Dear all,
Happy Baba's day ,Happy Guruwar
It has been almost more than a year or so that I could not find the mails which my aunty shared with me of her Sai experiences.And suddenly when I was checking my hard drive for Baba's photo I landed up in the folder where her treasure lay .Immediately I took out the page where I left on last experience .Aunty and her family are blessed children of Baba and this we can find as we read through the experience attached here.Those who have missed out on these experience can read by following the links given below. Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manisha
Before I move on to the most recent experiences let me mention yet another remarkable one, one that reaffirms one’s faith in Baba , it reminds us not to worry when He is with us .
At one point of time we were seeking admission for our children in one of the best Delhi schools close to our house. Gates were closed to new admissions and there was no way we could get them in. Anyway one day we went over to meet our new neighbour (and in the course of the conversation mentioned our predicament to him) He suggested that we write a letter to the chairman of the school letting him know of our recent transfer etc.
We asked him who was the chairman – Fellow devotees you can imagine our joy when our neighbour replied that he himself was the chairman! Needless to say the children were admitted to that school the very next day. When we expressed our gratitude to our neighbour and asked him how could we repay his kindness ,he simply said “ Pass it on “.
In other words help others. If Baba has given us some blessings try and be a blessing to others. Use your position, your experience or even your talent to be of help to another. Good deeds go into the bank account that is with Sai .
A suggestion I’d like to share with fellow devotee s is- the giving of’ Anna daan ‘i.e giving food to the needy\ the under privileged. I am sure those reading these experiences can certainly feed one hungry person on a Thursday. The number you feed is not important. What is of value is the giving part. You will find immense joy in giving and your kitchen will never ever feel the loss of the food you have given to feed a hungry mouth. When children learn to give they also learn to share and when they extend their hand it should be to give not take and this is what Anna daan teaches.
Anther beautiful experience I would like to share.
In Service we keep moving to different regions and few year back we found ourselves in the most beautiful part of India at a height of 7000feet . Who would have ever thought that Baba would be present there in the form of a 3’ tall murty resting in a small temple at such a great height?
When my husband got transferred there few years back, we least expected to find a Baba mandir in a far-flung area,we soon learnt that a devotee named Devpal had installed this murty some years ago. And every Thursday he would perform a special pooja in the temple.
We learnt from Devpal himself that he was sad to see the mandir in a state of neglect and that on his many visits to the huge Sai temple at Ujjain he had often told the high priest of the pathetic state of the temple and that he himself was helpless in this matter.
Surprisingly, on his recent visit the priest told him not to worry and that now things would improve. This was on 23 July 2002- the day my husband took command of that area. And this very temple now fell in his jurisdiction!
We started going to Sai temple on Thursdays (it s an age old routine with us) and met this devotee whom we invited home to discuss modification of the temple. Needless to say work started immediately and by Sep 02 Baba renovated mandir was inaugurated .
It now has a marble flooring small lights sparkling clean and Baba’s presence can be felt in the peace and tranquility it offers to the hundreds of tourists and scores of devotees who come regularly many of them say this is one of the best temples of the north –east.
We all know it is our Sai Baba who gets his devotees to do that what He Himself has done. Such wonderful work and like a true father he lets His devotees experience the joy of that what He Himself has done. Unique are His ways.
Baba then prompted me to start the practice of going to Sai mandir every Thursday morning, bathing the murty with milk and paanch amrit -I have no idea if the method is correct , what I do know is the devotion and sincerity with which the task is performed. What is more, an unwritten practice has begun, for even when I am away, the bathing and pooja continues to be performed.
Strangely enough, the devotee Devpal developed health problems on account of which he can no longer go to the temple, as regularly, he seems to have handed over to another devotee- me.
There is another temple in the same town. It is home to ‘ idols ‘of several gods and goddesses. Recently, two new idols were brought from Jaipur to be placed in this temple .My husband and I were asked to do the Praan sthaapna .We did so and when we unveiled one of the two, lo and behold it was the murty of none other than our Sai. The joy of this singular opportunity cannot be put into words .It can only be experienced.
When you have Baba’s grace and you know He is there to take care of you, hold your hand or even carry you piggy back through all the trials and tribulations of life, then my dear devotees ,we should at least thank HIM through our deeds. We need to look around us and try to be a blessing to others.
Feeding the poor was close to Sai’s heart –we can do that, easily effortlessly.
Your actions must be louder than words. Watch your thought process – your thoughts are you.
You can talk to Baba – anywhere, anytime, any place. He is always there.
Happy Baba's day ,Happy Guruwar
It has been almost more than a year or so that I could not find the mails which my aunty shared with me of her Sai experiences.And suddenly when I was checking my hard drive for Baba's photo I landed up in the folder where her treasure lay .Immediately I took out the page where I left on last experience .Aunty and her family are blessed children of Baba and this we can find as we read through the experience attached here.Those who have missed out on these experience can read by following the links given below. Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manisha
Before I move on to the most recent experiences let me mention yet another remarkable one, one that reaffirms one’s faith in Baba , it reminds us not to worry when He is with us .
At one point of time we were seeking admission for our children in one of the best Delhi schools close to our house. Gates were closed to new admissions and there was no way we could get them in. Anyway one day we went over to meet our new neighbour (and in the course of the conversation mentioned our predicament to him) He suggested that we write a letter to the chairman of the school letting him know of our recent transfer etc.
We asked him who was the chairman – Fellow devotees you can imagine our joy when our neighbour replied that he himself was the chairman! Needless to say the children were admitted to that school the very next day. When we expressed our gratitude to our neighbour and asked him how could we repay his kindness ,he simply said “ Pass it on “.
In other words help others. If Baba has given us some blessings try and be a blessing to others. Use your position, your experience or even your talent to be of help to another. Good deeds go into the bank account that is with Sai .
A suggestion I’d like to share with fellow devotee s is- the giving of’ Anna daan ‘i.e giving food to the needy\ the under privileged. I am sure those reading these experiences can certainly feed one hungry person on a Thursday. The number you feed is not important. What is of value is the giving part. You will find immense joy in giving and your kitchen will never ever feel the loss of the food you have given to feed a hungry mouth. When children learn to give they also learn to share and when they extend their hand it should be to give not take and this is what Anna daan teaches.
Anther beautiful experience I would like to share.
In Service we keep moving to different regions and few year back we found ourselves in the most beautiful part of India at a height of 7000feet . Who would have ever thought that Baba would be present there in the form of a 3’ tall murty resting in a small temple at such a great height?
When my husband got transferred there few years back, we least expected to find a Baba mandir in a far-flung area,we soon learnt that a devotee named Devpal had installed this murty some years ago. And every Thursday he would perform a special pooja in the temple.
We learnt from Devpal himself that he was sad to see the mandir in a state of neglect and that on his many visits to the huge Sai temple at Ujjain he had often told the high priest of the pathetic state of the temple and that he himself was helpless in this matter.
Surprisingly, on his recent visit the priest told him not to worry and that now things would improve. This was on 23 July 2002- the day my husband took command of that area. And this very temple now fell in his jurisdiction!
We started going to Sai temple on Thursdays (it s an age old routine with us) and met this devotee whom we invited home to discuss modification of the temple. Needless to say work started immediately and by Sep 02 Baba renovated mandir was inaugurated .
It now has a marble flooring small lights sparkling clean and Baba’s presence can be felt in the peace and tranquility it offers to the hundreds of tourists and scores of devotees who come regularly many of them say this is one of the best temples of the north –east.
We all know it is our Sai Baba who gets his devotees to do that what He Himself has done. Such wonderful work and like a true father he lets His devotees experience the joy of that what He Himself has done. Unique are His ways.
Baba then prompted me to start the practice of going to Sai mandir every Thursday morning, bathing the murty with milk and paanch amrit -I have no idea if the method is correct , what I do know is the devotion and sincerity with which the task is performed. What is more, an unwritten practice has begun, for even when I am away, the bathing and pooja continues to be performed.
Strangely enough, the devotee Devpal developed health problems on account of which he can no longer go to the temple, as regularly, he seems to have handed over to another devotee- me.
There is another temple in the same town. It is home to ‘ idols ‘of several gods and goddesses. Recently, two new idols were brought from Jaipur to be placed in this temple .My husband and I were asked to do the Praan sthaapna .We did so and when we unveiled one of the two, lo and behold it was the murty of none other than our Sai. The joy of this singular opportunity cannot be put into words .It can only be experienced.
When you have Baba’s grace and you know He is there to take care of you, hold your hand or even carry you piggy back through all the trials and tribulations of life, then my dear devotees ,we should at least thank HIM through our deeds. We need to look around us and try to be a blessing to others.
Feeding the poor was close to Sai’s heart –we can do that, easily effortlessly.
Your actions must be louder than words. Watch your thought process – your thoughts are you.
You can talk to Baba – anywhere, anytime, any place. He is always there.
More in next mail .
Jai Sai Ram
Aunty .
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© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details
Jai Sai Ram
Aunty .
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hi, this is what is called the height of seva @ 7k feet! blessed is yor aunty. anna dhaan is the best service blessed service for any devotee. It is to be done with extra care, the food we donate should be of safer choice not containing lot of oily, spicy, chilly & chat items as these may affect the health of persons receiving dhaan. om sai
Very nice post...thanks a lot for sharing with us...OM SAIRAM...LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA...