Wish you a Very Happy Baba's day ,
It is a tested truth that it is the fruit of accumulated merits in past births which enables us to seek the company of Saints and get benefited from it. Unfortunate are those who do not get this company. It is only the fortunate ones that get it. (From SSC -Chapter 21.)
This is also true for all the Sai children as well .We, who have come under the shelter of Baba, are fortunate ones. It is our previous relationship with Him that has drawn us to Him today. I consider all of us very fortunate that Baba has chosen us and we can serve Him in this birth and learn what Baba asked us to follow and improve our merit of karma.
Last week, on Friday night, when the following hair raising incident took place at 1.30 in midnight, I felt very strongly the presence of Baba.
This miracle indeed showed how faith can change the situation into our favor. And, of course, to witness this miracle, I attribute it to BABA's kindness who blessed us to realize this.
All these years, me and my family have witnessed presence of Baba several time in different forms where He is Guiding, Protecting and Teaching lessons for our betterment .Yesterday, it was another landmark.
It was almost midnight when we were suddenly woken up by a loud and panicking cry of my younger son Revant .We rushed to his bed, switching the lights on to see that he was bleeding profusely and his face was all covered with blood. He was holding his hand near his nose and his face was full of blood and the night shirt was soaked in blood .I was taken aback and was not able to understand what to do?
I rushed to him to control his blood, but I failed to stop bleeding even after wiping it with lot of cotton and napkin repetitively. The flow of blood was in high speed and in full force. I had never seen so much of blood oozing from nose. Generally it is very common to see children having nose bleed due to heat stroke or dry nose but this was not the same it was very scaring sight .
Almost all the napkins soaked in blood and nothing worked to stop or control the blood. I felt helpless and was in state of shock and my husband was rushing with cold packs and water to keep his head cool. Suddenly in that state of shock and trying to reason out what should be done a strong thought of Baba striked like a thunder and I started chanting Sai Naam -Om Sai ,Om Sai Om Sai.......non stop.

While the chanting was going on still there was no sign of blood flow to slow or reduce. The speed was great and almost half packet of paper napkin was soiled with blood.
In the midst of helplessness, I promised Baba to visit His temple in Dar es Salaam the very next morning. I also said to my son to promise to Baba that he will go to the temple next morning if the blood stops. My son obeyed me. I told my husband to put some money as Dakshina at the feet of Baba at that very moment while the blood was oozing out . And he did that .
Both of us could not reason how to stop the blood ,and how to tackle the problem and than I looked at Baba’s picture in Sai Mandir which is in boys room. I suddenly hurried my hubby to get Sai Satcharitra and Baba’s Udi while I was trying to hold my son and clean the blood (This thought also I am sure was blessed by Baba ,as nothing moves without His Will.) .
And than I was wonder struck to witness Baba’s miracle. As soon as I placed Sai Satcharitra on the forehead of my son and applied Udi on his nose and gave him a pinch of Udi in the mouth , the blood which was gushing profusely and uninterruptedly stopped suddenly within 20 seconds -not even a minute!!!.
Seeing this I was full of tears,I could clearly see the blood stop instantly. I felt Baba’s presence in the form of Sai Satcharitra and Udi.I told my hubby to have a look, (who was standing and holding cold pack on my son's head from behind) to see that there was not even one drop of blood coming out .
He was also taken aback as soon as he saw that the blood has completely stopped and that too within seconds of touching Sai Satcharitra and applying Udi. We witnessed Baba's love and we witnessed the power of Sai Satcharitra and Udi.
Finally everything became normal .

While I was cleaning my son the song kept playing and my son slept hearing the divine composition of Sainath Stavan Manjari by Das Ganu Maharaj .There was no signs of restlessness. Sainath Stavan Manjari is of one hour duration and it really made the whole atmosphere calm and peaceful.I placed the Udi and Sai Satcharitra below the pillow of my son and he was in deep sleep with in few minutes.
While all went to sleep I kept on hearing Stavan Manjari and kept on remembering Sai Baba's name, I could not sleep ,many thoughts ran in my mind and each time the incident came in front of my eye I shivered with the thought -what would have happened if Baba would not have helped in the middle of the night, how much trouble and serious the problem could have become!And than feeling the presence of Baba,I felt relaxed and I also slept with peace and Baba's love .
Early in the morning we went to Baba’s temple and thanked him for his blessing.We all offered our koti koti pranam to the almighty ,most loving Shirdi Sainath who rushed for our help and proved HIS love is unconditional for His children.

This leela shows that when everything fails, Baba is the only power who comes for help, If we have firm faith on Him , He makes His presence felt.Total surrender to HIS WILL and complete faith on HIM are the two keys which can help us in any situation .
With this incident we also realized the power of Sai Satcharitra and Udi(as I rightly say Udi Ma). Glory of Reading Sai Satcharita and Udi is described in great details in Shri Sai Sathcharitra. This experience reaffirm the greatness of Baba's two unique symbols Sathcharitra and Udi. When we have firm faith on Baba and we are completely devoted to HIM we can witness HIM in Sai Sathcharitra and Udi.
Dear readers finally I would like to say that please do not test Baba .Do not question whether He loves you enough or is taking care of you ?Instead, test yourself if you can love Baba unconditionally ,do we have enough devotion and faith towards Him?Make yourself worthy of HIS Grace. It is only when we completely let the love for God overtake us, it is than we have ample of strength and energy to endure any kind of hurdles of life.I have learnt this lesson very well and I am happy to share this with each one of you.
May the grace and love of Baba envelope one and all and guide us in the right path. Let us pray to earn His grace so that we always know that He is with us and guiding our every move.
Thank you Baba for your love and grace.
Dear readers those who wish to leave comment or suggestion,please write it in comment box provided just below this post .Readers who wish to write personally ,they can mail me at my E- mail ID.
Jai Sai Ram .


Very nice post manishaji..Thanks a ot for sharing with us...OM SAIRAM...LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA....:):)