Thursday, January 6, 2011

Shirdi Sai's way are exciting-Experience by a Sai devotee.

Share Author: Manisha.Rautela.Bisht on 2:33 AM

Dear all,
Another beautiful Sai Leela shared by Sai devotee about her darshan of Sadguru Sai on New year day.Jai Sai Ram.

Om Sai Ram, Sri Sai Ram

Dear Manisha

Thanks for your new year wishes. Here is an experience to cherish & with Sai's permission please post it in your blog. Let me be another Sai Devotee. This is another pearl of experience in the ocean of Sai's grace. I desired to visit a Shirdi Sai Temple in Chennai on this 1st- New Year day and that too about 7p.m. without any idea about the crowd i would be facing. I landed near the temple only to see a long serpentine queue swelling in the road upto the adjacent main road. They are moving within the barricades put up to organise the crowd and heavy security & volunteers were controlling the restless crowd waiting for hours to have glimpse of our sai inside the temple.

When this is so i came to front entrance of the temple on the road to see if i could see my beloved sai by few jumps which is also impossible as the crowd moves inside the temple and though within the barricades but without any gaps covering the life size marble statue. Then near me i saw some people come in groups and entering into the temple just like thatby showing the passes having with them.

I enquired a security how to collect the pass. He said the previous three days they have issued all the passes and there is nothing left with them & asked me to move away and come in the queue. I became dejected as it is going to take some 2 hours if i join the queue & by that time it is 7.30p.m. and how to return without having the glimpse of my sai.

At that point, i was speaking in a low spirit to Sai, "see you seem to be biased to allow people with passes and some other people with their influence with temple authorities manage to get into these effortlessly". And i was making fun with Sai by telling him, i do not know anyone in the temple but i know you straight to the heart & if i say to them i know sai & sai knows me, will these staffs allow?

Next what happened is all Sai's Leela. ;-) SHRI SAI made me to think & act swiftly. Suddenly i enquired with another security, whether i could meet a staff sitting in the donation counter. That security losing patience, shouted at me, 'Do you want to see him? OK go in quickly & he removed one of the barricades that enabled me to enter the main hall unbelievably without any passes & before meeting the counter staff, i ran to main portion and had a great darshan of the whole Sai Murthy, some 5 feet away from where devotees used to give there offerings to the priest.

I was having a sweet box to offer but pulled back and did not give. i became more greedy to see some VIPs are allowed within that area to go near to the Sai murthy & touch both his feet or bow at the feet or whatever way they want to have his blessings by touching the main big marble statue. Now i spoke to sai, if you will not allow me to touch you like that without this VIP status?

Then I ran to the donation counter to meet that staff who used to give subscriptions, only to know he is on leave that day. I was disappointed.

Flash back.... During my visit by November 1st week for Diwali eve, i handed over to that counter staff some 1500 Sai Cards to be distributed to devotees. He is a stiff natured person. When i handed over the cards, he asked me to give some bundles to another person standing in the main hall. I did the same.

That person was delighted to receive these bundles, just nodded his head with a smile & started distributing it to devotees arriving there. While i was standing next to him, two devotees came & one is familiar to that person introduced another devotee telling he is the President of the temple. I was taken aback & surprised to know i handed over these cards to the President himself as i do not know who is who of that temple. That is all and i did not have much words with him in return but only smiled as mind did not respond & moved away amidst crowds.

Coming to the current event, as that counter staff is on leave on new year day, i felt helpless. One of the volunteers was crossing before & quickly i chased him to ask, from where i can get passes somehow. ""Sai works that way"", the volunteer failed to say as i have already entered the main hall no need for a pass or failed to observe how i entered there without a pass as could go worse. Because passes are given, only to avoid queues & enter the main hall and not to touch Sai's feet.

Instead of these, he just showed a room in the corner. I also failed to think passes cannot help to touch Sai. Simply i marched towards the room, opened the hydraulic door to see the President sitting & talking with some guests. I was shocked & surprised to see the President & i do not even had a second thought whether the President will recognise me after the diwali incident or will he help me to fulfil my desire to touch Lord Sai's feet.

I did a pranams to him, exchanged wishes & smiling at him i asked whether he could recognise the incident of Sai cards before. He recognised me very much smiled at me & asked what he can do for me.

With all excitement i said, i would be much blessed if i could touch Sai's feet on this New Year Day. He asked me to wait for few minutes. To his instruction or to say to Sai's Command through that President, a volunteer came from that room & guided me to the main room where Sai Murthy is installed. I could not believe i am standing next to Sai & felt like an object not knowing what to do next. The priest ordered me to do a Sashtanga Namaskar. I did a full namaskar, touched both the feet of Sai and placed the sweet box on Sai Murthy's Lap ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and neither the priest nor the volunteers did not even tell me to move quickly and i was near Sai nearly 3 minutes and i myelf decided to move as it wont be fair to stay there itself.

As is read, a great wirepuller, Lord Sai knows that the counter staff's absence on new year day, is a blessing in disguise. Because being stiff he can or he will refuse to my request to touch Sai's feet like VIPs do by saying he has no authority to allow certain things. That is why my beloved Sai took me straight to the President who is right person.

Taking prasad of meethae chawal, i came out, it was 8 p.m. I do not have words to put my feelings i experienced that day but thanking Sai countless times and by heart doing Sashtanga Namaskar. Later i realised it is Sai who made me to visit the temple even at that delayed hour on a crowded unusual day.

Sai is proving his ways again and again. But it is ourselves failing at times to practice Shri Sai's teachings in word, thought & deed. I thank Sai for his guidance & protection and request my Sadguru to pardon my errors & grace me to live upto his principles to the best possible. Without his grace we cannot achieve even what is possible for us. As Sri Satcharitha says every object living & non-living creatures in the world move at HIS WILL. Jai Jai Sai Ram...Shri Sath Chith Aanandha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.....

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~श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरू श्री साईनाथ महाराज की जय~ श्री साई बाबा के ग्यारह वचन : १.जो शिरडी आएगा ,आपद दूर भगाएगा,२.चढ़े समाधी की सीढी पर ,पैर तले दुःख की पीढ़ी पर,३.त्याग शरीर चला जाऊंगा ,भक्त हेतु दौडा आऊंगा,४.मन में रखना द्रढ विश्वास, करे समाधी पुरी आस५.मुझे सदा ही जीवत जानो ,अनुभव करो सत्य पहचानो,,६.मेरी शरण आ खाली जाए, हो कोई तो मुझे बताये ७.जैसा भाव रहे जिस मनका, वैसा रूप हुआ मेरे मनका,,८.भार तुम्हारा मुझ पर होगा ,वचन न मेरा झूठा होगा ९ आ सहायता लो भरपूर, जो माँगा वो नही है दूर ,१०.मुझ में लीन वचन मन काया ,उसका ऋण न कभी चुकाया,११ .धन्य -धन्य व भक्त अनन्य ,मेरी शरण तज जिसे न अन्य~श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरू श्री साईनाथ महाराज की जय~
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About Author.

I feel I am like a river, having my own course, stream and flow but the final destiny is to be one with the boundless ocean of my Sathguru Shirdi Sai Baba.

Amidst all the worldly rituals I am performing,I do not dare to loose sight of my Sainath. He is the sole driving force, the guide and the Supreme master.

The strings of my life are in his hand,I am just a puppet at His Holy Feet.
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