Today I am sharing about Sai Naam Jaap and its blessing experienced by Sai devotees present in Sai Naam Jaap Sankeertham.As in Sai Satcharitra Sai Baba said "If a man utters only My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, and increase his devotion". "The simple remembrance of My name as ‘Sai, Sai’ will do away with sins of speech and hearing."
This has been felt by devotees during the 12 hour Sai Naam Jaap .To remember Benevolent Lord by chanting his name is best way to reach HIS holy feet .When the devotee is ready ,Lord himself steps forward to impart him with Divine instruction and shower His blessings to carry out his instruction .Same happened with Sai bhakt Narasimham ji and he along with other Sai devotees felt the blessing of Antaryami Shirdi Sainath during their 12 hour Naam Jaap .One does not need to be in temple or special places to remember his Lord ,Lord is every where and He confers imperishable happiness on his children by making their mind calm and in bliss by His grace.Sai knows fully the desire of His devotees and fulfills the same. Hence they get what they want and are grateful.
Baba said-"Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that all what you do is known to Me. I am the Inner Ruler of all and seated in their hearts. I envelope all the creatures, the movable and immovable world. I am the Controller - the wirepuller of the show of this Universe. I am the mother - origin of all beings - the Harmony of three Gunas, the propeller of all senses, the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. Nothing will harm him, who turns his attention towards Me, but Maya will lash or whip him who forgets Me. All the insects, ants, the visible, movable and immovable world, is My Body or Form". -Sai Satcharitra .
Please read the mail attached below.Jai Sai Ram .
Jai sairam Manisha Ji, I am sharing BABA's Leela during the 12 hour Sai Naama Sankeerthanam at our place and you have the authority to edit as you feel appropriate. Jai Sairam, Regards, Narasimham
I have been reading your blog for the last 6 moths and I really enjoy reading it. I sincerely thank you from bottom of my heart for the help you rendered for the Sai Naama Sankeerthan at our place. It is all BABA's grace that we could perform the twelve hour Sankeerthan with participation of lot of devotees. I don't have any words to express the leelas of BABA.
Recently I did Sri Satcharitra Parayanam for three times continuously and it was a very good experience while doing the parayanam in the presence of BABA. Few years back the Chicago Sai Temple started "Sri Sai Chitra Yatra" which is a ceremonial travel of BABA in the form of portrait across USA. (Readers below is the beautiful portrait of Baba ,Baba's eye look so magnetic and loving )
I was given an opportunity by BABA as anchor home for Columbus ( Ohio). I still continue doing this and devotees take BABA and keep for some time and bring back to BABA temple. I am very fortunate to have Yatra BABA at our home while I was doing parayanam. After completing the 27th chapter I started chanting " Raja Ram ", " Raja Ram" as advised by BABA to Mrs. Khaparde.
After two to three days of chanting Raja Ram Raja Ram, I asked Lord Sainath " BABA you had asked Mrs. Khaparde to chant Raja Ram Raja Ram mantra and I am also doing it and is it correct on my part ?" Following day I had a dream, where I was standing in front of BABA in Samadhi Mandir during Shej Arati and BABA was wearing red poshak with big Rudraksha Mala on it.
I was praying BABA and at the same time I heard a voice " That singer has done 12 hrs Naam Jaap and you also do 12 hrs Naam jaap"though he did not reveal the name of the singer who did Naam Jaap for 12 hours. It was such a beautiful and blissful dream that my mind was very calm and concentrated for the whole of the next day. I spoke to my wife about my dream and we fixed the date to be March 21st due to the spring break of my daughter. We also consulted with our temple priest and luckily he confirmed that it was good day with Dasami and Ekadasi together on the same day.
The Dasami ended and Ekadasi stated on that day so as per priest it was very auspicious. With BABA's blessings we started planning for the 12hour event. As directed by Manisha Ji I found most of the dhuns from her Blog including the Guru Paduka Stotram.
We made a list of devotees and allocated slots so that there is continuity in the event. While all the preparations underway, I earnestly prayed BABA to visit our place during the event as you know BABA can come in any form. Before the event on Thursday ( 03/19) after the Bhajans in the temple, one of the devotees brought a beautiful calendar of BABA that he got from Shirdi and wanted to know if we could put that calendar at our place during the 12 hour keerthan.
We were very thrilled with the offer and felt very blessed with the offer on Thursday. On Friday another devotee who had a beautiful photo of BABA (never framed it for the last two years even though he had many functions at his home) expressed his desire to bring BABA after framing it. We were so happy that multiple BABA's were coming to our place.
On Saturday while Sankeerthan was going on, one of the devotees who returned from India shortly, brought prasad from Shirdi with Baba's photo in the packet. Everyone was so happy with the prasad from Shirdi.
(Photo of Small Wallet size photo received along with Shirdi Prasad in a packet.)
Another devotee brought Sri Satcharitra in MP3 format and gave it to us. All these are breath taking miracles of BABA and I don't have any words to express my sincere gratitude to our Lord Sainath who is Antaryami and Dayalu.
The blissful event was concluded with Bhajans at 8:00 PM followed by Shej Arati and Maha Prasadam. We had lot of vibrations and many devotees felt the presence of BABA. One of the Sai devotee with whom BABA communicates, told us that he got message from BABA that HE is very happy with the atmosphere here. Even the temple Priest who did the Ganapati Puja and Sai Abhishekam felt the presence of BABA.
We had a very blissful day and the Guru Paduka puja was so vibrational that we continued for next four days in the evenings from 7 PM to 8 PM.
Baba's Leelas did not end there. On the following Monday we received " SRI SAI LEELA"Magazine from Shirdi Sansthan and on the inside cover page they put BABA's beautiful Shej Arati photo with same color ( Red) poshak and Rudraksh Mala that I saw in the dream. (Photo of Baba's Shej Arati photo in Sri Sai Leela Magazine received on Monday)
Tears rolled down from my eyes with BABA's leelas. BABA is Antaryami and Dayalu and HE has given another task to me for the temple in our city and I pray BABA to bless us to accomplish this divine task. We need BABA's Anugraham to accomplish this task and I am requesting everyone to pray for it. I have few more experience and will be sharing whenever BABA permits.
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Dear Manishaji I am reading the posts published in your blog regularly. Every blog is like a new flower with its own blissful fragrance and beauty. Thanks for giving the opportunity to all the Sai Bhaktas to drink the nectar of different Sai Leelas. I totally agree with you that is our faith is firm, only the remembrance of Sai Nam will lead us to the ultimate destiny. May Baba give you all the strength to continue your good work?
Dear Manishaji, Its very great what are u doing, this website is divine, i want to appreciate u when i first gone through this website, but its not possible for me, am doing it late plz forgive me sai, when am with this site , i feel that am with sai, its amazing and the colors u selected everything it satisfies my thirstiness for sai , so many articles, i can stand here to get my food, thanks a lot........... and i request u let the readers know the date for recently coming experiences they experienced by Baba, or may be am not aware of knowing it plz let me know this, and why am asking this becoz once there is 1crore sai nama to write, and when it happened i donot know, becoz i want to participate in that event, if possible u can also initiate this, so we all baba followers will involve.
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I feel I am like a river, having my own course, stream and flow but the final destiny is to be one with the boundless ocean of my Sathguru Shirdi Sai Baba.
Amidst all the worldly rituals I am performing,I do not dare to loose sight of my Sainath. He is the sole driving force, the guide and the Supreme master.
The strings of my life are in his hand,I am just a puppet at His Holy Feet.ReadView My Complete Profile.
Dear Manishaji
I am reading the posts published in your blog regularly. Every blog is like a new flower with its own blissful fragrance and beauty. Thanks for giving the opportunity to all the Sai Bhaktas to drink the nectar of different Sai Leelas.
I totally agree with you that is our faith is firm, only the remembrance of Sai Nam will lead us to the ultimate destiny.
May Baba give you all the strength to continue your good work?
Dear Manishaji,
Its very great what are u doing, this website is divine, i want to appreciate u when i first gone through this website, but its not possible for me,
am doing it late plz forgive me sai, when am with this site , i feel that am with sai, its amazing and the colors u selected everything it satisfies my thirstiness for sai , so many articles, i can stand here to get my food,
thanks a lot........... and i request u let the readers know the date for recently coming experiences they experienced by Baba, or may be am not aware of knowing it plz let me know this,
and why am asking this becoz once there is 1crore sai nama to write, and when it happened i donot know, becoz i want to participate in that event,
if possible u can also initiate this, so we all
baba followers will involve.