Dear all ,
Here is a series of Baba's blessing in life of Sai devotee who do not wish to disclose her name but wishes to share how Baba has always blessed and graced her.Posted below is the mail from the Sai devotee. Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manisha sister,
Here is a series of Baba's blessing in life of Sai devotee who do not wish to disclose her name but wishes to share how Baba has always blessed and graced her.Posted below is the mail from the Sai devotee. Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manisha sister,
I want you to post one of my experiences in your website.
Baba's Grace :
By Baba's grace, I did my engineering in one of the reputed colleges, despite low GRE score,I got full tuition waiver, full time teaching assistant ship and free health insurance.
My brother came to know about it on Thursday(which is Baba's day). For two years of my masters, I paid only 800 $. During my first summer in the U.S, all my friends bought their tickets to India and I was trying for internships and in the last minute, got three internships.I chose the best one and after my master's, I did one more internship and my OPT started on Oct 10th.
I had attended three contract interviews(each interview is more than 4 hours), did the first one well, but I was not offered job. I asked Baba why I did not get that one despite doing well, spoilt my second interview, but did my third interview well and on the day of third interview, I was offered a job for the first and third interviews!
I thought of choosing the job for the first interview, but just before giving my acceptance, I called one of my friends who suggested me to take up the job offered for third interview. I spoke to him only for two minutes and immediately after that, I accepted the job for third interview. I was given Oct 12th as joining day and did not knew it was Vijaya Dasami day.What to say of all these events ?Is it not Baba who is controlling our life for our good.
Within 2 months after joining the job, I was offered a full time job, but I was supposed to attend the interviews again for full time. I chose a date and that happened to be Amavasya, but I did not care and attended the interview. It was exhausting as it started at 9:00 AM in the morning and ended at 6:00 PM. After the interview, one of my friends called me if I can accompany her to the temple and I asked her if there was any special occasion as it is a weekday, she told me it was Ugadi!!!(Its Amavasya in India, but Ugadi in US. Its a new year festival for Andhras and Maharashtrians etc etc ). I was offered the full time job by Baba's grace. But I was not satisfied with the pay as I felt I deserved more. With in one week of joining, I was offered an increment in the pay!!!! I have got several awards, all due to Baba's grace .Is this not Baba's grace and love? Without any much thought or discussion with Baba ,Baba himself gave what was good for me.

Baba's Grace 2:
Baba's Grace :
By Baba's grace, I did my engineering in one of the reputed colleges, despite low GRE score,I got full tuition waiver, full time teaching assistant ship and free health insurance.
My brother came to know about it on Thursday(which is Baba's day). For two years of my masters, I paid only 800 $. During my first summer in the U.S, all my friends bought their tickets to India and I was trying for internships and in the last minute, got three internships.I chose the best one and after my master's, I did one more internship and my OPT started on Oct 10th.
I had attended three contract interviews(each interview is more than 4 hours), did the first one well, but I was not offered job. I asked Baba why I did not get that one despite doing well, spoilt my second interview, but did my third interview well and on the day of third interview, I was offered a job for the first and third interviews!
I thought of choosing the job for the first interview, but just before giving my acceptance, I called one of my friends who suggested me to take up the job offered for third interview. I spoke to him only for two minutes and immediately after that, I accepted the job for third interview. I was given Oct 12th as joining day and did not knew it was Vijaya Dasami day.What to say of all these events ?Is it not Baba who is controlling our life for our good.
Within 2 months after joining the job, I was offered a full time job, but I was supposed to attend the interviews again for full time. I chose a date and that happened to be Amavasya, but I did not care and attended the interview. It was exhausting as it started at 9:00 AM in the morning and ended at 6:00 PM. After the interview, one of my friends called me if I can accompany her to the temple and I asked her if there was any special occasion as it is a weekday, she told me it was Ugadi!!!(Its Amavasya in India, but Ugadi in US. Its a new year festival for Andhras and Maharashtrians etc etc ). I was offered the full time job by Baba's grace. But I was not satisfied with the pay as I felt I deserved more. With in one week of joining, I was offered an increment in the pay!!!! I have got several awards, all due to Baba's grace .Is this not Baba's grace and love? Without any much thought or discussion with Baba ,Baba himself gave what was good for me.

Baba's Grace 2:
I got pregnant unexpectedly and I came to know about it on Thursday, since it was unexpected, I did not enjoy during early days of my pregnancy. Here goes the actual experience.
We bought a new car, but got the puja done on Thursday(3 weeks before I knew I became pregnant),the pujari blessed me in the usual way(Long life, be blessed with children,etc).The Pooja for car was supposed to be done on Wednesday, somehow got delayed and it happened on Thursday.Again Baba's Blessing without our deliberate effort to do anything on specific day.
Another blissful thing that happened is that I came to know I became pregnant on Thursday, I did not pick the day, it just happened and the auspicious day ofcourse is blessing of Baba.Leela of Baba does not stop here ,I always wanted a boy and Baba blessed me with a boy.
My husband planned non traditional baby shower on Saturday, but since I wanted traditional one .Than my husband decided that we do both traditional and non traditional on the same day and one of our friends suggested that Saturday is good for me according to my birth star.
But I wanted to have it on Thursday and my mom supported me as a result of which my traditional baby shower happened on Thursday morning with very few people invited as non traditional was planned on Saturday.
On Thursday night I realized my water broke, got admitted into the hospital, my OBGYN induced me, my mom kept Udi in my mouth, on forehead and stomach and within few hours I delivered without any pain. Baba made sure that my baby shower happened before I delivered because it was originally planned on Saturday and also blessed me with safe and painless delivery.
Baba's Grace 3.
Few days ago, I was asking Sai that I should get some kind of assurance that he is there for me from him and that too on a Thursday and to my surprise, just 3 weeks later, I got the assurance on Thursday. I cannot disclose it for personal reasons, but yes, I did get that on Thursday and within 3 weeks as I expected it to take much longer but Baba answered and I felt happy to get the assurance from Baba.
So many small and big things in life knowingly -unknowingly took place which only made me strong in my faith and my love grew many folds towards Baba .Things that were not in my hand Baba took care .When I look back and see events in my life I cannot think life would have been so nice and good if Baba's grace was not with me .That is why I feel I owe my life to Baba for blessing me at everys tep of my life....
I owe my life to Baba.
Another blissful thing that happened is that I came to know I became pregnant on Thursday, I did not pick the day, it just happened and the auspicious day ofcourse is blessing of Baba.Leela of Baba does not stop here ,I always wanted a boy and Baba blessed me with a boy.
My husband planned non traditional baby shower on Saturday, but since I wanted traditional one .Than my husband decided that we do both traditional and non traditional on the same day and one of our friends suggested that Saturday is good for me according to my birth star.
But I wanted to have it on Thursday and my mom supported me as a result of which my traditional baby shower happened on Thursday morning with very few people invited as non traditional was planned on Saturday.
On Thursday night I realized my water broke, got admitted into the hospital, my OBGYN induced me, my mom kept Udi in my mouth, on forehead and stomach and within few hours I delivered without any pain. Baba made sure that my baby shower happened before I delivered because it was originally planned on Saturday and also blessed me with safe and painless delivery.
Baba's Grace 3.
Few days ago, I was asking Sai that I should get some kind of assurance that he is there for me from him and that too on a Thursday and to my surprise, just 3 weeks later, I got the assurance on Thursday. I cannot disclose it for personal reasons, but yes, I did get that on Thursday and within 3 weeks as I expected it to take much longer but Baba answered and I felt happy to get the assurance from Baba.
So many small and big things in life knowingly -unknowingly took place which only made me strong in my faith and my love grew many folds towards Baba .Things that were not in my hand Baba took care .When I look back and see events in my life I cannot think life would have been so nice and good if Baba's grace was not with me .That is why I feel I owe my life to Baba for blessing me at everys tep of my life....
I owe my life to Baba.
Wallpaper Courtesy-Brother Rahul.
