Dear all,
Here I am sharing Baba's experience shared by two Sai devotees, who for their personal reason wish to keep their name anonymous.
Dear Manisha ji,
I am new to your website and thank you for your great service. For personal reasons I would like to post my experiences anonymously. I just promised baba that I will post this miracle and it is almost 2 years now. Thank you again for your service.
Sai Experience 1:
Sai's grace and Navguru Var vrat's miracle:
I have been a baba devotee since I was 12 yrs old. I have experienced so many miracles to this day. Today I want to share miracle related to my marriage. I was in love with one of my close friend. We both are from different caste and my friends family were very much against our marrriage. During that time my health was in a bad condition. Meanwhile, I used to pray baba that to give me peace and make the right decision. I always used to spend most of my time reading babas leelas on starsai.org. Devotees experience always gave me immense pleasure and hope. Baba used to answer my questions in the dreams. One day I read about navguru vaar vrat in the website and I started performing pooja and by the third week things started working out and by the end of the ninth week our marriage got settled.
During this whole period baba helped me all through my suffering. Baba always asks us to leave all our burden on him and not to worry. But I used to worry and still worry a lot. I still have so many tensions in life. But I know I have baba with me.Thank you for reading my experience.
I hope to share lot of miracles in the near future.
Sai Experience 2:
Sairam Manisha,
I am sharing my experience with all Sai readers.I wish to keep my name anonymous.Thanks.
I m sure relationships are always very important to each one of us,so was it for me too, my life is based on my good relationship with poeple around me and more specifically a love relationship which makes us all happy.
It was in the year 2007 I met someone whom i started liking ,loving and he became an integral part of my life, but unfortunately he used to take me for granted hurt me and I was of no importance to him,he used to misbehave, never talk to me and only belived in being benefitted in every possible way that he could, with a heavy heart and going through a very tough time I one day decided to move on and break this relationship.
He agreed without any complaints and we split . But I coudnt take it , I was completely shattered almsot felt like commiting suicide and then as I was already a devotee of Shirdi Sai I prayed to him , I did Sai Nab Guruvaar vrat, and every other puja which baba would himself suggest through any friend or in my dreams.This went on for three years, in January 2010 , i felt that all my prayers went in vain and I would never have him back, but to my surprise he called me one day , talked with me and I dont know what to say he was treating me with so much respect .
And now he shares everything that happens in his life,takes care of me, and also asks me for help, this time he has changed completely than what I knew him earlier that I cant belive it at all. Now my heart always thanks my Sai maa for His kindness,it was a testing time for us and Baba gave strength and patience to bear the pain and get His blessing . Had he not come back into my life I would have lost hope in everything else. But Baba knows best and Baba knows when is the right time to bless ,thanks to my Saimaa .Baba I love him and you know how important your blessings are for all your devotees.Baba please keep us under your lotus feet and shower us with blessings.
Sai gifted me a key ring:
This happened in the year 2004, I am a devotte of Sai baba since 1998 , but my Faith on HIm grew on me gradually since 1998. I had a key ring in my purse , with Sai baba's photo on it and was gifted to me by an elderly person , it was special to me because it was touched to Sai's feet in Shirdi and giiven to me.As I had not visited shirdi so it was more special for me. I always kept that in my purse as a blessing of Baba.
One day my purse got stolen and I was not able to get my purse. I was unhappy only because of one thing because I could replace everything else but the key ring which I had lost along with the purse.One month after the inciident , I was cleaning up my home and found a key ring on the TV set and had Baba's photo on it.
I was surprised but I also found a Bike key with the ring so I thought It must be the bike keys of my brother- in- law so, i kept it there thinking that it is someone else's property and continued with my work. Weeks later I still found the key ring on the TV set right at the same place. Then due to some curiosity I started enquring with my husband who doenst drive a bike, my brother in law who didnt have a bike and my maid who was very poor .
Ultimately I got the message it was sent by Baba for me . I had kept the ring in my new purse.This miracle I have no words to describe , since then I have always been feeling Baba by my side always ...whenever I have gone through the worst HE has been there for me.


May sai maa shower his blessings on all of her childrens.
Om Sai Nath....
om sai ram
om sai ram