Words always fall short to describe the compassion of Baba HE is omnipotent and omnipresent .If you wish anything from your heart Baba always come forward to grant it.Here is one such experience shared by Sai devotee Mithun .Please read the mail attached below.Jai Sai Ram .
Hello Manisha Ji,
I would like to share the most beautiful experience with my Sai bandhu's, Please feel free to post my experience at you convenience.
With Baba's blessing I would like share how mysteriously Sai Baba came to me in the form of beautiful laminated picture.In 2004 January I came to USA to do my masters. I was daily doing
evening aarti to baba's photo.
This beautiful photo of baba,is not of full size, it is only till knee. One day while doing pooja, I felt I should have darshan of Baba in samadhi mandir, i.e I wanted to see complete Baba and his samadhi also. I told baba that the photo I have is very beautiful but it does not have his full body in it, I wanted to see his holy feet and samadhi. I prayed thus and totally forgot about it.
After few days I had to visit my old room which was deserted as it was infested by cockroaches. Nobody was living there for some time.
As I entered the room,I saw that room was full of dry leaves,cockroaches and dust. I entered my room and collected my things and was about to leave the room, I somehow felt curious to check my roommates room also. As I entered his room I saw a beautiful laminated picture of baba with samadhi in the cupboard. I had goosebumps.
I was very moved by seeing such a beautiful picture, baba was all smiling and looked very handsome in the picture, I removed my shoes and prayed to baba saying that nobody is here to take care of him, if he comes to my current room I would take care of him.
I also had a strong feeling of taking the picture with me.But I felt it might be like committing theft, I thought I should ask my roommate about this and if he agrees then I will take it.I was afraid to ask my roommate, I felt being a sai devotee himself if he sees this beautiful picture he might keep it to himself.
I left it to baba to decide and asked my roommate, when he heard this he was surprised to hear that there is a picture of baba that he left behind in his room, he promised me that he will check and will let me know.I left hopes on this. Following Thursday he met me and asked me to take the picture, as he never had that kind of photo nor any of his friend had left it there. He was himself surprised as to how that photo came there.
I felt happy that baba has indeed blessed me and came to me in such a mysterious way. My Words are short to describe the beautiful picture hence I am attaching few pics of the same beautiful picture.I would like to thank baba for allowing me to share this leela with my Sai bhandhus.
Jai Sai Ram
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