Dear all,
Once again with grace of Baba "The Miracle Book" is got released in Kannada after the release of the English edition ,Tamil edition and Telugu edition as posted few months back .
Sister Ashalatha has compiled the complete detail of event to be shared with one and all.The other details are there in the mail attached below.Please click on the link and pictures for clear view and to read the details.Jai Sai Ram .
Sairam Manisha Sister,
It gives me immense happiness to share the wonderful news with you and with all our Sai family members that our Satchidananda Sadguru Saibaba had blessed the Sai Miracle Book
team to launch the SAI MIRACLE BOOK in another Indian language. Yes, with the guidance and blessings of our Parabrahma SAI MIRACLE BOOK was launched in Kannada language on Jan 1st, 2011. As we all know that Baba had uttered that, "I could do anything to keep up my promises". These golden verses were prooved by Baba once again by bringing out Sai Miracle Book (collection of Sai leelas) in another Indian language.
Sai Miracle Book in Kannada language was released in Sai Spiritual Centre, Bangalore (Shirdi Sai Mandir, Bangalore.) . This book is already published in English and Tamil and now in Kannada. As per the verses of Sai this book will be published in all the Indian languages and we wish and hope and pray to our Saima to bless us to see his wonderful leelas in this regard.
Sister I am attaching the invitation of the Sai Miracle Book launch function with the photos taken at the function, kindly share this information in our website to enable the devotees to know this information.
Devotees interested to purchase the book may please write to the author Ranadheer kumar
Invitation Card for Sai Miracle Book -Kannada Edition, launch .

To view the photo's of the launch please click Here .
