Happy Baba's day
Tough circumstanced shake one's faith ,but those who hold on steadily to Baba's feet with complete faith only sail across the stormy circumstances with Baba's help.Here are few experiences shared by devotees expressing their feeling of relief and faith on Baba. Jai Sai Ram .
Sai Baba Helped :
Om Sri Sai Ram
As I vowed to Baba that I will write this trip experience on your site please put it in. Sorry if there is any mistakes. My humble pranams to the lotus feet of Bhagavan Shirdi Sai Baba. I had planned a trip to take my elderly parents to Sri Lanka in April 2011 as they wanted to go and stay there for few months.
In the mean time my mother fell down and broke her hip and had a hip replacement in February,
2011 and my father has memory problem and he insisted he too want to go to Sri Lanka . I had only 3 weeks vacation and we don’t want to leave our father without my mother.
We asked the surgeon whether my mother will be able to travel such a long distance, he said its ok. So I booked the ticket and because of all the stress I started having intense pain in my stomach. I went to my specialist and he prescribed antibiotic and some other medication.
I was very scared with my health condition and worried how will I travel to Srilanka taking my parents. I prayed to Baba to be with us, guide us and bless us on this trip. I know He is always with us. So we boarded the plane on April 15th and as soon we adjusted ourself to plane, I took the medication without food and I got dizzy and fainted my parents got frantic and didn’t know what to do.
Flight attendant gave my water and juice to drink and the doctor in board also asked me to drink lots of fluid. I was so scared with this, whether I will be able to continue my trip, but by the time we reached London I was ok and was able to take care of my parents and continue with the trip.
But still the pain was intense, I thought I will take them to Sri Lanka and bring them to our house and leave with my cousin and return immediately to Canada. But Baba was with me every minute and He blessed everything that I did ,infact blessed all the tasks I was supposed to finish for my parents over there for their stay and came back safely on May 7th.
This trip gave me such a confidence that Baba never fails us and he is there for us whether we ask or not. I felt His presence and guidance everywhere I went. It was such a feeling that I could not express in words. My Koti humble pranams to our beloved Baba for looking after us and giving me such an experience that I could cherish it and have full faith on my Sai.
Jai Sai Ram
Sai Baba Helped Treat My Daughters Acne:
Om Sri Sai Ram
Sairam Manishaji,
My daughter's name is Shriya.She has been having a very serious acne problem.Enclosed are her words explaining how she was helped by Baba.
I would like to request your help in posting the enclosed thanks to Baba on your site.
Thanks in advance.Also thanks for the yeoman work you do my maintaining a very nice site to share Baba and his leelas.
My name is Shriya.
I have had acne for around 5 years now, and not just normal acne which can be cured by over-the counter treatments, but severe acne.
I have tried practically every commercial product and every treatment suggested by dermatologists yet nothing had much effect.Then suddenly my acne started getting even worse, I don't know how that was physically possible, but it happened.
So my dad told me to drink Baba's udhi mixed with water for 9 nights.I tried several times but for some reason, some obstacle kept preventing me from finishing this task. However, I finally completed it.
Soon after,my mom suggested we go visit this skin clinic called Kaya.Here they are currently giving me treatment which doesn't involve such harsh methods as the ones I used before and my skin appears to be improving.
I believe it is Baba who caused me to go to Kaya, because although I had known about the place for years,I had never gone inside until after he made me.
Thank you Baba for helping me.
Shri Satchitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sai carried me through the tides of my difficulties:
Hi there, I have been a Shirdi Sai Baba devotee for the past year and would like to share my experience I have had where Sai was with me through my hardship and tough time and carried me through with the rest.
I was away overseas apart from my husband and family for work, and was feeling very dejected and disappointed and unhappy about how a number of things did not turn out as I had planned and I had altered my course of life based on such plans. I thought things could not get any worse than it already was, when suddenly things took a curve to the worst. Being in a foreign land, away from my beloved family and husband, I was in a massive dilemma and on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
I spoke to Sai and prayed to him and poured out my feelings to him everyday, asking him for guidance and assistance and to always be there for me. Everytime I prayed and spoke to him, I felt this calm feeling surge through me and I was sure that it was Sai comforting me that all will be okay. As things went, I felt that Sai being there for me, but being human, I could not help but worry.
Sai was there with me throughout, and as I had felt the calm feeling, the issues I faced slipped away. Sai was there for me every step of my arduous journey and not only had he been a companion who walked beside me, he had also been a father by carrying me through my bad times when I felt that I could not go on any longer. His blessings and grace is great, and I do believe, that once you believe in Sai, he comes to you and is there with you through very step of the way.
That is my experience with Sai, when he was there for me during my most difficult times and filled me with courage and carried me out of the tides of my problems. Thank you Sai, Love you!
Sham V
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