Happy Baba's day
Here is a heart touching Sai miracle shared by a Sai devotee.
Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manisha sis,
I want you to post this great miracle in your website.Wanted to share a big miracle with all of you. My little Sai was diagnosed with myopia(of -1.5) at the age of 3.5 months. Needless to say,I was devastated.I fervently prayed to Baba to bless my little one with healthy eye sight.
I started applying Udi on both of his eyes,rinsing his eyes with Baba's Abhisheka Teertham. My mom has unwavering faith in Baba and I know its her devotion towards Baba that resulted in this great miracle. Today,the eye doctor confirmed that my little one is not nearsighted.He may become nearsighted in thefuture. I'll just keep praying....
I used to send prayers to Shirdi and also talked to Amit ji in Shibpur to pray for my son. All those prayers are answered.Right now, we have one more very serious eye problem for my little one, which I'm sure Sai will take care of.With this Sai miracle I have enough faith in Baba that everything shall be better soon to normal and I have to surrender to my Lord Sai and He is there to protect and bless us .Those devotees who are undergoing any ailment should not loose hope and should apply Baba's Udi and pray with complete faith in Baba and miracle will soon happen in their life.
Jai Sai Ram
