Dear Readers, Happy Baba blessed day again , There is no control over leela pouring in to share with all Sai devotee on this special day of Baba !! I bow in reverenace to my Sai and without any further delay I am posting another unique sai leela shared by Sai sister Sanakri which she experienced today in Sai temple Mylapore on Baba's day .Jai Sai Ram .
Dear Manishaji, Thanks for your services. I would like to share the joyful moments i experienced today with other sai devotees through your blog.
Myself and 2 of my friends started 9 Weeks Sai Vrat in January end. Me & one of my friend Devi completed it by today (19/03/09). The other friend is expected to complete it by next Thursday. As Me & Devi completed it today, we went to BABA temple (at Mylapore - Chennai) and distributed the prasad (Pongal & Curd rice) to Poor people outside the temple.
Then we went inside the temple to have the darshan of our loving BABA. The crowd was heavy as today is BABA's day. We waited in the queue and completed the wonderful darshan. Inside Mandir, there is a seperate room for dhooni where a big BABA photo and his Foot prints (in marbles) are placed.
As again there was a big queue to that room we thought of praying just from outside. When we are about to leave that place one lady who is controlling the devotees row to that particular room called me and said "Is this the way to pray the GOD?. Donot leave this place without going in "and she let me in directly without standing in the queue. I thanked Baba and went inside .
After I took darshan when I came out of that room, she said "always wait and complete the darshan fully". I apolozised to her by saying I was rushing to office as I have taken just permission. She then kindly said "Then why didn't you inform this to me before I ask. I would have let you in". It was surprising for me. I felt it is BABA's act to bless me complete darshan. I thanked and joined Devi again.
As the procedure of 9 weeks vrat we are supposed to distribute the book about that vrat to atleast 5 peoples. Both of us had 5 copies each to distribute. I sat in a corner and slowly selected the devotees and gave them the copies I finished giving 3 copies. Then I thought let me give 2 more after my friend Devi finishes giving. I don’t know why this thought came to my mind? When she gave all the 5 I had given just 3.
Then she started distributing one more prasad (milk sweet) to devotees. At that time one of the devotee came to her and told her "there is an old man sitting near by, I wish he should also get this sweet. Can you give some for him to me so that I will give him that on your behalf" As she was fully surrounded by devotees seeking for sweet she did not respond him immediately. That devotee insisted the same for 2 to 3 times. Then she turned back and saw that old man. She informed the devotee, "Sir donot worry I myslef will go and give the sweet to that old man". To our surprise that old man appeared similar to baba with the turban in his head, with one jhola/ bag & stick.
When Devi gave him sweet he accepted it and asked her something. She did not hear it properly and so bent down before him and asked him what was he asking? He asked "I need that copy one for me". Devi apologised to him and informed that she dont have a copy now. He was not ready for any excuse and continued "I need it one for me NOW. I WANT TO READ IT". Irrespective to her words of excuses he asked her 2 more times.
Then she approached me and explained the situation. At that time though I was sitting little far I was only looking at them. When that old man was speaking to Devi, I had a thought in my mind like "see BABA has called devi and speaking with her. If he wish let he himself call me"!!. When Devi explained the situation to me, I was so happy & thrilled that BABA himself wish to take one copy from me. Immediately I gave one copy to my friend and asked her to give to baba as he had asked her only. After she gave to him, he happily ate her sweet and started reading the book for few minutes. Then he kept that safe inside his jolna bag.
I thought I should give him some money. ThenIi gave him 5 rupees and said "Varen Baba" in tamil meaning "Bye Baba". As my friend also wished to give some money she gave him 10 rupees.In last one year I have visited that temple atleast 40 - 50 times. Till date I have never seen that person there. He is a poor person but looked like fakir inside the temple.
I knew it was my BABA who was happy by our vrat and took that copy and sweet from us. No doubt, HE is going to fulfil our wish/prayers during our vrat.
I again looked at him from some distance. He lifted his face up and gave a wonderful smile at me in the same position how Sai smiles in the attached photo(The photo with Baba's face close up , is attached on top of the post in orange colour ). He lifted his hand and blessed me. He did not say any words but his eyes showered lots of blessing.
Now I remember the below phrase from Sai satcharitra "On reaching the place, Kakaji went to the Masjid, and fell at Baba's Feet. His eyes were soon bedewed with tears, and his mind attained calmness. According to the vision of the Goddess, no sooner did he see Baba, that his mind lost all its restlessness and it became calm and composed. Kakaji began to think, in his mind, "What a wonderful power is this! Baba spoke nothing, there was no question and answer, no benediction pronounced; the mere darshana itself was so conducive to happiness; the restlessness of my mind disappeared by His mere darshan, consciousness of joy came upon me - this is what is called 'the greatness of darshan'." His vision was fixed on Sai's feet and he could utter no word."
What more to say? Me and my friend were in the same state. We surrendered fully to HIM.May BABA be with us always. Advance "Sree Rama Navami" wishes to all our Sai Family members.
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Wow sis Shankari you and our friend Dewi had wonderful blessing of baba, and both of you have completed 9 weeks vrat with blessing of baba. I'm doing my 9 weeks vrats coming thursday(30.5.2013) will be my 5th weeks of vrat , i can see so many wonderful things while i'm doing this vrat , by baba's grace , before i finish my 9 vrat , baba will fullfilled my desires.....OM SAI RAM.
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I feel I am like a river, having my own course, stream and flow but the final destiny is to be one with the boundless ocean of my Sathguru Shirdi Sai Baba.
Amidst all the worldly rituals I am performing,I do not dare to loose sight of my Sainath. He is the sole driving force, the guide and the Supreme master.
The strings of my life are in his hand,I am just a puppet at His Holy Feet.ReadView My Complete Profile.
Wow sis Shankari you and our friend Dewi had wonderful blessing of baba, and both of you have completed 9 weeks vrat with blessing of baba. I'm doing my 9 weeks vrats coming thursday(30.5.2013) will be my 5th weeks of vrat , i can see so many wonderful things while i'm doing this vrat , by baba's grace , before i finish my 9 vrat , baba will fullfilled my desires.....OM SAI RAM.