Baba's blessing are constantly with us. It is we human, who have to keep our eye of love and faith open to witness His grace on us .Here are 2 Sai experiences shared by two Sai devotees.The first Sai Leela is by Sai sister who do not wish to disclose her name and has shared about Baba's timely help to her ,her son and her family .
Second Sai leela is by sister Pooja who shared Baba's leela and His constant love on her and her family .Please read the mail as attached below.Jai Sai Ram.
Sai Leela -1
Dear Manisha sister,I want you to post few of my experiences in your website.
1) My son who is 10 months old has horrible gag reflex and projectile vomiting at least once a day. He throws up his entire meals at least once a day. Every time he vomits, the food comes from both nose and mouth making it difficult for him to breath. Sometimes there will be series of projectile vomiting s where he is scared and I'm scared. Recently two times, he has this series of projectile vomiting s and while he is still choking, I placed him in front of Saibaba. The moment he is there, he started playing with Baba's idol and throwing it up here and there, but the choking stopped.Baba's grace healed him.
I did not mind him throwing up Sai Baba's idol as I believe he is the child of Sai Baba and he is a 10 month old baby and he is playing with his mother and father who is none other than Baba himself. Babies kick their parents so much and its fun for them which is the reason I did not care when he picked up Baba's idol, threw it and again picked it up and did the same thing. He enjoyed playing with Baba and the most important thing is his choking stopped.
2) My son did not have the flu and swine flu vaccination. I was so scared when we went to India and also visited Shirdi, but he returned healthy. Recently he had runny nose and I was scared if it's going to turn out to be flu and I prayed Baba that I'll post my experience if it is not flu. He still has runny nose, but I'm gald that it is not flu.
3) Two days ago, I woke up in the middle of night only to find that I had a bright red watery left eye. I was scared initially if a blood vessel broke as I had a minor surgery three and a half years ago for breaking the blood vessel inside the eye. I did not pray Baba but just thought of Baba at that moment, cleaned up my eye with water and slept.
In the morning, my eye was fine and all the redness cleared up. Just thinking of Baba helped. May be everyone thinks this is a minor issue, but the eye was so bright red and having a previous history of breaking the blood vessel in the eye, I was scared.
4) I promised Baba that I'll take my son to the temple on a Thursday if he sleeps well after we returned from India. It took a week for him to sleep through the night, but did not take him to the temple the next Thursday as my son was sleeping. We went to the temple the next Thursday and that day was Shivarathri which we don't know.
My Mother-in-law who is a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva was happy because she could perform the abhishekam to the idol but was sad because she did not even know it, but I believe it was Baba who took care of it by letting us not go to the temple the previous Thursday. Remember, Baba will not just take care of us, but also our family members who don't pray to him.
Baba's child.
Sister Pooja had last month posted about her mother and how Baba helped and blessed their family ,the same Sai leela continues in today's mail and devotee can read and feel the divine blessing of Baba through this leela shared here.Please read the mail attached below by sister Pooja.
Those readers who missed out Pooja's first experience shared few days back can read by clicking on the link given here. "Sai could not see tears in my mothers eyes".Jai Sai Ram .
Sairam Di,
If you remember few days back I had posted an experience of my mother “Sai could not see tears in my mother’s eyes” in that I had mentioned that 80% problem was solved and remaining 20% is still taken care by Baba and soon it will be solved as soon as the land deal gets finalized.
From few days mummy was worried as to when the deal would get finalized and yesterday she said" you pray to Baba ,Baba listens to you soon".
So yesterday night and today morning I prayed .Also few days back I had told mummy to do Sai Satcharitra Parayan and told her that mom you will feel better.But since she cannot sit for long time so I had doubts whether she would be able to do it or not because although she has read Sai Satcharitra but has never done parayan before.
And also past few days she is having severe pain in her back(due to sytica) but today morning she started with parayan praying Sai for my marriage or some land deal to be finalized soon .Laying at feet of Baba whatever Sai feels is most important .She had read only one chapter in the morning and decided she would read the rest in the evening.
Today evening when my father came home guess what must have happened?
He said that one of the land deal was finalized today evening and the token was also received.And you won’t believe till today morning we did not have even the slightest of the hints about any customer.It was only after my father came home, we came to know all about this.Then I told mummy that I had also prayed to Baba as you had told me to do so and look its Thursday-Baba’s Day!Baba's grace has blessed us all .
Then mummy told me that today seeking Baba's blessing she had also started withSai Satcharitra parayan and had read only one chapter so far and she was yet to read the remaining ones in the evening . I was very happy to hear that mummy had started with parayan and Sai answered her so soon and that too on a Thursday.
It may sound small incident but for us it is all Baba's grace and a big relief .Also Baba blessed my mother with starting her parayan whichI consider as a direct blessing of Baba.
I still want to share 3 more leelas of Baba as early as Baba will wish.Thank you for coming in our life and taking us one step closer to Baba each day through your website.
Shri Anantkoti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Par Brahma Shri Sacchidanand Satguru Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai….
Om Sai Ram…
Pooja Agarwal
© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details
Those readers who missed out Pooja's first experience shared few days back can read by clicking on the link given here. "Sai could not see tears in my mothers eyes".Jai Sai Ram .
Sairam Di,
If you remember few days back I had posted an experience of my mother “Sai could not see tears in my mother’s eyes” in that I had mentioned that 80% problem was solved and remaining 20% is still taken care by Baba and soon it will be solved as soon as the land deal gets finalized.
From few days mummy was worried as to when the deal would get finalized and yesterday she said" you pray to Baba ,Baba listens to you soon".
So yesterday night and today morning I prayed .Also few days back I had told mummy to do Sai Satcharitra Parayan and told her that mom you will feel better.But since she cannot sit for long time so I had doubts whether she would be able to do it or not because although she has read Sai Satcharitra but has never done parayan before.
And also past few days she is having severe pain in her back(due to sytica) but today morning she started with parayan praying Sai for my marriage or some land deal to be finalized soon .Laying at feet of Baba whatever Sai feels is most important .She had read only one chapter in the morning and decided she would read the rest in the evening.
Today evening when my father came home guess what must have happened?
He said that one of the land deal was finalized today evening and the token was also received.And you won’t believe till today morning we did not have even the slightest of the hints about any customer.It was only after my father came home, we came to know all about this.Then I told mummy that I had also prayed to Baba as you had told me to do so and look its Thursday-Baba’s Day!Baba's grace has blessed us all .
Then mummy told me that today seeking Baba's blessing she had also started withSai Satcharitra parayan and had read only one chapter so far and she was yet to read the remaining ones in the evening . I was very happy to hear that mummy had started with parayan and Sai answered her so soon and that too on a Thursday.
It may sound small incident but for us it is all Baba's grace and a big relief .Also Baba blessed my mother with starting her parayan whichI consider as a direct blessing of Baba.
I still want to share 3 more leelas of Baba as early as Baba will wish.Thank you for coming in our life and taking us one step closer to Baba each day through your website.
Shri Anantkoti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Par Brahma Shri Sacchidanand Satguru Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai….
Om Sai Ram…
Pooja Agarwal


Nice experiences....really feel blessed to read such miracles of our saima...Thanks a lot manishaji and devotees(sai children)for sharing with us....OM SAIRAM....LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA...:):)