Happy Baba's day ,
Today, I am happy to share a beautiful project done by a kid of 9 year- Sai Gautham ,son of Sai Sister Ashalatha .
Sai Gautham has done this presentation as a part of his class assignment. When I received sister Ashalata's mail and glanced through the attachment , I was really impressed to see the marvelous work of the naive child .I observed the young boy's keen observation in collecting the details and meticulously arranging them in serial order. The sequence of the details along with picture signifies his presence of mind and interest in the project. This is truly a good example for all the children of his age group. Children can not only learn how the project was made but can also take clue for making one of this kind for their own class and represent their Guru .
I personally feel ,when a child takes interest in doing a work related to his Guru, he/she is directly connected to the Guru /Lord as his action and thoughts focus on Lord in carrying out the work .And there is no iota of doubt that when the little innocent mind is engrossed in such good work, the Lord Himself bless it to be successful and connect the child's heart and mind to HIM.
The project that Gautham has done for his class can be an example for many children and can also help them to do something similar .I thank Asha sister to share this wonderful work of Gautham with all of us and contributing immensely to children section of this website. I loved the creation of Sai Gautham a lot and I am sure you will also like it .I pray Baba to take care of this young devotee and shower his choicest blessing on him.
Dear readers I would request you to post your suggestion, thoughts, and words of encouragement and blessing to Sai Gautham by commenting just below this post in the comment box or those readers who would like to directly mail to Gautham can mail him at this ID-rashalatha@yahoo.co.in
Below I have attached mail by Asha sister giving complete detail of Gautham's project.
(Children can come forward and share their Sai thought,sai creative work like painting and poem and post me in this E-mail manisha.bisht@saimail.com with the subject line "Shirdi Sai Baba -By children"May Baba be with us ,bless us and guide us always . Baba's blessing are every where.Thanks again.
Manisha .)

Let me take this opportunity to thank you for all the efforts put forth by you in sharing the wonderful leelas of our SaiMaharaj and inculcating faith in the minds of many Sai devotees and in addition to that you are also giving a platform to the kids to display their talents which is really a great encouragement for the little hearts.
May Saima bless you and your family always and keep you in his fold.
I would like to share a small piece of work done by Gautham for his temple class. His class children were asked to do a presentation on a Guru, needless to say that he wanted to do on Shirdi Sai and told me about the same. Couple of his friends was also willing to do on Sai.
He was asked to do on a chart paper, and the presentation should have a collection of information’s related to the parentage, Place of birth, teachings, followers of the Guru and books related . So I told him to read a page of Sri Sai Satcharitra everyday and to pen down the key points. But he could not complete the reading due to various other activities, so he said he need some other book which could make his reading little easier and faster.
Then I picked up Children’s Sai Baba – and told him to give a thorough reading, he charted down the points that he felt would help in his work. Now when he had to start the work he demanded for a display board and said that he want to have the pictures of the devotees, and want to relate Baba’s sayings to the Values(it’s a chapter in his curriculum) that has to be possessed by every person in this world. We tried to make him understand that with the limited time it may not be able to do so much for him, but he was stern, finally we helped him out in getting the pictures of devotees, display board and tried to organize his work for the presentation, ultimately by the grace of Sai he could complete on time.
Though every parent want their child to work all by himself, my conscious was telling me that we need to have such sample projects in the website for our children to go through whenever they want to just as a reference. When I tried to browse I could not find one of this sort. I would not say that Gautham has done a complete or a perfect work but this is just a small piece of work done with all his love and patience on our Saima for sharing with other kids of his age. If the viewers find any mistake they may please pardon for the same and advice us to correct it.
May Sai be with all of us, bless us and guide us always.
Dear readers,I have uploaded all the pictures of Gautham's project in the following Slide Show,devotees who wish to download these pictures can do so by clicking the green download button and have all the pictures in one Go in ZIP format. Jai Sai Ram .
