Happy Thursday and Happy Baba's day to all once again ,
Just now I recieved this mail from Sai sister Ashalatha and I could not stop myself from posting this immediately for all ,as I felt the blessing should be shared with one and all on the great day of Baba.
There are many incidences,stories,leela's where it is clearly shown how Baba played HIS leela via dream.In Sai Satcharitra incidences of Baba interacting with His children in dream and giving them appropriate direction,treatment and working on them are mentioned. When any Sai child sees Baba in his/her dream he/she does not long for anything except witnessing and enjoying the divine bliss.One cannot think of anything and wishes that the moment stays forever .Same happened with Ashalatha sister .Please read her mail below .Jai Sai Ram
Sairam ,
I am in a complete bliss Manisha sister, no words to express my heartfelt thanks to you for making my day a blissful one. I am sure Sai has worked out with both of us on the same day and blessed us on his day (Thursday). My hearty thanks to devotee (Shri Rama Raoji) for sending the details on Bangalore Sai Mandir and details of Sai devotee Shivamma Tayee.

Today morning I got a blissful dream of our Sai, “Myself, my mom and my sister were in a room and my mom was serving food for all of us, and I wanted to offer food to Sai, Sai’s picture was in a table and don’t know I took biscuits in a plate, broke them in to small pieces and was trying to feed Sai, and was also looking at my mom in between,(thinking in my mind my mom must be thinking for how long she is going to feed biscuits to Sai, as though Sai is really going to eat them!!!).
But I was telling to Sai in my heart ,"Sai I will just keep feeding biscuits until you eat "and than dear one's I can’t tell you “Sai opened his mouth wide and he ate the biscuit". I started to scream- "mom, sis, rush here see Sai is eating biscuits"they came running .What I also noticed that before each and every bite a small spark (fire) was coming out of his mouth and he was still eating from me, I was so happy not knowing what to do?.
“I could also see Sai’s tooth ,they were little protruding from the mouth and were little long .Baba's mouth and jaws were so clean and white ,while feeding I was scared whether I will touch his teeths!!! but I saw them very clearly.I did not know whom to call to see the miracle !! just then a spark came again from Sai’s mouth and a plate like thing (like a CD disc) came out from Sai’s mouth.When we saw the disc, in middle of the disc there was a black image of Sai, it was pitch black and we all were very shocked to see such a unique image ?While all this was happening I was rushing to the cupboard to take out my camera but could not find and just woke up from my dream. It was divine bliss to see this.
As soon as the dream broke I ran to Sai’s room and saw diya lighted for Sai was still burning bright .Standing infront of mandir I was looking at all the pictures of Sai searching whether I can see my Sai’s tooth anywhere, and thought Sai will plan to show me and was very happy with the morning dream.Immediately I recollected that it is “Sai’s day and I have to do my Sai Satcharitra parayan" .
I took my bath and did kakad Aarti and started my Parayan chapters and after completing I sat down to write to the parayan group and only then I remembered that this is the last 24th week of the parayan. I really felt so happy that Sai had come to me on the day of completion of my parayan .And Manisha sister When I opened your blog again I felt so blessed since I could see live darshan started in the blog (as we did not get the telecast for few days due to construction work in Shirdi Samadhi Mandir ).I was reading your Thursday message in shirdisaibabakripa yahoo group and the next mail that followed it up and to my surprise, was about the Bangalore Sai mandir. I felt so happy that Sai had blessed you to post it today.
Seeing all this “I just did not know how to thank my Sai, for such a blissful dream and the proof of it being HIS blessing in your blog, I just started getting goose bumps and when I was reading the miracles of Shivamma and the way the mandir was constructed was really amazing , Sai’s ways are just beyond human imaginations/expectations and the last line that is mentioned about Sai’s eyes ,that HIS eye's are in golden color and again I scrolled up and yes, it reminded me of the spark I saw in my dream. I was in a total bliss my hands are still shivering and tears are just rolling down to wash the holy feet of my Sai who is just making me to narrate it immediately to you.
After all this I opened up the other mail of yours,Life history of Shirdi Sai Baba (video) . Looking at Sai in video , I remembered seeing it already in youtube in hindi and I found one in tamil, wanted to listen see what Sai has in store for me, when I clicked the video I did not hear anything -means I just saw the lip movement of Sai and I saw my Sai’s tooth ,what more I needed, than all these blessings .
I sincerely feel that Sai has made you instrumental to give proof for my dream and fulfilled your wish of posting about Sai mandir too on this auspicious day.
I was thinking Sai my heart, soul is filled with your thoughts and how nice it would be if I could come to your mandir, and just then a friend of mine to whom I narrated all the above leelas called again to tell me that they are going to Sai mandir today evening and she said you also have to join for darshan.What shall I say, my Sai is fulfilling each and every thought that rises up in my mind and makes me feel more and more thankful Him .
I sincerely feel that Sai has made you instrumental to give proof for my dream and fulfilled your wish of posting about Sai mandir too on this auspicious day.
I was thinking Sai my heart, soul is filled with your thoughts and how nice it would be if I could come to your mandir, and just then a friend of mine to whom I narrated all the above leelas called again to tell me that they are going to Sai mandir today evening and she said you also have to join for darshan.What shall I say, my Sai is fulfilling each and every thought that rises up in my mind and makes me feel more and more thankful Him .
Two days back my son was saying ma," this Thursday shall we go to Sai mandir?" I said "no dear may not be possible we will go on Saturday". I think Sai has fulfilled his wish too. My saima is so great Manishaji, no words to express my emotions, hope you understand.
May sai be with all of us, bless us , guide us always and give us such blissful experiences always.
© Shirdi Sai Baba Sai Babas Devotees Experiences Sai Baba Related all Details
May sai be with all of us, bless us , guide us always and give us such blissful experiences always.


Om Sai Ram
It's purely a divine bliss to read this sai leela,Baba's mercy on us is immense. thanks for sharing :)
Jai Sai Ram
I felt glad on reading the post by respected Devotee Ashalatha.R garu.
I had similar dreams which I posted in our blog( one related to temple at Noida and the other one,BABA with red kumkum bottu on HIS fore head which I saw really in the evening at a friend's pooja room)
I am writing this ,specifically to let Ashalatha garu and other devotees,that the series of lights(like a garland on the back ground) you see behind the Black Moorthy(Prathima) of BABA in the photo do flicker(on and off on its own) as if resembling the sparks Ashalatha garu witnessed in the dream.She is blessed,BABA showed her the real thing,beyond the photo that she saw later in the blog.-Regards-
Rama Rao-Bangalore
om Sainathaya namah
It is very interesting to read as i read tears are rolling from my eyes as i am reading saicharitra parayan from yesterday and came to know sai gives darshan to all his devotees waiting for my turn on tat great day i too will post with blessings of my dear SAI