Dear All,
when our heart desires with pure devotion even Baba cannot stop Himself from bestowing His blessing .Here is one such Sai leela experienced by Sai sister Ashalatha recently .I am forwarding her mail below. Jai Sai Ram .
Sairam Manisha sister,
I am sending you the miracle in Kansas(Missouri) Sai darshan. Please go through and post according to your convenience.Sairam.
We had been to Kansas city (Missouri) for 2 weeks from 28th of July to Aug 1st week accompanying my husband who had some work there. And as usual I was longing to have my Saima's darshan in this State. I was contemplating whether to go on a Thursday or on Friday as it was Varalakshmi Vrat. I was sure my husband may not have time to take us to temple on both the days. Thursday he had meetings and came back very late.
Friday he was having some free time so I told him about my wish to visit mandir and he said okay find me the venue and let me know I started to browse in Google and I gave to search "Shirdi Sai Temple -Missouri" I got a beautiful Sai pratima with the temple address and my happiness reached no bounds. When I showed the web page to my husband he said oh, "Sorry your search has many details the temple is situated in Philadelphia a different state and not in Missouri"so you need to browse again. I was upset and then after thorough search we found a Hindu temple with Hindu and Jain Gods.
I was trying to find out whether there was any picture of the deity there was Shri Rama, Sita and Lakshman pratima in white marble and no other details were available about the deities or about Varalakshmi Vrat. We finally decided to go in the evening and took kids to some attractions nearby. The temple timing said it will be open till 8.30 p.m. and Arati at 12 noon and 8 p.m. So I thought if Baba wish he will make me attend the Arati but I was feeling sad that I could not see my Baba and I compromised that Sai wants me to see him as Lord Rama.
The mandir was in Kansas state neigbhoring Missouri State. I took two books of Saibhavana with me and sitting in the car,was just saying heart to heart to Sai, touching his feet on the book cover,"Sai don't know I want to see you today, please give me your darshan."
We reached the temple and my eye fell on the notice board where a flyer was having our Saima's image I felt so happy. The flyer was informing about 'MAY I ANSWER' book by Shri Satpathji. I touched my Sai's feet and felt happy that I saw Sai in the mandir. we saw ladies 'q'ed up there and when we just gave a glance inside the mandir we saw inside the mandir all the preparations were going on for Varalakshmi Vrat. A big plate with Kalas, (pot filled with rice), blouse pieces,flowers , sacred thread and all other puja items were kept ready in few rows for ladies to perform the vrat. Now we understood that the ladies are in 'Q' to pay fee for the puja and I thought they must have registered for this in advance.
My husband read my mind about my interest for the Varalakshmi puja and said find out whether you can do the puja. I with a confused mind stood in the 'Q' and just then a lady came to the office and she asked the Manager,"I have not registered for puja can I pay the fee and join now'? the Manager said,"Why not?, you can very well join for puja'. I was happy about this reply and so my husband told me to get the form and it was exactly 6,20 p.m. and the form said the puja timings are from 6.30-8.00p.m.

When I was nearing the counter to my surprise I saw a calendar hanging inside the office and the calendar had our Saibaba's picture. I felt Sai is blessing me from every nook and corner of the mandir, by the time I paid the fee and went inside the mandir hall it was exactly 6.30 p.m. and I just sat down in the spot and they commenced the puja I just looked on my left side where the pratimas of all the deities including Mahavirji were there.
I was in supreme bliss for a moment . I was in tears of Joy. Who else can fulfill our wishes than our Saima. I was so happy for all the blessings of my Saima and I did Varalakshmi puja in front of my Saima. This is the first time I have done this kind of special puja on Varalakshmi Vrat in the mandir. I usually perform kumkum archana for the goddess and felt that may not be possible this year. But Sai read my mind and fulfilled my wish in his own mystical way.
( I was also doing my parayan with THE MIRACLE BOOK that week and the previous night I was chanting Sai Ashtotaram-108 names of Sai many times and was asking my Sai to take care of all his children.I felt all these chantings and parayan were answered. Sai will always listen to our heart felt prayers and will answer them. )
In the mandir we attended the arati and had nice prasad from the mandir. Before leaving the mandir I went to the mandir office and gave them Sai Bhavana Books and I was badly in need of my Sai's calendar and I just asked the Manager is there anyway I can get a Sai picture/ or this kind of calendar to my utter surprise the Manager was very kind and he said,'Oh sure, Why not and he picked up a bundle and gave me the calendars. I was so happy for all these blessings and came back happily. The calendar had pictures of different deities for each month and for July our Sai's picture was there that was the last day of the month July 31st was Varalakshmi Vrat and I felt as though Sai was ready to bless me. I went with my Sai and came back with my Sai.
May Sai shower all of us with his blessings, guide us and be with us forever.
