Dear readers,
Happy Baba's day
I am really very happy to share this leela with all of you which happened just on Baba's Punyathithi .
On punyathithi I was to release Baba's blog on bhajan.
In the morning I cleaned mandir,did nice Shringar to Baba,pooja Archana ,Baba's 108 name, Sainath Stavan Manjari and read Sai Satcharitra.As I completed my pooja I prayed to Baba heart of my heart and said Baba I know you are always with me but like a mother I need special hug from you today.You blessed me to create this new blog which I am going to release after my pooja, so how can I know that my Ma has blessed or will bless me on this special day,and also Kartikeya for his sketch he got inspired to do just a day before ?? .
I spoke like this to Saima and said Ma but I know you will surely hug us....with a happy note released Bhajan blog chanting Baba's name.
Knowing Saima's way of playing sport with us I said let it be a simple gesture of receiving something from Saima in any form.Let it be something surprising to me and I will know you blessed Kartikeya ,myself ,our family and also the blog which got released on this auspicious days of yours.....
It was hardly one hour since the release of the blog when my hubby came for lunch .He was holding a big packet in his hand and said there is something for you .And without asking anything, I said it is Baba's blessing reaching us,I was in tears and my body shivering with happiness.And I took the packet .

I thanked Baba umpteenth time and said Baba you made our day,you blessed us,I was very happy for this Saima's hug.I took the book and kept it in mandir.
We all know this book could have come on any other day ,I was waiting for it for so long and just few days back Asha sister again asked my address but who will know the reason for delay and Saima had planned it in such a manner ...and on such a beautiful way to bless us with His special Hug ....
(Thank you Randheer brother and Asha sister for sending the book and yes Kartikeya was totally head over heal in love with Baba's sketch on the book cover and insisted he wanted to draw it there and than .)
I told him "after you finish your lunch you can draw".Impatiently he finished his lunch and started sketching.I was working on computer,within flat 2 hours he came with his new sketch of Baba .No tear and wear ,no repetitive erasing and spoiling of drawing sheets .

How very true .....I remember Kartikeya's message of Baba
"जो मुझे याद करेगा मैं हमेशा उसके साथ होऊंगा ""The one who will remember me I will be with him always."

Children can come forward and share their Sai thought,sai creative work like painting and poem and post me in this E-mail manisha.bisht@saimail.com with the subject line "Shirdi Sai Baba -By children"May Baba be with us ,bless us and guide us always . Baba's blessing are every where.Thanks again.


Sai Ram Manishaji...Heartfelt thanks to you for the wonderful job ..It really makes us realise the infinite love & protection Baba renders to all His children.May Baba bless you and your family always and
all His children.After reading your experience of Baba's blessings in the form of His book really made me crying to see His Love for His Children. Trully His ways are inconceivable..
At the same time how beautifully Sai Baba's painting was done By Sai Kartikeya...exhibiting compassion and love on Baba's Face..Many Many Blessings to him for such wonderful job.May Baba Bless him always.
Jai Sai Ram
hi manisha didi
loved this post..loved kartikeya's painting..may alway saima bless you and your family and the whole world..keep up the good work..:)
Beautiful..congratulations for having such a blessed child. Heartfelt thanks for the divine work you are doing. My mom just recieved Sai Satcharit on thursday and on Janmasthtami...many many thanks for the great service of providing this divine text.