Dear all,
Happy Baba's day.
Today I am sharing few more experiences of Sai devotees .Each experience express Baba's Divine form and His unfinite love for His children.The human life is full of testing circumstances and ardous situation but if one keeps firm faith on Baba ,Baba always help His devotees to over come these testing moments.Attached below are the experiences.Jai Sai Ram
Leela 1:Baba Saved my Father's life.
Dear Sister Manisha I would like to share a beautiful miracle with Sai devotees.
Before commencing this article I would like to offer my prayers to Baba and ask Him to shower his blessings on us.Only with His grace today I'm able to share this wonderful story with you all.
Today if my Father is hale and hearty its all because of Baba.Baba has always blessed my family.
This incident had took place in the year 1998.I was just a small kid.Everything was going on well in my family. One day my Father was not keeping well.
He was having pain in his knees.At first we thought that it would be a minor pain.Then slowly slowly he started getting some other symptoms like whenever he used to cough blood used to come from his mouth, he started getting some small white patches on his skin.So he consulted our family doctor and our doctor asked him to undergo some tests.
My father had gone to collect the reports along with one of his friend. When the results were out all my family members were shocked.He was diagnosed with Blood Cancer.He was in the 2nd stage and the doctors had given up hope that he would survive.They had told us that he would survive only for some 3 months.My family didn't know what to do.
My Mother was in a complete state of shock.My family felt really miserable.She had great devotion towards Baba.My family informed all our relatives about this matter.My Mother contacted one of her Uncle in Bangalore who's also a doctor. He asked her to come with my father to Bangalore.So my Mother and Father packed their bags and left for Bangalore.
Me and my elder brother were completely unaware of what was exactly happening as we were very small.I was hardly 8 years old that time.We didnt even know that our father was suffering from Cancer.We didnt even know what Cancer was ,we just knew that our father was not keeping well.
After reaching Bangalore with the help of my Mother's Uncle my Father got admitted in a hospital and they started the treatment.They stayed there for almost a year and me and my elder brother used to stay with our grandparents.This was the most toughest time of my life. I was very much attached to my Mother.I used to cry daily to talk with my Mother as I was very much attached to her. Staying without your parents at a very young age and that too for almost a year was the most toughest thing for me and my elder brother.
My Fathers treatment had begun. Almost all our relatives and family friends had started visiting them.My Mother used to cry a lot because it was getting very difficult for her as well.On one hand she had to look after her husband and on the other hand she had to live without her children.But my Mother's family and my other relatives all were there to support her.
She had strong devotion towards Baba.She used to pray very hard for my Father's recovery.At times things went very worst.My Father needed nearly 40 to 50 bottles of blood.He used to faint while the treatment was going on.He had no strenght to get up also.
By Baba's grace many people including our relatives donated blood to my Father.Our relatives both from my Father's and Mother's side used to up down to hospital.Whenever My Father got discharged from the hospital they used to come down for a week or two to meet us.My Father's treatment was going on well.Another dreadful thing happened. He started getting symptoms of Malaria.All our family members got very tensed as we could not understand what to do.
But my Mother still had strong Faith and Devotion in Baba and wonders happened. With Baba's grace slowly slowly my Father was getting alright.His treatment went well and his reports also came as normal.A lot of people had prayed very hard for my Father's recovery including my family,friends,my tution teacher,my school teachers and I would like to thank them because they have supported me and my brother a lot at the most difficult times.
Today my Father is hale and hearty as before.By Baba's grace everything is alright.As a kid I always used to watch my Mother praying to Baba but I didnt knew who was Baba. Only later on when I grew up I came to know about Baba.I would like to thank Baba for giving me my Father back.
Baba has been there with me and my family every time whenever we've needed Him.Baba thank you so much for giving me the best gifts of my life. I feel really blessed that I've been gifted with such a nice family, very supporting friend circle who have always been there with me.
Thank you so much Baba.What more will a person need when he has received such precious gifts ? Baba please always shower Your blessings on us. Please forgive us if we've ever hurted You.You have always been always kind to us. You forgave our every mistake.Please give us strength that whatever You've thought us we apply it into our practical life.There're many other experiences where I've felt His presence. Hopefully I shall narrate it next time with Baba's grace.
Leela 2:Miracle on way to Shirdi.
In 1979 I was travelling from Mumbai to Shirdi with a friend (Anand) on his motorbike (yezdi) .We had decided on the spur of the moment to travel on a wednesday evening to be in Shirdi for thursday's morning aarti at about 22.30 .
On that evening we were still approximately 1 hour from Shirdi and felt something was not right with the motorbike so we decided to stop and check we could not determine what was wrong exactly ,except that when the bike was being driven there was a rattling noise none of us were experienced about the mechanical side of these things so we decided to slowly proceed to the next village as it was getting dark and we were just at a loss as to how we would get to Shirdi .
After about 5 minutes we stopped at a small village but there was no one in sight we decided to wait until the morning so we could enquire about the nearest place to have the bike looked at by a mechanic convinced by now that we would probably not get to Shirdi. Then out of the dark a elderly gentleman dressed in white dhoti & kurta appeared and enquired what was troubling us?.
We related our story and troubles to him. After listening to our story he said do not worry,he took us to his home gave us a bed each to rest & very early in the morning woke the local mechanic to have our bike fixed .Miracle of Baba (I now believe) there was a mechanic in the village who had a rear wheel bearing to replace the mechanic had us on our way by 04.45 a.m. happily Anand & me thanked the elderly gentleman for his kindness & hospitality. We thanked the mechanic for repairing the bike so early in the morning.
We got to Shirdi for Kakad Aarti only by Baba's grace had a wonderfull day in Shirdi. On the way back on friday Anand & myself decided to stop by to thank the elderly gentleman & the mechanic & offer prasad from our visit to Shirdi. When we tried to find the people that had helped us but there was no trace of the village or mechanic or the elderly gentleman in the area. We spent some time looking & none of the local people knew of a mechanic in the area.
I do believe now that was Sai Baba who came to our aid.
Leela3:Sai blessings and Experience
I am a sai devotee and working in Sahara Media & Entertainment Channel
Hi Manisha di,
I am a sai devotee & i used to read all about our soulmate on Sai Baba at net.While searching i came across the subscription at your site & read a sai devotees experience in Sai leela-3 which i got at my mail. While reading her experience,i felt touched & tears came into my eyes when she wrote that baba inspired me to share her experience with whole world & i was thinking from a long time to share my experience but today i also got inspired.There are lot of experiences as i am now 42 years old & I am sai devotee since i was a 10years old child in kashmir.
We all believe that Baba blessed those who have a pure heart and do satkarma on this karm bhumi.I went to Shirdi along with my husband and 3year old son in 2004.Since then i thought so many times that i will visit Shirdi Dham but it did not happen.
I always try to help every one in trouble & one of the example is one day at road i saw an accident & a person got injured & her hand was covered in blood, he was crying with pain for help. No body came forward to help him.I was also crying to help him but in vain. Then baba gave me strength i took that man to the hospital gave him first aid.From that date Baba gave me darshan in dreams continously for a week. That was really an auspicious time. He made me realize that good karma pays.
He not only gave me darshan but also fulfilled my wish of going to Shirdi on Gurupurnima.
My office friend Rama was planning to go to Shirdi.One of her friend cancelled to go with her .
I have also subscribed "Sai Baba Saying" in which I used to get Baba's messages like "Come to Shirdi along with your son" and one of my spiritual friend also told me that Baba's wish is that i should go to shirdi and he told me are you planning but i said no.
But within a week Rama told me whether i will accompany her to go to Shirdi. I decided within an hour and we both went to Shirdi.
In Shirdi,I experienced that Baba is treating me as his guest.I saw a dream in which i saw myself wearing in a very beautiful green saree with a big size green bindi on my forehead. I saw that dream in Shirdi Trust Sansthan room of Dwarawate two days back of Gurupurnima & that was my husband's birthday. And on Gurupurnima in Shirdi I got a beautiful green shawl in auction which i seem Baba has gifted me as his blessing.
With Baba's grace, when i came back from Shirdi I feel so many good changes at my home & i am sure baba will keep all devotees in peace & happiness. Through Baba's blessing one should remember to do as good karmas as possible.
Thank you Sai Baba for fulfilling my wish of sharing experience with Sai devotees.
Anju Koul
Leela 4: Baba Blessed My Friend With Baby.
Sairam Manishaji,
How are you and all at home?I am going to write to you about how my friend was gifted with a baby boy after 8 years of her marriage.Please post the below leela in your website.Please correct if any mistakes from my side.
One of my friend used to cry always for not having baby for the past 8 years to me.I would always tell her that not to worry since Sai will have some reason for the delay.I asked her to offer coconut to Sai and get it as prasad.We both went to temple on one thursday.
The temple was filled with devotees.We were standing in the queue to have Baba darshan.We both were worried a lot,since there was no priest near Baba.We did not know what to do. When we were nearing the Baba, the priest came and I told the priest about my friend's prayer for baby and asked him to keep the cocunut at Baba's feet and offer it as prasad to my friend.The priest gave the coconut to my friend after offering it to Baba.My friend and her husband ate the cocunut.She also started 9 weeks vrath and satcharitra parayan.I and my friend did SaiAmritvani parayan every thursday and prayed to Baba.One fine day she told me the good news that she was pregnant.I was very happy and conveyed my thanks to Sai.After two months she got sugar problem(pregnancy sugar).She was very much worried and had insulin dialy.On the fifth month she got jaundice.This time she was totally vexed.But I told "Baba is testing your faith and patience.Your baby is Sai prasad and asked her not to worry.Sai will take care of you and your baby.'.Finally she delivered the boy baby last month.She named him in the name of Sai.With Baba's blessing everything happened smoothly .
Laying all at the feet of Saima,
Share your experience: Here

Sairam Manisha sister,
What amazing experiences of Lord Sai !!!!! Complete surrender to Him is the ONLY way for all of us.Thanks for posting.
Pray Baba gives us the strength to face every kind of circumstances in life.
Jai Sairam,
Sairam Meena sis
yes very true ,complete surrender to Sathguru only sails us across this worldly ocean or we can name them accordingly .Thanks to all the readers who come forward and share Baba's love with one and all .
Jai Sai Ram .
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I got goose bumps reading the experiences. What a miracle! Thank you for sharing. May Baba bless all of us. Baba please take care of the children.
Beautiful experiences...i am amazed to read sanjayji's experience really i was shocked and at the same time very happy to read such experiences in this website....thanks a lot for sharing with us....OM SAIRAM....LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA....:):)