Happy Baba's day to all
Here is an experience shared by a Sai devotee.The experience shows Baba's omniscience as Baba was fulfilling all her desire even when she was thinking it just as a thought .Jai Sai Ram .
Om Sai Ram
Dear Manisha
Hope all is well. Lokaa Samasthaa Sukino Bavanthu. One more experience to share like other Sai Devotees. Please post in your blog with Sai's permission. On a thursday morning i went to a Shirdi Sai temple nearby locality with the idea of getting some information. But the founder did not arrive & i waited for him few minutes.
I told baba, had to reach office by time & is getting late & this trip has turned out to be futile for reasons heavy traffic & pollution. I sat there observing & got to understand that milk abhishek is going to start.
The priest started abhishek & one of the organisers were called to pour milk on the charans as giving him his chance. At that point i got up to exit as getting late. Unexpectedly the priest & the organiser who were doing abhishek called me to come near to charans. I was in doubt. At their compelling, i went near them & they just handed over a jug of milk to do abhishek on the charans.
After doing my part of abhishek, i was unable to believe that was the moment & the day for me.Sai made me feel, the day was not definitely futile. I went back & sat to entire abhishek darshan forgetting about my office. Needless to say, none in my office enquired of being late :)
To thank Sai, next tuesday i went to another Shirdi Sai Temple. I bought chains made of artificial beads, crystals & not very costly. In the meditation mandap i myself garlanded them on two different Sai Pratima, telling baba, you give us surprises but is not happening often. Sai made me to think, if such things happen often, it wont be surprises & we lose to realise its value.
If baba at once decide to do something for his devotees, be it little or big, no one can do to such extent which benefits everyone around us, tactfully pre-arranging things. We need simple devotion & patience to get his grace. I used to tell baba, Gods are not nearer to ordinary humans as Saints say. When this thought process was on, baba again answered in his inimitable style, the very next sunday.
Sunday afternoon my friend came with kumkum prasad telling it is hanuman's prasad as she went to the temple in the morning. That Sunday was star Moolaa, which is doubly special for Lord Hanuman. I went to Sai temple in the evening as there too, one hanuman murthy present, i can have both darshans, Sai & Hanuman. I had darshan of Sai & moved away to reach the place of hanuman.
Usually devotees are not allowed to touch any of the murthys. Only priests can decorate the murthys. To my surprise, one of the organisers gave 3 real garlands & out of 3, one is of tulsi leaves-garland, big in size. He just instructed me to decorate those murthys with these garlands, the one in tulsi for lord hanuman. I became emotional thanking Sai who answered gods are nearer. I was in awe to find myself decorating lord Hanuman on that doubly auspicious sunday. To our devotion & affection, gods & saints make us feel their affection to us.
Yet another sai devotee.
Jai Jai Sai Ram.
Wallpaper by:R.Kouwshigan .
