In the last post we read about Swami ji's Mahasamadhi and details on movement carried by various Sai sevak ,today's post gives more details of all the Sai sevak who worked selflessly to carry this movement far and wide across the globe.Readers who have missed earlier parts of biography can read by clicking on the links which are given below at the end of post , chapter by chapter.Jai Sai Ram.
Chapter -4 PART-12
Among the Secretaries, Messrs O.K. Varada Rao, M.D. Krishna Murthy and V.K. Panthulu, T. Keshava Rao, S.Seshadri call for special mention.
In the districts Messrs. B.R. Ranganathan of Poona, T.G.K. Murthy of Srirangam, K. Sadagopan of Pondicherry, T.L.S. Mani Iyer of Kumbhakonam, D. Raghunatha Rao of Omalur and Dr. M.K. Rajagopalachari of Nellore and others too numerous to mention here, have derived inspiration and have carried out good work in their particular areas.
Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji evolved himself to be the disciple and spiritual heir to Sri Narasimha Swamiji. He was deputed in 1952 to Bangalore to spread Sai Baba's message in Bangalore and Karnataka.
Swami Keshavaiah who was a Sub Registrar in Andhra Pradesh distinguished himself for performing Sai worship with single minded devotion.
Basheer Baba of Kadapah in Andhra Pradesh took up Sai propagation inspired by Narasimha Swamiji. He attained several ‘siddhis’ due to the benevolence of Sai Baba. He took the torch of the Sai movement to SriLanka, Burma, Thailand, Japan, Egypt, Lagos and other Middle East countries. He has organized the World Sai Prachar Sabha.
Rao Sahib B. Papaiah Chetty of Nellore was inspired by Narasimha Swamiji’s book ‘The Charters and Sayings’. Sai Baba instructed him to denote a princely sum of Rs.11455/- to Narasimha Swamiji in 1940. This became the nucleus for starting the All India Sai Samaj at Madras.
Sri D. Bhima Rao who was the Post Master General of Madras succeeded Narasimha Swamiji as President of the All India Sai Samaj and held this position upto 1970.
Sri A.V.K. Chari of Coimbatore was a political leader till he met Narasimha Swamiji in 1941. He assisted Swamiji actively and was responsible for laying a firm foundation for Sai mission in the Coimbatore area.
Sri K.R.S.Iyer, a distant relative of Narasimha Swamiji in his ‘poorvashram’life, was influenced by him to take up Sai worship and he was totally involved in Sai Samaj activities after his retirement from service.
Arthur Osborne, a native of Australia was influenced by Narasimha Swamiji to take up Sai worship. His book ‘The incredible Sai baba’ has reached readers overseas, Narasimha Swamiji took Sai Baba out of Maharashtra and made him known all over India, Arthur Osborne took Sai Baba from Narasimha Swamiji’s writings and placed him as a world figure.
Sri J.N. Bose of Calcutta met Narasimha Swamiji in 1940 or so and by the ‘udhi’ given by him, his son recovered from an illness. He assisted Narasimha Swamiji in carrying out Sai propagation in Bengal and Assam. He has translated several books of Swamiji in to Bengal.
Smt. Mani Sahukar, a social worker in Mumbai, was influenced by Narasimha Swamiji to take up Sai Baba’s worship in unusual circumstances in 1943. She has written a book ‘Sai Baba-the Saint of Shirdi’ with a foreword from Narasimha Swamiji. This book is quite popular in our country as well as overseas. She has given lectures on Sai Baba at many forums in India and abroad and has contributed to Sai movement considerably.
Sri A. Varadappa Chettiyar, a social worker and Presidency Magistrate was closely associated with Narasimha Swamiji for twenty years, assisting him in Sai prachar. Sri J.D. Pannalal, a Presidency Magistrate actively assisted Narasimha Swamiji in the building projects of the All India Sai Samaj. He was Treasurer of the All India Sai Samaj for a long time.
To be continued....
Chapters Posted:
- Introduction.
- Early Life.
- Childhood in Salem.
- Public Life.
- Turning Point.
- In quest of God.
- With Ramana Bhagwan.
- Pandharpur.
- From 1932-to March 1934.
- From 1932-to March 1934- part 2.
- At Sakori .
- Face to Face With The Master.
- Early Days Of Sai Prachar.
- Baba Himself Favours The Movement.
- Only Aim.
- Early Days of Mission.
- Lockets and Calenders.
- Meeting The Disciple
- Efficient System For Sai Prachar -Part 1.
- Efficient System For Sai Prachar -Part 2.
- Swami ji's Mahasamadhi.
- Swami ji's Mahasamadhi-part 2.
- After Mahasamadhi.
- After Mahasamadhi- Part 2
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