Dear all,
Happy Baba's day
Reading and sharing Baba's leela's with each other not only enhance our realisation of the Baba's Divine power and His love for His children but also enrich us with His teachings .These teachings slowly but certainly transforms us into a better human being which reflects in our actions , speech and our daily worldly dealings. The refinement of oneself happens internally, silently and slowly after coming in touch with divine Baba .Reading Sai Satcharitra,His leela and sharing the glory of Baba make us realise the true human value and help us become a better person .
Let us continue following the path shown by our Sai and try to follow His teachings through the nectar shared by His children through this Sai Baba's platform. Here are few Sai Baba's experiences shared by Sai devotees. Jai Sai Ram .
My Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba.
Dear Manisha Didi,
I want to share my experiences with our Beloved Baba. Thank you for providing us with this wonderful platform which gives us hope, courage in our toughest time. Please do not share my Name nor email id.
I have been a devotee of Lord Sai Baba, for the past 2 years may be. Earlier I have never known him. It all started with my husband's eye problems, which used to happen on and off, with severe pain, redness, itching. For the past 10 years he was suffering.
No Doctors could identify what was the real problem. That time through a friend I came to know of Baba, started visiting temple.Things started to change after that, by Baba's blessings, which i am sure. Now he is doing fine.
But I feel I am immature devote sometimes, my faith shaking at times, again will be running to Baba for help. But still he has never left me. I am really sorry Baba for this.I had to undergo tough situations at home. I have 2 sisters. One got married, but was having some marital issues. Her husband used to drink a lot, and there was no peace in the family. She used to cry a lot, had faith in God. Finally I did Sai Baba Nine Thursday vrat for my sister. But still things were not changing. Also Doubts started to raise in my mind, also my faith shaking. Because it was really tense. My parents were really worried. After waiting patiently , which I used to lack very often now things have changed for her. She says now her husband shows lots of love to her, and their son, started respecting my parents. His character had changed a lot. That was really a good news.Thank you Baba for saving her married life.
Coming to my younger sister. She was in love with a person for 2 years, she wanted to marry him. My parents were against this alliance, but since she was adamant, they had to agree. We asked him to bring his parents and relatives to our house, so that we can proceed further. But when it comes to marriage, he used to say, his parents won't allow, since it is inter-caste marriage, also his mom is sick and has some tumour in brain. Since he is the only son, he needs some time, or else if his mom comes to know about his affair something will happen to her. Also he said, his mom wanted him to marry his uncle's daughter.
Finally my parents said, we cannot wait further,we waited for 2 years, again we can't. Then we got the same reply from him, telling he needed some more time. This arouse suspicion in us. We started to use our contacts to find about him, then we came to know, his name is fake, he is already married, and he was actually trying to cheat my sister. My sister was earlier not convinced , she was strong in her decesion. Finally i told her about Baba, she used to go to for answers from Baba, she got a message "Hidden facts will be relieved ". Also i too went in this website, and asked Baba, The reply was give food in the name of your mom, everything will be alright. I did this exactly. Within a week everything got settled. The relationship,between my sister and my parents started to improve, she agreed to marry a person whom parents chose. Thanks Baba for saving my sister's lifes.I have few problems in life which still remain unsolved, I know by Baba's blessings, everything will be alright. Sorry Sai ma for hurting you, for doubting you. Please give me lots and lots of patience, which I do lack, when tough situations come in my life. Help me that my faith won't be shaken ..
Thank you so much.
Baba's Miracles
Dear Manisha Didi, First of all thank you for this website and all the help you do for us to get closer to Baba. Please do not disclose my name or e-mail address. I am a Catholic girl from Kerala who is living with family in the US. I am very grateful to my two Telugu friends for introducing me to Baba.
I first came to know about Sai Baba through one of my very close friends. He used to avoid meat on Thursdays because it is Baba’s day. He is a firm believer of Baba. Whenever he goes to India he for sure visits Shirdi. Though I came to know about Baba through him I was not praying to Baba at the time.
Few years later I was going through some difficult times, then another friend of mine who is also Telugu told me about Baba and that he prays to him every day because he was also going through some difficulty in life. I was then curious about Baba and I started searching for his life stories and prayers online. I also came across this beautiful site through that search.
I am not religious but very spiritual. To me God is the same person and we all call him different names. I have even caught myself looking at Baba’s idol or picture and calling him Baby Jesus. I have caught myself chanting “Om Sai Ram” in my heart when I was attending church mass many times.
Let me tell you how Baba assured me on 3 different occasions that he’s with me, watching me, and listening to my prayers.
Sai leela 1:
It was Oct 29, 2010. I took day off from work that day so I could go to Baba’s temple and pray for this very special person in my life as it was his Birthday. It’s about 45 minutes drive for me to reach nearest Baba’s temple from my house. As I was driving to the temple that morning I was telling Baba “Sainatha, if you are going to wear yellow & green clothes when I come see you today, I am going to believe that you were expecting me there today and is accepting my prayers”. For some reason the color yellow reminds me of Baba. Whenever I see a yellow car or anything yellow that stands out I chat “Om Sai Ram” 3 times. When I walked inside the temple I saw that Baba was wearing yellow. I was glad to see that but I didn’t see any traces of green. I sat down to pray to baba with my eyes closed. There were lot of helpers inside the temple helping the priest to adorn Baba’s idol with flowers. I was not paying attention to them. When I opened my eyes, I don! ’t know even know how to explain my feeling at that time. I saw the priest putting a garland of green leaves around Baba on top of the yellow clothes he was wearing. It looked as if he was wearing a yellow cloth with green border. It looked so beautiful. I knew then and there Baba accepted my visit to him that day and also accepted my prayers. Thank you Baba for that wonderful experience!
Sai Leela 2:
One morning I was on my way to work. I was not feeling mentally well that day. I was too emotional and for some reason I started crying and asking for Baba to get rid of the pain in my heart and begged him and told him I do not have anyone besides him and his lotus feet. All I could do is hug his feet and request him to be there for me always. Then I remembered reading other Sai devotee experiences about seeing Baba’s picture inside vehicles and things like that. Since I live in the US, there is no way I could find any pictures or idols of Baba inside vehicles or shops. I have a small idol of Baba in my room and also another one on top of my desk at work. I told Baba if he’s going to ease my pain, to show himself to me in any form besides the idols in my room and at work. And I was thinking at the same time “why am I asking this, it’s not easy to find a picture or idol of Baba.” I chanted Baba’s name and went to work. I do keep a cooking blog and I do follow so! me other bloggers. I have the habit of checking my e-mails first and then the blog when I get to work. As usual I was checking post from other bloggers. One of the recipes a blogger posted looked interesting and clicked on the link to her blog. I was not a frequent visitor to her blog. When I clicked on her blog the very first thing I saw was a picture of none other than our Sai Baba. I thanked him for again proving that he’s there for me.
Sai Leela 3:
This happened yesterday. As usual I was chanting Baba’s name while I was driving to work and I was asking Baba for a favor that I have been asking him for about a year now. I said “Baba, if you are going to do this favor for me when you feel the time is appropriate please give me some kind of sign. Then I completely forgot that asked him for this favor. I came home. Prayed to Baba and was sitting down to watch a movie online with my sister and Mom. My sister turned on the TV and suddenly I noticed something on the top right hand corner of the screen, a beautiful picture of Baba. I hope you can imagine I happy and grateful I was feeling. I rushed to my room to pray in front of Baba’s idol and was thanking him over and over and over, that even when I forget he is not forgetting me. He’s there for me and will make sure that I am happy.
Before I went to bed last night I told Baba that I will share this experience and here I am. I almost forgot to do this. Baba, please forgive me for forgetting. You kept reminding me that I was forgetting something I promised you.
Baba knows what is good for us and he will let us know that when the time is right. Just have firm faith and patience. Baba thank you so much for being there for me and for all your devotees. You are great. Manisha didi, thank you so much for posting this experience so others could read this. I am sorry the post is a bit lengthy. I will write again when another miracle happens.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai
Sai ram
I would like to share my story .My husband passed away recently, and i was going through lot of depression and on top of that not even one month had passed , when my in laws came and fought with me, and they put caveat on my husbands assests, the tug of war battle drained me and my small children in that grieving time.
I went to baba for many days ,cried my heart out, baba please put an end to all this since i cannot take it, every time i asked baba He said you will win. Many people siting there also said i will win. So on the hearing day i went to court taking babas blessing .I dont know how it happened but my case ended up paying them 25% of the assets ,though i was not happy, but Baba took me out of that hell of going to court. I feel relaxed now and I regularly read Sai Satchitra chapter 37 every day befor sleeping and i sleep very well.All this is babas blessing.
Thank you baba.
Share your experience: Here
© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details
Happy Baba's day
Reading and sharing Baba's leela's with each other not only enhance our realisation of the Baba's Divine power and His love for His children but also enrich us with His teachings .These teachings slowly but certainly transforms us into a better human being which reflects in our actions , speech and our daily worldly dealings. The refinement of oneself happens internally, silently and slowly after coming in touch with divine Baba .Reading Sai Satcharitra,His leela and sharing the glory of Baba make us realise the true human value and help us become a better person .
Let us continue following the path shown by our Sai and try to follow His teachings through the nectar shared by His children through this Sai Baba's platform. Here are few Sai Baba's experiences shared by Sai devotees. Jai Sai Ram .
Experience 1:
My Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba.
Dear Manisha Didi,
I want to share my experiences with our Beloved Baba. Thank you for providing us with this wonderful platform which gives us hope, courage in our toughest time. Please do not share my Name nor email id.
I have been a devotee of Lord Sai Baba, for the past 2 years may be. Earlier I have never known him. It all started with my husband's eye problems, which used to happen on and off, with severe pain, redness, itching. For the past 10 years he was suffering.
No Doctors could identify what was the real problem. That time through a friend I came to know of Baba, started visiting temple.Things started to change after that, by Baba's blessings, which i am sure. Now he is doing fine.
But I feel I am immature devote sometimes, my faith shaking at times, again will be running to Baba for help. But still he has never left me. I am really sorry Baba for this.I had to undergo tough situations at home. I have 2 sisters. One got married, but was having some marital issues. Her husband used to drink a lot, and there was no peace in the family. She used to cry a lot, had faith in God. Finally I did Sai Baba Nine Thursday vrat for my sister. But still things were not changing. Also Doubts started to raise in my mind, also my faith shaking. Because it was really tense. My parents were really worried. After waiting patiently , which I used to lack very often now things have changed for her. She says now her husband shows lots of love to her, and their son, started respecting my parents. His character had changed a lot. That was really a good news.Thank you Baba for saving her married life.
Coming to my younger sister. She was in love with a person for 2 years, she wanted to marry him. My parents were against this alliance, but since she was adamant, they had to agree. We asked him to bring his parents and relatives to our house, so that we can proceed further. But when it comes to marriage, he used to say, his parents won't allow, since it is inter-caste marriage, also his mom is sick and has some tumour in brain. Since he is the only son, he needs some time, or else if his mom comes to know about his affair something will happen to her. Also he said, his mom wanted him to marry his uncle's daughter.
Finally my parents said, we cannot wait further,we waited for 2 years, again we can't. Then we got the same reply from him, telling he needed some more time. This arouse suspicion in us. We started to use our contacts to find about him, then we came to know, his name is fake, he is already married, and he was actually trying to cheat my sister. My sister was earlier not convinced , she was strong in her decesion. Finally i told her about Baba, she used to go to for answers from Baba, she got a message "Hidden facts will be relieved ". Also i too went in this website, and asked Baba, The reply was give food in the name of your mom, everything will be alright. I did this exactly. Within a week everything got settled. The relationship,between my sister and my parents started to improve, she agreed to marry a person whom parents chose. Thanks Baba for saving my sister's lifes.I have few problems in life which still remain unsolved, I know by Baba's blessings, everything will be alright. Sorry Sai ma for hurting you, for doubting you. Please give me lots and lots of patience, which I do lack, when tough situations come in my life. Help me that my faith won't be shaken ..
Thank you so much.
Experience 2:
Baba's Miracles
Dear Manisha Didi, First of all thank you for this website and all the help you do for us to get closer to Baba. Please do not disclose my name or e-mail address. I am a Catholic girl from Kerala who is living with family in the US. I am very grateful to my two Telugu friends for introducing me to Baba.
I first came to know about Sai Baba through one of my very close friends. He used to avoid meat on Thursdays because it is Baba’s day. He is a firm believer of Baba. Whenever he goes to India he for sure visits Shirdi. Though I came to know about Baba through him I was not praying to Baba at the time.
Few years later I was going through some difficult times, then another friend of mine who is also Telugu told me about Baba and that he prays to him every day because he was also going through some difficulty in life. I was then curious about Baba and I started searching for his life stories and prayers online. I also came across this beautiful site through that search.
I am not religious but very spiritual. To me God is the same person and we all call him different names. I have even caught myself looking at Baba’s idol or picture and calling him Baby Jesus. I have caught myself chanting “Om Sai Ram” in my heart when I was attending church mass many times.
Let me tell you how Baba assured me on 3 different occasions that he’s with me, watching me, and listening to my prayers.
Sai leela 1:
It was Oct 29, 2010. I took day off from work that day so I could go to Baba’s temple and pray for this very special person in my life as it was his Birthday. It’s about 45 minutes drive for me to reach nearest Baba’s temple from my house. As I was driving to the temple that morning I was telling Baba “Sainatha, if you are going to wear yellow & green clothes when I come see you today, I am going to believe that you were expecting me there today and is accepting my prayers”. For some reason the color yellow reminds me of Baba. Whenever I see a yellow car or anything yellow that stands out I chat “Om Sai Ram” 3 times. When I walked inside the temple I saw that Baba was wearing yellow. I was glad to see that but I didn’t see any traces of green. I sat down to pray to baba with my eyes closed. There were lot of helpers inside the temple helping the priest to adorn Baba’s idol with flowers. I was not paying attention to them. When I opened my eyes, I don! ’t know even know how to explain my feeling at that time. I saw the priest putting a garland of green leaves around Baba on top of the yellow clothes he was wearing. It looked as if he was wearing a yellow cloth with green border. It looked so beautiful. I knew then and there Baba accepted my visit to him that day and also accepted my prayers. Thank you Baba for that wonderful experience!
Sai Leela 2:
One morning I was on my way to work. I was not feeling mentally well that day. I was too emotional and for some reason I started crying and asking for Baba to get rid of the pain in my heart and begged him and told him I do not have anyone besides him and his lotus feet. All I could do is hug his feet and request him to be there for me always. Then I remembered reading other Sai devotee experiences about seeing Baba’s picture inside vehicles and things like that. Since I live in the US, there is no way I could find any pictures or idols of Baba inside vehicles or shops. I have a small idol of Baba in my room and also another one on top of my desk at work. I told Baba if he’s going to ease my pain, to show himself to me in any form besides the idols in my room and at work. And I was thinking at the same time “why am I asking this, it’s not easy to find a picture or idol of Baba.” I chanted Baba’s name and went to work. I do keep a cooking blog and I do follow so! me other bloggers. I have the habit of checking my e-mails first and then the blog when I get to work. As usual I was checking post from other bloggers. One of the recipes a blogger posted looked interesting and clicked on the link to her blog. I was not a frequent visitor to her blog. When I clicked on her blog the very first thing I saw was a picture of none other than our Sai Baba. I thanked him for again proving that he’s there for me.
Sai Leela 3:
This happened yesterday. As usual I was chanting Baba’s name while I was driving to work and I was asking Baba for a favor that I have been asking him for about a year now. I said “Baba, if you are going to do this favor for me when you feel the time is appropriate please give me some kind of sign. Then I completely forgot that asked him for this favor. I came home. Prayed to Baba and was sitting down to watch a movie online with my sister and Mom. My sister turned on the TV and suddenly I noticed something on the top right hand corner of the screen, a beautiful picture of Baba. I hope you can imagine I happy and grateful I was feeling. I rushed to my room to pray in front of Baba’s idol and was thanking him over and over and over, that even when I forget he is not forgetting me. He’s there for me and will make sure that I am happy.
Before I went to bed last night I told Baba that I will share this experience and here I am. I almost forgot to do this. Baba, please forgive me for forgetting. You kept reminding me that I was forgetting something I promised you.
Baba knows what is good for us and he will let us know that when the time is right. Just have firm faith and patience. Baba thank you so much for being there for me and for all your devotees. You are great. Manisha didi, thank you so much for posting this experience so others could read this. I am sorry the post is a bit lengthy. I will write again when another miracle happens.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai
Experience 3:
I feel blessed to share my experience in Shirdi here. Last time when i went to shirdi with my mom i was in queue complex. My mom was before and i was the last person in that line. I casually turned back and saw an old man dressed in saffron dhoti and shirt with white beard, coming into the line. Dont know why i touched his feet and gave him way. Then i started walking behind him.
I always had a thought about the security pushing me out at the samadhi darshan to clear the line...ofcourse its their duty. That moment i decided in my mind...that if the person whom i am following is BABA then he wil take me through the crowd easily and will give me ample time near samadhi to see my almighty.
To my surprise the line moved so quickly that i was infront of baba in 5-10 minutes. Once i saw him tears rolled out of my eyes and seeing me ,the guards who were standing there told me...RONA NAHIN. BABA KO DEKHO AUR JO CHAHIYE MAANGO. What else do i have to ask him. I was speechless just with tears pouring out.
jai sairam.
I feel blessed to share my experience in Shirdi here. Last time when i went to shirdi with my mom i was in queue complex. My mom was before and i was the last person in that line. I casually turned back and saw an old man dressed in saffron dhoti and shirt with white beard, coming into the line. Dont know why i touched his feet and gave him way. Then i started walking behind him.
I always had a thought about the security pushing me out at the samadhi darshan to clear the line...ofcourse its their duty. That moment i decided in my mind...that if the person whom i am following is BABA then he wil take me through the crowd easily and will give me ample time near samadhi to see my almighty.
To my surprise the line moved so quickly that i was infront of baba in 5-10 minutes. Once i saw him tears rolled out of my eyes and seeing me ,the guards who were standing there told me...RONA NAHIN. BABA KO DEKHO AUR JO CHAHIYE MAANGO. What else do i have to ask him. I was speechless just with tears pouring out.
jai sairam.
Experience 4:
Sai ram
I would like to share my story .My husband passed away recently, and i was going through lot of depression and on top of that not even one month had passed , when my in laws came and fought with me, and they put caveat on my husbands assests, the tug of war battle drained me and my small children in that grieving time.
I went to baba for many days ,cried my heart out, baba please put an end to all this since i cannot take it, every time i asked baba He said you will win. Many people siting there also said i will win. So on the hearing day i went to court taking babas blessing .I dont know how it happened but my case ended up paying them 25% of the assets ,though i was not happy, but Baba took me out of that hell of going to court. I feel relaxed now and I regularly read Sai Satchitra chapter 37 every day befor sleeping and i sleep very well.All this is babas blessing.
Thank you baba.
Share your experience: Here


om sai ram