Dear all,
Happy Baba's day
Continuing with book and reaching its completion today , I am uploading its last 15th chapter from the book "Inner Voyage To Explore Sai".Devotees are requested to follow the link given at the end of this post if they miss on any part/chapter of the book .Jai Sai Ram
Giving a holy treatise on the significance of the Radhakrishna idol, our Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji has said on 23.3.1972 as follows: “The Divine name alone has the power to eradicate all sins, all disbelief. The Divine is unique one, salvation comes by His grace. There is no other refuge to mortals except the Divine who is everywhere and who resides in the hearts of all beings. Those who have His grace shall be invincible. Nothing can equal Him. His love is most valuable treasure for man. He is Bliss.
The heart should ceaselessly love Him and be conscious of Him alone in everything. He is the meaning of the Vedas. He, the Narayana, Sri Krishna is the only one that deserves to be extolled and adored. He is the origin, knowledge, the knower, the known! Sri Krishna is all! All in one – The Supreme.
Dissolving the triple consciousness in the shape of the worshipper, the object of worship and the beloved and the act of loving, love alone should be offered to the Lord in the form of incessant service or incessant wifely devotion. Both in the attitude of a worshipper or servitor (Dasyabhava) and in wifely devotion (Kantabhava) complete unity is attained with the Lord in due course to offer one’s all, including body, mind and speech, to the Lord in an absolutely disinterested spirit and to cognize none in this world except the Lord – such is the ideal of a servitor (Dasyabhava) of the Lord.
And to look upon the husband as one’s all – body, mind, wealth, goal, intellect, support, life, vitality, religion, salvation, nay God Himself, to recognize none – else in this world except one’s wedded Lord, and to regard the husband, his belongings as one’s own and in this way to depend solely on one’s husband and dedicate one’s life to him and to keep one’s self constantly and exclusively engaged in his service in a perfectly disinterested spirit – such is the ideal of wifely devotion. In essence, both these attitudes or types of devotion are one. There is equality in both. There is identity in both. Even in devotion through service, a dasa forgets his all and accepts the name and family of the Lord as his own, whereas Nayaki bhav (wifely devotion) is attained only when one identifies oneself with the name and family of one’s husband.
The wife and husband are blended in inseparable union with each other and become one- so that the triple consciousness is automatically dissolved there. Sri Radha addresses the glory of Dasya Bhava to uddhava thus:- “Devotion to Sri Krishna and service to Sri Krishna (My Lord) is the highest of all boons. Supreme devotion to Sri Hari Krishna is even superior to the five types of liberation. Service of Hari is more difficult to obtain than the position of Brahma (creator), residence in heaven, the position of Indra, immortality and even perfection, the highest bliss or salvation.
A devotee of the Lord who practices single-minded Devotion, according to the above conception is the best of all as declared by many devotees who were on the above path. For his body, mind, belongings, wealth and every-thing else becomes the property of God. He lives in the world as an instrument of God. His soul is merged in the oversoul, his mind is absorbed in the mind of God, his eyes behold everywhere and at every place and time, the image of his beloved Lord. They are one. Such is Radha and Krishna. Radha is Krishna and Krishna is Radha.
Sai Sai Radheshyam
Sadgurunatha Radheshyam
Jaya Jaya Mangala Radheshyam
Jaya Subha Mangala Radheshyam
Dear Readers,
Namah Sri Radhakrishnaya Moha Tantra Vinasene
Guruve Buddhi Bodhaya Bodha Matra swaroopine.
The source of writing this ‘Inner Voyage’ is “glimpses of Sai Baba” and “Life of Sai Baba-Vol 1” both written by the apostle of Sai Baba, H.H. Sri Narasimha Swamiji and published by All India Sai Samaj, Mylapore, Chennai. But the main inspiration came from is Saipadananda Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji. Sai Ananda offers his prostrations heart and soul at the holy feet of the Trimurthis of Sai Parampara.
Sai Ram, Sai Ram, Sai Ram Saipadananda Radheshyam.
Readers if you have missed out any part of this book you can follow it from the links provided below. Jai Sai Ram
Already Posted
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Introduction.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Foreword and Introduction By Writer Sai Ananda.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Search Your Heart For Sai-Chapter 1.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai -A Realised Liberated Soul-Chapter 2.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai -Characteristic Of Sai-Chapter 3.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Sai Philosophy.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Sai Krishna.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai -Sai Cream Of All faith.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Unity in Diversity
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Bhakti Marg.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai -Guru Bhakti Marg (Part -1)
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Guru Bhakti Marg(part-2)
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Light and Love.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai -Om Swamiji-They will be done.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Master and the Disciple-Part1
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Master and the Disciple -Part 2.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Swamiji's Grace- Baba's Kindness.
- Inner Voyage To Explore Sai-Eternal Prayer.


Thank you for this lovely book .