Here is a beautiful Sai leela experienced by Harish Chandra Pithale and Ram Krishna Vagal .They desired to have darshan of Baba and how Baba arranged everything for them one can read from the details given below.Jai Sai ram
Harish Chand Pithale was a dear friend of Ram Krishna N.Vagal.He worked as a salesman in the Ghram company .His eldest son who was studying in college ,died after a short illness on 11th April 1910 leaving his wife and a small son behind. The family was grief stricken and did not know where to turn to find solace.
At that time Raghunath Sathe Tendulkar was also employed in the same office .On his own he arranged for a Kirtan to be held on the 6th June at their residence in Santa Cruz. None other than Das Ganu performed the kirtan .The result was that the whole family became totally devoted to Baba .So eager were they to have Baba’s darshan that they kept singing ‘Darshan De Sai Baba’ from morning to night. (Das Ganu’s Bhajan)
On the 23rd April Raghunath informed Ram Krishna Vagal that he should apply for 5 days leave period a week from that day ,as they would be going to Shirdi.But the very next day ,his mind kept turning to Baba and he was determined to take a decision .So he placed some chits in front of Baba (that was what Dixit did when he was in doubt).The chits placed read like
On the 23rd April Raghunath informed Ram Krishna Vagal that he should apply for 5 days leave period a week from that day ,as they would be going to Shirdi.But the very next day ,his mind kept turning to Baba and he was determined to take a decision .So he placed some chits in front of Baba (that was what Dixit did when he was in doubt).The chits placed read like
‘Do not apply for leave’,
’ Request 8 days of leave ‘and
the last chit was ‘apply for leave today ‘.
The chit that was picked was to "apply for leave today ‘ itself. He was very surprised as that day he did not feel like applying for leave.
He was astonished when Nand Ram, Mr Ghrams secretary came to him on his own accord and asked him when he was going on leave. The reason being that Mr.Ghram was leaving for Karachi the next day and would not return for a fortnight .So Harish Chand Pithale had better apply for leave that day itself .He did as advised and had no problem in getting it sanctioned.
That evening Harish chand Pithale went along with Raghunath Sathe to meet Dabolkar and Dixit .He also got a letter of introduction from Rao Sahib Sathe .That evening Ram Krishna Vagal went to Pithale’s home and he learnt all this from his son who asked him to wait for his father .At 10 pm Harish Chand Pithale returned home and informed him that he was to accompany him to Shirdi .Ram Krishna Vagal told him that this was impossible, as the department of ‘The Examiner Marine Accounts’ had opened a branch in Calcutta and 7 officers from there were coming on the 2nd July to charge of the office in Mumbai .And he had to supervise the transition ,which was only a week away .So it was imperative that he be here.
He was astonished when Nand Ram, Mr Ghrams secretary came to him on his own accord and asked him when he was going on leave. The reason being that Mr.Ghram was leaving for Karachi the next day and would not return for a fortnight .So Harish Chand Pithale had better apply for leave that day itself .He did as advised and had no problem in getting it sanctioned.
That evening Harish chand Pithale went along with Raghunath Sathe to meet Dabolkar and Dixit .He also got a letter of introduction from Rao Sahib Sathe .That evening Ram Krishna Vagal went to Pithale’s home and he learnt all this from his son who asked him to wait for his father .At 10 pm Harish Chand Pithale returned home and informed him that he was to accompany him to Shirdi .Ram Krishna Vagal told him that this was impossible, as the department of ‘The Examiner Marine Accounts’ had opened a branch in Calcutta and 7 officers from there were coming on the 2nd July to charge of the office in Mumbai .And he had to supervise the transition ,which was only a week away .So it was imperative that he be here.
Than Harish Chand Pithale said,”Sai Baba has asked you to accompany me .So you apply for leave and you are sure to get it .Just as I got my leave, which is a leela in itself.”
Surprised at what he heard Ram Krishna Vagal said,”Neither of us have met Baba, than how does he know my name? And when and where did he say this? You like me hence you say this.”
Harish Chand Pithale said,” when I was returning from Bandra by train I snoozed off for a short while. This happened while the train was on Bandra bridge and I got a dream .I distinctly heard a voice that said,”Bring Ramakrishna with you.” That day was Saturday the 27th June and they were to go to Shirdi on the 2nd of July .Vagal did not have the courage to ask for the leave .Daily Harish Chandra Pithale would ask him if he had applied for leave.
On that Friday the head clerk was talking to him when he broached the subject. He asked for leave and was granted leave for 4 days .That was the day he had to go to the Marine Office .There the officer received a telegram from the Calcutta office regarding some work .That work was with him so the officer asked him to postpone his leave by a week.
Surprised at what he heard Ram Krishna Vagal said,”Neither of us have met Baba, than how does he know my name? And when and where did he say this? You like me hence you say this.”
Harish Chand Pithale said,” when I was returning from Bandra by train I snoozed off for a short while. This happened while the train was on Bandra bridge and I got a dream .I distinctly heard a voice that said,”Bring Ramakrishna with you.” That day was Saturday the 27th June and they were to go to Shirdi on the 2nd of July .Vagal did not have the courage to ask for the leave .Daily Harish Chandra Pithale would ask him if he had applied for leave.
On that Friday the head clerk was talking to him when he broached the subject. He asked for leave and was granted leave for 4 days .That was the day he had to go to the Marine Office .There the officer received a telegram from the Calcutta office regarding some work .That work was with him so the officer asked him to postpone his leave by a week.
Ram Krishna Vagal than asked him for a days leave that was for Monday ,promising him that he would be back on Tuesday .They left that night and reached Kopergaon at 8 am the next day .The Godavari had over flowed its bank due to heavy rainfall and the village was water logged. This meant that they would have to take a long circuitous route. That day they happen to meet Mamlatadar Rao Sahib Shakaram Mirikar who told them that he had received a letter from Nagar that the Assistant Collector Mr. Madan wanted to visit Shirdi .So they would have to wait for him .Hence they went to Mirikars home.
Ram Krishna Vagal seized the opportunity and asked him about Baba .He said he did visit Baba once, but he did not have too much faith .However, he said that once you meet Baba the desire to visit Shirdi often is irresistible .Vagal also noted that there was a huge photograph of Baba in his living room, which was worshipped with chandan and flowers.Mr.Madan arrived at about 12 noon and they set out immediately as Madan has to return the same day.
The group consisted of about 12 people .They reached Shirdi at 4 pm.Ram Krishna Vagal though happy was apprehensive because he had heard that no one could leave Shirdi unless Baba gave permission and he was running out of time. They reached Dwarkamai and Baba was sitting in His usual place near the Katrada with his left hand resting on it .They prostrated before Baba and sat down close to Baba.Mr.Madan sat right in front ,behind him Ram Krishna Vagal with his family ,behind him and last of all Harish Chandra Pithale and his family .They happened to be sitting next to dhuni .
Shama who was sitting in front of them near the Katra said,”Baba the collector Sahib has come for Darshan.” Baba replied,”Alright”.Baba turned to Mr. Madan and gave him his chillum saying,”You have to return today itself? And you should do so as your responsibility is towards the Government “.
Ram Krishna Vagal wanted to ask Baba about his departure when Harish Chand Pithale fell at Baba’s feet .Baba said,”I know your family, your mother had brought you for my darhsan (this was a pilgrimage to Akkalkot to have darshan of Swami Samarth, his mother had taken Harish Chandra with her)”.”Today you don’t have to cook .Have Prasad at Sathe Wada and from tomorrow you can cook your own meals.”
Ram Krishna Vagal had but a days leave left ,and he was anxious about it with this thought in his mind he prostrated before Baba.The kind Baba stroked his back and said ,”why are you anxious ?be calm and wait .”His family could not understand but Vagal was overwhelmed by love and devotion and tears of joy ran down his cheeks. Very humbly he said,”Baba I too work for the Government and I am running out of leave.” Baba replied,” Don’t worry at all .Now all of you go to Wada and par take of the Prasad”.
On Monday morning they had darshan .His nephew ,performed ritualistic pooja ,and sang Aarti of Narayan Maharaj.Baba listened to Aarti with great joy .Than he asked them to go to the wada ,as it would rain .Indeed a little while it did rain .The downpour continued for 3 days. It was a delay of another 2 days for Ram Krishna Vagal.On Wednesday Baba said, they could leave for Mumbai .After taking Udi, Prasad and Baba’s blessing they left and reached Kopergaon in the evening .There they met Mamlatadar Yashwant Rao who happened to be near the Godavari .He invited them to his home and looked after them very well. He also asked them to stay with him for the night .As they did want to impose on him, he made arrangement for their stay in a Bungalow near by .
Ram Krishna Vagal seized the opportunity and asked him about Baba .He said he did visit Baba once, but he did not have too much faith .However, he said that once you meet Baba the desire to visit Shirdi often is irresistible .Vagal also noted that there was a huge photograph of Baba in his living room, which was worshipped with chandan and flowers.Mr.Madan arrived at about 12 noon and they set out immediately as Madan has to return the same day.
The group consisted of about 12 people .They reached Shirdi at 4 pm.Ram Krishna Vagal though happy was apprehensive because he had heard that no one could leave Shirdi unless Baba gave permission and he was running out of time. They reached Dwarkamai and Baba was sitting in His usual place near the Katrada with his left hand resting on it .They prostrated before Baba and sat down close to Baba.Mr.Madan sat right in front ,behind him Ram Krishna Vagal with his family ,behind him and last of all Harish Chandra Pithale and his family .They happened to be sitting next to dhuni .
Shama who was sitting in front of them near the Katra said,”Baba the collector Sahib has come for Darshan.” Baba replied,”Alright”.Baba turned to Mr. Madan and gave him his chillum saying,”You have to return today itself? And you should do so as your responsibility is towards the Government “.
Ram Krishna Vagal wanted to ask Baba about his departure when Harish Chand Pithale fell at Baba’s feet .Baba said,”I know your family, your mother had brought you for my darhsan (this was a pilgrimage to Akkalkot to have darshan of Swami Samarth, his mother had taken Harish Chandra with her)”.”Today you don’t have to cook .Have Prasad at Sathe Wada and from tomorrow you can cook your own meals.”
Ram Krishna Vagal had but a days leave left ,and he was anxious about it with this thought in his mind he prostrated before Baba.The kind Baba stroked his back and said ,”why are you anxious ?be calm and wait .”His family could not understand but Vagal was overwhelmed by love and devotion and tears of joy ran down his cheeks. Very humbly he said,”Baba I too work for the Government and I am running out of leave.” Baba replied,” Don’t worry at all .Now all of you go to Wada and par take of the Prasad”.
On Monday morning they had darshan .His nephew ,performed ritualistic pooja ,and sang Aarti of Narayan Maharaj.Baba listened to Aarti with great joy .Than he asked them to go to the wada ,as it would rain .Indeed a little while it did rain .The downpour continued for 3 days. It was a delay of another 2 days for Ram Krishna Vagal.On Wednesday Baba said, they could leave for Mumbai .After taking Udi, Prasad and Baba’s blessing they left and reached Kopergaon in the evening .There they met Mamlatadar Yashwant Rao who happened to be near the Godavari .He invited them to his home and looked after them very well. He also asked them to stay with him for the night .As they did want to impose on him, he made arrangement for their stay in a Bungalow near by .
The next day after a bath in the Godavari they had darshan of Datta Mandir and caught the 9 am train .The connecting Mail from Manmad was on time and they had a comfortable journey to Mumbai .The next day he went to work .To his surprise his superior was not upset with his delay in joining work .However he asked him as to what have happened ,Ram Krishna Vagal told him all that had transpired ,to that he said ,”Alright”.The leave was granted the project was sent to Calcutta 15 days later . And this how Baba gave darshan .Jai Sai Ram
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