Dear all,
Today I am sharing a wonderful Sai leela by devotee Archana .This leela clearly indicates that with Baba's blessing nothing is impossible. This is a faith strengthening experience for all the Sai devotees who are waiting for Baba's blessing to fulfill their wishes .Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manisha ji,
I have been a reader of your website for quite some time now and I really thank you for your service. May Baba bless you with choicest of blessings.
This year I had an experience that has left me completely speechless.
In the month of February this year I was going through your website and while reading some experience I made a mental vow to Baba that until I earn my own money and buy a beautiful orange color shawl for him I will not buy anything for myself.
I have no clue how that thought came into my mind but it just happened and a promise is a promise. So many festivals and occasions took place but I stuck to my vow and didn’t buy anything for myself. What surprised me about my own decision is that I am in USA and I am on a dependent visa. Anyone who is familiar with how things work in USA would know that you cant work unless you have a H1 visa or a EAD or a GREEN CARD.I have neither and so does my husband.
I told my husband about my vow and he said that since I had made up my mind I might have to wait for another 2 or 3 years to buy something for myself because job was out of question for me and the green card isn’t on cards for another 3 years atleast.I just told him BABA WILL TAKE CARE.
I am neither an engineer nor a doctor so in the past my talks about working in States had been completely futile and the bad economy wasn’t a help either. While all this was going on through my mind my sister decided to visit me. She came and when she was leaving for her place she gave me a dress. Its a kurta actually and it was orange in colour.i was happy that she gifted me that thing but I wasn’t sure if I would wear it because of my vow of not buying anything new. After she left I showed the kurta to my husband and I said “isn’t it a coincidence that I should decide to offer a shawl of only orange color and then within a week or two my sister visits and gifts me a kurta in orange color”. I just smiled and said I didn’t buy it and it’s a gift so I can definitely wear it. I was waiting for a occasion to wear it.
A week or 2 after I received the kurta I decided to go to Sai Baba temple to take darshan of his padukas.For some reason I felt like wearing the dress so I wore the orange kurta .At the temple after my drashan I just stood looking at Baba’s pratima and I said to Baba in my mind “I HAVE NO CLUE WHY I MADE A PROMISE TO YOU BUT YOU GAVE ME A SIGN THAT YOU ACCEPTED MY VOW GIVING ME A DRESS IN ORANGE .I DON’T KNOW HOW I AM GOING TO EARN MY OWN MONEY BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE A JOB .NOW YOU HAVE TO HELP ME FULFIL MY VOW TO YOU.”I did my namaskar and I left.
I have been in USA for 2 years now and since I couldn’t work I have been volunteering at different places .I met lot of people and made friends during this time. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that the great wirepuller that he is, BABA would bless me like this.
The day after my trip to the temple I got a call from one of the places that I had volunteered in 2008.Thats almost 2 year ago and I was surprised as to why they were calling me .The company people wanted to talk to me about something. I thought it was a volunteer opportunity so I went to meet them but I was shocked when they told me that they were looking to hire new people and since they knew how I had volunteered with them earlier they were interested in hiring me now and would be pleased to file my H1.I just heard everything and told them that I need time to think. As soon as I stepped out of the office tears were rolling down my eyes. My husband who had come along with me was shocked and just kept on saying are they joking or something? i hadn’t even given an interview or even applied for a job. Everything just happened by itself.
The company filed my H1 and I will start to work after 10th of 15th of Oct. My papers were filed on a Thursday and my visa came on a Thursday. During the course of the visa process I received all the communication from the visa office only on a Thursday.Isnt this is coincidence.
I have been a devotee of Baba only since a year but I must confess I have learnt to live life following Babas teachings ,have completely devoted myself in his service. I try to abide by his teachings all the time. No matter what people say or how bad they behave I try to be nice with them and deal with a bad situation in better way. All that HE wants from us is complete and unconditional devotion.I have been waiting to share my expireince with everybody so that can also be blessed b baba the way I have been.Please post it on your blog.
Om Sai Ram


Archana ji, I am going thru a similar phase in my life and beseeching Baba to pull me out of the situation I am in. Away from family and kids in an insecure country, I am patiently waiting for Baba's grace.
Seeing your experience, I am sure Baba will place me in a better situation soon.