Dear all,
Here is a Sai experience proving again that total surrender to Baba's will and His grace bear fruits to devotees wishes.He is the Malik who is kind and powerful ,who can turn the situation in favour of His child.Please read the attached mail to know more about this .Jai Sai Ram .
Jai Sai Ram Manisha ,
I am a Sai devotee working in a small company, i would like to thank madam who is giving us such a lovely experiences of Sai Baba through this website which is helping so many devotees as a margadarshak.
My self and my husband are working in pvt organisations with small salaries, from long time I am in search of a better job but all my trials were getting rejected .
Few days back one of my close family friend told me about a school which is in outskirts of city, you know the name of the school was SRI SAI PUBLIC SCHOOL, and getting admission there was very difficult, as it was a residencial school and i was not much intrested because they told that it is very strict school .Once the child join the school they don't send the children home until summer holidays. So i was not much intrested but my friend was forcing me just to try once for it.
So saturday myself my husband and my friend went to the school to just see.And when i saw the school i was shocked the school was in big premisses, and you know there was a Sai temple in the school premisses. A big meditation hall with Sai Baba pratima, and the school is full of Sai pictures, Sai stories. I was thrilled and got a feeling that i am in Shirdi.
At once i decided that my child should study in this school only as Sai baba is here to take care of my child. We spoke to the management there but they told that admissions are closed and we cannot take your child as he is from SSC background and this school is of ICSE sylabus.
I felt very bad. My freind who recommened this school is in a very good position.He is zonal incharge of a big corporate college. So he told he will try to get recommendaton and i will talk to the principle he said. But even after his trying so many recommendations he could not get it.
So i felt very dejected. Not only this but nothing was working out, no happiness in life so many responsibilities and no ray of hope.
Suddenly one day i thought of going to Shirdi, so while going home from office i asked my husband if this weekend we can go to Shirdi my husband is also a Sai devotee he also loves to go to shirdi so he took me to a travels office, we enquired about tickets and we got it.
This in itsel was a miracle because that was a holiday season and just two days before if i am enquiring for a ticket and Sai has given us.
Sometimes we do not get ticktes even for 15-20 days even if we try to book in advance. Any how myself and my husband took only two tickets as we had decided to make the trip only for one day .So we thought taking children will not be wise due to ticket issue, so we both went to Shirdi alone with out children.
We reached Shirdi saturday morning, took the room and went for the darshan ,it was around 10.00.
There was little rush it took around 2 hours for us to enter the main hall, I was very upset some how, sad and not concentrating much, thinking that nothing is going to happen and my life is going to be like this only. No one can help me and Sai does not help me.
But when i reached main hall and saw Sai baba i started crying i was filled of joy, i did not even remember any of my problems i did not feel like asking Him for anything. I only said Baba you know everything, and you know what to give and when.Only i request you to take my son in your sharan, i want you take him to your school so that he will grow in your guidence.
After darshan same day we came back i was very happy and got lot of energy. Forgot about Sai school as they told strictly that no admissions. So i contacted another school and got the admission but i thought there is lot of time left so we will pay fees later. I did not pay any fees.
Suddenly on saturday my friend got a call from the principal of Sri Sai school, she told she has some work in his college and she got his card from the office he had left when we went to meet her. She said you can send that boys parents to me i will meet them. My friend called me and told me to urgently go and meet the principle. I called my husband who was in office, he came rushing i took my son and we three went to the school and met her.
she told let the boy write a entrance test and we will see if we can do anything. My son wrote the exam and principle called us in the office. To my surprise my son did not do excellent nor poor but he did not qualify in the exam.
She showed us the papers where she wrote unqualified. I saw the papers we could not talk anything tears rolled out i could'nt control i started crying, she was quite for long time. Now i was prepared that i should leave i dont have a face to talk to her, no hopes.
I broke the silence and said her madam i am sorry but i did not prepare him for the test so it is my mistake, then she started shouting. She spoke to us for about one hour, she shouted on me for not being responsible and she told so many things how you should teach a child to be responsible, than she called my son spoke to him for 30 minutes.
Atlast i requested her to give him one chance and i believe if my son comes under her guidance every thing will be allright. She thought for 5mins and told that some how she is feeling like to give him one change and she told ok i will take your child, but if he does not develop in one year you have to take him back next year. And also told that once you are giving me your child you should not interfere in between now he in my hands i will look after him. I was like Sai baba was speaking from her mouth. I told that is what i want.
And the main thing what i want to let you know is the time was same , last saturday same time i was in Shirdi Samadhi Temple asking baba to take my son in his sharan and same time principle agreed and took him under her guidance.
Just see within one week how Sai baba has made imposible to possible. I am on top of my world now, my son is in his abode. I know He will take care of him i have no worries now.
I am sorry i have written long but you know i am so excited to see this leela happening in my life. I have experienced so many Sai experiences i alway thought of writing but some how i could'nt do. But this expereince i could'nt keep this with in me i want to share this to all the sai devotees. Do not be upsent on anything.Sairam knows what to give and when .He is really taking care of all who belive in Him.
sri sai nathaya namaha.
Share your Sai Experience :Here

I Have No Experience,will post IF I Have Any.Will Wish for the Best.
Wonderful experience...thanks alot for sharing with us...saima always do impossible things possible to his children...LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA....OM SAIRAM...:):)
om sai ram