Dear all,
Sai devotee Madhumoorti ji has shared beautiful Sai experience with all of us and as one reads through them one realises the power and grace of Baba. Madhumoorti ji hanks for sharing .Jai Sai Ram .
Sairam Manisha Ji,
I am giving below my Sai experiences for publishing for the benefit of Sai Bhaktas. Please do publish the same and confirm.
Sai personally escorted me and guided me to Shirdi:
I was pulled by Sai Baba in the year 2003. In that year I wanted to go to Shirdi but could not accomplish due to reasons known only to Sai. One day when I went to the market, I casually saw the reservation counter board in the railway station. I went to the counter and booked my tickets to Shirdi and thus incidentally my first trip got fixed..
I reached Pune at mid night [a place about which I do not know anything] and took an auto asked him to drop me at the bus stop from where buses ply to Shirdi. He did take me and dropped me at a stop where there were only 3 other passengers waiting, it being mid night. He told me that the last bus to Indore stops there and that will go to a place called Nagar from where I will get buses to Shirdi. The bus came in about 20 minutes time and I boarded the same.
Though there were a few seats, I went to the last row and sat near a moulvi who was wearing a kupni like Baba and a cap and beard. At that moment I was not aware of these things. My only concern was to reach Shirdi safely.
After travelling for about an hour or more the conductor stopped and asked me to get down.The moulvi sitting next to me immediately told the conductor “Why are you asking him to get down here.He wants to go to Shirdi and this is not the right place.Go further I will tell you where to stop”.
The bus proceeded for another 20 minutes.He asked the conductor to stop the bus and along with me he also got down.He walked with me in that wee hour and at a four road junction he showed me a lonely auto at a distance and advised me to go to him and said he will take to the bus stand from where I will get buses to Shirdi.
I went to the auto wala and without my telling him anything he said “Aayiye sab betiye…” as if it was arranged by Sai himself to take me in that wee hour.
He dropped me at the bus stand and from there I got a bus to Shirdi. Why I sat near the Moulvi? I do not know. Why the Moulvi guided me at the right time? Why he also got down along with me? I do not know. All through my deep concern and fear at that untimely hour that I have to reach Shirdi safely made my eyes closed to all the divine things happening around me.
I had a fulfilled darshan and came back to Chennai. Only after coming to Chennai did I realize all that had happened. This is all Sai leela. Thus Sai Baba had personally escorted me and guided to Shirdi during my first trip. He came along with me and I was totally unaware.
Om Sai Ram
Sai Maharaj would not let down his ardent dovotees:
I heard about Chitlapakkam Sai Temple and immediately started to go there. I got down at Sanatorium Rly Station and enquired about the location. I understood that it is a bit long to walk so I wanted to engage an auto. But to my utter dismay the fare demanded by them was much more than my budget. It was around 10 am and a hot day in the month of May.
I decided “OK! Let me walk.. Sai will surely show a way”. No sooner than I made a few steps, a scooter came and stopped before me with an old man riding. He said please come. I sat on the pillion and he went straight near the temple and dropped me there and went away. I did not ask for lift, nor did I tell him where I wanted to go.How this happened? And for what this happened? And who was he who came in that scooter? I do not know. Only thing I know is my devotion has been accepted by Sai Baba and am being guided by him. That is all.
Om Sai Ram
Sai Maharaj is always with me in my life:
I resigned my permanent job in the year 2003 due to poor performance of the company and bleak future. Since then I have not been in a job for more than 6 months to 1 year. This is happening because I am basically spiritual oriented and I love to go to temples and spiritually charged ashrams, Great seers Samadhis etc.,. rather than sitting in an office and earning money. So, I earn a little, go round to temples for a few months and then come back. I pray to Baba for a job and invariably he would bless me with one.It has been 7 years like this and till this day Sai Baba has been showing me one way or the other to earn some money to keep me going. I am not professionally or highly qualified person but a very honest and hard working individual. I never even think of doing harm to others. I consider myself blessed my Baba since I always feel he is with me all my life.
Om Sai Ram
Thanks and Regards
Wallpaper -Brother Rahul.
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Really wondrful experiences...Thanks alot for sharing with us....OM SAIRAM...LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA...:):)