributed. Wonder of wonders the bhakar even after 70 years or more is neither stale nor bitter or covered by fungus nor eaten by ants even now.
It was during his tenure as the President of Shirdi Sansthan that Sai Baba’s statue was installed in the Samadhi Mandir. He was also the editor of SAI LEELA magazine.
Dr.Gavankar has written three books in Marathi viz., 1) Shiladi ( published by Shirdi Sai Sansthan), 2) Sai Baba che Chamatkar, and 3) Shirdiche Sai Baba.
In 1964, one night, Dr. Annasaheb’s sleep was interrupted and he clearly heard Sai Baba say to him, “Come on, get up and start writing My stories.” Dr. Annasaheb was quite sure that it was Baba’s voice. He immediately rose from the bed. After a sincere prayer to Baba he started writing the biography of Baba. He noted the time. It was 1:30 a.m. (after midnight). He went into a trance and started writing and did not stop till 10:00 O’clock in the morning. During that short span of time he had completed many chapters of this book, “Shirdiche Sai Baba”.
The Function Details:
The ceremony started with the evening aarti in the temple.
This was followed by Dr. Sainath K Gawankar (son of Late Dr K B Gawankar) welcoming the guests and requesting the Chief Guest, Sri Anil Dikshitji and other dignitaries to light the ceremonial lamp to mark the commencement of the function.
Seen here are Dr Vinny Chitluri, Sri Dattatreya Nimonkar and Sri Anil Dikshit.
Dr.Gawankar traced briefly the history of the book, He narrated the above mentioned instance of Baba waking up his father and urging him to start writing.The book was completed in due course in 1966 and Anna (Dr Gawankar Sr) did not have money to publish the book. Then one day his friend Shri Ramanlal Patel handed him over Rs.4000 and the book was published and it was sold out and the second edition was brought out in the year 2006.
Dr.Gawankar traced briefly the history of the book, He narrated the above mentioned instance of Baba waking up his father and urging him to start writing.The book was completed in due course in 1966 and Anna (Dr Gawankar Sr) did not have money to publish the book. Then one day his friend Shri Ramanlal Patel handed him over Rs.4000 and the book was published and it was sold out and the second edition was brought out in the year 2006.
Dr Sai Nath Gawankar speaking on the occasion…
Then Dr Gawankar narrated how Sri.G.P Sinha met him in the year 2007 and when his wife Smt Asmita Gawankar presented the book in Marathi to Sinhaji, he said he did not know Marathi and if he was permitted he could try to get the book translated into English for the benefit of large number of readers.
Sri G.P.Sinha narrating his story
Next, Sri.G.P Sinha was invited to speak on the occasion. Sinhaji started with invocation of Baba. He then narrated the story how on my (Leeladhar’s) insistence he went to Dr Gawankar’s house with the single aim of darshan of Kafni. There when he learnt about the experiences of Late Dr Gawankar with Baba and many miracles associated with the Gawankar family, he realised this visit was not by chance. When Smt. Gawankar placed the book in Sinhaji’s palms, he immediately did a sankalp in front of Baba’s photo and asked their permission for getting the book translated which was immediately granted.
Next, Sri.G.P Sinha was invited to speak on the occasion. Sinhaji started with invocation of Baba. He then narrated the story how on my (Leeladhar’s) insistence he went to Dr Gawankar’s house with the single aim of darshan of Kafni. There when he learnt about the experiences of Late Dr Gawankar with Baba and many miracles associated with the Gawankar family, he realised this visit was not by chance. When Smt. Gawankar placed the book in Sinhaji’s palms, he immediately did a sankalp in front of Baba’s photo and asked their permission for getting the book translated which was immediately granted.
Sinhaji, then went on to narrate how with the blessings of Swami Akkalkot Maharaj and Baba Himself, he managed to locate Smt Sangeeta Joshi through Dr. V R Prabhu who he did not know at all.
Dr Prabhu saying a few words
Dr V R Prabhu spoke very briefly. He said we have lots of information about Sai Baba but very little knowledge of Baba, and this book helps us to increase this knowledge of Baba. We must understand the true meanings of teachings of Baba given in the book, and practice them in our everyday life.Smt. Joshi narrating her experiences
Smit.Sangeeta Joshi the translator said, that she had felt that it was Sai Baba who had guided her throughout the translation and though she had translated many books earlier this was a new experience for her, and she thoroughly enjoyed doing the work.
Smit.Sangeeta Joshi the translator said, that she had felt that it was Sai Baba who had guided her throughout the translation and though she had translated many books earlier this was a new experience for her, and she thoroughly enjoyed doing the work.
The Chief Guest Sri Dikshitji said that Ville Parle is a very old area where many devotees of Baba resided in those days, and even now many devotees reside in this area, and felt that in the future Vile Parle will become another Shirdi in days to come. He was very complimentary of the work of Late Dr Gawankar and told all of us that he had read the Marathi version between 7 pm and 2 am in one sitting as it was so absorbing.
Finally, the moment arrived for which we all were waiting for. The book was released by Dr Vinny Chitluri. All digantories were given a copy each.
Dr.Vinny released the book and presented copies to the dignatories.
The book is now available for all in India at ebay india at the following link:
The devotees desirous of ordering more than 20 copies at a time may contact
V V Leeladhar
6th October 2011

Sairam ,Manisha this is a very rare information.I loved reading about gavanker .How can I get this book ? can i order you for this? please tell me .I need to get this book .Jai ma sai.
Congrats .I live in mumbai I wish to visit the family of Gawanker .Thank u author for all these details.Good going ..
Thank you for the info.Indeed very interesting .Sairam .
Sairam Manisha Ji,
This is really great. We are grateful to personally know Sri Sinhaji and Sri Leeladhar Ji.
This book is available in Marathi at present and Hindi translation is underway. Is this right or the book is already available in Hindi/English. Please let us know.
Sai Ram
It is really nice to know & feel baba himself is giving inputs through many works that are still unexplored, to the world of his devotees. This is indeed another way of constant remembrance or meditation to be in touch with baba to know him more & more. Blessed are these souls. Sairam
Dear all,
Thanks for your comments.Baba knows how to get His work done. I feel blessed when such auspicious events occur through this platform and consider it as direct blessing of Baba .May Baba bless and always keep His gracious hand on us and make us worthy of carrying out His seva selflessly .
Thanks again .
Jai Sai Ram
I live in the U.S. and would like to buy this divine book. Please advise me. Thanks, Sai Ram.