Happy Thursday,happy Baba's day ,
Till now 16 chapters has been published, in continuation to that I am posting the 17th chapter today .In this part we shall read Swami ji efforts in propagating about Shirdi Sai Baba by His Lockets,calenders and other means ,and how he managed to carry this service inspite of many interruption and hinderances .Readers who have missed earlier parts of biography can read by clicking on the links which are given below here at the end of post chapter by chapter.Jai Sai Ram.
Narasimha Swamiji arranged for printing of Sai Baba’s pictures on a mass scale. These pictures were useful for creating devotion for Sai Baba.
Rao Brothers, Printers in Triplicane, Madras, produced pictures of Sai Baba from tricolour blocks on art paper in card size and cabinet size. The Tripurasundari Jewellery works in Mint Street, Madras, made lockets in circular and star designs, in small, medium and big sizes and in gold plate and nickel. Every locket contains picture of Sai Baba on one side and deity on the other side. Around the picture of Sai Baba are minted in Tamil the famous saying of Sai baba-
‘Why fear when I am there’.
They also made rings, buttons and pendants containing Sai Baba’s figures in bust and tiny silver padukas. Devotees were quite enthusiastic in purchasing these items. This generated a lot of income for the All India Sai Samaj, which in turn was helpful in its expansion. Today Sai Baba’s pictures, lockets, rings are quite common and are seen in every household, but one should remember their origin at Madras under the leadership of Narasimha Swamiji. Swamiji introduced these items even at Shirdi, as none of them were available there prior to 1941. Lockets and rings were supplied to Shirdi from Madras suppliers even up to 1970.
When Narasimha Swamiji went to Shirdi for the first time in 1936, the number of persons seeking solace at the feet of Sai Baba could be counted. Even though thousands used to flock Shirdi when Sai Baba was in physical form, after his ‘Mahasamadhi’ the number of visitors had drastically reduced to a single digit and even intimate devotees of Sai Baba were under the impression that Sai Baba’s glory like any other mortal had reached the peak which had come down after his casting the mortal coil.
It was only after 1936, the Sai movement led by Narasimha Swamiji gathered tremendous momentum spreading all over the country and reaching out even beyond the frontiers of India. Today not hundreds but millions visit Shirdi to have ‘darshan’ of Sai Baba.

“This man wants us to worship a Muslim Fakhir’.Since the All India Sai Samaj was getting huge income from sale of lockets, rings etc., even a few among the authorities of Shirdi Samsthan were jealous of Narasimha Swamiji. They went to the extent of inserting press releases and notices in the newspapers-‘This Madrasi Sadhu is doing all this for gaining money. Nobody should believe him’.
Very soon, some important people at Shirdi realized that Narasimha Swamiji’s efforts were wholehearted and sincere and they encouraged the Sai movement. Undaunted by all this anti-propaganda, Narasimha Swamiji also continued his Sai prachar work with the firm conviction
‘When Sai Baba is with me, why should I be afraid of anything’.The opposition to Narasimha Swamiji and the anti-propaganda for Sai Prachar work came to an end very soon and even his detractors co-operated with Swamiji, after realizing his selfless service to take ‘Sai Baba out of Shirdi to all over’.
Narasimha Swamiji realized that all these trials and tribulations were only to test his firm faith in achieving his objective and he was fully aware that Sai Baba had accepted his mission. During his Sai prachar work, on many occasions he referred to this aspect and he had referred to the manifold miracles he experienced in his discourses and articles.
Narasimha Swamiji’s immense and matchless efforts have discovered for us Sai Baba as a world saviour whose presence in our hearts helps us to ward off danger and cast off fear. To some extent it is true that the rapid spread of Sai faith was due to the emphasis, which was laid on the mundane benefits derived from devotion to Sai Baba.
But it is mainly through conferring material benefits that God always attracts and draws devotees to Himself, secures their love and devotion and places them on the path that leads them to their moral and spiritual advancement. Were He not “our refuge and strength, our helper amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing”, nobody would care for God.

The rise and spread of the Sai movement is entirely due to the initiative and devoted and single-minded endeavour of Narasimha Swamiji. To say this is to state the obvious. But we need to remind ourselves of the immense debt of gratitude we owe to Narasimha Swamiji for showing us Lord Sainath, the Saviour, and leading us to Him. To be continued...
Chapters Posted:
- Introduction.
- Early Life.
- Childhood in Salem.
- Public Life.
- Turning Point.
- In quest of God.
- With Ramana Bhagwan.
- Pandharpur.
- From 1932-to March 1934.
- From 1932-to March 1934- part 2.
- At Sakori .
- Face to Face With The Master.
- Early Days Of Sai Prachar.
- Baba Himself Favours The Movement.
- Only Aim.
- Early Days of Mission.
To read in Tamil click Here.
