Dear all,
Happy Baba's day ,
Baba's leela are innumerable and happening every fraction of second. The more readers share their leela the more benefit other readers/devotees get through them .This is the easiest way of sharing and spreading the blessing and joy of Baba's love and leela.One who shares and the one who recieve's both are blessed by Baba.Lets continue reading few more Sai leela's......Jai Sai Ram .
Leela 1:Baba helps me to come out through all problems.
I am 34 years married girl.I am living in Us with my husband and small kid.I am devotee of Baba ,infact my whole family believes in Him.After reading others experiences, I felt motivated to share my experience too. I would request you kindly not to disclose my mailid and name.Thank you Manishaji for such wonderful service.
Dear Manishaji,
I have been regularly reading your website and it has become a part of my daily routine.Its wonderful to know how Baba takes care of His devotees.I have been an on & off Baba's devotee since school days.But since last 2 years, I got to know about Him very closely..There has been a series of incidents in this peroid ,where I felt His presence &love for me.
I am a married girl with a small kid living in US.I am basically a very nervous mentality kind and feel very depressed over any small issue. I would pray Baba to help me get rid of my anxiety.Very recently I completed my Sai 9 Thursday Vrat successfully.
In that period Baba helped us to get through our problems and making thing easier.It includes many requirements relating to Green Card procedures and how He helped us to get through it.
There is a medical procedure for Green Card and we three went for it.My skin test for TB was positive and I got very depressed , as If theres anything wrong then it would create a hinderence for the process.But I had complete faith In Sai, that He will not let any harm to me as He had assured this in Sai Satcharitra many a times.Then I took a Lungs X Ray and everything was clear.I was very happy that Baba took care of me and we went ahead with other formalities.
Before the last thursday of my Vrat , I suddenly felt pain in my right arm..specifically armpit.I noticed that theres a small internal swelling in that region which caused me pain.I became very tensed..I started praying to Baba that everything should be fine.But next thursday,which was the last day of my vrat I took a doctor's appointment for the same. The Doctor I saw was the one who would say 100s of possibilities as the cause for it.At first he told me that it looks like a lymph node swelling which is caused by virus and should go off within a week.After that he told me if that doesnt get better ,then I should come back to him for further investigation and he might do a biopsy to check whether that is anything dreadful or not.
I was very nervous on hearing this and got into depression all over again.( Here I would Like to add that I lost my Father in 2002 due to cancer and still that trauma very much upsets me) I prayed to Baba Sai that let it be something very trivial and let it get cured on its own and please take Your child out of this danger.And I promised Baba That I would share my experience for the first time with other devotees.
Needless to mention, the pain and the swelling went away within a week.Today on Babas day I am sharing my experience only and only due to His Will and Grace.Sorry Manishaji,I am not very good in narrating my experience, please edit it wherever you feel the need.Baba answered my prayers and once again showed that He is there to take care of care and he would not let any harm to me. I know that Baba will bail me out of every problem and help me to be successful in Life.
I want to restart my career after a long gap and He will surely help me to start again.Past few days I am feeling little dizziness but I know Baba will take care of it too.Now I try to keep all my worries at His Holy feet and just do my duties.My koti koti pranam to Lord Sai .
I want to thank you heartily for providing such a wonderful platform to share my experience and help me keep up my promise to Beloved Sai. Please upload Sai's photo along with this experience..I would be truely happy if you publish this in your website..I have many more experiences to share , I will share them when Sai would like me to do.
Thanking You once again Manishaji for commendable service to all devotees..May Baba Bless you and all His children.
Shri Satchitanand Sadguru Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sai Devotee
HAPPY THURSDAY MANISHA JI, When we trust somebody and find that our trust is not going waste and is being increased several times and is transformed into courage, confidence, happiness, I feel it as Faith.
Dear Manisha Ji,
This is my second experience I'm sharing with you.So here I'm giving the url of my previous post.
Also this is my second experience of our loving Baba in my life. Its been quite long time, but I felt like I should share all my experiences with all of our friends.
It was in 2004.I had to go for visa(H4) stamping to join my husband in US. I went for stamping but I got the drop box option asking for more information.
I was very much disappointed and also cried a lot.I dont know much about the process that time , so I was tensed and was under the impression that my visa got rejected. I called my husband and told the same to him. He told me not to worry and explained the situation. But i was very much tensed. I didnt have peace of mind.
The following week I went to chennai to submit my papers. I was returning to my home town from Chennai, the same day by train. I was alone. I was very disturbed. I was talking to Baba. I was asking Him to show His picture as an answer for my help. I didnt see any picture of Baba. This made me feel even worse. Inside myself , I was asking Baba several times to give me courage, to show a positive sign. It became dark outside, also the train crossed all the nearby towns and now there is no chance of seeing any picture of Baba outside. I thought Baba is not giving me answer and I decided to sleep. I got on to my berth. I was not able to sleep. After some time I heard beep sounds from my cell phone. When i took it out from my purse, I saw message from my cousin.
Usually i dont have the habit to giving messages to anybody. So I dont recieve any messages from anybody.Without willing to see I opened my cell phone. I was wonderstruck. I really had goose pimples.Its a picture of our Baba.
Every devotee who have such experience will know how I feel that moment.I thanked Baba earnestly from the bottom of my heart and kept on seeing that picture again and again.
After returning home I started Sacharitra Parayana from Thursday which ends in a week. I prayed to Baba with complete Faith asking for His help. On Wednesday night i.e.early hours of Thursday my last day of parayana, I got a dream in which I saw Baba's idol which is in Green Color blessing me.Immediately I got up from sleep. I thanked Baba several times for blessing me and also giving answer for my prayers.My happincess knew no bounds. I cant express my joy in words.I remembered that dream very clearly even today because that was my first dream of my dearest Baba. All my tensions were gone.It was like an answer that my visa was granted. Within a week I got my passport with H4 visa.
Thank You Baba for bringing me closer to You. Please Bless me that I should experience You every moment. I should feel Your presence every second Baba. Please help me to lead a life remembering and following your sayings. Thank You Baba for giving me this life and help me achieve my goal. Always seeking your Presence and divine Blessings.
Manisha Ji,Please dont disclose my email id.
Once again I'm thanking from the bottom of my heart for helping all of us and bringing us together with Baba. I wish Baba should give you good health and extreme happiness.
Leela3:Faith in Baba
Sai Ram. Please do not disclose my name or email address. Thank you.
This year did not start off well for me. And slowly things started going from bad to worse for me. Due to problems in my personal life, I also had to leave my job. But I had faith in Baba, no matter how bad things got for me.
I was not in a position to start looking for another job, as I needed some time to myself. But in June, I felt that I was ready to look for a job, so I started sending out my CV and spreading the word.
As Baba says "I will always stand by my devotees and respond to them, whenever they call upon Me". End of July, I prayed to Baba that I want a nice job in a nice location. Without his blessing it wasn't going to be possible. In one week's time, I got a call to go for an interview on the very next day. I went for my interview, and I was asked to join them immediately, but I would be on a trial period. I believe that if Baba wishes, my temporary job will become permanent. My office is in a good location and the working environment is also nice, and better than my previous jobs.
On the 2nd day of my job, I had to deal with figures and calculations, which took me some time to digest. But with Baba's blessings, I was made to understand this in a simpler way. "As one feels intently for Baba, he will give you experiences and realisations accordingly.
I have been a Sai devotee since two years only and all I have to say is, do not TEST Baba. Have FAITH and PATIENCE in Him, and He will always be by your side.
Share your experience: Here


Baba help me in getting a job ,it is a long time I am struggling,reading this I feel I will also get good job soon .Baba please bless ,thank you saima for this lovely platform .
Sairam Manisha sis
Feel very happy each Thursday when I read the experience of devotee and forget about all my problem and pain.I too feel that one day Baba will be happy with my prayer and will bless me to be happy in life.Please pray for me .Dear website visitors pls pray for me and keep sharing such exp which help people like us live each day in hope baba will bless us too .Saibaba pls bless .
Lakshmi .P
Very nice experiences....thanks a lot for sharing with us...OM SAIRAM....LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA....:):)