Many a time everyday experiences bring us close to Baba and make our faith strong in multifold. Sometime our small wishes when accepted by Baba bring us more closer to Him.These experiences work as catalyst in taking our devotion and love a step ahead and closer to our Sainath .Here are few such experiences shared by Sai devotees. Jai Sai Ram .
My True Story:
Hello Manisha Ji,
Reading all the miracles of Sai Baba I wann narrate my life's true story. In childhood I was diagosed with problem due to which doctors told me that would not be able to concieve naturally .
My parents were very much depressed and sad. I spent 13 years of my life in this fear.
After my marriage I started praying to "Sai Baba" and kept Sai Vrat( fasts )on thursday.
I had a lot of faith in Baba and did not believe in any medicines or doctor. I went to Shirdi and cried before Baba's adobe with all my heart .
Shraddha and Saburri were two words. I had so much faith in Baba,that I with Baba's grace gave birth to a baby who is prefectly healthy.This is a miracle to all of us and I feel my unwavering faith in Baba .
I knew that my Baba's grace would make me become a mother. Whenever I look at this child it seems that he is sent by Sai Baba from Shirdi.
Baba is kind,merciful and loving God ,.
I owed to publish this article in Sai Leela Magazine so that the world is aware of Baba's miracles. People please have faith in Baba and He will come and rescue you from any circumstances and situation you are in.
"Thoda Dhyaan laga Sai Doode doode ayenge. Akhiyaan mann ki khol tujh ko darshan vo karange..."
Om Sai Nath.
Baba's Leela:
Dear Manisha Sairam,
Today after going through the Experiences of many devotees in the website and i feel like sharing my own.
My faith on baba started building from my childhood, it was through my brother who is also SAI and is a staunch devotee of SAI BABA, he has the highest level of devotion and pure love towards SAIMA. This has helped me in stepping towards baba.
BABA has shown me many leela's to make my faith and devotion strong. I went to Shirdi with my family when i was in 2nd class, i went to darshan with my brothers, so we have to stand in seperate lines alloted for men and women and after the arathi was given i could not find my brothers outside the temple.
I did not remember the name of the hotel we were staying nor i knew hindi well. I roamed on the roads for some time and was finally able to find the hotel by the grace of Sai baba and i don't think it's a coincidence.It was purely Baba's help that made me reach the Hotel.
On other day after the darshan plain milk was given as prasad, and i never used to like milk so i did not drink the milk and wiped my hands. That night i got severe stomach ache .The pain was not stopping,next day my parents took me to arathi and after having the milk again my stomach ache was gone and that was a big MIRACLE.
SAIMA helped me all the time HE is with every one of us and in us. He Sent me a saree for my mariage, helped through my marriage. I really wonder how i forgot to invite him for my marriage (my brother did it though) but he is still there for me. HE gave me a very good husband and blessed me.
I went to India after marriage and my parents has shifted to a place where there is a SAI devotees house very near by and i have witnessed number of SAI leela's. The leela's i have witnessed are amazing starting from udi coming of BABA's photo, rice oozing out in BABA's room, Ganga, Yamuna coming out and many many more to quote. I am very very lucky to see all of these and some happened in front of my eyes. Really BABA is still alive.
The next year i became pregnant with the Grace of SAIMA and every thing went fine till the end .When the final day has arrived,and on that day pains started coming from the afternoon. We recognized them as real pains in the evening after going to the hospital, while going to the hospital i took a small idol of Ganeshji and my mother-in-law brought the idol of SAI BABA as requested. The pains lasted till mid night and i was shouting Sai Sai for each pain.
My husband stood by my side and helped me a lot during the process, I delivered a baby boy safely and named him SRIRAM. I Really felt BABA helped me a lot during the delivery by taking all my pains and making the delivery normal.
After the delivery my husband told me that he saw SAI BABA standing by my side and sitting on the sofa during the delivery. My husband believes in BABA but he doesn't believe when such leela's happen to some body. Infact, no one believes until they witness such leela's themselves and i am not any exception. I used to doubt if they really happen to some body, so BABA showed his leela's to person like us.
I never thought of sharing my experiences to any body for the fear of disbelief but today i think BABA wanted me to say them to the world. BABA's leela's can be experienced when there is blind belief in Him
Thanks a lot
Anusha Ramineni
Baba's Omniscience:
Dear Manisha Ji ,
Om Sai Ram !
I have been drawn to Baba's path exactly from May 2009. I really don’t know how but yes ever since I've been in his shelter I am experiencing a lot of changes in my life. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to share our experience...May baba bless you. I would appreciate if you could avoid displaying my email id.
I am residing in UAE.I experienced a small but sweet miracle yesterday and i was eager to share the same with all of you. It may or may not sound important to many but i have no words to describe my happiness.
Here in Dubai we just have one location where there are two temples dedicated , one to Lord Krishna and the other to Lord Shiva. The Lord Shiva temple premises however is not solely dedicated to him alone , we have most of our deities presiding there. Amongst that recently say about a year back they have separated the main hall where in they have dedicated a portion of the hall and installed a life size statue of our beloved Baba as well. Now there are regular Aarti's & mangal snan being done for Baba .
Yesterday before leaving for office , myself and my husband had been to the temple . First we visited the Krishna temple , then at the Shiva temple .
I offered some flowers and after praying i moved to see our baba . I had taken a yellow rose for him and offered at his holy paduka's. While praying i saw a pink rose was kept on his mukut.I have been a regular reader of all the experiences shared on this website and have often read many devotees experiencing miracles where they get the desired shawl or flower when they ask for it from Baba.
From the past 7-8 years our life has been nothing but problems , grave situation’s . We just happened to sail through huge storms and yet again face another. Somehow in the past two years ever since I’ve come into the fold of Baba , we have been slowly and steadily pulling our lives back into track.
There are yet many more hurdles but i am sure Baba is guiding us out of it....besides all this yesterday when i saw the pink rose i just prayed to Baba that many devotees have been blessed by you when they ask for a flower , if you think I’m worth it Pls give me a pink rose. I stood there for some time hoping that the pujari would offer it to me but nothing like that happened. I really felt dejected and thought that probably I still haven’t been able to prove myself a good devotee to Baba.
Through out the day i kept wondering why i was not accepted by Baba. Evening when i reached home after freshening up and doing my evening prayers i went to the hall and while passing by my husband’s laptop i saw he had kept few flowers including a pink rose on the lap top. He usually does that with the flowers he gets along with prasad from the temple.
My heart beats were racing and I soon went and asked him from where he got the pink rose. He said that while i was praying near Baba , he went and got a coupon made for Archana at the Shiva temple . When he gave it to the pujari there , he did the archana and picked up flowers from Lord Shiva , Ganpati and Baba's statue and gave him back as prasad. The pink rose was from Baba's feet. This statue of Baba is a small one placed inside Lord Shiva's Mandir.
I did not know how to react. My husband was unaware of my feelings. I could not believe that i had asked for a pink rose indeed a small gift and Baba fulfilled my wish. All this while the rose was with my husband and through the day i was cribbing while sitting in my office as to why Baba didn’t listen to my prayers. I then told my husband about it and all he could do was Smile...Thank you baba Please be with us always and protect us.
Thanks & Regards
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