Dear all,
Attached here is great news for all the devotees .Shirdi Saibaba Temple gets the World's Largest Solar Energy System.On 30th July there is inauguration of Solar project in Shirdi below is attached the complete detail .I have also attached the invitation published by Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan below for all the devotees.Jai Sai Ram .
Shirdi Saibaba Temple gets the World's Largest Solar Energy System.
Meherabad (Ahmednagar): Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust has installed the automatic solar energy project for its new Prasadalaya.To be commissioned on July 30 by Dr Farooq Abdullah, the Minister for Non-Conventional Energy Sources, the plant is said to be the biggest of its kind in the world.
Sansthan Trust Chairman, Jayant Sasane said the Prasadalaya can serve food to five thousand devotees at a time. It is constructed in an area of 7.5 acres. Its massive kitchen consumes 555 tonnes of gas every year for food and laddoo preparations.
To cut down fuel expenditure and to check pollution from the kitchen, we have installed the gigantic solar energy system at a cost of Rs. 1. 33 crore, Sasane, who is also a lawmaker in Maharashtra said.
Technical expertise was provided by Maharashtra energy development department, Vice chancellor of Shivaji University Dr. M.G. Takwale and Prof. Pathak of University of Pune.
Gadhiya Solar Energy System Private Limited of Walsad (Gujarat) installed the solar system that will help the Saibaba Sansthan Trust to save 74 metric tonne gas worth Rs. 29.80 lakh annually.
The Sansthan has already installed two wind mills for electricity generation at Supe in Ahmednagar district. It has the capacity of 1.2 MW.

Invitation - Inauguration Of Solar Energy Project in Shirdi

Click on the photo for viewing in large size.
Source :http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/Main_Hindi/tender/Solar%20Card.pdf
Source - http://asiantribune.com/07/29/shirdi-saibaba-temple-gets-the-worlds-largest-solar-energy-system/
Published by editor India Jul 29, 2009 By M Rama Rao, India Editor, Asian Tribune
