Dear all ,
Forwarded below is a very touching experience by Sai devotee Tanmay .It clearly reflects if one surrender's to Baba with full love and faith ,Baba opens his arm and receives all your love and devotion and shower his choicest blessing's on you .The following experience is shared by Tanmay's sister, which is narrated by Tanmay in his own words.Please read the mail below.Jai Sai Ram .
Om Sai Ram Manishaji,
My brother Tanmay Nath wants to share his series of interlinked experiences showing how Sai Baba gave direction to his career.
I would be highly grateful and thankful to you if you can post this experience on your blog so that all devotees can know about Sai Leela.
I was a student of B.E at Bhartiya Vidyapeeth University, Pune and my course was scheduled to be completed in June 2009. With the grace of Sai Nath I had got placed in Wipro technologies in the year 2008 but the joining date, place and other formalities were not informed.
Time passed, year 2008 ended and 2009 started. Still there was no news from Wipro. My tension was mounting because I had not appeared for any MBA exams and other exams considering my job at Wipro. It was completely vague as to what I will do post the completion of my engineering course.I was not much interested in pursuing MBA and was always interested in research and technical fields. I had appeared for GATE exam and GRE exam in previous years and was successful but did not get success this year. All my friends were getting calls from MBA colleges. This added to my tension.
Months passed from January 2009 to May2009, nothing concrete happened. I was completely hopeless and was getting mentally prepared that this year of mine might get waste. In the mean time I applied for M.S and M.Tech programs in IIT,Madras, IT-BHU and other NITs of the country on the basis of my last years’ GATE score. But soon I received another set back in the form of regret from IIT Madras. This time I was completely shattered. Then my elder sister (sai babas devotee) told me to pray to Sai baba and visit sai temple on coming Thursday and offer flowers, naivedya, perform pooja, request for his grace and ask to show the direction to your career. Following Thursday I did this. I was in Pune that time.
To my sheer surprise exactly after a week i.e. on next Thursday I got M.Tech interview call letter from prestigious Institute of Technology, Benares Hindu University, Varanasi. The interview was scheduled after 2 weeks in Varanasi and the interview day was again a Thursday. With the grace of Sai Baba I cleared interview and got admission in IT,BHU. I also got scholarship of Rs 8000 per month. Within few days I got call letters from almost all the colleges that I had applied. Not only this but also I received e-mail from Wipro Human Resource Department stating that the joining date for freshers has been deferred due to recession till January 2010.With Sai kripa my career got direction within a month.
I came back to Pune and decided to go to Shirdi after completion of my course in June 2009. There was a slight problem. I had got my return ticket to home town done earlier and the same day was clashing with my shirdi visit. I decided to go to Shirdi and not to home town but the problem was how to get the ticket cancelled as there was no time left to go to station and get the ticket cancelled. As per railway rules if the ticket is not cancelled on time the money is forefeited.I did not want to loose money out of carelessness.I asked few friends about railway station in Shirdi thinking that I could get the ticket cancelled from there and save money from getting wasted. No one was sure about it. They told about Kopargaon has railway station which is 30mins from Shirdi. I decided to go there post Darshan.
After my darshan at Sai temple, Shirdi I hurriedly rushed to exit and asked the security personnel about the way to Kopargaon. He asked me. “Why do you want to Kopargaon?” I replied, “I have to go to railway station and get my tickets cancelled. If the ticket is not cancelled now my money will be wasted.” He said, “No need to go to Kopargaon, Sai temple has it own railway reservation counter. You can go there and get your tickets cancelled in ten mins.” This brought smile on my face. I thanked to the guard and thanked to His Highness Sai Nath who helped in the form of guard. I immediately cancelled my ticket and got money back and came back to Pune the same day. As per my sisters suggestion I got Sai Charitra with me from there.

As per schedule, on 15 July 2009, I joined M Tech at IT, BHU, Varanasi. I also started reading some portions of Sai Charitra. But immediately after joining the course I fell sick. Almost for a fortnight I was sick and came to my hometown. There was no particular disease but I had become extremely weak. Medication was being given but to no avail. Parents also got worried. On Rakshabandhan, 5 Aug my sister came from Mumbai. Immediately on her arrival she put udi on my forehead and gave a pinch of it to swallow. Believe me from that very moment I started gaining strength and within 5 days I was back to my college.
Due to our Karma we have to face problems in every phase of life but all we need is complete faith and patience in Sai Baba who is “sagun avtar” of God. With HIS grace problems get resolved as they come.
My final year result was not declared yet and 30 sep 2009 is the last date to submit original result at IT,BHU failing to do so will result in cancellation of the admission. All other students of my class had submitted their results except me. Our scholarship is also on hold till all the students submit their result. My college at Pune was closed due to Swine Flu.
I got worried a little, more than me my sister got panicked that what will happen now. I told her not to worry as we can’t do anything. We can’t get result declared. It’s all at the lotus feet of Sai. He has got me admission so he will only pave the way further. I am glad to inform you all that with Sai Baba’s grace my result is declared two days back and my friend from Pune informed me that I have passed with distinction. Sai Baba gave me financial relief also and my scholarship amount is increased from Rs 8000 to Rs 12000 per month.
This whole series of experiences from the month of May has completely changed my outlook towards Sai Baba and his teachings. I had visited Shirdi many times earlier also but never realized his “mahima”. I feel it happens when Baba blesses us. To seek his blessings all we need to do is surrender all our problems in his lotus feet and keep patience and have faith. I am extremely thankful to Baba for giving desired direction to my career.
I pray to Baba to bless us all.
Om Sai Ram
Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!


Baba i want to change myself and my habbits, my thoughts all i want to change will you please help me out baba? iam doing mistakes and i know it is a mistake but iam unable to draw myself away from that mistake ... baba please help me out and iam very thankful to you for giving me food when ever iam hungry, you never made nothing less to ma but i feel that iam not loyal to you baba, sorry for not beeing loyal to you!! i will never repeat the same mistakes baba, with your grace i will throw away all my bad thoughts and deeds i need your help please sai ram help me.!! If you are going to help me please show me one path that i may correct all my mistakes. Waiting for your response baba.
your beloved devotee