I wish to thank you all on behalf of Kartikeya for the love, praise and blessing he has received in these few days through mails. Words fail to express the gratitude to all the devotees who personally wrote to him encouraging and boosting him for his painting. He is really thrilled to read all the mails and comments and is really enthusiastic to make another and has already started one.
I am not only thrilled to see that Baba has blessed him to draw his painting but He took care to bless him in such a unique way which I or Kartikey or anyone would have never comprehended. Getting direct blessing from Baba's original paduka .What else can a mother seek for his son!!! My all wishes are surrendered at feet of Baba and He has clearly shown HIS Love and care through this incident.I also feel happy to share with devotees that few months back I had uploaded detail of Sai temple Shirgaon. Devotees can read about this temple Here.
Never in my dream had I thought that one day Kartikeya's painting shall get blessed from the same temple and from Paduka of Baba and his painting shall be kept by priest in the temple.Koti koti pranam to my father and heartfelt thanks to Vikas ji who is again blessed by Baba to make this happen.
I have attached on top a beautiful digital painting of Sai Baba created by Kouwshigan ji which he has gifted to Kartikeya as a token of his appreciation, love and blessing .I wish to thank Kouwshigan ji for encouraging Kartikeya in such a nice way.
Devotee who wish to download this digital painting in full size can click Here.
Small request from Kouwshigan Ji :(No full or part of this image may be reproduced or transmitted .In any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, Or otherwise, without prior written permission of Kouwshigan www.graffixxsolution.com.)
My sincere heartfelt thanks to all the Sai devotees.All the little children who wish to contribute their Baba's art work can send me at manisha.bisht@saimail.com
Jai Sai Ram© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details

Dear Sai Sister
I have seen the potrait created by the little Sai Kartikeya and tears were rolling down form my eyes.Baba's leelas are limitless. It is His blessing which make the pencil work through the hands of the little Sai devotee.
At the same time I do not want to take the credit and praise away from master Kartikeya which he deserve for his creativity and talent.
I would like to add that the source of his inspiration is you. He is really blessed to get such a Sai devotee as his mother.
May Baba bless him so that he continue to do this good work.