Dear All,
Baba is calling His children to Shirdi and those who know about the prayer service are more than happy and voluntary to carry prayer request of Sai children to Shirdi at the holy Feet of Sai Baba.
Baba's bhakta Mohan ji will be in Shirdi soon for Baba's darshan and wishes to carry the prayer request of all the Sai devotees who wishes to send them to Shirdi .Below is the mail from Mohan ji giving all the details. Please note the date and E-Mail address for sending the prayer request .Jai Sai Ram .
Manisha Ji,
I am going to Shirdi in February 2010.I will be in Shirdi on 11th,12th and 13th of February.
If any Sai Bhakta wants me to carry his prayers to Sai Baba,please let them know personally or through your magnificent blog. I am informing you now so that I can collect the maximum number of prayers till Feb 9th.
Please send your prayers only on this ID.
Om Sai Ram
Mohan Dwivedi


How do I know that my day to day work makes the Lord happy or sad ?
Why do I feel pain and get irritated ?
Whom to ask the way out from the endless desires which keep on growing ?
How to ask apology from Sai ?
Sairam Swarup Ji
@How do we know our work makes Lord Happy or Sad? I can say whenever you do anything ,anytime -feel that Baba is with you and watching your action,than introspect and ask yourself if Baba is watching will he feel happy of what I am doing,thinking or speaking ,will you make him proud ? You will automatically get your answer and your conscience will guide you.
@Why do u get pain and irritated? I can say we feel pain and we get irritated because we let the negative feeling dominate us and our thoughts. And we constantly think about it. Diverting our mind to Sathguru and His teachings,we can master to control our thoughts and avoid any such feeling to dominate and make us feel irritated.It is matter of practice .
@Whom to ask the way out from endless desire ?
I can say it again a matter of channelizing your thoughts more and more towards Baba.As you go closer to HIM all the desire will shed itself by and by .
@How to ask Sai for Apology?
Like a child asking for apology to his parents ,you can with clear heart and pure intention seek Baba's grace and his forgiveness. Baba knows everything and He will forgive you and will guide you in right direction .
If you have any more question please feel free to write it here and with Baba's grace I shall try to reply back.
Jai Sai Ram
At the feet of my Sathguru Sai
Mansiha Ji ,while doing baba's satcharitra parayan.i am not able to conncentrate.i feel tried and some times feel sleepy .i am going through a very bad time and all those thoughts come to my mind.if i cant concentrate how will baba bless me.please help me.I can't take this pain anymore